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The 1931 Green Bay Packers - 12-2 (1ST)

Head Coach: Curly Lambeau



13 CLEVELAND INDIANS (0-0-0)             W 26- 0    1- 0-0     5,000

20 BROOKLYN DODGERS (0-1-0)              W 32- 6    2- 0-0     7,000

27 CHICAGO BEARS (1-0-0)                 W  7- 0    3- 0-0    13,500


4  NEW YORK GIANTS (1-1-0)               W 27- 7    4- 0-0    14,000

11 CHICAGO CARDINALS (0-1-0)             W 26- 7    5- 0-0     8,000

18 FRANKFORD YELLOWJACKETS (0-3-1)       W 15- 0    6- 0-0     6,000

25 PROVIDENCE STEAM ROLLER (1-2-1)       W 48-20    7- 0-0       N/A


1  at Chicago Bears (3-2-0)              W  6- 2    8- 0-0    30,000

8  STATEN ISLAND STAPLETONS (2-3-1)      W 26- 0    9- 0-0     7,000

15 at Chicago Cardinals (2-3-0)          L 13-21    9- 1-0     8,000

22 at New York Giants (5-4-0)            W 14-10   10- 1-0    35,000

26 at Providence Steam Roller (4-3-2)    W 38- 7   11- 1-0     5,000

29 at Brooklyn Dodgers (2-10-0)          W  7- 0   12- 1-0    10,000


6  at Chicago Bears (7-4-0)              L  6- 7   12- 2-0    18,000


Sparked by a 9-0 start, the Packers become the first team to win three straight NFL Championships with a 12-2 record, holding off a challenge from the Portsmouth Spartans.


The 2006 season marked the 75th anniversary of the team’s official song, ‘Go! You Packers Go!’ Originally composed by Eric Karll in 1931, the song still is played before every game at Lambeau Field, after introductions and before the national anthem. Few people know that the famous modern-day chant, “Go, Pack, Go,” shouted by fans in unison at home games, orignated from Karll’s composition. Karll’s work came on the heels of Green Bay’s three consecutive NFL championships (1929-31). Capturing the spirit of the day, and the passion of fans in his home state, Karll enjoyed a successful composing career. He flourished on the vaudeville circuit, becoming a renowned and highly regarded lyricist and musical producer. A pioneer in the early days of radio, Karll also originated a nationally syndicated show, Down at Herman’s. During World War I, he produced a musical entitled Welcome Home, Sweet Home, to entertain troops of the 32nd Division. He also drafted political music. One of his jingles, Welcome Mr. Roosevelt, was used on the campaign trail to inspire voters to re- elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt to a second term. Born in 1888 in Reedsburg, Wis., Karll passed away in 1973. But his legacy lives on his music, especially before every game at Lambeau Field. The song’s lyrics: Hail, hail, the gang’s all here to yell for you; and keep you going in your winning ways; Hail, hail, the gang’s all here to tell you, too, that, win or lose,; we’ll always sing your praises; Go, you Packers, go and get ’em; Go, you fighting fools, upset ’em; Smash their line with all your might; A touchdown, Packers, fight! Fight! Fight!; Fight on, you blue and gold, to glory; Win the game, the same old story; Fight, you Packers, fight and bring the bacon home to old Green Bay.

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G YRS HT    WT

Frank Baker       E  Northwestern   2   1 6- 2 182

Nate Barragar     G           USC   7   1 6- 0 210

James Bowdoin     G       Alabama  13   4 6- 2 220

Hank Bruder       B  Northwestern  13   1 6- 0 190

Rudy Comstock     G    Georgetown  14   1 5-11 198

Boob Darling      C        Beloit   4   5 6- 3 215

Wayne Davenport   B  Hardin-Simm.   2   1 6- 4 185

Lavvie Dilweg     E     Marquette  14   6 6- 3 202

Waldo DonCarlos   C         Drake       1 6- 2 190

Red Dunn          B     Marquette  12   5 6- 0 178

Jug Earp          T      Monmouth  12  10 6- 1 235

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G YRS HT    WT

Wuert Engelmann   B  S. Dakota St  14   2 6- 2 191

Paul Fitzgibbons  B     Creighton       2 5-10 174

Milt Gantenbein   E     Wisconsin  14   1 6- 0 199

Roger Grove       B   Michigan St  14   1 6- 0 175

Arnie Herber      B         Regis   3   2 5-11 208

Cal Hubbard     T-E        Geneva  12   3 6- 5 250

Ray Jenison       T  S. Dakota St   2   1 6- 2 220

Swede Johnston    B     Marquette   2   1 5-10 200

Verne Lewellen    B      Nebraska   7   8 6- 2 181

Hurdis McCrary    B       Georgia  12   3 6- 2 205

*-Johnny McNally  B     St. Johns  13   3 6- 0 190

* - Known as Johnny Blood

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G YRS HT    WT

Mike Michalske    G    Penn State       3 6- 1 215

Bo Molenda        B      Michigan  14   4 5-11 208

Tom Nash          E       Georgia  13   4 6- 3 210

Claude Perry      T       Alabama   5   5 6- 1 211

Ken Radick        T     Marquette   1   2 6- 0 210

Russell Saunders  B           USC   9   1 5-10 175

Red Sleight       T        Purdue  13   2 6- 2 228

Dick Stahlman     T        DePaul  14   1 6- 3 221

Mule Wilson       B     Texas A&M  12   1 5-11 190

Whitey Woodin     G     Marquette   2  10 5-11 206

Dave Zuidmulder   B   St. Ambrose   2   3 6- 1 184

Anchor 1


JAN 20 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Gold footballs, given to members of the Green Bay professional football team for winning the 1930 national championship, are on display in the window of Vander Zanden Jewelry store on Washington st., and players who want them are requested to call after Wednesday. The football charms are tiny attractive trophies to be worn on watch chains. They are engraved with the players' names and the year besides the words: Green Bay Packers, National Champions 1930". Players who were on the 1929 championship team have both years engraved on the footballs. The trophy given Capt. E.L. Lambeau by the corporation also is on display at the store.


JAN 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Professional football may come back to Green Bay if the efforts of a group of Green Bay Packer football players are successful. The players, college varsity performers of a few years ago, Bernard Darling, Mike Michalske, Johnny Blood and Dave Zuidmulder. They have been practicing diligently at the YMCA here for the past week and tonight will play their first game, traveling to Racine to meet the Western Printers, a strong semi-pro quintet of that city. According to Englemann, who is managing the squad, several games have been booked with the teams in Wisconsin. No games have been planned for Green Bay as yet, but if indications point to support here, the team will play games at home. After the game at Racine, the squad will play at Portage Sunday and then travel to Kohler for a battle with the team of that city next week. The team will be known as the Green Bay basketball club. Englemann was all-conference center on the South Dakota varsity five for two years and was regarded as one of the best players in the northwest. Darling played at Beloit college and with the Oshkosh professionals last year. Michalske was an outstanding guard at Penn and is a fine shot. Zuidmulder played on East high's quintet a few years ago and since that time has been playing in the Industrial league here. Blood is regarded as the star player of the group. He has played professional basketball with several squads in the midwest. He is a forward and a fine floor man and a good shot. Englemann will jump center for the team with Blood and Zuidmulder at forward posts while Darling and Michalske play the guard positions. Two more players probably will be added to the quint if plans materialize. The players desire to keep the personnel entirely of Packer performers. Michalske and Englemann returned to Green Bay recently after visiting with relatives over the holiday season. Englemann and Blood have gone to work here for the U.S. government, making soundings of Green Bay harbor for the federal engineering department. They expect to be at this work until late in spring, working between Green Bay and Kewaunee.


JAN 22 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Playing a slow, close defensive game, mixed with quick breaks that counted breaks from short angles that counted baskets from short angle, the Racine Western Printers defeated the Green Bay professional five in a basketball game in Racine last night by the score of 37 to 32. The game was close and hard fought from the start to the end with first one team having the lead and then the other forging ahead. At no time was there more than six points separating the squads. The Racine five got off to an early lead holding a 6-4 advantage as the first quarter ended and at halftime the count was 17 to 15 in favor of the Racine squad. Johnny Blood led the attack for the Green Bay squad, scoring 15 points on seven field goals and one free throw. Darling was second high with three 


field goals. Beapre, Racine forward, counted 11 points for his team.


JAN 23 (Madison) - Milton Gantenbein, La Crosse captain and end on the 1930 University of Wisconsin football team and a star in the East-West game, has been offered a contract with the Green Bay Packers, National Pro league champions, he said today. Gantenbein will not accept unless he finds business connections through the team, he said...No contract has been offered to Milton F. Gantenbein, La Cross, University of Wisconsin end and captain, according to Capt. E.L. Lambeau of the Packers, despite reports from Madison to this effect. The Packer manager said that he had talked to Gantenbein on the coast regarding his plans after he graduates but no mention was made about a contract. "I asked Gantenbein if he planned to coach after he completed his course and he replied that he had not made his mind," Capt. Lambeau said. "He said if he played professional football, he would discuss terms with us later. That is the extent of our dealings. No contract has been offered."


JAN 26 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The basketball game, scheduled Saturday at Portage between the Green Bay and Portage pro teams, was called off because of illness of Bernard Darling, Green Bay guard. Darling, who also plays with the Green Bay Packers, is suffering with an infection in his foot. He is confined to his home and may be laid up about a week.


JAN 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Green Bay professional basketball team, composed of members of the Packer grid squad, will play its second game of the season tonight when they battle the Milwaukee Badgers at the Eagles club in Milwaukee. Several long practice sessions have been held by the Green Bay squad since the opening game last week against Racine and a smooth working combination is expected to take the floor. Wuert Englemann is expected to be at the center position again with Mike Michalske and Darling at guards. Zuidmulder, Blood and Arnold Herber are the forwards. Darling has been ailing with an infected foot, so he may not be able to play the entire game. If this is the case, Herber probably will work at guard with Blood and Zuidmulder at forwards. The Badgers have O'Donnell and O'Connor as forwards with Bugge at center and Failing and Royse at the guards. Percy Clapp, former Minnesota athlete, will referee. After  the game in Milwaukee, the Green Bay team will play the Miller Cords of Appleton, Feb. 6, and Portage on Feb. 7.


JAN 29 (Milwaukee) - The Milwaukee Badgers pro basketball team defeated the Green Bay Packer five, 32 to 24, here last night. Herber, Packer forward, with five field goals and one free throw, won individual scoring honors. The Packer cage crew started strong and ran up a lead of 7 -3 at the end of the first quarter and held a 9-7 advantage at halftime. The Badger guns were unlimbered after the intermission and with Johnny O'Donnell setting the pace, the Badgers swept by the Green Bay five. Art (What-a-Man) Shires, who will play with the Badgers next Sunday against Appleton, told the fans that if he's in his old time caging form the Tigers won't even finish the game.


FEB 5 (Sturgeon Bay) - Arrangements have been completed to bring the Green Bay Packers basketball 


team, a semi-pro quint, to Sturgeon Bay for a game on Friday evening, Feb. 27. This announcement was made by Julius Haroldson, manager of the city cage team, following a canvas of fans of the city to ascertain the amount of support which would be forthcoming in case the game could be arranged. The game will be played at the high school gym. The Packer aggregation is claimed to be one of the outstanding cage teams in Wisconsin and its lineup is made up of Johnny Blood, Dave Zuidmulder and Arnie Herber, forwards; Bernard Darling and Mike Michalske, guards, and Wuert Englemann, center. Mr. Haroldson announced that a good preliminary would be played.


FEB 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Green Bay Packer basketball team will play the Portage city five in the third game of the season Saturday night, then travel to Algoma for a game with the semi-pro quintet of that city on Sunday evening. Following the games this weekend the squad takes on Iron Mountain at the Michigan city Tuesday and Wednesday invades Escanaba, Mich, for a battle with the strong cage team of that city. The first home appearance of the year will be Monday evening, Feb. 16, when the Packers play the Milwaukee Badgers at the Columbus club. The loquacious Art Shire is one of the forwards on the Badger team. Daily practice sessions have been the order for the team and a smooth offense has been worked out. The squad has a swift moving attack and plays a close defensive game with Michalske and Darling doing most of the work in the backcourt and taking the ball off the bounding board. Englemann, who starred in football and basketball at South Dakota, holds down the center position with Herber, Johnny Blood and Zuidmulder playing at forwards.


FEB 7 (Algoma) - Satisfied with the support of local fans evidenced at the turnout at the game with the Kellys here last Wednesday, Manager George Bowman of the local city team announced today that he had secured the Green Bay Packers basketball team for a game here Sunday evening at the Dugout. This should be one of the big attractions of the season and it is expected that the local hall will be filled to capacity to see the members of the national championship football team do their stuff on the indoor court. The Packers in their lineup Wuert Englemann, former Dakota star, at center; Herber, Johnny Blood and Zuidmulder at forwards and Michalske and Darling at guards. They are reputed to be as much at home on the basketball floor as they are on the gridiron. All of the men are big and exceptionally fast and local fans are assured of seeing pro basketball at its best. The local team is practicing hard for the game with the hopes of trimming the much touted invaders and are going to rely a great deal upon their speed and deception in play to baffle the Packers. The lineup will bet the same as used against the Kellys including Case, Hunt and Manlon , former River Falls Normal star.


FEB 9 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A long shot in the closing minutes of play gave the Portage city team a 22 to 21 victory over the Green Bay Packers in a basketball game played at Portage Saturday night. The Packers led until the last minute by a 21 to 20 count but then dropped the tussle. Blood scored six field goals, Michalske two and Herber two field goal and one free throw. Englemann and Darling were others who saw action.


FEB 9 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A long shot in the closing minutes of play gave the Portage city team a 22 to 21 victory over the Green Bay Packers in a basketball game played at Portage Saturday night. The Packers led until the last minute by a 21 to 20 count but then dropped the tussle. Blood scored six field goals, Michalske two and Herber two field goal and one free throw. Englemann and Darling were others who saw action.


FEB 9 (Algoma) - The Algoma city team won a hard fought game from the Green Bay Packers semi-pro quintet here last night 13 to 9 before a crowd of 500 fans. The game was close and hard fought with no team having more than a two point advantage until the closing minutes. Chase, Algoma center, with three field goals led the attack for the winners. The Packers had a 3 to 2 lead at the end of the first quarter, but at halftime the count was tied, 4 to 4. Algoma took the lead as the third quarter ended by a 7 to 6 score and then scored six points in the closing period to win. In a preliminary game, the C.B.A. five won from Sawyer by a 22 to 8 score.


FEB 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Coming from behind after trailing by a score of 15 to 6, the Green Bay Packer professional basketball team nosed out the Iron Mountain city team in a great battle at Iron Mountain last night by a score to 32 to 31. Fersacca, the Iron Mountain forward, had a field day in the early stages to run up an early lead for his team but in the final half the Packers found a method of stopping him and began scoring on their own account, soon cutting down the lead held by their opponents. In the final three minutes the score was tied on four occasions and a few seconds before the final seconds before the final gun, Arnold Herber sank a long 


shot that sailed through the hoop without touching the sides to give Green Bay a victory. The win was the second scored by the Packers in two days as they won from Escanaba on Tuesday evening by the count of 25 to 21, coming from behind to win that game also. More than 1,000 fans, a record crowd for Iron Mountain, saw the game last night. Tonight the Packers play at West Bend and on Sunday they meet the Lena city team at Lena. Monday evening they play their first game at home meeting the Milwaukee Badgers with Art Shires in the lineup at the Columbus club. As a preliminary to Monday's game, the Huxfords and De Pere Automatic Washers, Commercial league teams, will clash.


FEB 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Found a man who has stopped the great Art Shires in a verbal comment. He is Johnny Blood, halfback on the Green Bay Packer football team. Johnny also plays basketball with the Green Bay Packers. The Packer quintet will play the Milwaukee Badgers, of which Art Shires is a member, in a game here Monday evening, so Johnny wrote Art a letter. It wasn't a very long letter but it stopped the Great Man - at least temporarily as Art hasn't answered it and several days have gone by. "I understand you had quite a bit of trouble handling one pro football player," wrote Johnny. "So what do you expect to do with five? You had better bring along a baseball bat." As most fans will remember, Art What-A-Man Shires engaged George Trafton, of the Chicago Bears, in the ring some time ago and Arthur came out second best.


FEB 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A last period spurt gave the West Bend city team a 27 to 21 victory over the Green Bay Packers at West Bend last night in a close battle. Haebig led the scoring for the winner, counting five field goals. Carlson was also impressive, sinking four field goals. The Packers started scoring early and ran up a small lead but West Bend came from behind and tied the count. The lead alternated in the early periods and in the final quarter, a rally by West Bend brought victory.


FEB 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The controversy carried on by wire and letter between Johnny Blood of the Packers basketball team and Art Shires, colorful member of the Milwaukee Badger quintet, died down somewhat today, but interest increased in the game to be played between the two teams here Monday evening, and indications point to a full house at the Columbus club. Fans are anxious to see Whataman Shires and find out just how good he is in basketball. Shires, by his own admission, knows more about basketball than the man who discovered the game, and predicts an easy victory for his team over the Packers. The Badgers have a well-rounded squad that plays good basketball. Besides Shires, the team has Jimmy O'Donnell, former Marquette ace; Fred Failing, Tulane; Shorty Elness, Bradley; Red Royce, Butler; Bugge, Marquette, and Skinny O'Connor. The team tripped up the Packers by a close score in a game at Milwaukee. The game will be broadcast over WHBY, St. Norbert's college radio station. Art Shire will give a short address over the radio as part of the program. A preliminary game will be staged between the Huxfords and De Pere Automatic Washers starting at 7:15 o'clock and the main encounter will start about 8:30 p.m. Sunday the Packers play at Lena against the city team. They will oppose a squad made up of the Netza brothers, Wondrash, Spochpol, Anderby, Konop and Pries. A dance will follow the game.



FEB 16 (Green Bay) - What-A-Man Shires, with his pearl button overcoat, cane and high powered conversation, will arrive in Green Bay today, and according to his own  admission, show the Packers how to play basketball at the Columbus club this evening. The Great Arthur is due here with the Milwaukee Badgers, professional basketball team, for a game with the Green Bay five, starting about 8:15 o'clock in the auditorium here. Interest in the game, manifest by a big advance sale of tickets, indicated that a record crowd will be on hand for the battle. While many of the fans will come primarily to see Arthur and to hear him talk, others are anxious to see the Packers on a basketball floor. They know what the men can do in football, but this will be their first chance to see them in action at home on a cage floor. A good basketball game should be in order. Although the Great Shire talks a better basketball game than he plays, he really is a fair cage performers. He is fast and alert and has a good eye for the basket. If Shires plays a forward position, the Packers plan to use Johnny Blood as a guard opposite him. If Shires works as a guard, Johnny will probably play a forward, as the team figures that Blood is the only member able to check Arthur if he should decide to give an address on his ability as an athlete. Blood's ability as an orator is well known by fans here. When the teams get ready for the cage game after preliminary ceremonies, addresses over the WHBY microphones on various subjects, they probably will line up with Shires, O'Donnell, Failing, Elness and Bugge starting for the Badgers, and Michalske, Darling, Englemann, Herber and Blood for the Packers. The Packers found the going tough at Lena last night and dropped the decision to the Lena City team by a score of 37 to 27. The Packers held an early lead, but could not hold the advantage.


FEB 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A forward pass left the good right hand of Johnny Blood a few seconds before the final whistle and swished into the basket to give the Green Bay Packers a 28 to 26 victory over Art Shires and his Milwaukee Badger playmates in a game at the Columbus club here last night. Scoffers may claim that forward passes have no place in a basketball game - but they did in this contest. It was billed as a basketball game and nearly 1,000 fans turned out, but it wasn't a very good exhibition of caging, although it was fine entertainment, and the fans got enough laughs in one evening to sustain them for a week. The game turned out to be a combination of football, with men running interference; baseball with slides for home and shots - plenty of them - from all angles of the floor. Given a large floor and one that hasn't the slipperiness of ice, the teams would have been able to engage in a good basketball game, as there was a lot of talent present. But as it was, they slid, skidded and had a great time seeing who could do the most shooting. The Packers won because they sunk the most baskets in the early part of the game and ran up commanding lead before the Badgers could find out how to play the floor...SHIRES HELD SCORELESS: What-A-Man Shires appeared with his team and received his usual number of cheers, Bronx and otherwise, playing in the first and third quarters. In justice to the Great One, it might be said that he was bothered somewhat by an injury to his leg sustained at Fort Atkinson last night and couldn't give his best. He was held without a basket, but enlivened the proceedings on a few occasions with wild scrambles for the ball. When The Great Shires left the game, Red Dunn came in. Red called signals, blocked and did many of the things he does on the football field for the Packer eleven, but he also was held scoreless. Red said after the game he couldn't throw down his old pals by beating them, but when the shots were figured it was found that Red had tried as many as most of his teammates, so his old pals don't believe he was very sincere about not trying to beat them. But getting back to that forward pass by Blood in the closing minutes. The shot was a real pass, and provided a thrilling climax to the evening entertainment, that equaled any play ever performed by the Packers on the football field. It reminded fans of the time a few years ago that Dick O'Donnell caught a forward pass in the closing seasons against the Chicago Bears and raced for a score that won the game...SCORE IS TIED: The score was tied 26 to 26 before Johnny became the hero. He took the ball off the bounding board of his opponent's basket and dribbled straight down the floor. Red Dunn tried to block him and grab the ball, but Johnny kept on going. When he got within about 20 feet of the basket, he let fly, throwing the ball with his right hand and it went into the basket, winning the game. Before the final shot, the score had been tied three times. The Packers had a 22 to 20 lead with about six minutes to play when Failing sank a long shot to knot the count. Then Failing again sank a long heave and the Badgers had the edge. Herber, however, who incidentally played the best basketball of any of those present, came back with a short one-handed loop shot that knotted the count at 24 to 24. Then Blood got loose and sank a long shot that gave the Packers the edge, 26 to 24, but Failing was on the alert again, and for the third time he sank a long shot to score again at 26 to 26. Blood's thriller followed, winning the game...GAME IS ROUGH: The game was rough but never out of hand, as there was too much good natured rivalry. Only three fouls were called on each team. One of these fouls came after Blood had run some great interference for Arnie Herber, taking out two men, and Herber sank a basket. but Referee Tiny Cahoon decided that Blood's run was too much football performance for even this game and called a foul on him, and the basket did not count.


FEB 23 (Fort Atkinson) - Johnny Paul, former University of Wisconsin star, led Fort Atkinson to a 30 to 22 victory over the Green Bay Packers professional basketball team here yesterday. Paul, playing guard for the Forts, scored four field goals and four free throws. Herber, with nine points, was high scorer for the Packers.


FEB 25 (Appleton) - The Combination of Remmell and Schneller proved too much for the Green Bay Packers to handle here last night and they went down to defeat before the attack of the Appleton Miller Cords by a score of 36 to 31. The Packers staged a great rally in the closing periods after trailing 20 to 7, but the comeback fell short and Appleton won out. Herber led the attack for the Green Bay team with five field goals and three free throws. Remmel led Appleton's attack with 14 points.


FEB 28 (Sturgeon Bay) - Arnold Herber went on a scoring spree here last night led the Green Bay Packers to a 42 to 34 victory over the Sturgeon Bay city team in an exciting game before several hundred fans. The Green Bay team led throughout the game, gaining a lead in the early stages and holding it until the end although Sturgeon Bay rallied in the closing minutes and threatened to close the gap. Herber scored eight baskets for Green Bay. All the other Green Bay men played good basketball and broke into the scoring column. Perry was the leading counter for Sturgeon Bay, sinking five long shots. The Packers play at Manitowoc.


MAR 2 (Manitowoc) - Gaining an early lead, the Mainitowoc city team held the advantage throughout the game and whipped the Green Bay Packers here Saturday night by a score of 44 to 25. Kussel, forward, led the Manitowoc attack with 14 points. Bazel counted eight points and Joyce nine. Englemann was the leasing scorer for the losers. Manitowoc led 25 to 7 at the half. The Green Bay team played Manitowoc on even terms in the final period.


MAR 11 (Clintonville) - The Green Bay Packers and the Clintonville athletes play a basketball game here Thursday night and from advance sale indications a packed house will see the battle. The Packers will have their regular lineup with Blood, Michalske, Englemann, Herber, Darling and Zuidmulder.


MAR 16 (New Franken, WI) -  Over three hundred people taxed the capacity of Cosmopolitan hall last evening to witness the local Black Hawks take the measure of the Green Bay Packers in a spectacular basketball fame, the final score being 28 to 26. It was one of the hardest games ever played on the local floor. Starting out with a great offense the Packers finished the first quarter on the long  end of the 12 to 6 sore. In the second quarter, the Black Hawks got the range of the basket and dropped in 5 field goals in quick succession going into the lead and from that time on were never headed. In the final minutes the Bays made a rally but could not quite tie up the county. 


MAR 24 (Green Bay) - Wuert Englemann, halfback on the Green Bay Packer eleven, has accepted the position of head track coach at North Dakota university, he announced here today before his departure. He plans to report for work late this week. Englemann played his first year of pro football last year with the Packers, coming here from South Dakota State where he was a three-sport star. Englemann was considered one of the best all-around athletes ever developed at South Dakota. He 

was an all-conference center in basketball, tossed the discus and shot put and ran the hurdles in track and starred with the varsity football team for three years. The former South Dakota athlete showed to good advantage in professional football and before leaving Green bay signed a contract to play with the team again next year. He is a good pass receiver, blocker and ball carrier. At the end of the present school year, he plans to return to Green Bay for the summer and will remain here through the football season. He has been playing all winter with the Green Bay Packers cage squad.


APR 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Steve Owen, 


veteran tackle on the New York Giant professional football team, has been elected head coach for 1931, according to word received here today by Capt. E.L. Lambeau of the Packers from Dr. Harry A. March, president of the club. Owen has won promotion by reason of six seasons of loyal service to the Giants, in which time he has participated in more than 100 games, playing 60 minutes in most contests, according to Dr. March. The Giants are building another strong team for this year, stressing coordination of effort and team spirit, the president said. Several new men are sought to keep the team in the front ranks of the National league. Benny Friedman, star quarterback of the Giants squad, will not be back next year as he has been appointed backfield coach at Yale. His appointment is considered a recognition of the merit of professional football. Jack Hagerty, also a backfield star with the Giants, likewise will leave the professional football field to take up coaching duties, the president states. He has good offers as backfield coach at either Columbia or Holy Cross and will accept one of them in short time. The Giants has one of the finest teams in the circuit last year, finishing on the heels of the Packers who won the championship. They lost one game to the Green Bay team, played in Green Bay, and then beat the Wisconsin eleven in a great game in New York. As Benny Friedman's passing was a key to the Giant attack, the team is expected to seek another man who can throw a football with accuracy to fill his shoes.


APR 30 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Writing in Collier's Yearbook, a handy little manual just off the press, Archie Craven presents a composite review of the National league season last year. He states that the league enjoyed its best year in 1930 and has great outlooks for the future. The Packers come in for commendation in Craven's review, as do some of the new players in the circuit. "In the face of adverse conditions, namely a general depression and bad weather, professional football closed its most successful season in 1930," Craven states. "A better class of football was played than ever before. It is evident that the gentlemen who guide the destinies of this postgraduate sport are convinced it is here to stay, as regular coaches are being hired and large salaries paid outstanding college performers...Green Bay won the crown for the second consecutive season. Although pressed by New York, the Packers spurted near the home stretch and captured the 1930 honors. With Verne Lewellen, Lavvie Dilweg and practically all of the championship eleven back, the Packers started the season like they would go through another campaign without suffering a loss. However, opposition was stronger than the previous year and there is a lingering suspicion the Chicago Bears stack up on even terms with the Packers. There is no question at the season's close, Red Grange and his mates could have  beaten any eleven in the country. The Packer again exhibited perfect coordination of line and backfield, which brought them success. There were better looking aggregations than Green Bay on paper, but payoffs are made only on performance. Besides Lewellen, the finest punter in football today, and Dilweg, Augie Michalske, Johnny Blood and Bo Molenda stood out with the Packers.



MAY 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Mickey McDonald, Chicago Cardinal halfback and quarterback, has been purchased by the Green Bay Packers, it was announced today by Capt. E.L. Lambeau. McDonald has been with the Chicago team three years, and comes to Green Bay on a cash deal with no other players involved, the coach said. He will report early in September. Before playing with the Cardinals, McDonald was with the Duluth Eskimos. He graduated from St. Mary's college on the West coast after three years of stellar work on the varsity eleven. McDonald is a clever ball carrier and a good field general. Against the Packers he has always been a good ground gainer. He excels in returning punts and is a good forward passer. Because of his speed, McDonald is expected to fit in smoothly with the Packer running game planned for next year. Capt. Lambeau said today that he is on the lookout for several other good performers. A number of outstanding college men are expected to be signed as soon as their classes graduate in July, he added.


MAY 8 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - According to E.L. Lambeau, coach of the Green Bay Packers, Mickey McDonnell, who was signed by the Packers early this week, was not bought from the Cardinals, but comes here as a free agent. McDonnell's contract with the Cardinals expired at the end of the last season so it was not necessary for the Packers to buy him from the Cardinals. As a free agent, he could sign with any National league club.



MAY 14 (Milwaukee) - Conferences were scheduled today here between Joe Carr, Columbus, O., president of the National Professional Football league, and prominent Milwaukee sports fans and supporters with intention of bringing a National league franchise to Milwaukee. "Our hope," Carr said, "is to put in a team at Milwaukee under a three-year plan. If we can get that kind of a franchise holder I know Milwaukee will go over in a big way in professional football. Situated as it is, between Chicago and Green Bay, the traditional rivalry angle is all ready and waiting. The Green Bay Packers are a tremendous card wherever they appear and if a home series could be arranged between the Milwaukee and Green Bay teams, it would be a sellout."..."GREAT SPORTS CITY": The league president has long been interested in Milwaukee as a league city. He believes this city would become one of the best football towns in pro football if the right kinds of a team were put in here with the right kind of backing. "Milwaukee is a great sports city," he said. "The fans, however, are sports wise. Give them the best there is or a team that is up near the top of the race and it will support football or baseball wonderfully well. It's the same way in boxing. The promoters know, or should know, that fights must have the stuff to get by in Milwaukee; ballyhoo doesn't go. Milwaukee fans know what they want and if the offering is good enough will take to it, otherwise they'll read about it the next day. Our hope is to put a team in 


Milwaukee under a three year plan. If we can get the right kind of franchise holder, or a syndicate that is willing to stick for three years, I know Milwaukee will go over big in a pro football way. The city has never had the right kind of team, not has it had the backers who were familiar with the problems confronting the pro football owner."...SEEKS RESPONSIBLE PROMOTER: "There are always two or three eastern clubs to come west each year for a series of games against the Chicago team and the Packers. Milwaukee could book games with these teams. You understand that our league had nothing to do with the teams of the past in Milwaukee. Even though the fans did not turn out to support other Milwaukee teams, I am certain that the sport will be an attraction in Milwaukee. I'm here today to interest a responsible promoter in a National league franchise. Unless I get the man I want, I would not care to have a National league team in Milwaukee."...LAMBEAU FAVORS PLAN: "If responsible promoters get behind professional football in Milwaukee, the game could be put over there," Capt. E.L. Lambeau of the Packers said today discussing the trip to Milwaukee by Joseph Carr, president of the National league in the hopes of getting a National league entry in that city. "We have been trying to get some executives of Milwaukee interested in the possibilities of National league football for some time," the Packer leader said. "President Carr's conference with several men today may bring results." Capt. Lambeau believes that games between the Packers and a Milwaukee entry would prove popular. The natural rivalry between teams of the two cities would help pack the parks and would result in real games, he added.


MAY 15 (Milwaukee) - Milwaukee today was expected to have a National league professional football team this year as a result of a series of conferences here between Joe F. Carr, president of the league, and Eddie Stumpf, Milwaukee sportsman. Carr announced Stumpf and his associates probably would be given a franchise on a three-year basis. Formal approval of the franchise will be considered at a league meeting in Chicago next month, he said. Tentative plans call for scheduling 13 games, six of them at home, for the Milwaukee team. It is expected the Green Bay Packers, the Chicago Bears and Cardinals, the New York Giants, Portsmouth and the Brooklyn teams will make appearances here this fall. While details of the plan have not been worked out, it was announced Stumpf will be business manager. Three widely known professional football coaches have been mentioned as trainers for the team but names were withheld, Stumpf said, pending further negotiations. League club owners have long favored placing a franchise in Milwaukee, but because the right kind of backing was not assured have not voted membership in the past. They have expressed a willingness to see one or two of their star players to the Milwaukee club in order to develop a title contender here from the start. It is planned to have the team candidates gather in Milwaukee Aug. 25. A training camp will be established near one of the nearby lakes at that time. A schedule of 13 games is proposed, seven away from home and six here.


MAY 29 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - We see where Roland McIntyre, of the Milwaukee Sentinel, is going the same thing a number of other Milwaukee scribes are famous for. He picked up some wild rumors concerning the Packers when he was in Green Bay last night to cover the Dublinsky-Wagner fight and they appeared in his column this morning. According to McIntyre, the Packers may sell Lavvie Dilweg, Mike Michalske and Red Dunn to the newly organized Milwaukee club. The rumors are without foundation. Capt. Lambeau of the Packers has never given a thought to such a deal and it isn't likely that he ever will.


JUN 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Green Bay Packers will receive official recognition as National Professional league football champions for 1930 at the annual league meeting to be held in Chicago, July 11 and 12, according to word received here today from President Joseph F. Carr, at Columbus, Ohio. The National league president said that the championship trophy will be given to the Packers, franchise applications taken up and other business disposed of at the annual meeting. He pointed out that the Packers are the only team in the history of the league to win two successive titles. The matter of the application of Eddie Stumpf, Milwaukee, for a league franchise for a Milwaukee team will be passed upon at the meeting and the 1931 schedule will be drafted, Carr said. He also added that the 1930 season was the best in the 10-year history of the circuit. Representatives of the Green Bay Packers are expected to be Capt. E.L. Lambeau, Pres. Leland H. Joannes and Dr. W.W. Kelly, one of the three directors of the league.



JUN 16 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - With the coming of June graduations, National Professional Football league teams today began casting about for the cream of the 1930 college football teams to strengthen their teams for the 1931 race. Capt. E.L. Lambeau, of the Packers, began his work of rounding up a 1931 squad today by signing Waldo Don Carlos, center of the Drake University varsity eleven for three years. The signed contract of the Des Moines university star was received by Capt. Lambeau today, the day Carlos graduates from the university with the degree, bachelor of Commercial Science...RECORD IS ENVIABLE: Carlos' record at Drake is enviable. He has been the regular center for three years, playing in practically every game with little time out for injuries. He is a fast, charging lineman, according to Capt. Lambeau, weighs about 195 pounds and is six feet, one inch tall, and should fit smoothly with the Packer style of play. In his junior year, Carlos was chosen by Notre Dame players as an all-opponent center. The selection is made yearly by Irish players, choosing eleven men from teams they met as an all-opponent eleven. Last year, Carlos was named on several all-western selections and received considerable mention for national honors...WILL STRESS SPEED: Carlos is but one of many new men Capt. Lambeau expects to work with this year, he said. Several other outstanding linemen and backfield men are being sought and contracts will be signed as soon as negotiations can be completed. Under a National league rule, no team is permitted to sign a college player until his class graduates, so now that graduation time is here, the teams are expected to get busy dickering for last year's college stars. The Packer captain plans to build his team along a somewhat different plan this year than in the past. Speed and deception will be stressed, with fast running and breaking plays featured, he said. Power, however, will not be sacrificed to get speed, the leader added, but an attempt will be made to have a team that has considerable drive, yet is fast enough to get jump on opponents.


JUN 23 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another outstanding midwest football player of the 1930 college football season was added to the list of Packer players today when Capt. E.L. Lambeau received the signing contract of Henry (Hard Luck Hank) Bruder, former Northwestern fullback and halfback and regarded as one of the greatest performers ever seen in a purple uniform. Bruder saw three years of intermittent service with Northwestern, not because he was not good enough to make the team as a regular, but because of a series of misfortunes that kept him out of the lineup at times. Since his sophomore year, Bruder was the victim of a jinx and gained the nickname of "Hard Luck Hank.". In the course of his football career at Northwestern, Bruder broke a leg, injured his hip and was confined in a hospital with smallpox. In his senior year he came into his own, performing regularly at both fullback and halfback positions. While still a sophomore, Coach Dick Hanley at Northwestern termed Bruder one of the best backfield men he had ever seen. The youth played great football that season but in the first Big Ten game of his junior year broke his leg. In his senior year, Bruder did everything expected of him, kicking, passing and running with the ball for the Wildcats. He was chosen on the all-eastern team to play on the west coast after the football season and starred in the East-West game. Bruder was married last winter and since the first of the year has been wrestling in the midwest, meeting some of the leading heavyweight grapplers in the business. He is about 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighs 190 pounds and is a lightning starter. Capt. Lambeau expects Bruder to fit into his machine his first year. He is the second outstanding star signed by the Packer manager in the past ten days. Don Carlos, Drake center, was signed last week. Capt. Lambeau added that he is after several other midwest college players and expects to have them on a contract within a week or two.



JUN 30 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - From the far west coast, the outstanding football player of the 1929 season will come to Green Bay late in August to get set for the 1931 National league football season. He is Russ Saunders, regarded as the greatest quarterback ever seen in the west and all-American on practically every 1929 selection. The former University of Southern California star mailed in a signed contract to Capt. E.L. Lambeau today, stating that he would report about August 27. He chose the Packers' contract over offers from Philadelphia and the Chicago Bears...COAST'S LEADING SCORER: Thousands of words have been written about Saunders. He was the leading scorer on the great Southern California team of 1929 that set a world record by scoring 492 points during the season. Fifteen touchdowns were made by Saunders and nine touchdowns came from passes thrown by him. In the Notre Dame game, played at Soldiers' field, Saunders ran back a kickoff 95 yards for a touchdown. In the game played last winter against the Notre Dame all-stars, he ran back a punt 45 yards for a touchdown...WORKS IN HOLLYWOOD: Capt. Lambeau considers Saunders one of the three best quarterbacks developed in the past ten years. The other two in Saunders' class are Carideo and Benny Friedman, according to the Packer mentor. Saunders is about 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 185 pounds. He is a triple threat man, kicking, running and passing equal ability. He is exceptionally dangerous returning punts and is a fine field general and blocker, according to Lambeau. Since graduation in June 1930, Saunders has been an assistant director in Warner Brothers studio, Hollywood. He plans to get a leave of absence to play football and then return to the motion picture field in the off-season. He played some football last fall with coast teams.


JUL 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A second member of the Northwestern University football team, Big Ten champions last year, has been added to the roster of the Green Bay Packer football squad, it was announced today by Capt. E.L. Lambeau. He is Wade (Red) Woodsworth, guard, named on several All-American elevens last year and regarded as one of the outstanding lineman of the Big Ten conference the past two years. Hank Bruder, fullback and halfback, is the other Wildcat signed by the Packers. He sent in a contract a few weeks ago. The big, fast blond - he is light-haired despite his sobriquet of "Red" - not only is a great football player but is the national outboard motor boat champion. He won the title in the annual 142-mile race between Albany and New York, setting a new record for the course some time ago. Woodward stands 6 feet, one inch tall and weighs 215 pounds. He is exceptionally fast, despite his size and one of the best placekickers in the country. In the East-West game on the Pacific coast, when Woodward played for the Eastern team, he kicked off and placekicked whenever the occasion demanded. All of his kickoffs went over the goal line according to Capt. Lambeau who was on the west coast at the time. According to Coach Dick Hanley of Northwestern, Woodward ranks as one of the outstanding linemen of all time at the Evanston school. Coach Hanley used him often running interference, because of his blocking ability. Several plays were used last year by Northwestern with the guard pulling out, and leading the ball carrier on skirts around the ends or off tackle. Woodward is the fourth outstanding college player signed by the Packers to bolster the 1931 team. Woodward played college football for three years, without a headguard. He was never taken out of a game for injuries.


JUL 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Green Bay made the headlines in every newspaper on the Pacific coast when word reached that section that Russ Saunders, former University of Southern California quarterback, had signed to play with the Packers. They think a lot of Saunders out in California. Every paper was full of his exploits when they learned that he had signed a contract. "Green Bay, winner of two successive championships in the National league, evidently is out for a third title," writes one Los Angeles columnist. "With Russ Saunders in the lineup, it is going to be hard to keep the Green Bay team off the top again. Russ is the best thing that ever hit the coast," he continues. "If ever a college football player has what makes a pro performer, Russ has it. He can kick, block, pass and run with any of them and how that boy can run. We look for great things from Saunders among the pros." Probably Russ' hardest job will be to live up to all the good things said about him. All college players - all-American and all-unknowns alike - find the going quite a bit tougher in the professional game than it ever was in college.


JUL 8 (Milwaukee) - Filing of incorporation papers for Eddie Stumpf's Milwaukee entry in the NFL at Madison July 10 will mark the final step in legal cognizance of that new group. Stumpf will be accompanied to Madison by Joe Carr, Columbus, O., president of the National league, and Roland Steinle, Stumpf's associate. Stumpf said his club now has enough money to start bidding for players, adding that he expected to make "a deal or two" in Chicago this week. Representative of the NFL will meet there July 11 and 12. E.L. "Curley" Lambeau, coach of the Green Bay Packers, has denied reports that Milwaukee already had bought services of such stars as Red Dunn and Lavvie Dilweg for its 1931 team. President Carr is expected to announce the entry of Cleveland into the league July 11.


JUL 8 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Leland H. Joannes, president of the Packers; E.L. Lambeau, coach and captain, and Dr. W. Webber Kelly, one of the three members of the executive committee of the NFL, are expected to represent Green Bay at the annual meeting of the National league in Chicago Friday and Saturday. According to Coach Lambeau, the 1931 football schedule will be drawn up and other business handled. Green Bay will be officially proclaimed 1930 champions at the session. Application of Milwaukee and other clubs for entry in the league also will be discussed and acted on. In previous years the National league held two meetings yearly, but this year, only one session, an annual affair has been scheduled. Business relating to the 1930 season will be taken up the first day, according to Coach Lambeau. The Joe Savoldi question, that caused considerable dispute last year when the Notre Dame star joined the Chicago Bears in midseason after leaving school, will be aired. Officers for the league will also be elected. On Sunday the schedules will be drafted and action taken on franchise applications. Player deals also may be made in the course of the meeting. Capt. Lambeau planned to leave tonight for Chicago. Other officials will not depart until Friday. The Packer coach will confer with other team managers before the meeting on playing dates. Gerald Clifford, a member of the Packer board of directors, also may be a delegate at the session.


JUL 11 (Chicago) - Consideration of proposals for expanding the NFL was the chief business confronting delegates to the annual two-day league meeting as it opened here today. In addition, the 1931 schedule will be drafted. President Joe Carr refused to comment on the league's probable action in regard to petitions for franchises that have been made by several clubs. Capt. E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers was one of the early arrivals. He went into conference with other managers to discuss playing dates and possible player trades. Other delegates from Green Bay expected to arrive today included Dr. W. Webber Kelly, one of the three executive committee members; Leland H. Joannes, president, and Gerald Clifford. Representatives were expected from Green Bay, New York, Brooklyn, Providence, Portsmouth, Chicago Bears, Stapleton, Chicago Cardinals, Minneapolis, Frankford and Newark clubs that were entered in the league last year. Delegates from clubs of Cleveland, Memphis, Cincinnati, Milwaukee and Detroit, seeking franchise in the circuit, also were expected for the session. Business relating to the 1930 season, including the awarding officially of the pennant to the Green Bay club, was on the schedule today. Disputed questions that arose during the season regarding players and games also were to be settled. The meeting is to continue through Sunday with new business being taken up on the second day. All applications for membership are to be acted upon tomorrow and a schedule of playing dates drafted. Milwaukee, represented by L.D. Andrews, Eddie Stumpf and Roland Steinle is one of the clubs expected to be granted a franchise. The club is reported to have several prominent Milwaukee businessmen interested in the proposal to back the team. Incorporation of the team is expected. Officers for the coming year also will be elected at the session.



JUL 13 (Chicago) - The Green Bay Packers drew a schedule befitting their championship rating for the 1931 season at the annual National league meeting at the Edgewater Beach hotel here yesterday. After being officially awarded the 1930 championship - the second consecutive title won by Green Bay in two years - the Packers were able to draw one of the best schedules of the circuit. Eight home league games went to Green Bay and six battles on foreign grounds were approved. The Packers have one of the best schedules in the circuit, meeting the Cleveland Bulldogs, Brooklyn, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cardinals, New York, Philadelphia, Providence and Stapleton in Green Bay and the same teams with the exception of Providence and Cleveland and Stapleton on the latters' home fields.  Three games are booked with the Bears again. Providence, Brooklyn and Stapleton will play in Green Bay for the first time this year...OFFICERS ELECTED: The league directors elected officers for the coming year at the session, acted on franchise applications and changed some of the league rules besides drawing up the schedule. Cleveland, with Jerry Corcoran as coach and manager, was granted a franchise. The Cleveland club will play most of its games away from home. Minneapolis gave up its franchise for one year and the application for Milwaukee was put over for action later by the executive committee after it developed that sufficient support to swing a club in that city was lacking. This action means that Milwaukee will not be in the circuit this year. The league directors voted to allow each club to have 22 players in uniform instead of 20 as in past years. All of the clubs that were in the league last year will be back again with the exception of Minneapolis and Newark. Teams represented at the meeting were Brooklyn, Green Bay, New York, Providence, Portsmouth, Stapleton, Chicago Cardinals, Chicago Bears and Philadelphia...FEW DEALS MADE: While player trades were discussed at length, few deals were made. All of the clubs reported that they would have many new men this year and indications are that the league will be stronger than ever. Joe F. Carr of Columbus, O., was re-elected president and handed the additional office of secretary, while Carl Storck of Detroit, former secretary, was elected vice president and treasurer of the league. The executive committee of Judge Dooley, Providence; Dr. Harry March, New York, and Dr. W.W. Kelly, Green Bay, was re-elected. Those attending the meeting in addition to those mentioned above were L.H. Joannes, G.F. Clifford and E.L. "Curley" Lambeau of Green Bay; Tim and Jack Mara, New York, Charles Cooper, Providence; Robert Haines and Senator Shep Royle, Philadelphia; Dan Blaine, Stapleton, N.Y.; John Depler, Brooklyn; H.N, Snyder, Harold Griffin, Potsy Clark, Portsmouth, O.; George Halas, Chicago Bears, and Dr. D.J. Jones, Chicago Cardinals. The Portsmouth club announced that George (Potsy) Clark, former University of Illinois star quarterback and recently football coach at Butler and Kansas, had been signed to direct the Spartans. It was also announced that Steve Owens, veteran tackle, would replace L.H. Andrews as coach of the New York Giants.


JUL 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The 1931 schedule for the Green Bay Packers is the hardest ever planned, according to Coach E.L. Lambeau who returned from the annual meeting of the National league in Chicago early today. Dr. W. Webber Kelly, Leland H. Joannes, and Gerald Clifford, other Green Bay representatives, also returned today. Permission to open the season on Sept. 13 instead of one week later, as in former years, was granted, the coach said. Several teams expressed desire to begin the season with league opponents instead of playing weak, non-league squads. Brooklyn, Chicago Bears and the New York Giants are expected to be unusually strong teams, according to the coach. Stapleton, with Hinky Haines directing, also will be near the top as Ken Strong, Douglas Wyckoff and other outstanding players will be with that squad, he added. Robinson, former Brown star, will direct Providence. The Chicago Bears and Cardinals will alternate at Wrigley field in Chicago this year, he added. No games will be played at the Sox park. Eight league games at home is a record for Green Bay, the coach said. Last year only six league games were played here.


JUL 16 (Green Bay) - Uncertainty over the plans of Milton Gantenbein, outstanding end on the Wisconsin football team the past two years and captain of the eleven last year, was settled today with the receipt of a contract from the gridder to play with the Green Bay Packer eleven. Some time ago, Gantenbein announced that he had decided to play with the Packers but his contract was not sent in. He later said that he was not sure of his plans for the future, adding that if he played professional football he would accept the Packer contract. With the receipt of the signed contract by Capt. E.L. "Curley" Lambeau, Gantenbein definitely has cast his lot with the Packer eleven. Coach Glenn Thistlewaite considered Gantenbeing one of the best football players in the Big Ten conference last year. He is a tall, rangy youth, built much on the order of Lavvie Dilweg, all-American veteran of the Packers. Gantenbein weighs 190 pounds and is close to six feet tall. He is a good man on defense and an excellent receiver of forward passes, according to Coach Thistlewaite and Coach E.L. Lambeau. Gantenbein played in the East-West game on the Pacific Coast and was one of the outstanding players of the day.  Capt. Lambeau was impressed with his work in that battle and offered him a contract at the close of the school year. The Badger end is the first Wisconsin football player signed by the Packers in some time. He is the fifth outstanding college gridder of last year secured by Capt. Lambeau to bolster the 1931 team in a quest for a third straight championship.


JUL 23 (Green Bay) - The signed contract of one of the 1930 Green Bay Packer eleven veteran was in Capt. E.L. Lambeau's office today with Wuert Englemann's name on the dotted line. Englemann was the first 1930 regular to be signed by the coach in preparation for the 1931 National league season. He is the seventh player in the fold as five outstanding players of last year's collegiate rank have already accepted terms to play here, and a former Cardinal has been added to the roster. Playing his first year of pro football last year, Englemann turned in several good performances. He is unusually fast, a good blocker and a good receiver of forward passes. Injuries kept him on the sidelines part of the season in 1930 but in several battles he turned in some fine ball carrying. Englemann is a graduate of the University of South Dakota where he was a star on the football, basketball and track teams. He played three years with the football team and was rated as one of the best halfbacks in the northwest. Last winter he kept in condition here by playing basketball with the Packer cage team. Capt. Lambeau said today that contracts would be submitted soon to several other members of the 1930 championship team. He added that negotiations are also underway to bring a number of other outstanding college performers of last year to Green Bay. The coach plans to call practice the first week in September as the season will open on Sept. 13 against the Cleveland team. The game will be a National league encounter.


JUL 28 (Green Bay) - The third member of the 1930 Big Ten championship team at Northwestern university was added to the Green Bay Packer roster today with the receipt of the signed contract of Frank Baker, all-American end. Baker was also sought by the Chicago Cardinals and the Chicago Bears, but when his teammates, Henry Bruder, halfback, and Wade Woodsworth, guard, cast their lots with the Packers, the end decided to accept terms offered by Capt. E.L. Lambeau of Green Bay. Capt. Lambeau expects Baker to make good his first year in the professional ranks. He was an outstanding player on several all-American elevens in his senior year. While a junior, Baker led the Big Ten in scoring, something no other end has been able to do for many years...PLAYED ON COAST: Baker played in the East-West game, holding down one end for the Eastern All-Star team, while Milton Gantenbein, Wisconsin, who also has signed a Packer contract, performed at the other wing. Both played sixty minutes and were all over the field to turn in some good football. They did their best work going down on punts, downing the safety man time after time before he had a chance to get started. The Northwestern end weighs about 182 pounds and is six feet two inches tall. He is unusually fast, a deadly tackler and a good man on forward pass offense or defense, according to the Packer coach. Grantland Rice, writing in Collier's about his all-American selections, said that Wesley Fesler, Ohio, Dalrymple of Tulane and Baker of Northwestern stood above all other ends in the country. Rice said that Dalrymple finished with a slightly higher average of consistency than Baker to earn the first place on his all-American team. Dalrymple was no more brilliant than Baker at his best, writes Rice, but for all season's play leading coaches believe Dalrymple had a slight shade, although Baker looked best at the start of the season...VAN BIBBER NOT SIGNED: Contrary to published reports, George Van Bibber, Purdue tackle, has not signed a Packer 


contract, the Green Bay coach said. Van Bibber had indicated that he would like to play with the Packers, the coach said, but had a coaching position in line and is expected to take it in preference to a professional career. Contracts from several other veterans and new men are expected within the next week or ten days, Lambeau said.


JUL 31 (Green Bay) - A veteran and a youngster, who comes with the recommendations of Jimmy Crowley, were added to the Green Bay Packer 1931 roster today. The veteran is Dick Stahlman, who has been playing with the New York Giants for the past three years. The youngster is Roger Grove, who according to Crowley, is going to show many National league quarterbacks a few tricks. Stahlman secured a release from the New York Giants at the end of the 1930 season and became a free agent, according to Capt. E.L. Lambeau. He accepted an offer offered by the Packer coach and sent in a contract today. Stahlman, a former University of Chicago gridder, and one of the few from the Midway to play professional football, has considerable experience as a tackler and is expected to prove a big help to the Packers, the coach said. He is only 27 years of age and has been playing with the Giants for three years. He weighs about 205 pounds and is about six feet tall. Grove performed at quarterback for Jimmy Crowley's Michigan State eleven last year. It was his third straight year as the State field general and at the end of the season he was ranked second to Frank Carideo among the midwest's outstanding signal callers. When here for a visit recently, Crowley predicted that Grove would make good his first year. He told in glowing terms of the youth's ability, classifying him as one of the best all-around backfield men that he had ever seen. According to Jimmy, Grove passes accurately and while running at a fast pace. He is an excellent place and dropkicker and punter, besides being able to block and run with the best boys in the sport, Crowley said. Grove is the fifth back signed by the Packers for the 1931 team.


AUG 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Signed contracts from members of the 1930 championship team began to come in today to the office of E.L. Lambeau, coach of the Green Bay Packer professional football team. The Packer coach sent contracts to several veterans of last year's team this week and today announced that Claude Perry, tackle, and Jim Bowdoin, guard, had accepted terms. Several others are expected to sign within the next week or ten days. Both players are veteran professional performers. They came to Green Bay from below the Mason and Dixon line and have turned in some fine football in the past few years. Perry joined the Packer team in 1927 and has played a good brand of football for four years with the team. He played without a headgear and is unusually fast in getting down the field on punts. Before coming here, Perry performed on the Alabama varsity eleven. Bowdoin also played football at Alabama before coming to Green Bay. He started with the Packers in 1928, one year later than Perry and has been a regular guard since that time. Bowdoin is probably the strongest man on the team and seldom gets hurt. He is fast, despite his 230 pounds and can do everything that is asked of him. With the two linemen in the fold, Capt. Lambeau now has 12 players under contract for the 1931 season. He expects to have squad of about 30 players to start the year.


AUG 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Arthur (Red) Bultman, former West Green Bay star and captain and center of the undefeated Marquette university football team of 1930, has signed as center with the Brooklyn Dodgers of the National league, he announced in Milwaukee. The Green Bay youth received definite word of the acceptance of his contract Tuesday and was given instructions regarding the coming grid campaign. He will report at Columbus, O., Sept. 1, and the Brooklyn squad then will move to Magnetic Springs, O., for early training. Following their opening game against Portsmouth, Sept. 13, the Dodgers will meet the Packers at Green Bay, Sept. 20. Bultman has been attending summer school at Marquette and is engaged in construction work. He will return to school for the second semester of the next school year to complete work for his degree in physical education.


AUG 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The annual stockholders meeting of the Green Bay Football corporation will be held in the assembly room of the courthouse, Tuesday, Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Officers for the coming year will be elected. A statement on the Football corporation's finances, prepared by Treasurer C.J. O'Connor, will be read for the stockholders. Coach E.L. Lambeau will give a forecast about the 1931 season and review what happened at the National league meeting in Chicago on July 11-12, when he booked the best schedule that has ever been drawn up for a Packer team. In announcing the call for the meeting, President L.H. Joannes said: "The Football corporation executives are hopeful that the stockholders will make it a point to attend next Tuesday night's meeting. Matters of importance are to be taken up and it is urgent that all members of the corporation be on hand. It is our intention to start the season ticket sale in the immediate future along with the other activities that enable Green Bay to keep its place in the professional football world."



AUG 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - L.H. Joannes was re-elected president of the Green Bay Football corporation at the annual meeting held Tuesday meeting in the assembly room of the courthouse. Gerald F. Clifford was again chosen vice-president and Charles J. O'Connor and G.W. Calhoun were re-named as treasurer and secretary, respectively. The executive committee will again will be composed of L.H. Joannes, Gerald F. Clifford, Dr. W.W. Kelly, A.B. Turnbull and Charles Mathys...NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The new board of directors is made up on Joannes, Turnbull, Dr. Kelly, Mathys, Wenzel Wiesner, Clifford, Lewis E. Peal, Edward Schweger, Harry Golden, H.J. Bero, Edward Schuster, Marcel Lambeau, Ralph Drum, Ed Van Vonderen and Calhoun. At the open meeting of stockholders, Treasurer O'Connor read the financial report showing a fair profit for the past year. Some queries were asked about the statement and Dr. Kelly took the floor to more fully explain the report. Following considerable discussion a motion was passed approving the report and audit, which, for those interested, will be on file for inspection at the office of Treasurer O'Connor in the City Center building...LAMBEAU OUTLINES PROSPECTS: Coach Lambeau, in a brief address, outlines the prospects for the coming year. He mentioned several of the outstanding stars that had been added to the Packer battle front and promised the stockholders that Green Bay would he well represented again on the professional gridiron. Vice-President Clifford, who will again direct the season ticket sale, asked for the corporation of all the stockholders in this year's drive. A meeting of the ticket sellers has been arranged for next Tuesday night in the courthouse assembly room. This fall the national champions will play more games at home than ever before but there will be no increase in the season ticket prices over other years. Following the adoption of report of the board of directors' nominating committee, composed of Arthur J. Gotto, C.M. Berard and Frank Mohr, the stockholders' meeting adjourned and the directors went into session. The re-election of the officers was the first business on the program and then the executive committee was renamed. It was decided to immediately advertise for bids on the park concessions. These must be filed within the next week with President Joannes...POLICE COMMITTEE NAMED: Bero, Marcel Lambeau and Drum were named on the City stadium police committee. They will have charged of patrolling the field at the home games of the Packers. Sullivan post of the American legion will cooperate again this fall. Broadcasting rights for the Packers' home game were again given to WHBY, De Pere, and WTMJ, Milwaukee, which will carry the Windhams sport broadcast. Wadhams will also "air" the Packer games abroad. It was decided again to establish the Football corporation's central ticket office in the Columbus Community club. E.A. Spachmann will be in charge of the ticket sales and the office will be opened early in September. Packer tickets will be on sale as usual at many places about town...JOANNES ISSUES STATEMENT: At the close of the meeting, President Joannes issued the following statement: "The Football corporation has started another year and it is the aim of the directors to give Green Bay another great season of professional football. As in other years, we are counting on the support of the community and, feeling confident that this will be forthcoming, the corporation executive feel assured that 1931 will be another red-letter year in Packer football history."


AUG 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Packer Football corporation's $15,000 season ticket sale campaign will be launched Tuesday evening at a meeting in the assembly room of the courthouse and Vice-President Gerald F. Clifford, who will again be in charge of the drive, wants all the solicitors to be on hand promptly at 7:30. In past years, the season ticket sales drive often dragged out over six weeks but this fall Chairman Clifford hopes to clean it up in half that time. As a matter of act, it must be done because the opening game of the season is only a month off. The Packers start their 1931 pennant chase here with the Cleveland Bulldogs on Sunday, Sept. 13. E.A. Spachmann, who handles the tickets, is preparing lists of last year's holders of the season tickets and these persons will be called on first. Many of the football fans have had the same seats year after year and it is the intention of the corporation to fill these same orders again as fast as possible. Printing of season tickets have been completed and immediate delivery will be possible. Order books for solicitors together with the receipt blanks for the purchasers are to be distributed at Tuesday night's meeting. Chairman Clifford is mapping the city into districts so that the individual solicitors won't double track over another's territory. Each worker will be given a a call list and he will be asked to report every 48 hours on his results. A "mop-up" committee to be in harness during the last quarter of the campaign and this group will check back on all prospects whom the solicitors haven't been able to line up. The Football corporation will make a stronger play this fall for season ticket purchases by out of town customers. It is the intention to cover all the neighboring towns thoroughly by personal visit and by letter. There will be no advance in the price of season tickets despite the fact that the national champions are playing more league games at home than ever before. This is a sales point which is expected to bring a number of additional customers in line.


AUG 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Green Bay Football corporation season ticket salesman will meet in the assembly room of the courthouse Tuesday evening at 7:30 and get assignments for the campaign which will get underway immediately. Vice President Gerald Clifford, who will again direct the solicitors, is hopeful of reaching the $15,000 goal before Labor Day. Lists for campaign workers have been made up from the 1930 records and there will be no delay in starting. It will be possible to make 48-hour delivery on tickets as the season books have been completed by the printer and are now in the hands of E.A. Spachmann, who has looked after the Packers' tickets for the past 10 years. Everybody will be welcome at Tuesday night's meeting and the Football corporation executives are in hopes that the ranks of the season ticket sellers this year will be larger than in other seasons. "We want more solicitors in the field this year," said Vice President Clifford in discussing the campaign. "If we can pick up about 40 additional workers, we have no doubt but that the campaign will climax successfully before Labor Day. In other years, we have not had enough solicitors and this has dragged out the drive. This season, we have mapped out an extensive campaign and it is necessary to have more workers in the field. Let's have a big turnout Tuesday night and get off to a flying start. It has been our experience that the easiest thing in the world to see is a Packer season ticket and this fall the purchaser gets a special bargain because the tickets are good for eight games instead of six or seven as in other years without an increase in price.


AUG 18 (Green Bay) - Big Elmer (Red) Sleight dropped into Green Bay for a short visit over the weekend and while here signed a contract to play football with the Green Bay Packer again, it was announced today by E.L. Lambeau, captain of the club. Sleight has been busy around movie lots of Hollywood since the close of the football season, getting several assignments to appear in motion pictures, according to the Packer coach and stopped here for a short time before returning to his home in Morris, Ill., where he will spend a few weeks before coming back here for the start of the football season early in September. The former Purdue tackle played his first year in the professional field last  year, coming to the Packers after his graduation from Purdue where he starred for three years on the line. He is a towering gridder, measuring about 6 feet one inch and weighs close to the 230 pound mark and while at college was chosen on practically every all-American eleven in his senior year...FAST AND POWERFUL: Sleight made good his first year with the Bays, something few other college stars have been able to do. He is fast and powerful and seldom gets hurt, often standing up against the best players in the country for the full 60 minutes of the game. The former Purdue star made a home for himself here by his aggressive work with the Bays. His play was outstanding throughout the year. The lineman is the fourth regular of last year back with the team again and the 13th player to be signed for the 1931 squad. Nine new men have been added to the club and a few more are expected to be signed before the season begins. Several other veterans of the 1930 team also are expected to be in the fold within the next week or ten days, according to the Packer coach...HOLD SHORT DRILL: Capt. Lambeau and some of the players worked out at Joannes park yesterday afternoon, playing touch football. Jugger Earpe, Whitey Woodin, Bernard Darling, 


Herber and Lambeau ran through light drills. They plan to work again Wednesday afternoon. Several other players also will be on hand to begin limbering up for the season.


AUG 19 (Green Bay) - The Packers' season ticket sales campaign got off to a flying start at Tuesday night's meeting in the assembly room of the courthouse when Gerald F. Clifford, who is directing the drive, told the solicitors they only had $13,500 to go as he had spent the afternoon calling on prospects and his business tour netted $1500 in ticket sales. "There should be no trouble selling season tickets," Clifford said at the meeting. "This is 'Bargain' year. We are providing eight games at home, every one of them league contests, instead of the usual six or seven which always included one 'free lance' attraction as an opener."...CAN GET SAME SEATS: "During the remainder of the week, we will attempt to get in touch with every season ticket holder of 1930 and get his order for this fall. E.A. Spachmann, who handles the tickets, has complete lists of all last year regular patrons and we will give them every opportunity to pick up the same tickets again." There was a fair turnout at the meeting. A number of the veteran solicitors were again on hand ready to do their bit for football in Green Bay together with some new men who are entering the campaign...FOR IMMEDIATE CALLS: Sales lists from 1930 were checked over and some new prospects assigned to the solicitors for immediate calls. The ticket campaigners are to meet again on Friday night and Chairman Clifford is hopeful that the drive total will be over the $5,000 mark, which is just one-third of the $15,000 goal. Orders for season tickets can be placed with the officers, members of the board of directors or the following solicitors: Arthur Otto, Elroy Van Oss, Eli Wood, Howard E. Woodin, Walter Mott, Howard Bassett, William Haslam, Harold Kuypers, Oliver Lambeau, Elmer Brown, Joe Feldhausen, Walter Ladrow, M.L. Hynes, T.A. Carney, Henry Lardeau and others. Booster trips to neighboring cities were discussed and it is probable that later in the campaign, Chairman Clifford will take some of the footballers for calls in adjoining cities. Sturgeon Bay, Shawano, Oconto and Kaukauna have already invited the Packer executives to drop in...NO DELAY IN DELIVERIES: Sales Director Spachmann announced that he is in a position to make immediate delivery of tickets in the regular reserved sections. Filling of mail orders will get underway shortly.



AUG 20 (Green Bay) - Another college star of 1930 and a member of last year's Packer championship team were added to the 1931 roster of the Green Bay football club today when signed contracts were turned in by Raymond Jannisen, giant South Dakota tackle, and Arnold Herber, former West high triple threat star. Jannisen comes with the recommendations of Wuert Englemann, Bay halfback, and several coaches of the northwest, according to Coach E.L. Lambeau. He is a fast, husky lineman, standing 6 feet 2 inches and weighs about 210 pounds. While at school he played three years at a tackle berth and the past two years has been an all-conference choice...WELL KNOWN STAR: Herber is well known to all Green Bay fans. While at high school he starred in basketball, football and track. He was regarded as the outstanding athlete of West high school, doing just 


about everything asked of him in any sport. The former West high flash got his start with the Packers last year after two years of college at Wisconsin and Regis, Denver. He turned in some good football, although lacking experience and this year, Capt. Lambeau expects him to do even better. Herber has everything a good football player needs. He is fast and shifty and can pass and kick with any halfback in the country. He has been training diligently all summer, kicking, passing and running with the ball in company with several West high team aspirants at the West high field...15 ON ROSTER: With the contracts of this pair in the secretary's office, there are 15 men now on the roster for the 1931 team. Capt. Lambeau expects to have at least a dozen more players on the squad by the time the first practice session begins early in September. Several Packer players had a workout at Joannes park last night, running through light drills to prepare for harder practice sessions to begin soon. Lavvie Dilweg, Darling, Lambeau, Herber, Earpe and Woodin were among those working out.


AUG 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Packer season ticket solicitors are scheduled to file their reports to Chairman Gerald F. Clifford at the first round up of the campaign which will be held tonight. The ticket salesman have spent several days checking up on the reservation holders of other season and, to date, there hasn't been much thought of new business, although a large number of prospects have been listed by the drive managers. Compared with last fall, requests for season tickets from out of town football fans have increased about 15 percent. This is considered an encouraging sign, because there has been no solicitation outside of Green Bay and De Pere. Eli Woods, Chief Ralph Drum, H.J. Bero and Arthur Gotto, all veteran solicitors, made their first calls late Thursday and they were more than pleased with the reception. Joe Feldhausen, on the north side, reports all his regulars in line again and he hopes to round up a few more season ticket customers.


AUG 22 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Business wasn't so good at the meeting Friday evening of the Packer season ticket salesman but the Football corporation executives are confident that more encouraging reports will be filed when the solicitors check in again next Wednesday night. Some campaign workers are having trouble getting in touch with veteran ticket holders. However, appointments by telephone will be made over Sunday and the first of the week will see a lot of orders from regulars in the receipt books. One encouraging sign is a few "double up" requests. A number of the 1930 season ticket holders have asked for additional seats. Their applications will be filed as soon as possible. In the meantime, E.A. Spachmann, director of ticket sales, is checking the lists and plans to give the holders of season tickets in other years first call on their old reservations. Ed Schuster, a recent addition to the board of directors, is going to take over the soliciting in Denmark. He figures he can round up a number of season ticket purchasers. Schuster started off on the right foot by increasing his own order for box seats from three to five. George Gibson, who is president of the Wisconsin Rapids baseball club, has promised to stir up some season ticket sales in his city. According to Gibson, there are about 30 Wisconsin Rapids football fans who drive over for every Packer game and he thinks he can line up at least a dozen of them to purchase the 8-game tickets, which are selling at bargain prices this fall.


AUG 25 (Green Bay) - A veteran of more than two seasons in the Green Bay Packer backfield, who has sided in bringing two national championships to the city, again will perform behind the Bay forward wall, with the announcement that Bo Molenda, one of Michigan's greatest fullbacks, has signed his 1931 contract. Few Packer regulars are better known in professional football circles than the battering Molenda, who in his undergraduate days teamed with Friedman and Oosterbaan on a powerful Michigan university eleven. After his graduation he toured the country with Red Grange and his New York Yankees, and from this organization he was purchased by the Packers, prior to the end of the 1928 season, joining his new team at Atlantic City, N.J....PLAYED SEVERAL GAMES: He played several games with Green Bay in 1928, and gave promise of fitting perfectly into the Bay machine. This promise was fulfilled in 1929, when with Molenda as a strong backfield cog, the Packers swept to their first professional league title. Molenda's home city is Detroit, but in the summers of 1929 and 1931 he has hurled the baseball for the Green Bay Fox River Valley league entry. He is possessed of about the heaviest set of underpinnings ever seen on a Green Bay gridiron, and has a smashing way all his own, which has earned his everlasting respect in professional football...FIFTEEN NOW SIGNED: Bo is rarely injured, being about "as tough as they come" on the postgraduate gridiron. His addition brings the number of Packers signed to date, including both old and new, to 15.


AUG 25 (Chicago) - Wade (Red) Woodworth, former Northwestern guard, will enter the coaching field instead of playing professional football as first planned. Woodworth yesterday agreed to coach the line at the U. of Cincinnati for the coming season. He had previously signed a contract to play with the Green Bay Packers but a clause in the agreement permitted him to get his release if he obtained a coaching job...Coach E.L. Lambeau received a wire from Wade Woodworth late Monday afternoon stating that he had secured the coaching job at Cincinnati university. The Packer leader has started negotiations for another guard and expects to close an important deal within the next 48 hours.


AUG 25 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Cleveland Bulldogs have been practicing. Mike Michalske, star Packer guard, who returned Monday from a visit with his parents in Cleveland, reports that Manage Jerry Corcoran has lined up a likely looking aggregation and this his club probably will get somewhere in the National league pennant chase. This Cleveland club is scheduled to open the season here on Sunday, Sept. 13, against the national champions at City stadium. It is possible that Corcoran will bring his squad here a few days before the opener for final workouts. Corcoran, the Cleveland helmsman, is a veteran in professional football circles. He first played with and then managed the Columbus team, of which Joe F. Carr, now president of the National league, once was president. Last season Corcoran handled the Brooklyn Dodgers. This will be Corcoran's second visit to the Bay as he accompanied the Columbus club here in 1922 for the game which was played in a downpour of rain on the old field in Joannes park. This was the contest which Cub Buck won for the Packer with a placekick.



AUG 26 (Green Bay) - The list of prodigal Packers has been increased by one, with the announcement that La Vern R. Dilweg, four years veteran of the Green Bay football team and member of both national championship squads, has signed his contract for the 1931 season. The addition of Dilweg brings the list of Packers now on the squad, including one and new, to 16. Back in the days when a pioneer Packer team was engaged in carving football history for Green Bay, Lavvie Dilweg was a star performer at Marquette university. Here he played varsity football for three years, captaining the team in his junior year, when he was selected on the All-American team of the late Walter Eckersall. Dilweg also played in the East-West Pacific coast game following his senior football season...PLAYED GREAT BALL: After graduating, the elongated end joined the Milwaukee Badgers, playing sensational football for that team during the 1926 season. He received mention on the second all-American professional team, and attracted attention of the Packers, joining the Bays in the fall of 1927. Since that time, Dilweg's number 22 jersey has been as prominent and as popular on the Green Bay gridiron as that of any player. For four years he has earned a position on the first All-American pro team. He is a sure and hard tackler, is unusually fast in getting down on punts, and it used constantly as a pass receiver. On or off the field, he has won acclaim as a credit to professional football...WEIGHS 205 POUNDS: Lavvie weighs about 205 pounds in season's trim. He is a year-round resident of Green Bay, practicing law with the firm of Clifford and Dilweg. The veteran end is the third man playing in that position to be signed by the Packers thus far, in preparation for the 1931 season...WILL PRACTICE TONIGHT: The "home guard" of the national champions squad will engage in a twilight workout at Joannes park tonight. Nearly all of the boys have been making use of these practice periods to get in shape early and have an edge on the other candidates who are slated to report Sept. 1 for the regular drills. Capt. Lambeau is looking for a larger turnout tonight as Mike Michalske is about ready to limber up along with Ken Radick and Dave Zuidmulder, two of Green Bay's own, who very likely will be members of the Green Bay squad again. Lavvie Dilweg is celebrating his contract signing by taking a week's vacation and will be among the missing. 


AUG 27 (Green Bay) - Two more Packer veterans, both members of the championship teams of 1929 and 1930, have returned to bolster the list of Packer football players already under contract, announcements by the Packer management today revealed. The most recent players to sign 1931 contracts are Francis (Jug) Earpe and Bernard E. (Boob) Darling, rated as about the best pair of centers who have ever played football for the national champions. Earpe's service record runs back to 1922, making him the dean of all Packers, in point of service. Only the tenure of Coach E.L. Lambeau surpasses that of the veteran. After graduating from Monmouth college, Earpe played football for the Rock Island Independents, and then found his permanent berth with the Packers...USED AT TACKLE: When he first arrived at Green Bay, Jugger was utilized as a tackle. Later, his 240 pounds were shifted to center, and he became one of the first men in the national loop to toss the ball back with one hand. For several years he has been located primarily in Green Bay. He is a bond salesman. Boob Darling is a graduate of Beloit college, although he also attended school at Wisconsin and Ripon college. At Beloit, he starred for three years, captaining the varsity team during one of those seasons. His hometown is Oshkosh, but during the past two years he has served as representative for a Green Bay insurance firm...MARRIED THIS YEAR: Darling is the latest of all Packer benedicts, having been married early this summer. On the pro gridiron he has been used as substitute for Earpe, but at times he has risen to individual brilliance strictly on his own accord. With Earpe and Darling back in the fold, there are nine members of last year's squad again prepared to don the Green Bay moleskins...SIGN 18 PLAYERS: Altogether, the Packers have signed 18 players.


AUG 27 (Green Bay) - Some two dozen members of the Packers' season ticket sales committee checked in at Wednesday night's meeting and, according to Gerald F. Clifford, who is directing the campaign, their reports were fairly encouraging. Another meeting has been called for Monday night at 8 o'clock. "There is a lot of work to be cleaned up," said Vice-president Clifford, "if the $15,000 goal is to be reached before the referee's whistle toots for the opening game of the season with Cleveland scheduled at the City stadium on Sunday, Sept. 13"...NEW BUSINESS ABOUT PAR: "A glance over our ticket subscription lists show 75 percent of the regulars back in their old seats and the new business is running about on par with other years. Purchasers of 1931 Packer season tickets are getting more for their 


An “action” photo of Russ Saunders, who played for the Packers in 1931. Saunders, captain of San Diego High School’s 1925 Southern California champions, started as a blocking back for the University of Southern California in 1927 and played on USC’s first national championship team in 1928. Switching to tailback, he led the 1929 Trojans to a 10-2 record and was Player of the Game in the 1930 Rose Bowl. He passed for a then unheard of 297 yards, completing his first three passes for touchdowns, and ran for another as USC demolished favored Pittsburgh 47-14. Saunders played one year of pro football, helping Green Bay win the 1931 championship, then became an executive with Warner Brothers. Russ was the model for USC’s “Tommy Trojan” statue. Information from the Packerville blog.


naturally we must increase our season ticket sales to help balance our budget and that is why I am making a final appeal to those who haven't purchased season tickets to get in line and do so at once." The Packer ticket office at the C.C.C. will be open afternoon for the remainder of the week, according to E.A. Spachmann, who handles the ducats. Starting next Monday, the office is to be open from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Reservations can be made for any of the eight games at home. A "get together" meeting of the Packer players, board of directors and ticket solicitors has been arranged for Thursday night at the Beaumont hotel. Coach E.L. Lambeau will have all his gridders present and it will give the directors and salesmen a chance to get acquainted with the new members of the squad and mingle with the veterans again. About 50 are expected to gather around the board.


SEPT 2 (Green Bay) - 28 Packers now are ready for the 1931 season. The latest additions to the national championship squad are Hurdis W. McCrary, backfield speed demon, and Joseph A. (Red) Dunn, popular field general and Packer veteran since 1927. Dunn ranks among the most popular football players ever to perform for the big Bay eleven. His presence in the Packer backfield, where he has called signals since he was obtained from the Chicago Cardinals after the 1926 season, always has a quieting effect upon the general nerve tension throughout the stands, as he runs the gold machine with all the ease which his many years of experience allow...STARRED AT MARQUETTE: Red is a graduate of Marquette, where he starred in football and basketball. After graduating he played one year with the Milwaukee Badgers and then two with the Cardinals, before making his autumn home in Green Bay. He rates as one of the best field generals in the National league, being an accurate passer, efficient placekicker and unexcelled at calling plays. His educated toe has booted many field goals and points after touchdown for the Packers. Dunn is a prominent insurance man in Milwaukee, and takes his vacation during the football season. Every year, regularly, he announces his intention of quitting the professional game, but every season when the air gets crisp and footballs are being booted around, he wanders back to Green Bay for the National league season. If the Packers really wanted to get rid of Dunn they would have to drown him, but his return in 1931 is hailed with delight by all Green Bay fandom...NEED EXPRESS RIFLE: McCrary is the "big train" of the Packer back garden. He starts as fast as any man on the team, and as one Chicago scribe declared last year, "has to brought down with an express rifle." He was all-American fullback at Georgia in 1928, and is starting his third year with the Packers. His undergraduate experience was received under Coach Jimmy Crowley. With Green Bay, McCrary has been used alternately at fullback and halfback. The big back is a year round resident of Green Bay, serving as aid to a paper mill executive here. Contracts turned in by Dunn and McCrary bring the total squad to 28.


SEPTEMBER 2 (Green Bay) - "All present or accounted for" marked today's turnout of the Green Bay Packers, as the big Bay squad trotted out on its practice field at Joannes park. Every member of the national championship outfit who has signed a contract to date was on hand, barring only Tom Nash and Cal Hubbard, prevented from attending because of baseball affiliations. Dick Stahlman, tackle, obtained from the New York Giants, and Russ Saunders, Southern California quarterback, arrived last night and were out in uniforms this morning. The rest of the squad is intact and Coach Lambeau pushed his chances through a vigorous practice session.


SEPT 2 (Green Bay) - 28 Packers now are ready for the 1931 season. The latest additions to the national championship squad are Hurdis W. McCrary, backfield speed demon, and Joseph A. (Red) Dunn, popular field general and Packer veteran since 1927. Dunn ranks among the most popular football players ever to perform for the big Bay eleven. His presence in the Packer backfield, where he has called signals since he was obtained from the Chicago Cardinals after the 1926 season, always has a quieting effect upon the general nerve tension throughout the stands, as he runs the gold machine with all the ease which his many years of experience allow...STARRED AT MARQUETTE: Red is a graduate of Marquette, where he starred in football and basketball. After graduating he played one year with the Milwaukee Badgers and then two with the Cardinals, before making his autumn home in Green Bay. He rates as one of the best field generals in the National league, being an accurate passer, efficient placekicker and unexcelled at calling plays. His educated toe has booted many field goals and points after touchdown for the Packers. Dunn is a prominent insurance man in Milwaukee, and takes his vacation during the football season. Every year, regularly, he announces his intention of quitting the professional game, but every season when the air gets crisp and footballs are being booted around, he wanders back to Green Bay for the National league season. If the Packers really wanted to get rid of Dunn they would have to drown him, but his return in 1931 is hailed with delight by all Green Bay fandom...NEED EXPRESS RIFLE: McCrary is the "big train" of the Packer back garden. He starts as fast as any man on the team, and as one Chicago scribe declared last year, "has to brought down with an express rifle." He was all-American fullback at Georgia in 1928, and is starting his third year with the Packers. His undergraduate experience was received under Coach Jimmy Crowley. With Green Bay, McCrary has been used alternately at fullback and halfback. The big back is a year round resident of Green Bay, serving as aid to a paper mill executive here. Contracts turned in by Dunn and McCrary bring the total squad to 28.


SEPT 2 (Green Bay) - "All present or accounted for" marked today's turnout of the Green Bay Packers, as the big Bay squad trotted out on its practice field at Joannes park. Every member of the national championship outfit who has signed a contract to date was on hand, barring only Tom Nash and Cal Hubbard, prevented from attending because of baseball affiliations. Dick Stahlman, tackle, obtained from the New York Giants, and Russ Saunders, Southern California quarterback, arrived last night and were out in uniforms this morning. The rest of the squad is intact and Coach Lambeau pushed his chances through a vigorous practice session.


SEPT 3 (Green Bay) - Johnny Blood, Green Bay's touted "vagabond halfback"; Fay (Mule) Wilson, one of the fastest backs on the pro gridiron; Dave Zuidmulder, former East high captain; Paul Fitzgibbon, veteran of last year, and Chester (Swede) Johnston, Appleton High star, have been added to the 1931 roster of the national champions, to practically complete the Packer squad. 33 men now have signed...ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT: Blood is another Packer veteran whose name is known whenever and wherever professional football fans gather. Enough tales of his football experiences have been written to fill a good sized book and the vagabond halfback always seems ready to turn in some new bit of quick thinking to maintain his gridiron reputation. Johnny started his football career with short team appearances at several colleges and universities, launching his professional game with the Duluth Eskimos. He played with that team for two years, and in 1928 performed with Pottsville, beside the redoubtable Tony La Tone, pile driving fullback. In 1929 Blood joined the Packers and helped hoist the national championship bunting in that year and in 1930. He kicks; he passes; he runs, and his touchdown gallop in last year's New York game has been a frequent topic of gridiron conversation ever since...SPEED IN BACKFIELD: Wilson has been making the rounds of several National league clubs. He is rated one of the fastest backfield men in football today and has a pickup, which would be the envy of any automobile manufacturer. He graduated from Texas A. and M. after playing three years of varsity football and for two years was named all-Southern back. He started his pro career with Buffalo in 1926, playing half a season before he was purchased by the New York Giants. For several season Wilson's pounding play featured the New York backfield. He is an exceptional kicker, booting both punts and other varieties in addition to his chain lightning backfield work. He secured his release from New York  toward the close of the 1930 season, played two games with Stapleton, and then joined the Packers. Now he's  ready for another season...EAST HIGH LEADER: Dave Zuidmulder is a native product and well known to all Green Bay sports followers. He once captained a strong East high team and attended St. Ambrose college, where he won notice as a good running back. He has spent three years with the Packers and last year looked great in several home games, particularly the Portsmouth tilt, when he ran the  Ohio line ragged in the closing minutes of play. Dave plays baseball for the Green Sox in the valley league and was a three sports man in his high school days. Fitzgibbon, a practicing physician on the Pacific coast, formerly starred with the Creighton Bluejays in his undergraduate days. He started his professional playing with the Duluth Eskimos, later performing with Philadelphia and the Cardinals. He is a splendid blocker and a good team worker, scoring several touchdowns last year as the receiver for Packer pass attacks. Swede Johnston was an all around athlete for Appleton High. He played here against the Packers with the Oshkosh pros last year and has speed to burn. In addition, Johnston is a capable kicker.


SEPT 4 (Green Bay) - There will be a twin bill sport attraction at Joannes park on Sunday afternoon as the Bay squad is scheduled to stage its first scrimmage of the season in the City stadium at 1 o'clock while at 3 p.m., the grudge baseball encounter between Kaukauna and Green Bay will hold forth at the League diamond. This football-baseball doubleheader is expected to draw an enormous throng and the police department has been asked to assign extra men to handle the crowd...CHANCE TO SEE GRIDDERS: The gates at the stadium will be thrown open about noon for the "free show" which will be staged for the Packers. It is seldom that the national champions stage a practice scrimmage but Coach Lambeau figured it would be a splendid opportunity to give all his gridders a chance to do their stuff in a make-believe game. There are some 30 odd gridders in the Green Bay squad being pointed for the opening National league game here on Sunday, Sept. 13 with the Cleveland Bulldogs and the scrimmage will give the Packer followers an opportunity to look over Coach Lambeau's army of gridders...MAKE QUICK CHANGE: Dave Zuidmulder and Bo Molenda, members of both the football and baseball squads, will do a "double trick" on Sunday. The Packer practice will be completed by 2:30 o'clock and the pair will jump out of their moleskins and into baseball togs for the grudge encounter with Kaukauna, winners of the pennant in the Valley league.


SEPT 5 (Green Bay) - Tonnage which rates it as one of the heftiest teams ever to play professional - or amateur - football is dragged over Joannes park every time the Packer squad trots through its practice sessions. Statistics reveal that the squad of 32 players, all of whom with the exception of Nash and Hubbard already have reported, represents a combined weight of 6,365 pounds, or slightly over three tons. This is a tremendous amount of weights for one football squad, particularly in view of the fact that the squad, including both backs and linemen, averages 198.9 pounds per man. The linemen, considered with the somewhat lighter backs weeded out, averages 209.3 pounds per man, and this weight will be tossed for the first time in 1931 competition against the Cleveland Bulldogs on Sunday, Sept. 13...PLAY DIFFERENT STYLES: Men from the east, men from the west, from the north and south, representing colleges and universities, playing vastly difference styles of football, all are combined to form the 1931 Packer squad. All-Americans, all-westerns, all-this and all-that, have been tossed into one organization with one goal - to defeat as many National professional football team as they possibly can, prior to the last whistle of December's final whistle. Four ends of the first magnitude are included on the squad. Dilweg, 190 pounds Marquette law graduate, has played for years before Green Bay crowds, and this year again he will be supported by Nash, Georgia university, 210 pounds at the other wing. Baker, an all-American, has been sent up to represent Northwestern university, and to add another 182 pounds to the squad's weight while the fourth end is Gantenbein,


a Wisconsin product weighing 199, about the team average...SIGN FIVE TACKLES: There are five tackles who have signed to play with the 1931 Packers. Hubbard, 250 pound Geneva college star, will report late, as umpiring duties are keeping him busy in the east. Sleight was a rookie from Purdue last season, but won his spurs by some terrific demonstrations in the front wall, where his 223 pounds were established. Then there is Perry, another veteran of years, who weighs 210 pounds and once played football for Alabama. Stahlman, Chicago university tackle, at 230 pounds, and Jannisen, 198 pounds from South Dakota State, are the other tackles. There also are five guards joining the Bays' daily practice sessions. Michalske the dependable weighs 194 pounds and was an all-American at Penn State. Woodin weighs 208 and hails from Marquette, while Bowdoin is another beefy lad, who tips the beams at 230 and did a lot of football playing for Alabama. The other guards are Comstock, a Georgetown product who scales 198, and Radick, former Marquette captain, who adds another 210 pounds to the general tonnage...DON'T LOWER AVERAGE: The three Packer centers do not drag down the weight average a mite. Earpe tosses in 230 pounds, and acknowledges Monmouth college as his alma mater. Carlos played with Drake, and weighs 190, while Darling is a product of Beloit, where he also was a captain. He weighs 206. The Packers have a great variety of big, fast, powerful backs, many of whom can be used interchangeably. Thus McCrary can be used at half or full, Fitzgibbon at quarter or half, Bruder anywhere in particular and so down the line.


SEPT 5 (Cleveland) - When Manager Jerry Corcoran leads his Cleveland Bulldogs into Green Bay for a National league football contest, September 13, he will present a formidable array of former college stars in his starting lineup. Al Cornsweet, who blazed his way to collegiate fame, as fullback on the Brown university "Iron Men" eleven in 1928, has been named head coach. Another former Brown athlete, Dave Mishel, has been secured by Corcoran to serve as first lieutenant in handling the front wall. The Bulldogs went into training camp near here more than a week ago and now are involved in daily scrimmages which the players themselves describe as being "toughest of the tough". At present, there are 35 candidates. Whether a cut in the roster will be made prior to the Green Bay game is problematical. Manager Jerry Corcoran is faced with a problem similar to that which confronted the old lady in the shoe. There are so many splendid looking athletes on hand that he is rather reluctant in cutting adrift any player until after he has been given a thorough trial.


SEPT 8 (Chicago) - The fatal shooting of pretty Evelyn Danielson, 22, beauty parlor operator, in the apartment of a married city plumbing inspector during a revel held police attention today. Patrick Gavin, 41, the city employee was held after he had walked into the Woodlawn police station last night and reported the shooting. Gavin was apparently intoxicated, police said, and told them he did not remember whether the girl had shot herself or had been murdered. Gavin said he was once a Syracuse university football player and had played professional football in Buffalo, Detroit, Green Bay and Rock Island. Miss Danielson's body lay on a sofa in the one-room south side apartment. There were bullet wounds in her neck and left hand. Coroner Bundeson said one bullet, entering at the neck and coursing down to the heart, could not have been fired by the girl. She apparently had been dead since dawn. Gavin told police he had gone to the apartment with Miss Danielson Sunday night after attending a wedding. They spent the night drinking. Gavin's wife was at the home of a sister who is ill...Gavin was a fullback on the Packer pro eleven during the 1923 season. After leaving here he went to Detroit. Previous to coming here he played with Rock Island.


SEPT 8 (Green Bay) - Green Bay Packer season ticket salesmen will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the nest to last session of the campaign. This is one of the "mop up" gatherings and Chairman Gerald F. Clifford intends to personally check over the assignment sheets in hopes of picking up more business. Several special committees are going to call again on "turn downs" and expect to get a few more of the oldtimers back in line. There are still many choice reservations available in the season ticket section, which is between the 40-yard lines on the south side of the gridiron. If there are any fans who want season tickets and have not been solicited, a phone call to the Packer central ticket headquarters in the Columbus club, Howard 2372, will bring immediate action by a member of the sales force.


money this season than ever before because there are eight National league games booked at home. There has been no increase in prices over other years and this 'bargain' feature should interest many new customers."...SOLICITORS DOING WELL: Ed Schweger and Charlie Mathys have been doing a good job soliciting the central district of the west side. They have lined up nearly all of their regular customers, besides writing down some new business. Joe Feldhausen reports the north side is being well handled and an increase in season ticket sales in this area is forecast. The Legion trip, Chief Ralph Drumm, H.J. Bero and Eli Wood, have turned in some topnotch reports and they are still carrying on...COME THROUGH AGAIN: Whitey Woodin claims his total sales will go higher than last season while Arthur Gotto says that the Milwaukee road employees are sure to come through again for the Packers in a financial way. Lewis Peal and Elroy Van Oss, two of the veteran season ticket salesmen, are confident that they will top their 1930 totals. Both Peal and Van Oss have long lists of subscribers. Howard Bassett, Harold Kuypers, Jake Guerts, Walter Mott, Oliver Lambeau, Wally Ladrow, Elmer Brown and T.J. Carney are making good progress in their soliciting


AUG 28 (Green Bay) - Recent contracts to play football with the Green Bay professional league team have brought three guards into the Packer lineup, Coach E.L. Lambeau has announced. The most recent additional to the Packer squad are Howard L. (Whitey) Wooding, Kenneth M. Radick and Rudolph (Rudy) Comstock. Woodin and Radick are veterans of last year's team, while Comstock performed with the New York Giants. Comstock, who is a veteran pro leaguer, earned his gridiron spurs at Georgetown, where he saw three years of varsity football. He started off his postgraduate career with Buffalo, and when that club went on the financial rocks, cast his lot with the Philadelphia Yellowjackets..MADE GOOD OFFER: At the end of the 1929 season he asked for his release from the Quakers and started to dicker with several teams in the National league. Coach Lambeau made him a good offer early last fall, but the New York club boosted the ante a bit and he went with the Giants on a one year contract. He was a 60-minute man, performing consistently throughout the season. Comstock was considering a coaching job for this fall, but a long distance phone call from Coach Lambeau changed his mind, and he will be on hand for practice next Tuesday. When Red Woodworth decided not to play professional football, a hole was left in the national champs forward wall but the signing of Comstock is expected to plug the gap nicely. The new Packer guard tips the beam at about 205 pounds, and he is blessed with more than the ordinary amount of football brains...NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION: Woodin needs no introduction to Green Bay fans. He joined the Packers in 1922, only a few games after Earpe, and is a year-round resident of the city. He is employed as sales manager of an automobile concern here. Whitey is an aggressive guard, and has always been relied upon to fill necessary gaps in the Packer forward wall. He played football at Marquette university, and started his professional career with the Racine Legion, before joining Green Bay...HOMETOWN PRODUCT: Radick, a genuine Green Bay product, attended West high school, captaining the purple eleven in his senior year. He then went to Marquette, and played three years of varsity ball being selected as captain for his final campaign. He joined the Packers last year, being used both at tackle and end, but this year Coach Lambeau intends to make a guard of the giant lineman. Twenty-one players are now on the Packer roster.


AUG 28 (Green Bay) - Frank Baker, all-American end from Northwestern University will be among the newcomers on hand for the twilight practice tonight. The former Wildcat star checked in late Thursday. He seems to be in tiptop shape. The new Packer end is built exactly along the lines of Dilweg and Nash. He is 6:2 and weighs about 200 pounds.


AUG 29 (Columbus, O) - The twelfth season of the NFL will swing into action two weeks from Sunday, according to President Joe F. Carr, who has headed the professional gridiron wheel since it was organized back in 1919. Two games are scheduled to Sept. 13., the opening date. The Cleveland Bulldogs are slated to meet the national champion Packers at Green Bay, Wis., while the Brooklyn Dodgers are billed to pry off the lid at Portsmouth against the Spartans...SEES SUCCESSFUL SEASON: President Carr forecasts a successful season for the league. The veteran executive claims there isn't a weak spoke in the wheel, adding that several of the second division clubs of 1930 have greatly strengthened their battle fronts. "The race for the pennant should be a dandy," said President Carr. "Reports coming into my office show that every team in the circuit has increased its strength, and this even included the Green Bay Packers, the pennant winners of 1929 and 1920. I think the addition of LeRoy Andrews will be valuable to the Chicago Cardinals as he has always finished well up in our league while directing teams in Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City and New York."...SIGNS FORMER ILLINI: "Portsmouth put over a good stroke of business by signing Potsy Clark as coach. This former Illinois quarterback is a football student and he has the knack of getting the best out of his players. Clark will have a great squad at Portsmouth to work on. Contract lists in my 

office show that Green Bay has again lined up an aggregation which should make a determined bid for the championship. Coach Lambeau has nearly all of his veterans back in the fold and his new material is above the average. Such players as Saunders from Southern California and Bruder and Baker from Northwestern should prove valuable to the great Wisconsin machine. The Brooklyn club featuring Stumpy Thomason, former Georgia Tech flash, will probably place well, as the Dodgers under the able direction of Coach Depler were stepping along fast when the curtain dropped on the 1930 season."


AUG 29 (Green Bay) - Two giants of the Packer forward wall and a college gridder from Texas have signed their 1931 contracts, the Green Bay management revealed today. The veterans are Tom Nash, end, and Cal Hubbard, tackle, while the recruit is Wayne Davenport of Abilene, Tex., who has had three years of varsity football at Simmons college. On account of their baseball connections, neither Nash or Hubbard will report here for football until Sept. 18. There are now 24 players in the Packer squad...FAVORED BY CROWLEY: Nash has tailed his long length on Green Bay gridirons since 1928 when, highly recommended by James (Jimmy) Crowley, present Michigan State coach, he came up from Georgia. Playing with that university, he won all-American rating in 1927, having three years of varsity football and baseball to his credit. Paired with Dilweg on the Packers' great teams in 1929 and 1930, Nash helped earn the rating the two have enjoyed as the best pair of ends in professional football. Nash weighs 210 pounds in fighting trim. Twice he has tried out with the New York Giants, National league baseball team, and during the past year has played with San Antonio in the Texas loop. He is an outfielder by trade. Packer fans will never forget Nash's sterling play in last year's Green Bay-New York game here, when he grabbed a forward pass and breezed past Friedman for the first touchdown of the contest, which was won by the Packers, 14 to 7...UPSET HARVARD TEAM: Hubbard, who probably is the heaviest regular today playing professional football, captained a Geneva college team before his advent with the New York Giants. He was a member of the Geneva team which in 1926 upset sport headlines by staging a surprise defeat of Harvard behind the coaching of Bo McMillen. Hubbard tossed his lot with the Giants during the 1927 and 1928 seasons, aiding them in winning a National league pennant during the former year. He was used as end on offensive and backed up the line on defense. In 1929 Cal came to Green Bay in a trade involving Rosatti, and played both end and tackle during the season. He was used at tackle all last season. He weighs 250 pounds and knows the rule book from A to Z, and then some. This past summer he has been employed as umpire in the International baseball league, having graduated from the South Atlantic, or "Sally" league, where he called balls and strikes for two seasons. It has been reported that he will work in the American league next baseball season. Because of their baseball work, Nash and Hubbard will report to the Packers on Sept. 18, after the Cleveland game and before the Brooklyn contest, Sept. 20...GETS WILSON'S O.K.: Davenport is a rugged back and he comes here highly recommended. Several of the coaches in the Texas conference put the O.K. on him for Coach Lambeau and Mule Wilson, who was a member of the Packers at the close of the 1930 season, checked up on Davenport and his report was favorable. Wilson is a resident of the Lone Star state. Davenport can play either half or fullback and he is credited with being an exceptional blocker. The Texan arrived late Friday afternoon and appears to be in the pink of condition after a summer of ranching. Ray Jannisen, the South Dakota tackle, who was recommended by Wuert Englemann, also reached here Friday. He looks husky.



SEPT 8 (Cleveland) - Headed by Al Cornsweet, Brown university back and erstwhile Rhodes scholar intellectual, the Cleveland Bulldogs will leave late this week for Wisconsin, where next Sunday they will open the NFL season against the champion Green Bay Packers. The Bulldogs expect to arrive in Green Bay Friday nigh and will warm up on the Packer gridiron Saturday in preparation for Sunday's contest. Stiff practice sessions have toughened the Bulldogs as the game date nears. Talent from a variety of college and universities is included on the squad, headed by Cornsweet and his Brown university running mate, Dave Mishell, quarterback. Doc Elliott, Lafayette all-American, is a bucking fullback who, it is expected, will keep the Packer backs drawn close to the line, and the Bulldogs also boast three members of last year's Portsmouth squad: Ray Novotny, Ashland college back; Chuck Braidwood, Tennessee end, and Bob Jesson, Iowa State tackle...ALL-AMERICAN MEN: Cornsweet and Mishel both were all-Americans as members of Brown's "Iron Men" team, which once, on successive Saturdays, tossed Princeton, Harvard and Yale threats into the gridiron scrap basket. Other players on the Bulldogs include Algie Clark, Ohio State; Chuck Weimer, Wilmington; Drip Wilson, Penn State; Arthur Danzinger, Michigan State; Hoge Workman, Ohio State, Otto Vokaty, Heidelberg, all backs; Buck Lamme, Ohio Wesleyan, John Hurley, Washington State, ends;  John Ridler, Michigan State; Paul Mundy, Kansas, tackles; Dick Cullen, Geneva; Bill Gregoire, Dennison; Al Nesser, Cleveland sandlots, and Bill Stewart, Western Maryland, guards; Art Barlow, Army, and Biff Critchfield, Wooster, centers. The management is seeking a satisfactory summer resort, located conveniently in Wisconsin, where his charges may rest and practice in the interim between the Packer game next Sunday and the contest with the Chicago Bears on Sept. 20. After the Bear game Cleveland opens at home, meeting Brooklyn as a starter. Of the many heavily padded players, who will represent Cleveland during the 1931 season, none will be accorded more recognition than Doc Elliot, backfield ace. Elliott is a colorful player and his outstanding ability as a line plunger has generally been recognized by professional fandom...VETERAN PRO PLAYER: Elliott learned his football at a Youngstown, Ohio, high school later matriculating at Kiski, eastern prep school. Two years later he enrolled at Lafayette. At that time there was no first year residence rule in operation, and as a yearling he quickly earned the call as first string fullback. Walter Camp made a special trip to the Yale-Lafayette contest and was so impressed with the youngster's work that he named him the outstanding fullback of the country. In 1923, Dez joined the old Canton Bulldogs. The next season he played for Cleveland, and so great was his reputation that the management of the old Pottsville squad in the Pennsylvania coal regions offered him an exorbitant salary. Elliott jumped his Cleveland contract and finished the campaign with Pottsville. He was quickly suspended by President Joe F. Carr of the National league for violating his agreement with the Cleveland organization. Now six years later, Elliott has completed his exile and has been signed to play with Cleveland. He is still a young man, passing his 29th birthday late in August, and displays the same daring, rushing type of line plunging that stamped him as one of the all-time greats of eastern collegiate football.


SEPT 8 (Green Bay) - The Packer squad was kept busy over the holiday. On Sunday, in the City stadium, Coach Lambeau put his charges through an intensive workout which was climaxed by a long scrimmage. All members of the squad took part and there were frequent changes in the lineup of both squads. Red Dunn started off as head linesman and completed the afternoon's work by calling signals at quarterback. All of the players, veterans and recruits, had plenty of opportunities to bask in the limelight and applause was frequent from the 5,000 fans who watched the practice. Skull practice was in order on Monday. The squad gathered in the C.C.C. training quarters for a blackboard rill. Coach Lambeau mapped out some new formations which will be worked up this week in preparation for Sunday's game with Cleveland. Sunday's practice was a hard grind with the players working for more than an hour in intense scrimmage. All of the players with the exception of Jim Bowdoin, who is sick, Tom Nash, Cal Hubbard, Johnson and McDonnell were on hand and saw action. Some of the new men looked good, showing flashes of speed and drive. Veterans also turned in good accounts, both on offense and defense. The only casualty for the day was Benard Darling, veteran center, who sustained an injury to his chest that kept him in bed on Sunday. An X-ray was taken today to find out if any bones were broken. The injury appears to be just below his collarbone. Capt. E.L. Lambeau planned to give his men long drills this week, stressing the timing of plays and pass defense. Daily practice will be in order the rest of the week.


SEPT 9 (Chicago) - The inquest into a fatal shooting of Evelyn Danielson, 22 years old, beauty operator found dead with three bullet wounds on Monday in the apartment of Patrick Gavin, 41 years old, 6251 Blackstone avenue, former city plumbing inspector and professional football player, was continued yesterday to Sept. 15 by Deputy Coroner Jacob Schewel. Only two witnesses were heard, the slain girl's mother, Mrs. Minnie Danielson, 7305 Dorchester avenue, and Miss Evangeline Toscas, 4824 West Harrison street, a friend. Gavin is being held without a formal charge. Police last night were seeking a man known only as "Henry" who was with Gavin and Miss Danielson Sunday night. Neither Gavin, Mrs. Danielson or Miss Toscas could remember his name or give an accurate description. Attorneys for Gavin stated that several other witnesses would be called.



SEPT 9 (Green Bay) - Tom Nash, veteran Packer end, is on his way here. Coach E.L. Lambeau received the following telegram this morning from Nash, who has been playing ball with the San Antonio club of the Texas league: "Got away week early. Leaving Wednesday. Should arrive Friday."


SEPT 9 (Green Bay) - Tommy Hughitt, one of the veteran officials of the NFL, has been assigned by President Joe F. Carr, Columbus, O., to referee the Packer-Cleveland game which will be played here Sunday afternoon at the City stadium. The kickoff is at 2 p.m. Working with Hughitt will be Icky Erdlitz of Oshkosh as umpire and Paddy Driscoll of Chicago as head linesman. Both Erdlitz and Driscoll are new additions to the National league's officiating staff this season. The Bay management is making arrangements to handle the largest opening game crowd in history. In other seasons, the Packer eleven has always pried off the lid with a non-league attraction but this season, due to a heavy schedule, the national champs will swing into action with a league title which promises to be bitterly contests, as the Cleveland Bulldogs boast a lineup that should chalk up a number of victories...GETTING STADIUM READY: A crew of men, under the direction of Marcel Lambeau, who has been in charge of construction since 1919, is busy at the City stadium this week getting everything in shape for the opening game. The bleacher seats are being set up as in other years. Aside from the Packers' own portable stands, other bleachers have been borrowed from the Northeastern Wisconsin Fair association and the East and West High schools. New goal posts will be erected; the inner fence around the gridiron is being fixed up and some carpenters are making necessary minor repairs on the big stands. There will be no change in the reserved seat sections and the entrance and exit gates will remain the same as in other years...WHERE TO BUY TICKETS: Brisk business is reported at the Packer ticket headquarters in the lobby of the Columbus Community club. Other places handling Packer tickets in Green Bay are Bosse's news deport, Dashner's cigar store, Congress billiard room, Schweger's drug store, Lison's drug store, Belleau drug store, Joe Feldhausen's, North Side Community club and John Synnes'. Tickets can be purchased out of town at the following places: Phillip Gross Hardware Co., Milwaukee; Point Sporting Goods Co., Stevens Point; Charles Destache, Sturgeon Bay; Hotel Marinette drug store, Marinette; Stangel Hardware Co., Manitowoc; Seger drug store, Peshtigo; Roach sport good shop, Appleton; R.B. Vickery Co., Suamico; Postal Telegraph Co., Menasha.


SEPT 9 (Cleveland) - Of all the football teams in the country, pro, college, interscholastic and amateur, none of them will have as ideal a playing field from the spectators' viewpoint as the Cleveland Bulldogs of the NFL. Manager Jerry Corcoran has completed an arrangement whereby his eleven will play all its home contests this fall in the new Municipal stadium. This monster bowl, a massive affair of buff-colored brick and aluminum alloy, is the largest athletic plant in the country other than Soldiers' field, Chicago. But those who have surveyed both plans declare there is no comparison between the two establishments. Not attempting any manner to disparage the Chicago stadium, it is pointed 



AUG 31 (Green Bay) - August (Mike) Michalske, who has been called "the guard of the century" and who last year captained the Green Bay Packers to their second consecutive national championship, has signed his 1931 contract. His announcement made today by the Green Bay management, is expected to be received as cheering news by Green Bay fans, as the popular Mike has won an increasing host of friends through his performances here in the last two years. Michalske's signing increases the total of Packers now on the squad to 25...THIRD WITH PACKERS: Mike was given all-American honors while playing at Penn State and he received all-American pro mention as a first team member for three years since his graduation. This season will be his third with the Packers. He starred for two years with Red Grange and C.C. Pyle's New York Yankees, captaining that team. At the close of the 1927 season, Lewellen and Earpe were loaned to the New Yorkers when that aggregation planned a cross country exhibition tour. Michalske was a member of the Yankees at that time and the Bay players returned home singing the praises of Mike as the greatest guard in the country. Newspaper writers have unhesitatingly named him one of the greatest guards in football history- superlative language being just about unanimous...DECLARED FREE AGENT: Michalske was declared a free agent in 1929 when Pyle's Yankees went on the financial rocks. He cast his lot with Green Bay in spite of the fact that every team in the circuit was bidding for his services. His home is in Cleveland, but he has remained in Green bay most of the time since the close of the 1930 season. He has kept in trim during the past summer by hurling underarm ball for local diamond ball teams, pitching the Green Bay Land team into a tie with the Feldhausen Cubs for leadership of the Commercial loop. During the 1930 season Michalske incurred more than his share of injuries. He played during the first half of the schedule with a broken finger and finished the season with leg injuries which would have stopped any ordinary man...START PRACTICE TUESDAY: The Packers will start regular practice Tuesday morning. Bud Jorgenson, the property man who is starting his seventh season with Coach Lambeau's team, has been busy getting the equipment assigned. As in past years, the Packers will  have their dressing rooms in the Columbus Community club. A number of the players are expected to check in  today. The reporting orders specified that every member of the squad had to be on hand Sept. 1. Cal Hubbard and Tom Nash are the only players given an extension of time. Both these gridders have baseball contract to fulfill. Halfback Mule Wilson, who joined the Packer squad late in the 1930 season, arrived Sunday from Texas. Wilson has not put his name on the dotted line as yet, but Coach Lambeau will confer with the former New York Giant backfielder this evening and his acceptance of terms is forecast. Hank Bruder, looking fit and tough, arrived late this morning after driving to Green Bay from Evanston, where he spent his summer. Bruder has been busy wrestling during the past several weeks and looks in great condition. He weighs 185 pounds and expects to gain with the start of football practice. The next pair of recruits to check in where Rudy Comstock, guard received from the New York Giants, and Ray Grove, Michigan State quarterback, who arrived at a late hour this morning.


SEPT 1 (Green Bay) - Verne C. Lewellen, Packer veteran since 1924, when he joined the Bays after a sensational football career at Nebraska university, again will wear the familiar uniform. Announcement of Lewellen's signing


was made today by Coach E.L. Lambeau, as the Packer squad trotted out on the grass at Joanne park for its first regular workout of the year. Most of this years' talent  was present at the first official workout this morning, and the individual squad members appeared in the best of condition. Lewellen was considering seriously a pro baseball career when the call came for him to join the Packers for the 1924 season. He had just recovered from a serious illness, and was all "skin and bones" when he arrived in Green Bay, but he soon found his niche in the big machine which even then was preparing itself for a national championship...ACHIEVED ITS GOAL: Lew was a valuable cog in the team which eventually achieved its hard-won goal. His undergraduate experience stood him in good stead, as for three years he had played conference football at Nebraska, captaining the varsity in 1923. For three years since his graduation he has been named all-American professional, and for s number of years he has no equal as a kicker. During the Packers' great drive for a title in 1929, Lewellen's toe was invaluable to the team's defensive efforts. Time after time his long punts drove opponents back under the shadow of their own goals and the Packer halfback developed the knack of bouncing his kicks outside well inside the 20 yard line...ENTERED POLITICAL GAME: Lewellen, a graduate in law, soon entered the political field, and at present he is serving his second consecutive term  as district attorney of Brown county. Lew was quite a  baseball player in his collegiate days. After arriving in  Green Bay, he pitched and played first base for the Green Sox, turning in many a win for the Fox River Valley league team. With Lewellen back in togs, Packers on the 1931 squad total 26 with several more to sign. Russell Saunders is slated to arrive here this evening, according to a wire Coach Lambeau received from the Pacific coast luminary Monday night. Mrs. Saunders is making the trip with her husband and she plans to remain here during the football season...GROUNDSKEEPERS SMILING: Last night's rain was made to order for the City stadium gridiron. For the  past month, it has been necessary to run a hose on the playing field continually to keep a certain amount of moisture in the turf. The playing field is in better shape than it ever was. Fresh sod was placed over some of the barren spots early in the spring and this has taken root nicely. Grass seed was sown over the gridiron and the new crop is reported good. Starting Monday, Marcel Lambeau, who has directed the football corporation building activities for a dozen years, will have a crew of men at the field setting up the temporary bleachers, putting the bench seats in their places and fixing a board here and there in the big stands so that the layout will be in tiptop shape when the gates open for the game with the Cleveland Bulldogs on Sunday, Sept. 13.


SEPT 1 (Green Bay) - Heading down the home stretch of the Packer season ticket drive, the solicitors under the direction of Chairman Gerald F. Clifford are making splendid progress, according to the reports filed at Monday night's meeting of the solicitors. The outlook is very encouraging and football corporation executives are confident that when the final checkup is made just before the opening game with the Cleveland Bulldogs, a week from Sunday, the total sales will pass the 1930 high peak of $12,000 plus...BETTER THAN EXPECTED: "Business in the season ticket sold line has been better than we expected," said President L.H. Joannes. "We still have about ten days to go and I am hopeful that many new customers will be signed up. There are still any number of choice seats available and we are in position to fill demands within 48 hours. This season the out of town business has shown a healthy increase. Many of the fans, who come regularly to the Packer games, are taking the season tickets so to be sure of the same seat for every contest. In this way they escape the last minute jam at the gates or standing in line at the Packer ticket headquarters at the Columbus Community club buildings...LOOKS LIKE BEST TEAM: "The football corporation has gone the limit to get together what looks like the best team that ever represented Green Bay on the professional football gridiron. The season ticket sale is our 'nest egg' for the lean spots of the season and the bigger our sale is now, the better we are protected in a financial way for any emergency that might arise during the 1931 schedule. The cost of professional football is growing each year but thanks to the splendid support of the fans we have managed to keep pace with the larger cities in the National league. As the expenditures go higher,

out by observers that not a single seat in the Cleveland stadium is farther away from the center of the field than 300 feet...CAN SEAT 100,000: For a football game, 100,000 fans can be accommodated. Of these, 70,000 are under cover. When the stadium was opened in July with the Schmeling-Stribling fight, accommodations were there for better than 100,000. Cleveland Bulldogs will play the first football game in the stadium on September 27 against the Brooklyn Dodgers. The local team invades Green Bay Sept. 13 as one of the first league games of the season.


SEPT 10 (Green Bay) - "This is just like Alabama weather," remarked Claude Perry, Packer tackle, as he went through practice with the rest of the squad at Joannes park this morning without seeming to mind the 90 plus degree temperature. If Perry didn't mind the torrid heat, the others did and after the session one of the players suggested that they step on the scales and find out how much perfectly good gridiron poundage was missing. Bud Jorgensen, the property man, got busy with a pad and pencil, checking the weights before and after the workout. It was discovered that the squad had lost exactly 142 pounds preparing for the opening league game with the Cleveland Bulldogs Sunday at the City stadium...TEAM WORKING HARD: It has been years since Coach Lambeau had a football squad which goes through practice with such earnestness. It seems as if every player, recruit and veteran alike, is out there every minute doing his best to make the grade. The team is practicing inside the ball park. This move was deemed necessary by Coach Lambeau to guard against the possible invasion of scouts from foreign lands. The baseball field is proving a good practice rounds and the players seem to be more at home working inside a fence than in the wide open spaces...EXPECT TOUGH GAME: There is no question but that the Packer squad is expecting the toughest kind of an argument with Cleveland. Some of the veteran players after glancing over the Bulldogs' lineup, have spread the word around that Jerry Corcoran is bringing a bang-up aggregation here. Players of the Doc Elliott, Hoge Workman and Al Cornsweet type rank with the best to be found on the postgraduate gridiron. Cleveland should have a smart attack as Workman was a brilliant signal caller while at Ohio State while Ray Clark, the other Bulldog quarterback, has success last season piloting the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was drafted for the field general's berth when Yablok was injured and proved such a find that he was kept in the position for the remainder of the season...TICKET SALESMAN MEET: While the Packers are working in torrid heat, the business end of the Football corporation is mopping brows and trying to carry on in anything but gridiron weather. Reports from around town reveal that there is a brisk demand for tickets to Sunday's game and there is the usual rush at the central ticket office in the Columbus club building. Chairman G.F. Clifford, of the season ticket sellers, has called for a final meeting of the campaigners tonight and an "eleventh hour" drive will be launched for additional subscribers to the season ticket list. According to E.A. Spachmann, who has charge of the tickets, some last minute changes in reservations has made available a few choice pairs of tickets right adjacent to the 50 yard line.


SEPT 10 (Cleveland) - Jack Dempsey has worn his ragged red sweater for many years, Bobby Jones wouldn't consider playing golf without his "Calamity Jane" putter, and Red Grange insists having 77 emblazoned on his jersey. Manager Jerry Corcoran of the Cleveland Bulldogs in the NFL has a similar complex. But his peculiarity deals with the colors of the jerseys his footballers wear. It has always been his opinion the eleven that is garbed in yellow jackets is most successful. Following this pet theory, Corcoran ordered lemon-colored sweaters for his famous old Panhandles of Columbus. Other teams in the country he has managed also always appeared on the field in yellow jerseys. However, when he was at the helm of the Brooklyn Dodgers a year ago, he had to content himself with green jerseys with a gold edging. The Green Bay Packers laid claim to Corcoran's favorite color in the spectrum. At the meeting of the league this July in Chicago, Green Bay officials announced the Packers would appear this fall in blue jerseys with gold numerals...JUMPED AT CHANCE: Jumping at the chance, Corcoran immediately asked for the discarded colors of Green Bay. As a result, his team will cavort over the fields of the country this fall in his favorite yellow equipment. "Yellow has always been my lucky color. Every team I managed which was garbed in yellow crashed through to victory. I am confident it will hold true this season," Corcoran declared. Speaking of this color complex, he has pointed out Green Bay has won the world's championship for two successive years while wearing his favorite color.


SEPT 10 (Chicago) - Arrest of Marcella Gavin Hepburn, rival of Evelun Danielson, 22-year old beauty parlot operator, who was killed Sunday after an all-night revel, was ordered today by Assistant State's attorney E.A. Ferrari. Miss Danielson was killed in the apartment of Patrick Gavin, former Syracuse college and professional football player. Miss Hepburn's arrest was ordered after Ferrari had questioned Gavin at length. Gavin, who declared he was innocent of murder although admitting he was present when Miss Danielson was killed, said he has paid court to Miss Hepburn before becoming interested in Miss Danielson. "Perhaps Miss Hepburn hid herself in your apartment while you and Miss Danielson were absent?" Ferrari prompted Gavin. The ex-football player only nodded his head at the suggestion. Miss Hepburn was questions after Miss Danielson's death, but was freed when she professed ignorance of the shooting and its cause.


SEPT 11 (Green Bay) - With the exception of Al Nesser, all other member of the Cleveland team, which plays the Packers here Sunday in the opening game of the NFL season, had fundamental football lessons on collegiate gridirons. Nesser comes from that famous Ohio football family. There were seven brothers and every one made a name for himself in the pro game. Al is the youngest of the clan, yet he has been footballing for a decade. He started his career with the Columbus Panhandles, which was at one time managed by Joe F. Carr who is now president of the NFL. When Nesser was with Columbus, Jerry Corcoran was the mascot. Now the big lineman is playing for the former mascot as Corcoran is managing the Columbus team. Nesser has played against the Packers twice, once with Columbus in 1922 and then with New York when the Giants beat the Bays here early in the 1928 season...OHIO STATE QUARTERBACKS: Ohio State is represented on the yellow-jerseyed team by Algie Clark and Hoge Workman, two great quarterbacks of the scarlet and gray. Clark played with Brooklyn in the league last year while Workman served as head coach at Simpson college, at Indianola, Iowa, in 1930. Heidelberg has forwarded Otto Vokaty, a 225-pound fullback, and Muriel Hutson, a likely looking tackle. Coach Al Cornsweet and his assistant, Dave Mishel, are former all-American backs from Brown. Doc Elliott also achieved all-America recognition on Walter Camp's last honorary team. He is an alumnus of Lafayette. Buck Lamme, an end, comes from Ohio Wesleyan. Chuck Weimer, fleet footed little half, is a product of the Wilmington college campus...WITH MICHIGAN STATE: Art Danizinger and Jack Ridler played with Michigan State last season. That team lost but one game in 1930. George Mundy is a randy tackle from Kansas. Al Jolley, another big tackle, comes from the same school. Ashland college in Ohio is represented on the Bulldog roster by Ray Novotny. Last year he played with Portsmouth, another National league eleven. Chuck Brairwood, former Tennessee athlete, also came here from Portsmouth. Johnny Hurley, mentioned as an all-American end from Washington State last fall, is physically equipped to give other candidates a strong big for one of the first string flank assignments. He is six feet, two inches tall and weighs over 200 pounds...ON ALL PACIFIC TEAM: He was chosen on the all-Pacific team last year and played in several of the East-West charity games in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Bob Jessen, a native of Minnesota, graduated as a tackle from Iowa and has played several years in the league. He recently branched out as a professional wrestler and has been taking this section of the country by storm by his mat victories. He is a tackle. Art Barlow, with the Army last year, and Biff Critchfield, of Wooster, are the two centers. Mike Gregory, former coach of the championship Dennison team in the Buckeye Conference, along with Dave Cullen of Geneva College, Bill Stewart of Western Maryland and Drip Wilson of Penn State, are other guards.


SEPT 11 (Columbus, OH) - The NFL season will get underway on Sept. 13 and continue until Dec. 13 with games booked on Sunday and evenings of the week under floodlights, according to the official schedule released today by Pres. Joseph Carr. A few Saturday games are also booked. Green Bay has drawn one of the heaviest schedules of any team in the circuit, with 14 definite games on the program and a tentative tilt with Portsmouth on Dec. 13. If the Portsmouth game is played, Green Bay will play eight games at home and seven abroad, starting the season Sept. 13 and ending Dec. 13.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay) - Green Bay's Packers launch a campaign for their third successive National league championship at the City stadium tomorrow afternoon, facing the Cleveland Bulldogs in the first game of the year. Before the season ends in December, they will either have accomplished the almost impossible task of winning another title or will be among the also-rans. The road they must travel will be filled with pitfalls. It will be stacked with obstacles in the shape of opposing National league teams, determined to dethrone the Wisconsin eleven that already has accomplished something no other team has ever done - win two consecutive championships. Assembled for the job of giving Green Bay and northern Wisconsin another championship is a great squad of players. It is made up of practically all of last years' players and the cream of the college ranks, gathered from the far corners of the country. Whether they can put Green Bay on top remains to be seen, but one thing is certain - that they will be fighting from the start to the end for the first position under the guidance of Capt. E.L. Lambeau, as his teams always fight...EXPECT SEVERE TEST: Fans will see a team playing somewhat different football this year than in the past. Instead of relying mostly on power, the team is expected to use fast running plays, with quick breaks and deceptive maneuvers. The air attack will be just as prominent as ever. In Cleveland, the Packers are expecting a severe opening test. The Bulldogs have a team composed of veteran professional performers and young college stars. Coached by Al Cornsweet, former Brown all-American, the squad is expected to play a smart, fast brand of football that will keep the Packers on their toes. Capt. Lambeau expects to use nearly all of his new men as he is anxious to see what they can do under fire. With a squad of 30 ready to start, he will have plenty of reserves and probably will send them in at frequent intervals...NASH ON HAND: All of the Packers with the exception of Cal Hubbard will be in uniform. Mickey McDonnell also will be missing. Although McDonnell was signed for this year's team, it is doubtful whether he will report as he is reluctant to give up business connections in Chicago. Swede Johnson, Appleton fullback, has been released for lack of experience. Nash arrived in Green Bay Friday and reported for practice today. Jim Bowdoin, who was ill and missed a few of the opening practice sessions, is better and will be ready to play. Bernard Darling, veteran center, who was injured last Sunday,. also was recovered although his chest is sore and he may be kept out of the game Sunday until he is better. as Capt. Lambeau doesn't like to take unnecessary chances. The kickoff is scheduled for 2 o'clock again. The Green Bay Legion band will be on hand as usual to lend color and music. A field broadcast will be given by the Platten Radio company with Jim Cofffeen and Pete Platten at the microphone. WHBY, St. Norbert's college, De Pere, will broadcast from the radio booth.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay) - The Bulldogs opened their season in the Municipal stadium at Cleveland Wednesday night by defeating the Pennzoil eleven, 10 to 0. A crowd estimated at 25,000 witnessed the "starlight' game. The Bulldogs made their counters in the final quarter. Cornsweet plunged for a touchdown and Mishel kicked the goal. A placement from the 30-yard line by Doc Elliott was responsible for Cleveland's other points.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay) - "Touchdown Packers", the cry which has spurred Green Bay's professional football teams for many years, will be supplemented this season by a lively march, "Go Get 'Em Packers," written by a Milwaukee song composer, which will be played for the first time at Sunday's game against the Cleveland Bulldogs, officials of the American Legion band announced. Eric Karll, Milwaukee, the composer, will sing the new march between halves of tomorrow's game. The Legion band practiced the number several times at its regular rehearsal last night, and the individual musicians were enthusiastic about the possibilities of the selection. Karll has been a Packer fan for a number of years and has expressed his support of the Green Bay team in the new march. The band will go on the air over station WHBY between 1:30 and 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, prior to the regular game broadcast.



DEC 7 (Chicago) - Green Bay, champion of the National Professional Football league for the last two years, last night announced that it would not play at Portsmouth, O., next Sunday. Although defeated by the Chicago Bears yesterday, 7 to 6, the Packers still hold the league leadership. Thus, if they do not play next Sunday, they will win the championship for a third year. Green Bay has won twelve games and lost two. The Spartans has won eleven games and lost three, and  holds second place. According to Green Bay officials, the Packers are not in the best of condition. The contract with Portsmouth was tentative and league rules permit either team to call off the game... PORTSMOUTH STILL WANTS GAME: Harry Snyder, president of the Portsmouth club, watched the Bears-Packer game yesterday with Potsy Clark, Portsmouth coach. Last night Snyder was still trying to get Green Bay's consent to play next Sunday. "Because our game last year with Green Bay was played under adverse weather conditions on the second Sunday in December, Green Bay offered this year to make tentative arrangements for a game on the same date to conclude the season," Snyder said. "We had the right to call off the game if the weather was bad. That, of course, gave them the right to call off the game. Several weeks ago when it seemed that we might keep pace with the Packers, they wanted to play us. Now however when we can tie for the title by beating the Packers, they will not give us the opportunity although the game is a sellout...EARLY SCHEDULES CONFLICT: The Portsmouth and Green Bay teams could not arrange their schedules to meet earlier in the year, it is said. The only open day on the Packers' schedule conflicted with a Portsmouth-Chicago Bears game. L.H. Joannes, president of the Packers, last night said: "Green Bay never signed a contract to meet Portsmouth next 


Sunday. The whole proposition was verbal and tentative. Our boys have played 14 games this fall and we believe they have had enough football. The game with the Bears concluded our schedule."


DEC 8 (Columbus, OH) - John Blood, Green Bay's flying halfback, gained on the field in his race for National professional football league scoring honors as a result of weekend games, President Joe F. Carr revealed today. Blood scored a lone touchdown against the Chicago Bears Sunday, and boosted his point total to 78, having counted 13 touchdowns. The only other leader to score was Moran of New York, who chalked up a touchdown and extra point against Brooklyn but was unable to do more than threaten Lewellen's hold on seventh place. There remains but one game on the league schedule, between New York and the Chicago Bears next Sunday. Thus to displace Blood from the individual scoring lead, Harold Grange of the Bears, now in fifth place, would have to score 27 points, or better than four touchdowns. There was not much scoring over the weekend. McBride of Brooklyn counted a touchdown and boosted his total to 13, as did Kitzmiller of New York. Flaherty of the Giants and Lintzenich of the Bears scored a touchdown, and Tackwell, also of the Bears, made an extra point. This digit was important, however, because it marked the second downfall this season of the Green Bay Packers. There were no additions to the scoring race.


DEC 8 (Green Bay) - Reports from Fort Atkinson of an offer from the Green Bay Packers to play the Ft, Atkinson Blackhawks either Saturday or Sunday were referred to as "pipe dreams" by Packer club officials today. Green Bay has completed its football season and will not play again this year, officials said. No offer for a game has been made any club. The reported offer was believed the work of some practical joker.


DEC 9 (Green Bay) - To play or not to play remained a question of dispute today for several Green Bay Packer players as they considered offers to compete as members of a barnstorming team against the Fort Atkinson Blackhawks at Janesville Sunday. It was pointed out by Leland H. Joannes, president of the Packers, that members of the Packer club are under contract until Dec. 13, which prohibits competition in the proposed game. Pres. Joannes also declared that under no conditions or circumstances would the Packers, as a team, play at again this year. If any team at Janesville or in other cities as barnstormers, they will not compete under the name of the Packers or Green Bay. The club will not permit use of Packer equipment and is opposed to barnstorming trips, he added...GAME IS PROPOSED: Janesville promoters have proposed that a group of National league players, including men of the Packer, Cardinal and Brooklyn clubs, who have completed their season, compete against the Fort Atkinson team Sunday. They wired offers to several Green Bay players, who tentatively accepted them. Players who are considering the offer planned to confer with Pres. Joannes today about the proposition. Directors of the Green Bay Packer club met yesterday and voted a bonus of $100 to every member of the 1931 championship team, in line with the practice that was started two years ago when the team won its first championship. Several members of the club are still in Green Bay and plan to remain here for the winter. Others have gone to other cities...LEAVE FROM CHICAGO: The trek began at Chicago Sunday when Waldo Don Carlos left for Des Moines. He plans to re-enter Drake university to complete studies at the law school. Rudy Comstock also pulled out from Chicago after the Bear game Sunday, leaving for Warren, Ohio, where he will be employed this winter. Russ Saunders and his wife, Fitzgibbons and Nate Barragar left today for California for the winter. Saunders expects to resume work in Hollywood. Bo Molenda and his wife left yesterday noon for Detroit. Fitzgibbons plans to complete his period as an intern in a west coast hospital before taking up the practice of medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hubbard and Mule Wilson planned to head south, leaving today or tomorrow by automobile. The Hubbards will spend a few months at Cal's home at Keetsville, Mo., while Wilson will continue to Texas. Dick Stahlman remained at his home in Chicago after the game with the Bears. Red Dunn returned to his home in Milwaukee. Of the remainder, Lewellen, Michalske, Woodin, Earpe, Dilweg, Englemann, Blood and Herber plan to stay in Green Bay. Grove, Bruder, Gantenbein, Sleight, Nash and Bowdoin are here yet and their plans are indefinite. Sleight, Nash and Gantenbein may establish residences here for the winter.


DEC 9 (Milwaukee) - Headed by Red Dunn, a team composed of 16 members of this year's championship Green Bay club will play the Ische Radios, champions of the Wisconsin Professional League, at Borchert Field Saturday afternoon. The game will start at 1:45 o'clock. In addition to Dunn, the all-stars will include such noted players as Hank Bruder, Verne Lewellen, Wuert Englemann and Hurdis McCrary in the backfield, Jugger Earpe, Michalske, Jim Bowdoin, Whitey Woodin, Cal Hubbard, Duck Stahlman, Milt Gantenbein and Lavvie Dilweg will play in the line. The Isches will be strengthened by the addition of several college stars. Other players on the team are Shorty Mendelsohn, former Marquette back, Dieg and Richards. "While it is a trifle late in the season, I have been asked by so many fans to bring the Green Bay team here that I arranged Saturday's game," said Eddie Stumpf, who is backing the venture. "I tried to arrange the game for Sunday but the champions are scheduled to play the Fort Atkinson Blackhawks and we had to take the Saturday date." The Packers will not play the Fort Atkinson Blackhawks at Janesville Sunday, as reported by promoters of Janesville, President L.H. Joannes of the Packers said Wednesday. Several Packer players received offers to play as members of a barnstorming team against the Blackhawks, but are under contract with the Green Bay club until December 13, he said.</Segment></Paragraph><Paragraph align="justify"><Segment color="#000000" font-size="10" font-family="Helvetica" font-style="bold">BARNSTORMERS TO PLAY TWO GRID BATTLES</Segment></Paragraph><Paragraph align="justify"><Segment color="#000000" font-size="10" font-family="Helvetica">DEC 10 (Green Bay) - The Packer corporation will not interfere with plans of Green Bay players to play on a barnstorming football team that meet the Ische Radio eleven of Milwaukee at Borchert's field, Milwaukee, Saturday, and the Fort Atkinson Blackhawks at Janesville Sunday although the club is opposed to the game, Leland H. Joannes, president of the corporation said today. The president pointed out that the barnstorming team in no way can be associated with the Packers. It is purely an independent team, with players selected from some of the National league clubs. It probably will be disbanded after appearing in Milwaukee and Janesville. Green Bay players who have been invited to play on the squad welcome the contests as opportunities to earn a little more money to keep them over the winter. Many are not working and have no immediate prospects for employment. Among those expected to take part in the contests as Dunn, Bruder, McCrary, Englemann, Earpe, Michalske, Bowdoin, Woodin, Sleight, Nash and Gantenbein of Green Bay. Myles McClain, who played with Portsmouth and Stapleton this year, and Bullet Baker, former Green Bay player who also was with Stapleton this year, and a few other players from eastern clubs are expected to play on the barnstorming eleven. The team will be known as the Green Bay Pros. The Ische Radio eleven won the championship of the Milwaukee semi-pro league. The squad is made up of former high school and college stars from the vicinity of Milwaukee. The Fort Atkinson team claims the state independent team championship. The condition of Coach E.L. (Curly) Lambeau, of the Packers, who has been in St. Mary's hospital for the past two days suffering with a severe cold, was reported improved today. He was expected to leave the hospital late this afternoon.


DEC 11 (Green Bay) - "The Spartans - The Team The Packers Are Afraid To Play." Those words, of a Portsmouth Times headline writer in a recent issue of the newspaper, grace the team picture of the proud Spartans. Under the picture are the following lines: "Above is shown the REAL CHAMPIONS of the National Professional Football league - the Portsmouth Spartans. Green Bay, leading by a game over the Spartans, refused to play the deciding game that would give them a clear title or the Spartans a tie. It is poor sportsmanship to say the least..." and more words to that effect. In another column, the newspaper reprints a comment in the Columbus State Journal written by R.E. Hooey. The comment is heads "That's No Hooey", but we wonder...In part, Hooey says: "Outside of Green Bay the champions of the Packers is a hollow on, as empty as a broken egg shell. It is a championship which was not defended against a deserving opponent...Since the start of the season patrons of the Portsmouth eleven have been led to believe they would get an opportunity to see the leading Green Bay eleven. The supposed contest has been widely advertised for the past several weeks. Result of the Packer and Spartan contests of late made a "natural" out of the game. Green Bay withheld its decision until after the Chicago Bear game Sunday. The Bears won and the Packers' crown was toppling. Had Green Bay won, it is practically certain it would have agreed to visit Portsmouth Sunday, glad for the chance to strut on the Ohio gridiron, keenly partaking of the championship limelight, but with its crown not endangered. Such is the way of the cheese champions."...On the first page of the Portsmouth Times is still another story. It quotes Coach George "Potsy" Clark of the Spartans, who returned to Portsmouth Tuesday, as follows: "The action of the Green Bay team in calling off the game is the most unsportsmanlike I have ever seen...It's a dirty deal all around...It's a hollow pennant they won this year." In their "righteous wrath", we wonder if sports writers of the Portsmouth Times or Mr. Hooey took the time to learn true facts about the Portsmouth-Packer deal. We wonder if they know of Mr. Griffin's actions at the annual league meeting when schedules were prepared early this year, or of his treatment of the Packers last year when they played the Spartans late in December, or of the chances Green Bay would have had of getting a game with Portsmouth if the tables has been reversed with the Spartans on top and the Packers one game behind, or of the financial angle involved. We won't go into the financial end of the deal at all, its too personal, but let's discuss the other details...Mr. Hooey, do you remember the game at Portsmouth last year? Do you remember the sleet, and snow and raw, cold weather on that second Sunday in December? Do you remember how the Packers came on the field 15 minutes before game time and then were forced to wait 37 minutes after the slated starting time before the game got underway and when they protested to Coach Griffin, urging that he get the game started, he them to go to ---- and if they didn't like waiting to get off the field and sing for their guarantee? Did someone in Portsmouth mention "sportsmanship"? We'll shift the scene to the annual schedule meeting early this season. Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Packers is booking games for the 1931 season. He approaches Coach Griffin for a home-and-home game arrangement, and gets a flat refusal. "We're out for a championship this year," is Griffin's reply, "we won't play in Green Bay, that's final." Lambeau wanted a Portsmouth game in Green Bay. It would have been a great drawing card. Every other team in the league was willing to play in Green Bay. There's no argument about that question. Any club director who was present at that meeting can verify that statement. A tentative date was suggested, subject to the cancellation of either team...Before Portsmouth was beaten, an unusual calm hung about Portsmouth as far as the Packer-Spartan game was concerned. The subject was never broached. The Spartans twiddled their thumbs and waited. Had they continued to win every game and held a one game lead over Green Bay a week before the proposed Dec. 13 game, we wonder what they would have done.


DEC 11 (Milwaukee) - Red Dunn, former Marquette star and the greatest quarterback in professional football, will direct the crack Green Bay Packers team against the Ische Radios at Borchert Field Saturday afternoon. Johnny Blood and Verne Lewellen will start at the halfback positions, and it is probable that McCrary will be at full. The 205-pound plunger was injured recently but no doubt will be able to play part of the game. Lloyd Scott, former backfield coach at Marquette, has been selected to referee the game, which will start at 1:45 o'clock.


DEC 11 (Green Bay) - Red Dunn, who helped the Packers will three national championships, announced Friday that this would be his last year in football. The noted forward passer had decided to retire, and in the future will devote his time to his insurance business. No doubt his determination to quit will bring many offers of coaching jobs, but Red says he had had enough football, and is through with the game for all time.


DEC 11 (Milwaukee Journal) - We believe it was Bat Nelson who coined the term "cheese champion" and hung it on Ad Wolgast. The Michigan Dutchman almost killed the Dane in a vicious 40-round battle, but Bat wasn't convinced and dubbed Al a roquefort titleholder, much to the amusement of the sporting world. The term has almost been forgotten, but Mr. Bob Hooey dusted it off the other day and draped it over the championship banner of the Green Bay Packers. Mr. Hooey, who experts for the State Journal of Columbus, Ohio, has a large peeve because the Packers refused to play the Portsmouth Spartans in a post-season game. He infers that Green Bay was afraid and puts the Packer management on the griddle in the following manner: "Outside of Green Bay the championship of the Packers is a hollow one, as empty as a broken eggshell. It is a championship which was not defended against a deserving opponent. Sunday night after its second defeat of the season, Green Bay refused to play the Portsmouth Spartans, who at that hour were racing only one game behind the championship pack. The contest, tentatively scheduled, had been accepted as a championship match by all followers of the professional sport outside of the Green Bay district. Interest concerning the game in southern Ohio was mounting more rapidly than for any other previous encounter. Then came Green Bay's alarming refusal. Explanations accompanied the announcement. Weak to the core, they said that Green Bay fans had swayed their mind...the fans wanted the championship, no matter how gained...that Portsmouth had refused to give them a home date at the 1931 schedule meeting...that the players were tired of football...that the squad was in poor physical shape...and other tissue paper excuses. Under league rules Green Bay in a technical sense held the right to assert the refusal. But for the good of the sport, for the best interest of its league, and from popular demand Portsmouth should have had the right to test the playing caliber of the champions. Since the start of the season patrons of the Portsmouth eleven have been led to believe that they would get opportunity to see the leading Green Bay eleven. The supposed contest had been widely advertised for the last several weeks. Result of the Packer and Spartan contests of late made a "natural" out of the game. Green Bay withheld its decision until after the Chicago Bear game Sunday. The Bears won and the Packers' crown was toppling. Had Green Bay won it is practically certain it would have agreed to visit Portsmouth next Sunday, glad for the chance to strut on the Ohio gridiron, keenly partaking of the championship limelight, but with its crown not endangered. Such is the way of the cheese champions." Calling a club like the Packers "cheese champions" is a joke and Mr. Hooey no doubt was so warm under the collar when he penned his piece that he let his peeve run away with his better judgment. He also failed to stick to the record. According to Packer officials the game was never scheduled. The management does not believe in post-season contests and there was also the matter of money. The Portsmouth club owners are in financial difficulties, it is said, and Green Bay had no assurance that it would get its guarantee. Furthermore, there was no good reason for playing such a game. The Packers won the championship in the regular season and a post-season game would have no more bearing on the race than if the Yankees and Athletics had met after the close of the pennant chase to decide the championship of the American League. As for being afraid of the Spartans, that is also a merry jest. We believe that the Packers could have taken care of themselves very well in a game with the Portsmouth gentlemen. If they are "cheese champions", we'll take that kind for ours every time.



DEC 12 (Green Bay) - The open season for mythical and imaginary football teams is not over. Not even yet. I asked the "Perfect End" to select an "All Opponent Team", confining his selections to professionals he had played against this year and rating them upon those appearances. This was not to be an All-America team. Games he did not see, nor play in, counted not at all. This was an "All Opponent Team" made up of the best backfield, the best two ends, the two best guards, the two best tackles and the best center, best because they played better than any other opponents in the same 


positions, in any of the single games, two or three-game series played by the Packers this season. Even though he must have known that there were several magazines and some Sunday newspapers which would pay him quite well for just such a manuscript, Laywer Lavvie Dilweg accepted at once. He did not immediately select the team however. He wanted a day to think about it and then a couple more days. It proved not such an easy task, this business of picking out the best performances played against his team this year. He had to forego popularity of headliners, and forget all about all-season ratings, and recall the lads who had, upon certain Sundays, contributed the greatest exhibitions of football in their respective positions. Finally Dilweg came through. He assumes sole responsibility for his team. It is likely that he may not find many of his teammates to accept the whole team without dispute or without at least questioning his judgment. I knew the big fellow's judgment would be absolutely fair, however. Nowhere will anyone question that even in picking an imaginary "All-Opponent Team". Dilweg will give every fellow a break, and will be positively honest in his judgments, let the criticism come from where it may...NEVERS IS CAPTAIN: And here's the squad. Ernie Nevers is the captain. The team will, Mr. Dilweg informs men, have to adopt the Pop Warner system of football. It will line up with double wing back formation because backfielders are going to be shifted around to where Lavvie will get the greatest skill and exhibitions from them. Ernie Nevers will be the defensive fullback, but on offense he will be quarterback and call the signals and run the team. Dick Nesbitt will be the fullback offensively while defensively he will play a halfback position. Ken Strong and Sedbrook will be the other two backfielders. In this backfield any one of the three, Sedbrook, Nesbitt or Strong, can play the safety position, always keeping the huge blonde boy from Superior up where he will be the most effective. Nevers at quarterback will have poise, will be smart with the plays he chooses and can kick for his team. It is because he did these things superlatively well in games against the Packers this season that he is chosen. "Despite the fact that our own squad was off color or below par that day, Ernie Nevers in my opinion contributed the outstanding example of smartness in running a team, in signal calling and the choice of plays and in versatility in worth to his team, in our game against the Cardinals at Chicago," says Dilweg. "He has a marvelous constitution, thinking nothing of playing the full 60 minutes of the game week after week. He kicked, passed and ran the ball extraordinarily well against us. Dick Nesbitt did more damage to our club than any single back we played against. He punted exceptionally well and did some real serious line plunging. He is big, strong, very fast and shifty. He is one of the real mysteries of the Bear team because he played superlatively well against us, but was not used much nor effectively elsewhere. In the first game here he was in but a short time but did some outstanding work. In the second meeting he was the Bears' real threat both with the ball and punting. In the third game he made whatever yardage the Bears made...STRONG REAL THREAT: "We only played Ken Strong once this season but he was the whole threat of the Stapleton outfit. He is a real backfielder, judged from the one game he played against us. Sedbrook is fast in starting and exceptionally hard to tackle. He has a definite place in this  lineup." It can be said that one of the things that held up the final release of Lavvie's selection was his wavering between opinions as to whether Sedbrook or Odin, of Providence, had turned in the better games. He finally chose the New Yorker. Mr. Dilweg ought to be able to select ends. He chose Badgro of the Giants for his right end position and Luke Johnsos of the Bears for the opposite end. "I can't conscientiously select Flaherty under the conditions you have laid down for selecting this team, although I know Flaherty is a really great end. In Green Bay he played a very few minutes, was effective when he was in but was withdrawn because of bad wrists. At New York again he made one good, long run and was jerked out. Johnsos is an all around end. He is one of the big threats of the Bears in every department of the game. He plays the whole of four quarters and plays every minute of those four quarters. He is bad medicine to oppose. Badgro on the other hand is an impressive, effective end player especially on defense."...SLATER AT TACKLE: The tackle positions went to Gordon, of Brooklyn, who was said to be "tall, rangy, angular and very effective against us," and Duke Slater who "makes the most of his position; is powerful, has huge hands and feet, is heady, is ever seldom caught, and hasn't slowed up a bit in the 6 years I have played opposite to him." Guards for some reason or other, football men may better understand, were not so outstanding to Lavvie. He had difficulty recalling the names of the guards he wanted to name. "The big fellow who plays often without a headguard and puts up a whale of a game" was recalled at last to be Mr. Kiesling of the Cardinals and the Bear-owned Carlson got the other berth. There remained but a center to pick, and there was no hesitancy in the nomination of McNally of the Cardinals. "That bird cracked through time after time and throughout an entire game," the Packer end reports, "and cut down our backs before they even got started. His play at center at Chicago gets him the center job on my All-Opponent squad." So there's the unorthodox team, which must play Warnerized football in order to let Ernie Nevers be both quarterback and fullback, and which has passed up such names as Red Grange, Bennie Friedman, Nagurski, Joesting, et al...HAS NO APOLOGIES: Dilweg had no apologies to offer anywhere except that he is willing to explain his refusal to name  Friedman. "Friedman's generalship and his handling of the Giants was outstanding, and also his selection of plays, in the first half of the great game at New York. However his failure to use his passing attack at all in the second half and to be really effective offensively and defensively completely nullifies the brilliance of the first two quarters. He was our opponent but once. I must form my judgment on that one game." Portsmouth of course could not be considered at all because they did not this season qualify as "opponents". The two teams did not meet. So Lavvie Dilweg, by whose judgment, here is one who will go a long ways, has picked his team of the best performers against the Packers this season. Dilweg admittedly is a student of football as a science, if you please. Who else, if not Dilweg, would sense the smart thing to do and spot the smart thing being done by opponents? On this mythical team, "Coach" Dilweg has four from the Chicago Cardinals and three from the Chicago Bears. That's seven-elevenths of his squad from the two teams. He gives the New York Giants two positions, Brooklyn one and the Staten Island Stapes one.


DEC 12 (Fort Atkinson) - Captain Hal Smith and Ken (Moose) Kruger of the 1931 University of Wisconsin football team have joined six other former Wisconsin stars to play with the Fort Atkinson Blackhawks against the Green bay professional team at Janesville Sunday. The game will start at 1:30 o'clock.


DEC 12 (Milwaukee) - The Ische Radios, champions of the Wisconsin Professional Football league, will close their season today against a team composed of Green Bay and other National league players. The game will be one of the last for Red Dunn, former Marquette university star and a member of the Packers for many years. Dunn has announced that he will devote his entire time to the insurance business. Dunn made a similar announcement last year but changed his mind.


DEC 12 (Columbus, OH) - Professional football insofar as the NFL title race is concerned is ended for the season. Joseph F. Carr, president of the league, announced here last night that Portsmouth and Green Bay will not play a post-season game, giving Green Bay the championship with twelve victories and two defeats. Portsmouth was close behind withe eleven victories and three losses. Although an additional post-season game between Portsmouth and Green Bay was scheduled, Carr explained, Green Bay exercised its right to cancel it because it was not on the official schedule.


DEC 13 (Milwaukee) - The Green Bay Packer Pros, a barnstorming collection of the Green Bay Packers, went through the motions in four quarters of football with the Ische Radios, champions of the Wisconsin State professional league, at Borchert Field Saturday afternoon, and won in a canter. The score was 44 to 0. A crowd of 3,000 watched the game. Green Bay scored in every quarter. Bruder accounted for the first touchdown in the first five minutes of play on a plunge from the one-yard line. He added the second inside left end from the six-yard line a few minutes later. Englemann went over from the two-yard line for the third touchdown in the second quarter and hung up the fourth in the third quarter from the six-yard line. A pass, Bruder to Englemann, gave the Bay pros their fifth touchdown. McCrary hit the line for the sixth touchdown in the fourth quarter and a 30-yard pass play, Dunn to Bruder, accounted for the seventh and final touchdown late in the fourth quarter. The Bay Pros added extra points after their first and fourth touchdowns. The Isches never threatened to score. They played their best football of the afternoon in holding the Pros for downs on one occasion inside the 10-yard line. Francis Deig, former Marquette fullback, playing with the Isches, was the outstanding defensive man on the Ische team. Announcement was made that the Green Bay Pros would play a picked team of National league all-stars, headed by Ernie Nevers, at the baseball park Sunday December 20.


DEC 13 (Milwaukee) - Although they finished their season only a week ago, Green Bay's Packers have already turned their attention to the 1932 campaign. The Packers want more guards, more tackles and more ends before they embark on another season. Although no plans have been announced, it is understood, Coach Curly Lambeau has sent out feelers to Clarence Munn, Minnesota's all-American guard; Johnny Baker, Southern California's all-American guard who won the Notre Dame game with a place kick in the last minutes of play; Dallas Marvil, Northwestern's giant tackle and Johnny Dalrymple, Tulane's All-American end. Only a team like the Packers would start as early as this on their next campaign. In season and off, they always have one eye cocked on the future. As champions, who give every indication they will be in the thick of the fight against next year, they could easily let the immediate future take care of itself. Instead, however, they go about their building process like a club that is only trying to get there instead of one that has already arrived. It explains, perhaps, why they continue to roll along, year after year, as one of the greatest football machines ever assembled.


DEC 14 (Janesville) - Fort Atkinson's Blackhawks refused to be awed by the 16 barnstorming Green Bay professionals here Sunday afternoon, and in a bitterly fought football game held the score down to 21 to 2. The Green Bay pros scored two touchdowns in the second quarter and one touchdown in the third. Fort Atkinson got its safety and two points in the fourth quarter. Although badly outweighed the Blackhawks, using the double wing back formation, repeatedly ripped through Green Bay's line. Neupert at fullback and Sheehan at one of the halves accounted for most of the yards. Les Smith at end, Fat Ruesch at tackle, Swiderski at guard and Schwager at defensive fullback also played sparkling ball. Fort threatened to score in the opening period when Sheehan broke away for 42 yards before Stahlman nailed him from behind. With this sally stopped, however, the Bays started to bear down and in the second quarter scored two touchdowns. After a pass had given them a score which was not allowed because of offside, they started all over and moved down the field again with Mule Wilson finally going around right end for the score. Dunn added the extra point. A long pass from midfield, Dunn to Blood, accounted for the second touchdown late in the quarter. Dunn added the extra point again. The third quarter was hardly underway when another pass, Dunn to Dilweg, carried the ball home. Dunn added the extra point again. The Blackhawks scored their two points in the fourth quarter after Sheehan punted out of bounds on Green Bay's one-yard line, and Blood, getting a low pass from center, tried to run the ball out from his end zone. Johnny made a futile attempt to pass the ball when tackles, but the officials did not allow it, and the play went for a safety. 


DEC 15 (Chicago) - Six of the nine teams which finished the NFL season have representatives on the  United Press all-star professional football eleven announced today. The Green Bay Packers, league champions, placed three men on the first team, the New York Giants, Chicago Bears and Chicago Cardinals two each, the Portsmouth Spartans and Staten Island one each. In selecting the teams no consideration was given to Benny Friedman, the New York Giants' great quarterback, and Bronko Nagurski, Chicago Bears' powerful fullback. Friedman did not join the Giants until near the close of the season and did not play in enough games to warrant consideration. Nagurski was out of several game because of injuries.


DEC 16 (New York) - The Green Bay Packers, champions of the NFL for the last three years, won four places, all on the line, in the all-star eleven picked by Jack Reardon, league official for the last six years. The New York Giants placed two men, Flaherty at end and Benny Friedman, peerless passer, at quarterback. The five other positions went to as many different clubs. Explaining his selection, Reardon wrote: "The Packers' strength was largely derived from its powerful line. Cal Hubbard, giant tackle, and Dilweg at left end, especially being outstanding. Barrager at center, another Packer star, was closely pressed by Hein of the Giants, picked for the second team. The former's experience, however, won him the nod. Both Dilweg and Flaherty are fast, adept pass receivers and sure tacklers. Lyman of the Chicago Bears is a great tackle like Hubbard, being particularly fast for his size. Michalske of the Green Bay and Graham of Providence are best of the guards, though Carlson of the Bears and Diehl press them closely. Gibson of the Giants, although he failed to place on the first or second team, deserves mention. The 


backfield includes four of the greatest players developed in recent years. Never of the Cardinals and Strong of Stapleton comprise the real offensive threats of their respective teams. Each is a triple threat of the highest order, being especially dangerous under fire. Their individual efforts made their clubs formidable throughout the season. Clark of Portsmouth exceeds Nevers and Strong at running the ends but follows his more noted companions in the other departments of backfield play. Nevertheless, his play was largely responsible for Portsmouth's great showing in running second to the champion Packers. Friedman at quarterback, with three great runners and pass receivers to work with, would have any opposition baffled from the opening whistle. In addition to being one of the greatest passers of all time, if not the best, he is a great line plunger. The first eleven, although it had the edge on the second, would experience plenty of opposition. Dunn is the smartest signal caller in the league but lacks Friedman's all-around ability. Blood and Presnell are two great halfbacks, while Lintenzich is a great blocker and kicker.


DEC 16 (Green Bay) - Although the National Professional Football league season has just closed with the Green Bay Packers winning the championship for the third successive, there is already some talk about plans for next year. News drifting back from Chicago, following a closed meeting of a number of club owners, managers and coaches last Saturday and Sunday, is to the effect that four cities will probably try to crash into the select circle of pro football next year...Although those attending the Chicago meeting refused to be quoted, it is understood that Grand Rapids, Mich., Fort Wayne, Ind., Boston and Milwaukee football impresarios have visions of being in the "big time" next year and plan to make applications at the next session of the league magnates. Grand Rapids has had a strong pro team for several years and has beaten practically all the independent teams in Michigan and Ohio. Attendance there also has been good, it is reported. Fort Wayne has the nucleus of a strong eleven and so has Boston...Gus Sonnenberg, who played pro ball with the Detroit Tigers and Providence Steamrollers before he took up the headlock business in a serious way, is intrigued with the idea of owning a club and announced recently that if arrangements could be made, he would like to "put some money in a Milwaukee club" and incidentally play a little himself. Sonnenberg, an outstanding tackle, has played here several times. Sonnenberg says wrestling is a great game, but it can't compare with football. Football has a thrill that no other form of competition has, he says, and the big grappler yearns to again put on the moleskins and tackle 'em hard and low...We have heard that some of the present club owners want only eight teams - but strong ones - in the league next season. With eight clubs, each team would play a home-and-home contest with the others, making a total of fourteen games during the season. Every team would have to play that number of contests under the plan and be able financially to play seven home games. In past years some of the clubs have only played two or three home games and consequently some of the others have had to gamble with the weather, etc., in meeting the guarantee of the traveling team. It is hoped, so the story goes, to have only teams that draw good at home as well as on the road and do away with the traveling clubs, who in the past have been living more or less off the other clubs, and who nine times out of ten are poor drawing cards...If an iron-clad schedule is drawn up with each club playing the other in a home-and-home game, then there will be misunderstanding about games such as happened between Portsmouth and Green Bay, it was pointed out. Portsmouth didn't want to come to Green Bay and it wasn't very particular whether Green Bay came there until the turn of events at the tail end of the season gave the Spartans a chance to tie for the championship, if they could defeat the Packers. When they had a chance to tie the league leading Packers by winning the final game, Portsmouth began making an intensive campaign to have the contest played and when Green Bay refused to "see it that way", the Packers were called poor sports, etc. They weren't poor sports. They were just smart.


DEC 16 (Green Bay) - Four Green Bay players were named by Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Packers on his nomination of an all-American professional football team. Asked to name two teams for a poll to choose an All-American team, Coach Lambeau named a first team that had four Green Bay men, two from the Cardinals, one from the Bears, two from the New York Giants and one each from Portsmouth and Stapleton. La Verne Dilweg, end, Dick Stahlman, tackle, August Michalske, guard, and Johnny Blood, right halfback, were the men chosen by Lambeau on his first team. Three Green Bay players were named by Lambeau on


his second team. The Bears drew four men on this squad, the Giants three and Portsmouth one. Hubbard, Nash and Barragar were the Packer players honored by the coach.


DEC 18 (Green Bay) - The Green Bay Packers basketball team swings into action tonight at Sheboygan, meeting the strong Cardinal semi-pro squad of that city. The game will be staged at Eagles hall. The Cardinal team is made up of several former college and university players. Including on the list are Joe King, Jimmy O'Donnell and Larry Bugge of Marquette; Johnny Dunn, Georgetown; Guy Penwell, Idaho; Harry Wing, Grinnell, and Carl Ross, Oshkosh. Skinny O'Connor is managing the squad. Johnny Blood will captain the Packer squad, supporting him will be Tom Nash, Mike Michalske, Wuert Englemann, Arnie Herber, Elmer "Red" Sleight and Bernard Darling. The Packers played several games last year winning most of their battles. All men on the team have had college basketball training.


DEC 18 (New York) - The Green Bay Packers, the champions of the NFL, were given four places, all in the line, on an all-league team selected by Jack Reardon of New York, a league official. The New York Giants placed two men on the team - Benny Friedman, former All-America quarterback at Michigan, and Ray Flaherty, right end. In the backfield Reardon includes four all-America selections: Friedman, Ken Strong of Stapleton, former New York university ace, Earl (Dutch) Clark of Portsmouth, formerly of Colorado college, and Ernie Nevers of the Chicago Cards, former fullback at Stanford.


DEC 19 (Oshkosh) - Being a rabid fan the Green Bay Packers football team was termed cruel and inhuman treatment in circuit court Saturday. On these grounds Mrs. Daisy Goldstein was granted a divorce from Hyman Goldstein, controlling stockholder in a chain of millinery stores in Oshkosh, Green Bay and other Wisconsin cities. He also has an interest in a Milwaukee firm. Mrs. Goldstein testified her husband neglected her to follow the Packers on their campaign over the country. She was awarded $200 a month permanent alimony, a settlement of $1,300 and the custody of their two children.



DEC 19 (Columbus, OH) - John Blood, rapid fire halfback of the Green Bay Packers, conclusively cinched high scoring honors in the NFL for the 1931 season, final statistics released today by President Joe F. Carr revealed. Blood counted 13 touchdowns during the course of the Packer schedule, to pile up 78 points, 12 more than Ernie Nevers of the Chicago Cardinals, who scored eight touchdowns, 15 extra points and a field goal to land in second place. Earl (Dutch) Clark of Portsmouth, who paced Blood most of the season, finally ended in third position, with 60 points, six more than those scores by Ken Strong, Stapleton's All-American halfback. Red Grange of the Chicago Bears was fifth. The final game of the season, a 25 to 6 affair played last Sunday between the Bears and the New York Giants, did little to alter the scoring race. John Kitzmiller, diminutive back of the Giants, scored two touchdowns and booted himself into a tie with Laverne Dilweg of Green Bay for ninth place. Hap Moran, also of the Giants, booted an extra point but failed to overtake Verne Lewellen of Green Bay, who finished seventh. Single touchdowns were added to their records by Sedbrook and Burnett of New York, and Nesbit of Chicago, but none of these greatly affected the point scorers. Only six field goals were kicked during the course of the year, and Strong of Stapleton was the only player to account for more than one. He made two. Nevers and Joseph Dunn, the latter of the Packers, each kicked 15 extra points during the season to lead in that department of offensive play. Scoring was the most diversified among the champion Packers, the record revealed. Nineteen members of the Green Bay squad broke into the scoring column during the year's play. Other teams were represented as follows: Chicago Bears, 14 different men; New York, 10; Chicago Cardinals and Providence, seven each; Providence, six; Cleveland and Brooklyn, five each; Stapleton, four.


DEC 19 (Sheboygan) - The Sheboygan Cardinals upset the Green Bay Packers in a cage game here last night by a 44 to 36 score. The Cardinals got off to an early lead and continued to add to their advantage in the opening periods. The Packers came back with a good rally in the closing periods and narrowed the gap but fell short of tying the score. Arnold Herber led the attack for Green Bay with 20 points. Michalske, Bruder, Zuidmulder and Blood also saw action and figured in the scoring. The Packers will disband until after the Christmas holidays and then will play several teams in northern Wisconsin after January 1.


DEC 19 (Green Bay) - Green Bay's Packers, National league champions for the third straight season, placed four men on the first team and three on the second in the annual official all-star selection. The selection was based on the vote of each club in the league. New York's Giants with two men, Chicago's Cardinals with two men, Portsmouth's Spartans with two men and the Chicago Bears with one man complete the lineup of the first team. Three teams were picked. Two players from Milwaukee, both former Marquette University stars, were honored. Lavvie Dilweg was placed at one end on the first team and Red Dunn at quarterback on the second team. While most businesses suffered because of the depression, pro football enjoyed the greatest season in its history this year. Larger crowds turned out all around the circuit. At Green Bay additional stands were built for two important games. At New York the Giants twice played before a crowd of 40,000 and at Chicago the Cardinals and the Bears each drew better than 20,000 several times. There was no dearth of good ends and the votes were well scattered, although Dilweg again had a commanding margin. The Packer wing saw action in every game. He was pretty close to a "60-minute man". Badgro of New York earned a shade decision over Johnson of the Bears, McKalip of Portsmouth and Red Flaherty, Giant veteran. Sensational pass grabbing was an outstanding feature of the end play on the professional gridiron. Cal Hubbard of Green Bay and Christensen of Portsmouth were named for the tackle positions. While this was Christensen's first season in post-graduate ball he showed plenty of class. In several games he blocked punts that turned the tide in favor of Portsmouth, Hubbard, a veteran of the National league, had one of his best years. It was a nip and tuck race for honors at guards. Two veterans, Gibson, New York, and Michalske, Green Bay, made the first team. The Packers' guard has been an All-American for a number of seasons. Kiesling of the Chicago Cards and Graham, the Providence captain, also played bang up football on the defensive. There were three outstanding centers - McNally of the Chicago Cards, Hein of New York, and Barragar of Green Bay. The Cardinals snapperback got the first team post for his aggressive play. The former St.


Mary's star also passed well. Hein started off slowly but he finished the season playing the brand of ball that made him a college all-American in 1930. Barrager started off with Philadelphia and then was purchased by Green Bay, where he proceeded to play brilliant ball after catching the "drift" of the Notre Dame system. Clark, the Portsmouth flash, with his stellar passing, punting and open field running set the pace for the quarterbacks but he was closely pressed by Red Dunn, Green Bay veteran, who rated as the smarated field general in professional football. Dunn had one of his best years. Friedman of the Giants still can pass with the best of them but he seemed to lack some of his dash of other years. The Giants star didn't start his pro footballing this fall until after mid-season and this proved a handicap to him in the way of getting all-star honors. Views were varied about the halfback positions but the count showed Red Grange of the Chicago Bears and Johnny Blood of Green Bay leading Strong of Stapleton and Presnell of Portsmouth by a couple of votes. Grange had another great year. Blood led the league in scoring. He passed fairly well and did some fine punting for Green Bay. Strong was the ace for Stapleton. Presnell, former Nebraska star, covered himself with glory for Portsmouth. Nesbitt of the Bears developed rapidly during the season. He kicked well. Father Lumpkin again had a banner season for Portsmouth. Among the other star backs were Moran and Kitzmiller of New York; Vance of Brooklyn, and Shelley of Providence. Ernie Nevers again was the class of the fullbacks. The former Stanford flash, who was coach, captain, signal caller and so forth, for the Chicago Cardinals was practically a unanimous choice for the position. Nevers plays just as hard as he ever did and he is generally in the game four quarters. Bo Molenda, Green Bay, and Joesting of the Bears are placed on the second and third teams over Vokaty of Cleveland, Wyckoff, New York, and Parkinson, Stapleton.


tentatively matched with "Speed" Leavitt of Boston. And a curtain raiser, Zach Malkov, Chicago, is slated to take on Midget Fischer of Butternut, Wis.


DEC 28 (Green Bay) - The Green Bay Packers basketball team has been idle for more than a week but is expected to swing into action again next week. Games are being scheduled with many strong teams of Northeastern Wisconsin. Some of the players have left the city for the Christmas holidays but will return after the first of the year. Johnny Blood left for Minneapolis shortly before Christmas but probably will return next week.


DEC 26 (Green Bay) - The first step toward winning another football team for the Green Bay Packers in 1932 was launched here Saturday when Coach E.L. Lambeau left for the Pacific coast to see the East-West combat at San Francisco. Some 44 of the best players in the country are billed for action in the charity combat and Lambeau intends to give all the gridders a thorough once-over. Coach Dick Hanley has invited Lambeau to come direct to Palo Alto and see the "Easterners" go through their practice stunts. Following the game in Frisco, Lambeau will travel on to Pasadena and hobnob with the members of the Tulane and Southern California teams. In 1931, Lambeau made the trip to the coast and his jaunt west resulted in Waldo Don Carlos, Milt Gantenbein and Hank Bruder casting their lot with the Green Bay organization.


DEC 27 (Green Bay) - The Packer football fans will see one of their star halfbacks in the role of wrestler here December 30 when Hank Bruder does his tug and grunt stuff. Dr. Alfred Clark, former wrestling coach at Valparaiso University, or Charles Peterson, a northern Michigan lumberjack, will be Bruder's opponent. George Trafton, another professional football player, has been

Anchor 2


FRANCHISES FOLDING: Minneapolis Red Jackets - Newark Tornadoes FRANCHISES JOINING NFL IN 1930: Cleveland Indians


PORTSMOUTH 14, Brooklyn 0           GREEN BAY 26, Cleveland 0

GREEN BAY      1  0 0 1.000  26   0 Frankford      0  0 0  .000   0   0

Portsmouth     1  0 0 1.000  14   0 Chi Cards      0  0 0  .000   0   0

Chi Bears      0  0 0  .000   0   0 Staten Island  0  0 0  .000   0   0

New York       0  0 0  .000   0   0 Brooklyn       0  1 0  .000   0  14

Providence     0  0 0  .000   0   0 Cleveland      0  1 0  .000   0  26


CHICAGO BEARS 21, Cleveland 0


GREEN BAY 32, Brooklyn 6

GREEN BAY      2  0 0 1.000  58   6 Staten Island  0  0 0  .000   0   0

Portsmouth     1  0 0 1.000  14   0 Chi Cards      0  0 0  .000   0   0

Chi Bears      1  0 0 1.000  21   0 Frankford      0  0 0  .000   0   0

New York       0  0 0  .000   0   0 Brooklyn       0  2 0  .000   6  46

Providence     0  0 0  .000   0   0 Cleveland      0  2 0  .000   0  47


PORTSMOUTH 13, Chicago Cards 3


CLEVELAND 6, Brooklyn 0


GREEN BAY 7, Chicago Bears 0        New York 14, PROVIDENCE 6

GREEN BAY      3  0 0 1.000  65   6 Staten Island  0  0 0  .000   0   0

Portsmouth     2  0 0 1.000  27   3 Frankford      0  0 0  .000   0   0

New York       1  0 0 1.000  14   6 Providence     0  1 0  .000   6  14

Chi Bears      1  1 0  .500  21   7 Chi Cards      0  1 0  .000   3  13

Cleveland      1  2 0  .333   6  47 Brooklyn       0  3 0  .000   6  52


PORTSMOUTH 14, New York 6


Brooklyn 20, FRANKFORD 0


PROVIDENCE 0, Frankford 0 (T)       GREEN BAY 27, New York 7

STATEN ISLAND 9, Brooklyn 7

GREEN BAY      4  0 0 1.000  92  13 Cleveland      1  2 0  .333   6  47

Portsmouth     3  0 0 1.000  41   9 Brooklyn       1  4 0  .200  33  61

Staten Island  1  0 0 1.000   9   7 Providence     0  1 1  .000   6  14

Chi Bears      1  1 0  .500  21   7 Frankford      0  1 1  .000   0  20

New York       1  2 0  .333  27  47 Chi Cards      0  1 0  .000   3  13


PORTSMOUTH 6, Cleveland 0


Providence 6, FRANKFORD 0


BROOKLYN 18, Staten Island 6        GREEN BAY 26, Chicago Cards 7


GREEN BAY      5  0 0 1.000 118  20 Brooklyn       2  4 0  .333  51  67

Portsmouth     4  0 0 1.000  47   9 New York       1  3 0  .250  27  53

Chi Bears      2  1 0  .667  28   7 Cleveland      1  3 0  .250   6  53

Providence     1  1 1  .500  12  14 Frankford      0  2 1  .000   0  26

Staten Island  1  1 0  .500  15  25 Chi Cards      0  2 0  .000  10  39


PORTSMOUTH 19, Frankford 0


CHICAGO BEARS 26, Chicago Cards 13  GREEN BAY 15, Frankford 0

Cleveland 13, PROVIDENCE 6          Portsmouth 19, BROOKLYN 0

NEW YORK 7, Staten Island 0

GREEN BAY      6  0 0 1.000 133  20 Providence     1  2 1  .333  18  27

Portsmouth     6  0 0 1.000  85   9 Staten Island  1  2 0  .333  15  32

Chi Bears      3  1 0  .750  54  20 Brooklyn       2  5 0  .286  51  86

New York       2  3 0  .400  34  52 Frankford      0  4 1  .000   0  60

Cleveland      2  3 0  .400  19  59 Chi Cards      0  3 0  .000  23  65


GREEN BAY 48, Providence 20         NEW YORK 27, Brooklyn 0

Portsmouth 20, STATEN ISLAND 7      Frankford 13, CHICAGO BEARS 12

GREEN BAY      7  0 0 1.000 181  40 Brooklyn       2  6 0  .250  51 113

Portsmouth     7  0 0 1.000 105  16 Providence     1  3 1  .250  38  75

Chi Bears      3  2 0  .600  66  33 Staten Island  1  3 0  .250  22  52

New York       3  3 0  .500  61  52 Frankford      1  4 1  .200  13  72

Cleveland      2  3 0  .400  19  59 Chi Cards      0  3 0  .000  23  65


1931 National Football League Season Pass

Source: Heritage Auctions



Portsmouth 14, FRANKFORD 0


NEW YORK 14, Portsmouth 0           Green Bay 6, CHICAGO BEARS 2

STATEN ISLAND 7, Providence 7 (T)   Chicago Cards 14, BROOKLYN 7

GREEN BAY      8  0 0 1.000 187  42 Providence     1  3 2  .250  45  82

Portsmouth     8  1 0  .889 119  30 Staten Island  1  3 1  .250  29  59

New York       4  3 0  .571  75  52 Chi Cards      1  3 0  .250  37  72

Chi Bears      3  3 0  .500  68  39 Brooklyn       2  7 0  .222  58 127

Cleveland      2  3 0  .400  19  59 Frankford      1  5 1  .167  13  86


STATEN ISLAND 13, Brooklyn 0


NEW YORK 13, Frankford 0            PROVIDENCE 7, Brooklyn 0

Chicago Cards 14, CLEVELAND 6       CHICAGO BEARS 9, Portsmouth 6

GREEN BAY 26, Staten Island 0

GREEN BAY      9  0 0 1.000 213  42 Chi Cards      2  3 0  .400  51  78

Portsmouth     8  2 0  .800 125  39 Staten Island  2  4 1  .333  42  85

New York       5  3 0  .625  88  52 Cleveland      2  4 0  .333  25  73

Chi Bears      4  3 0  .571  77  45 Brooklyn       2  9 0  .222  58 147

Providence     2  3 2  .400  52  82 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


PORTSMOUTH 14, Staten Island 12


Chicago Bears 12, NEW YORK 6        PROVIDENCE 6, Staten Island 0

CHICAGO CARDS 21, Green Bay 13      Portsmouth 14, Cleve 6 at Cincinnati

GREEN BAY      9  1 0  .900 226  63 Chi Cards      3  3 0  .500  72  91

Portsmouth    10  2 0  .833 153  57 Cleveland      2  5 0  .286  31  87

Chi Bears      5  3 0  .625  89  51 Staten Island  2  6 1  .250  54 105

New York       5  4 0  .556  94  64 Brooklyn       2  9 0  .182  58 147

Providence     3  3 2  .500  58  82 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


PROVIDENCE 13, Cleveland 7


Chicago Bears 26, BROOKLYN 0        Green Bay 14, NEW YORK 10

CHICAGO CARDS 20, Portsmouth 19     STATEN ISLAND 16, Cleveland 7

GREEN BAY     10  1 0  .909 240  73 New York       5  5 0  .500 104  78

Portsmouth    10  3 0  .769 172  77 Staten Island  3  6 1  .333  70 112

Chi Bears      6  3 0  .667 115  51 Cleveland      2  7 0  .222  45 116

Providence     4  3 2  .571  71  89 Brooklyn       2 10 0  .167  58 173

Chi Cards      4  3 0  .571  92 110 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


Green Bay 38, PROVIDENCE 7          STATEN ISLAND 9, New York 6

CHICAGO BEARS 18, Chicago Cards 7


CHICAGO CARDS 21, Cleveland 0


PORTSMOUTH 3, Chicago Bears 0       NEW YORK 0, Providence 0 (T)

Green Bay 7, BROOKLYN 0

GREEN BAY     12  1 0  .923 285  80 New York       5  6 1  .455 110  87

Portsmouth    11  3 0  .786 175  77 Staten Island  4  6 1  .400  79 118

Chi Bears      7  4 0  .636 133  61 Cleveland      2  8 0  .200  45 137

Chi Cards      5  4 0  .556 120 128 Brooklyn       2 11 0  .154  58 180

Providence     4  4 3  .500  78 127 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


CHICAGO BEARS 7, Green Bay 6        New York 19, BROOKLYN 6

GREEN BAY     12  2 0  .857 291  87 New York       6  6 1  .500 129  93

Portsmouth    11  3 0  .786 175  77 Staten Island  4  6 1  .400  79 118

Chi Bears      8  4 0  .667 140  67 Cleveland      2  8 0  .200  45 137

Chi Cards      5  4 0  .556 120 128 Brooklyn       2 12 0  .143  64 199

Providence     4  4 3  .500  78 127 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


New York 25, CHICAGO BEARS 6

GREEN BAY     12  2 0  .857 291  87 Providence     4  4 3  .500  78 127

Portsmouth    11  3 0  .786 175  77 Staten Island  4  6 1  .400  79 118

Chi Bears      8  5 0  .615 145  92 Cleveland      2  8 0  .200  45 137

Chi Cards      5  4 0  .556 120 128 Brooklyn       2 12 0  .143  64 199

New York       7  6 1  .538 154 100 Frankford      1  6 1  .143  13  99


INTERPROVINCIAL RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION: Ottawa Senators became Rough Riders NOTES: CRU approved the forward pass for all leagues and the first TD pass in Grey Cup history was a Warren Stevens to Kenny Grant play in Montreal's 22-0 win over Regina. Convert scrimmage line was moved to the five-yard line, and the point could be scored by a drop-kick, place kick, run or pass.


HAMILTON 12, Toronto 7 (6000) - Toronto jumped out to an early lead thanks to a 55-yard run by Pooch Taylor, before Hamilton rallied back thanks to the running of Dave Sprague.

TORONTO  -  6  0  1  0 -  7

HAMILTON -  0  6  5  1 - 12

1st - TOR - Pooch Taylor, 55-yard run (Frank Turville convert) TOR 6-0 2nd - HAM - Dave Sprague run TOR 6-2nd - HAM - Single, Beano Wright kick to Turville for rouge TIED 6-6 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Timmy Languay for rouge TOR 7-6 3rd - HAM - Sprague run HAM 11-7 4th - HAM - Wright kick to Turville for rouge HAM 12-7

MONTREAL 32, Ottawa 6 (4500) - Ottawa debuted its new name - Rough Riders - by getting crushed by the Winged Wheelers, who scored a major in the opening period and then added 24 more points in the second frame to blow the game wide open.

OTTAWA   -  0  0  0  6 -  6

MONTREAL -  7 24  1  0 - 32

1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch kicked to deadline MON 1-0 1st - MON - Warren Stevens, 4-yard run (Welch convert) MON 7-0 2nd - MON - Tommy Burns, 1-yard run (Johnny Bennett to Henry Garbarino convert pass) MON 13-0 2nd - MON - Burns, 10-yard blocked punt return (Welch convert) MON 19-0 2nd - MON - Ernie Hempey recovered fumble in end zone (Welch convert) MON 25-0 2nd - MON - Frankie Robinson, 27-yard pass from Stevens (Johnny Bennett convert) MON 31-0 3rd - MON - Single, Welch punt to deadline MON 32-0 4th - OTT - Charlie Connell, 4-yard run (Stuart Bruce convert) MON 32-6

Montreal              1  0 0  32   6  2 Toronto               0  1 0   7  12  0

Hamilton              1  0 0  12   7  2 Ottawa                0  1 0   6  32  0


Montreal 32, TORONTO 10 (10000) - After leading just 13-9 at the half, the Winged Wheelers exploded for 19 points in the second half to win their first game in Toronto since November 10, 1928, when they prevailed 8-1. In the six games played this season, Montreal has outscored their opponents, 164-19. 

MONTREAL -  7  6 13  6 - 32

TORONTO  -  8  1  0  1 - 10

1st - MON - Wally Whitty recovered blocked kick in end zone (Huck Welch convert) MON 6-0 1st - TOR - Frank Turville field goal MON 6-3 1st - TOR - Bernie Gilmore recovered fumbled kick in end zone TOR 8-6 1st - MON - Single, Whitty kick to Turville for rouge TOR 8-7 2nd - MON - Pete Jotkus, 15-yard return of blocked kick (Johnny Bennett convert) MON 13-8 2nd - TOR - Single, Gord Perry rouged om Turville missed placement MON 13-9 3rd - MON - Warren Stevens run MON 18-9 3rd - MON - Single, Whitty kick to deadline MON 19-9 3rd - MON - Len Hutton, 10-yard run with lateral from Perry (Bennett dropkick convert) MON 25-9 3rd - MON - Single, Whitty kick to deadline MON 26-9 4th - TOR - Single, Turville kick to deadline MON 26-10 4th - MON - Single, Welch placement to deadline MON 27-10 4th - MON - Jotkus, 3-yard run MON 32-10

Hamilton 9, OTTAWA 5 (3000) - Heavy rain reduced the field to mud, but Hamilton score in the first 15 seconds to take an early lead. Bill Brassington fumbled the opening kickoff, and Seymour Wilson recovered the ball in the end zone.

HAMILTON -  6  0  2  1 -  9

OTTAWA   -  0  0  0  5 -  5

1st - HAM - Seymour Wilson recovered fumble in end zone HAM 5-0 1st - HAM - Single, Beano Wright kick to deadline HAM 6-0 3rd - HAM - Wright kicked to Bill Brassington for rouge HAM 7-0 3rd - HAM - Wright kick to deadline HAM 8-0 4th - HAM - Single, Wright kick to Dom Hewer for rouge HAM 9-0 4th - OTT - Harry Hutchingame, 5-yard run HAM 9-5

Montreal              2  0 0  64  16  4 Toronto               0  2 0  17  44  0

Hamilton              2  0 0  21  12  4 Ottawa                0  2 0  11  41  0


Toronto 8, OTTAWA 5 (3000) - Frank Turville led his Argos to the win and third place in the Big Four, thanks to kicking all eight of Toronto's points. 

TORONTO -  1  0  4  3 -  8

OTTAWA  -  0  5  0  0 -  5

1st - TOR - Single, Frank Turville kick to Dave Harding for rouge TOR 1-0 2nd - OTT - Emmett Hartwick, 4-yard run OTT 5-1 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Harding for rouge OTT 5-2 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to deadline OTT 5-3 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Harding for rouge OTT 5-4 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Harding for rouge TIED 5-5 4th - TOR - Single, Turville kicked touch-in-goal TOR 6-5 4th - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Emerson Oglivie for rouge TOR 7-5 4th - TOR - Single, Turville kick to deadline TOR 8-5

MONTREAL 9, Hamilton 7 (13040) - A forward pass bombardment - led by Warren Stevens - moved Montreal into first place in the Big Four. A record crowd filled McGill Stadium to see the pass used as it has never been before in a Canadian game.

HAMILTON -  0  0  6  1 -  7

MONTREAL -  0  6  0  3 -  9

2nd - MON - Single, Wally Whitty kick to deadline MON 1-0 2nd - MON - Pete Jotkus, 4-yard run MON 6-0 3rd - HAM - Brian Timmis, 3-yard run (Beano Wright convert) TIED 6-6 4th - MON - Single, Huck Welch kick to deadline MON 7-6 4th - HAM - Single, Wright kick to Gord Perry for rouge TIED 7-7 4th - MON - Single, Welch kick to Timmy Languay for rouge MON 8-7 4th - MON - Single, Welch kick to Languay for rouge MON 9-7

Montreal              3  0 0  73  23  6 Toronto               1  2 0  25  49  2

Hamilton              2  1 0  28  21  4 Ottawa                0  3 0  16  49  0


TORONTO 24, Ottawa 7 () - Frank Turville and Clarke Bell combined to score 19 of Toronto's 24 points as the Argos moved into a tie for second place. 

OTTAWA  -  0  1  6  0 -  7

TORONTO -  9  1  3 11 - 24

1st - TOR - Single, Frank Turville kick to deadline TOR 1-0 1st - TOR - Single, Turville kick to deadline TOR 2-0 1st - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Dave Harding for rouge TOR 3-0 1st - TOR - Frank Taylor, 10-yard run (Turville convert) TOR 9-0 2nd - OTT - Single, Harding kick for rouge TOR 9-1 2nd - TOR - Single, Turville kick for rouge TOR 10-1 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick for rouge TOR 11-1 3rd - OTT - Bill Brassington, 20-yard fumble recovery (Stuart Bruce convert) TOR 11-7 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick for rouge TOR 12-7 3rd - TOR - Single, Turville kick for rouge TOR 13-7 4th - TOR - Clarke Bell, 5-yard fumble return TOR 18-7 4th - TOR - Bell, 5-yard fumble return (Turville convert) TOR 24-7

Montreal 23, HAMILTON 14 (12000) - Before a record crowd with a violent hail storm in the first quarter, brilliant passing by Warren Stevens sent Hamilton to its first home loss since a loss to Toronto in 1923. Montreal finds itself one win away from clinching its first Big Four title since 1919.

MONTREAL - 12  0  0 11 - 23

HAMILTON -  6  2  1  5 - 14

1st - HAM - Brian Timmis, 1-yard run (Beano Wright convert) HAM 6-0 1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch kick to deadline HAM 6-1 1st - MON - Kenny Grant, 50-yard pass from Warren Stevens (Welch convert) MON 7-6 1st - MON - Stevens, 3-yard run MON 12-6 2nd - HAM - Single, Wright kick to deadline MON 12-7 2nd - HAM - Single, Wright kick to deadline MON 12-8 3rd - HAM - Single, Wright kick to deadline MON 12-9 4th - MON - Walt Whitty, 50-yard pass from Stevens (Frankie Robinson pass from Stevens) MON 18-9 4th - MON - Gord Perry, 2-yard run MON 23-9 4th - HAM - Dave Sprague run MON 23-14

Montreal              4  0 0  96  37  8 Toronto               2  2 0  49  56  4

Hamilton              2  2 0  42  44  4 Ottawa                0  4 0  23  73  0


HAMILTON 14, Ottawa 7 () - Turning on the pressure in the last quarter, Hamilton kept its faint title hopes alive. Coach Bill Hughes substituted a number of players to gauge what he had for 1932.

OTTAWA   -  1  5  1  0 -  7

HAMILTON -  0  3  0 11 - 14

1st - OTT - Single, Dave Harding kicked to deadline OTT 1-0 2nd - HAM - Single, Beano Wright kick to Harding for rouge TIED 1-1 2nd - OTT - Don LaChance recovered blocked field goal in end zone OTT 6-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Wright kick to Harry Hutchingame for rouge OTT 6-2 2nd - HAM - Single, Wright kick to Harding for rouge OTT 6-3 3rd - OTT - Single, Harding kick to deadline OTT 7-3 4th - HAM - Dave Sprague run (Wright convert) HAM 9-7 4th - HAM - Safety, Dave Hewer recovered fumble in end zone HAM 11-7 4th - HAM - Single, Cap Fear kick touch-in-goal HAM 12-7 4th - HAM - Single, Bert Gibb kick to Hutchingame for rouge HAM 13-7 4th - HAM - Single, Gibb kick to Harding for rouge HAM 14-7

MONTREAL 4, Toronto 1 (10000) - Montreal won its first Big Four title since 1919, and its third since the Union was organized in 1907. The Wheelers extending their winning streak to nine, four being exhibitions, and have outscored their opponents 200-41.

TORONTO  -  0  1  0  0 -  1

MONTREAL -  1  2  1  0 -  4

1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch kick to Frank Turville for rouge MON 1-0 2nd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Gord Perry for rouge TIED 1-1 2nd - MON - Safety, Tommy Burns blocked Turville kick into the end zone MON 3-1 3rd - MON - Single, Wally Whitty kick to deadline MON 4-1

X - Montreal          5  0 0 100  38 10 Toronto               2  3 0  50  60  4

Hamilton              3  2 0  56  51  6 Ottawa                0  5 0  30  87  0

X - Clinched title


TORONTO 5, Hamilton 4 (6000) - One of the closest games of the season saw Toronto sneak into a tie for second place in the Big Four. The game featured smashing line plunges, thrilling end runs, great punting by Frank Turville and Beano Wright, and an occasional forward pass.

HAMILTON -  0  3  0  1 -  4

TORONTO  -  1  1  3  0 -  5

1st - TOR - Single, Frank Turville kick to touch-in-goal TOR 1-0 2nd - TOR - Single, Turville kick to Beano Wright for rouge TOR 2-0 2nd - HAM - Wright, 35-yard field goal HAM 3-2 3rd - TOR - Turville, 15-yard field goal TOR 5-3 4th - HAM - Single, Wright kick to deadline TOR 5-4

Montreal 12, OTTAWA 1 (5000)

MONTREAL -  1  9  2  0 - 12

OTTAWA   -  0  0  0  1 -  1

1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch to Dave Harding who is rouged by Ernie Hempey MON 1-0 2nd - MON - Welch field goal MON 4-0 2nd - MON - Tommy Burns, 3-yard run (Welch convert) MON 10-0 3rd - MON - Single, Welch kick to deadline MON 11-0 3rd - MON - Single, Welch placement wide to Harry Hutchingame who is rouged by Bert Adams MON 12-0 4th - OTT - Single, Harding kick to deadline MON 12-1

X - Montreal          6  0 0 112  39 12 Toronto               3  3 0  55  64  6

Hamilton              3  3 0  60  56  6 Ottawa                0  6 0  31  99  0

X - Clinched title


WED NOV 4 - CALGARY ALTOMAHS-TIGERS 6, Vancouver Athletic Club 4 (Western semifinal)

* SAT NOV 7 - CALGARY ALTOMAHS-TIGERS 14, Vancouver Athletic Club 1 (Western semifinal)

WED NOV 11 - REGINA ROUGHRIDERS 25, Calgary Altomahs-Tigers 2 (West final)

SUN NOV 14 - SARNIA IMPERIALS 10, Toronto Balmy Beach Beachers 0 (ORFU final)

SUN NOV 21 - Western Ontario Mustangs 7, SARNIA IMPERIALS 1 (East semifinal)

SUN NOV 28 - Montreal AAA Winged Wheelers 22, WESTERN ONTARIO MUSTANGS 0 (East final)

* - Calgary wins the total-point series 20-5

1931 GREY CUP GAME (Saturday December 5 at Montreal - ATT: 5,112)

MONTREAL AAA WINGED WHEELERS 22, REGINA ROUGHRIDERS 0For 22 years the Grey Cup had been the exclusive property of Ontario-based clubs. In 1931, the mug left the province for the first time as the Montreal Winged Wheelers were the first team outside Ontario to win the Grey Cup after shutting out the Regina Roughriders. The Canadian Rugby Union permitted the use of the forward pass across all leagues, and it was a significant feature in the 1931 final. The first touchdown pass in Grey Cup history was thrown by Warren Stevens to Kenny Grant. The Winged Wheelers took the lead on a rouge and then took advantage of a Roughriders turnover. Regina’s Eddie James dropped the ball behind his own line of scrimmage as Montreal’s Pete Jotkus charged through the line. Jotkus dribbled the ball 35 yards to the Regina goal line. As he crossed the line he smothered the ball for a touchdown. History was made in the third quarter when Stevens completed a 40-yard pass to Grant in the end zone. Stevens added another in the fourth quarter when he began a quarterback sneak, changed his mind, and passed to Wally Whitty who raced wide around the right end for a touchdown. Huck Welch also booted a field goal for the victors. The Roughriders made history by playing in their fourth straight Grey Cup, losing all four times. In total, Regina made the trip East five times, only to come away empty handed. Roughriders head coach Al Ritchie thought he outsmarted the Winged Wheelers by having a Montreal shoemaker attach leather cleats to the players’ boots the night before the game for better traction. It may have worked, except Mother Nature spoiled the plan. The field was frozen hard with ice patches due to a snowstorm the previous evening, making Montreal’s sneakers more effective. Little did Ritchie know, but team manager Fred Wilson and player Gordon Barber made alternate arrangements to have lacrosse shoes sent to the Roughriders after witnessing the storm. But the shoes were sent to the wrong dressing room, and the Winged Wheelers gladly accepted the delivery. The Winged Wheelers triumph provided Montreal its first national title since 1907, two years before the birth of the Grey Cup. The mug may have traveled to Quebec sooner, as McGill University never challenged for the trophy in its dominant years of 1912-1919, deciding instead to focus on their studies.

REGINA   -  0  0  0  0 -  0 

MONTREAL -  7  0  6  9 - 22

1st - MON - Single, Wally Whity kick to Angie Mitchell for rouge MON 1-0 1st - MON - Pete Jotkus, 35-yard fumble return (Huck Welch convert) MON 7-0 3rd - MON - Single, Welch kick to Mitchell for rouge MON 8-0 3rd - MON - Kenny Grant, 27-yard pass from Warren Stevens MON 13-0 4th - MON - Welch, 29-yard field goal MON 16-0 4th - MON - Whitty, 5-yard pass from Stevens (Stevens run) MON 22-0

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