The 1932 Green Bay Packers - 10-3-1 (2ND)
Head Coach: Curly Lambeau
11 GRAND RAPIDS MAROONS W 45- 0 1- 0-0 3,000
18 CHICAGO CARDINALS (0-0-0) W 15- 7 1- 0-0 3,500
25 CHICAGO BEARS (0-0-0) T 0- 0 1- 0-1 13,000
2 NEW YORK GIANTS (0-1-0) W 13- 0 2- 0-1 5,500
9 PORTSMOUTH SPARTANS (1-0-1) W 15-10 3- 0-1 5,500
16 at Chicago Bears (0-0-3) W 2- 0 4- 0-1 17,500
23 BROOKLYN DODGERS (2-2-0) W 13- 0 5- 0-1 5,000
30 STATEN ISLAND STAPLETONS (1-3-2) W 26- 0 6- 0-1 N/A
6 at Chicago Cardinals (2-1-2) W 19- 9 7- 0-1 8,323
13 at Boston Braves (2-2-3) W 21- 0 8- 0-1 16,500
20 at New York Giants (2-5-1) L 0- 6 8- 1-1 17,000
24 at Brooklyn Dodgers (3-6-0) W 7- 0 9- 1-1 17,000
27 at Staten Island Stapletons (2-6-3) W 21- 3 10- 1-1 3,500
4 at Portsmouth Spartans (5-1-4) L 0-19 10- 2-1 10,000
11 at Chicago Bears (5-1-6) L 0- 9 10- 3-1 5,000
At 10-1-1, Green Bay looked primed for their fourth straight title. However, the Packers would lose their final two games on the road against the Portsmouth Spartans and Chicago Bears, who would face each other in a playoff game for the Championship despite having fewer wins then the Packers, thanks to a number of ties that didn't count in the standings.
Late in the 1932 season, it looked as if the Green Bay Packers were headed for their fourth straight NFL championship. They had an 10-1-1 record while their closest pursuers, the Chicago Bears and Portsmouth Spartans, had only nine victories between them. But the Bears and Spartans had just one loss apiece, to go with a whole bunch of ties. On December 4, the Packers played their sixth straight game on the road, at Portsmouth. The Spartans had a 5-1-4 record going into the game. In Chicago, the Bears (4-1-6) were hosting the Giants, who had handed the Packers their only loss in New York three weeks earlier. Under today's method of figuring the standings, the Packers would have had the championship wrapped up. A tie now counts as a half-loss, half-win. But in 1932 a tie simply didn't count; it was as if the game had never been played. After Portsmouth beat Green Bay, 19-0, and the Bears beat the Giants, 6-0, the Packers were suddenly out of the running. Portsmouth's season was over, but the Packers had one game left, against the Bears in Chicago. If the Packers won that game, the Spartans would be the new champions. If the Bears won, they'd be tied with Portsmouth for first place. And that's what happened. The Bears took a 9-0 victory on a snowy field with the temperature around zero, and went on to beat the Spartans, 9-0, in a playoff. Under today's method, the final standings would have looked like this:
W L T .Pct
Green Bay 10 3 1 .750
Portsmouth 6 1 4 .727
Chicago 6 1 6 .692
Marger Aspit B USC 2 1 5-11 202
Nate Barragar G USC 2 6- 0 210
Hank Bruder B Northwestern 14 2 6- 0 190
Red Bultman C Marquette 13 1 6- 2 199
Rudy Comstock G Georgetown 13 2 5-11 198
Al Culver T Notre Dame 1 1 6- 2 212
Lavvie Dilweg E Marquette 14 7 6- 3 202
Jug Earp T Monmouth 10 11 6- 1 235
Wuert Engelmann B S. Dakota St 12 3 6- 2 191
Paul Fitzgibbons B Creighton 4 3 5-10 174
Milt Gantenbein E Wisconsin 9 2 6- 0 199
Roger Grove B Michigan St 11 2 6- 0 175
Arnie Herber B Regis 14 3 5-11 208
Clarke Hinkle FB Bucknell 13 1 5-11 200
Cal Hubbard T-E Geneva 13 4 6- 5 250
Verne Lewellen B Nebraska 14 9 6- 2 181
Hurdis McCrary B Georgia 11 4 6- 2 205
*-Johnny McNally B St. Johns 13 4 6- 0 190
Mike Michalske G Penn State 13 4 6- 1 215
Bo Molenda B Michigan 2 5 5-11 208
* - Known as Johnny Blood
Tom Nash E Georgia 10 5 6- 3 210
Harry O'Boyle B Notre Dame 11 2 5- 9 180
Claude Perry T Alabama 13 6 6- 1 211
Lester Peterson E Texas 9 1 6- 2 195
Al Rose E Texas 13 1 6- 3 195
Dexter Shelly B Texas 2 1 5-11 192
Dick Stahlman T DePaul 13 2 6- 3 221
Clyde Van Sickle G Arkansas 1 1 6- 2 224
Joe Zeller G Indiana 14 1 6- 1 198

JAN 5 (Green Bay) - Stories in Milwaukee newspapers that it was reported in Green Bay that Herman Hickman, former University of Tennessee line star, has been signed by Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Packers were described today as without foundation and untrue by Leland H. Joannes, president of the Packer club. President Joannes said that he could not understand where Milwaukee newspapers got the information as Hickman has not been signed by Lambeau and no Packer official could announce that he has been secured as they know nothing of any deals the coach has in mind. "We cannot sign football players until after their classes graduate," the president said. "I don't know how Milwaukee newspapers can print such statements without a word of truth to them." Coach Lambeau is not expected back in Green Bay until later in the week. His purpose in attending the East-West game in California was to get a line on future professional stars, not to sign them, the president added.
JAN 11 (Green Bay) - Although the opening of the professional football season is more than eight months away, the Green Bay Packers, anxious to put another strong team into the field in 1932, have started signing players for next fall. With a view to strengthening the squad, Capt. E.L. (Curly) Lambeau announced today that he had signed Herman Hickman, all-American guard from the University of Tennessee last season, and Clark Hinkle, a fullback from Bucknell university. Captain Lambeau returned to Green Bay Sunday morning from the Pacific coast, where he attended the East-West football game at San Francisco New Years' day, in which the outstanding stars from both sections of the country played. He was particularly impressed with the work of Hickman and Hinkle and immediately began negotiations with them, which ended in both of them affixing their signatures to 1932 contracts. As both men have finished their college competition, they can be signed without any infringement of the NFL rules, the Packer captain said. Although no definite announcement is expected for some time, the Green Bay coach is negotiating with several other outstanding college players for the Packers and hopes to have some of them signed within the next few days...GREAT LINE PLAY: Hickman played nearly the entire East-West game and tuned in a great exhibition of line play. Not a yard was made over his position and he was very effective on the offense, his blocking being particularly impressive. He is five feet ten inches tall, weighs 225 pounds and is exceptionally fast for a big man. Hickman played on the varsity at Tennessee for three years and was a bulwark in the line. According to experts it was his fine play that accounted for many of the long gains made by Gene McEver, Tennessee's all-American halfback...COACH PRAISES HIS WORK: Grantland Rice of Collier's magazine, on whose team Hickman was chosen for all-American honors, has this to say about the Tennessee linemen: "Herman Hickman is that most unusual type of lineman, a huge, fast man. His coach, Bob Neyland, tells me he can outrun half the backs on the squad and in a 50-yard test dash he outran Fritz Brandt, star end of last year, by a yard. On defense, no team has gained over him or past him. In attack, he is a holy terror at opening holes, and he is the best guard Tennessee has in coming out of the line to run interference in end sweeps. He is a savage blocker, keeping his own feet well when needed further in interference and taking out opponents conclusively. He is a tremendously hard worker in practice and in the game he bears down furiously every minute. Neyland says he does not believe there can be a better guard in all-around ability in America. As a matter of fact, he does not believe his equal is playing today. They trust Hickman implicitly. In the Florida game the Gators had the ball on the one-yard line, shot two plays at Hickman, and lost a yard and a half on each." Hinkle is a triple-threat man. He can pass well, is a shifty runner and a good kicker. His work in the East-West game attracted the attention of the coast writers and many of them declared that he should have been considered for all-American honors. Pat Frayne, of the San Francisco Call Bulletin, the day after the East-West game, had this to comment to make about Hinkle: "Why, for instance, was not Clark Hinkle of Bucknell mentioned on more all-American teams? A great fullback, with more power than any fullback we have watched on the coast. Hinkle can have our vote for all-American honors."...LIVES IN TORONTO: "Had Hinkle, whose hometown is Toronto, been on the Pacific coast or on some of the caste teams of the Atlantic coast, he would have been elaborated on as an all-American fullback. Instead he was on Bucknell, a little outfit that was not defeated this year by the way, and like a lot of other small team outfits they can't rate alongside the tradition of being a fair player with a prominent team. Folks just don't recognize small outfits. However, Clark Hinkle has carried the torch for Bucknell and a lot of folks will listen with respect. Mr. Hinkle has carried the campaign for the smaller institutions. A football player, he proved, is a football player whether on a large or small football team. Yesterday afternoon in the rain and mud, Hinkle ripped his way into local and national fame." Hinkle carried the ball more than any other East backfielder and his gains averaged from four to six yards on every play, Captain Lambeau said. His defensive play was superb. HInkle weighs 195 pounds and is very speedy. Captain Lambeau said Nordy Hoffman, Notre Dame guard, played a good game in the line as also did Dallas Marvil, Northwestern university tackle. Morton, of Dartmouth, handled the East team well from the quarterback position and showed good judgement in the selection of plays, the Green Bay coach observed. The Packer captain sat on the East bench during the game and talked with Coaches Dick Hanley and Andy Kerr about the various players. Both of them highly recommended Hickman and Hinkle, declaring that they were outstanding ball players and should make the grade in pro football...MEETS WALLACE DENNY: While at Palo Alto, where the East squad practiced, Captain Lambeau met Wallace Denny, of Oneida, an old Carlisle Indian school player, who is trainer for Pop Warner's varsity gridders at Stanford. Denny has been trainer for Warner's football team since 1899. He played under Warner at Carlisle, going there from Oneida. Denny was delighted to meet someone from his home "stomping grounds" and asked the Green Bay pro leader many questions about different persons here and at Oneida. He told Lambeau that he had been following the fortunes of the Packers for years and was greatly pleased when they won their third league title. After the East-West battle, Captain Lambeau went to Los Angeles, where he talked to several Tulane and Southern California players about entering the pro ranks this fall. One or two of them may be seen in a Packer uniform, but none of them has been signed as yet. The Green Bay coach is looking for a first class end, but those he has seen so far appear to be too light to stand the pounding of pro football, he said...BLOOD ON COAST: While in Los Angeles, the Green Bay man met Nate Barrager, center on the Packer team last fall. Barrager has a sporting good store in Los Angeles, but he is eagerly looking forward to coming back next season. Russ Saunders is an assistant director at Warner Brother studio and he, too, plans to get a leave of absence so he can play with the Packers again. Johnny Blood is in Los Angeles, Lambeau said, and the "Vagabond Halfback" plans to stay on the coast until sometime in February. Barrager and Ernie Nevers, of the Chicago Cardinals, who is also wintering on the coast, have organized two pro squads and plan to play at Los Angeles on Jan. 17. Blood will play a halfback position with Barrager's team. The game is being played with a view to interesting Californians in the pro brand of football in the hopes that some of the coast cities might organize teams and enter competition against the middle western and eastern squads.
JAN 12 (Portsmouth) - Ten teams comprising 200 men today began an attempt to sell $40,000 worth of stock to assure retention of the Spartan NFL team in Portsmouth. Plans for an eight-day campaign to raise that amount were completed last night at a rally of citizens. Joe Carr, president of the league, and George Clark, Spartan coach, were among the speakers. Businessmen have already contributed $12,000 to the fund. The Spartans finished last season with a deficit and league officials said the franchise would be transferred to another city unless fans are able to assure the team's financial success.
JAN 19 (Green Bay) - Cal Hubbard, Green Bay Packers tackle, his wife and baby have returned to Green Bay to spend the next few months until the baseball season opens when Hubbard begins work as an umpire in the International league again. The big tackle spent several weeks at his home in Missouri and at his wife's parents' home after the close of the football season. Wuert Englemann, Packer halfback, also returned to Green Bay over the weekend. He plans to stay in Green Bay. He has been at his home in South Dakota since the football season ended. Mr. and Mrs. Hurdis McCrary and children, who have been here since the close of the season, have left for Terre Haute, Ind. McCrary will work in the Indiana city. Claude Perry, former Packer tackle and with Brooklyn the latter part of the 1931 season, also has returned to Green Bay to spend the winter. Milt Gantenbein is another Packer who plans to spend his winter here.
JAN 20 (Sturgeon Bay) - One of the leading events for basketball fans, at least from a semi-pro standpoint, will be the game between the Green Bay Packers and a group of Door-Kewaunee county basketeers which will be played at the Sturgeon Bay high school gym Friday. The Packers aggregation is represented by such stars as Michalske, guard; Englemann, center; Bruder, guard; Herber, forward; Zuidmulder, forward. The Door-Kewaunee team is composed of Lycan Miller, center, Sturgeon Bay; Peter Perry, guard, Forestville; Harold Van Horne, guard, Fish Creek; Fred Kitslinger, guard, Sevastopol; Bill Hunt, forward; Bud Manion, guard, and Lefty Care, forward, all of Algoma. As a preliminary to the main event, the Algoma C.B.A.'s will meet the Sturgeon Bay city team.
JAN 21 (Algoma) - The Green Bay Packers' basketball squad was defeated by the Algoma city team at the Dugout last night by a score of 33 to 24, in one of the fastest games played on the local floor this season. Herber was the high scorer for the Packers, making three field goals and two free throws, while Michalske was second high with three field goals. Hunt starred for Algoma with five field goals. Miller, the regular center, was handicapped by an injured foot, but in the few minutes he was in the game scored two field goals. In the preliminary game, Algoma's C.B.A.'s lost to Casco, 14-8.
JAN 25 (Green Bay) - The Packer basketball team trounced the Brillion city five at Brillion last night in a basketball game by a 34 to 22 score. Herber led the Green Bay attack with four field goals. Bruder, Englemann, Michalske and Zuidmulder all figured in the Green Bay scoring list. The Packers have three games booked this week. They play at Sturgeon Bay Thursday, meet the Iola Indians at Waupaca on Friday and invade Stanley Sunday.
JAN 29 (Algoma) - Arnold Herber, forward on the Green Bay Packer basketball squad, was responsible for nearly half of the 27 points which meant victory for his team over the Door-Kewaunee quintet here last night. The score was 27 to 26. Herber made six field goals and Bruder was second with four, along with one charity toss.
JAN 30 (Waupaca) - The Green Bay Packer five trimmed Al Seeger's Indians in a fast game here last night, 27 to 20. Bruder led the Green Bay attack with three baskets and a pair of free throws. Herber and Michalske divided the rest of the scoring honors. The Packer also used Dave Zuidmulder and Wuert Englemann. The Indians used eight men with Louis Steffas the outstanding performer. Others who saw action were Wapposa, Jake King, Wahneta, Skenandore, Dugan, Guy Ninhan and K. Ninhan.
FEB 2 (Green Bay) - Football fans have been guessing for a long time about the future of Marchmont Schwartz, Notre Dame's all-American halfback for the past two

years. Here's a new guess - and it probably is more than that. Schwartz will be back at Notre Dame next year, probably as assistant backfield coach to Stuhldreher, quarterback of the famous Four Horsemen of 1924, of which Green Bay's Jimmy Crowley was one. Several unconfirmed reports have filtered out about Schwartz. Some have him signing with the Packers. Others have him with the Bears and Giants. We even heard that he was going to enter the movies. Schwartz, however, is a serious minded chap, and probably will turn down all offers for professional football service and continue at Notre Dame to complete his law course. Stuhldreher is considered the likely successor to Jack Chevigny as Notre Dame's backfield coach. He has been coaching at Villanova for the past six years and the dope is that if he takes the job, he will see that Schwartz comes as his first assistant.
FEB 11 (Escanaba, MI) - With Arnold Herber sinking shots from all angles, the Green Bay Packer basketball team turned back the Beonvox five of Escanaba here last night before a full house, by a score of 42 to 30. Herber sank 10 baskets to lead the team's attack.

FEB 16 (Green Bay) - Generally speaking, the official reaction to the changes made in the playing code by the national football rules committee has been favorable but there have been dissenters enough to make the debate interesting. The new and liberalized substitutes rule and the move toward making equipment safer not only for the wearer but his opponents as well met with almost unanimous approval. But protests of varying degrees of emphasis greeted the other four changes - the alterations in the kickoff and the dead ball rules and the committee's decision to forbid the use of the flying block and flying tackle, and the aggressive use of the hands on the defense. Those who favored the changes took the position that the rules committee had made the game safer for the players without taking anything vital from it. Those opposed believed some spectacular features had been removed and that the new rules would handicap the smaller players severely...OVERLOOKED MAIN CAUSE: Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers, thrice champions of the greatest of all football conferences, while in sympathy with any movement that would tend to eliminate serious injury and death, declared the rules committee overlooked the main cause of injuries - such as improper coaching and improper equipment. "Football can't be blamed for the death of youngsters who run into the street and are killed by an automobile," he said, "nor can it be blamed for the death of a player whose heart refused to stand the strain. Proper supervision of the sport in grade schools, high schools and colleges would guarantee the participants are in the right physical condition, are not overmatched and are clothed properly, both for their own safety and the safety of the opponents. I don't believe the flying tackle and flying block will be eliminated by the new ruling. It calls for a hairline decision on the part of officials. The new rule states the tackler or blocker may leave his feet at the instant of making contact. The old rule was a preventative for the same thing, but in time it

was overlooked generally."...SHOULD ELIMINATE WEDGE: "Well coached, well protected college teams have few injuries. Of course, there are exceptions, but in any spirited, highly competitive sport, accidents, serious injuries and even death must be expected. In our pro league we have few serious injuries. Why? Because the players are experienced, are properly protected with padding and are physically fit. The new kickoff rule should eliminate the flying wedge to a great extent. That, along, is worth much to the safety of players for the wedge is the most dangerous of all plays. The rule will also place a premium on the great punters of the Lewellen type, punters who can boot the ball 60 yards consistently, high and to the intended mark."
FEB 19 (Green Bay) - Relief that the National Football Rules committee will meet again before the next gridiron season and modify and clarify some of the new rule changes was expressed today by Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers, three times national champions. The Packer coach believes that some of the rules adopted by the committee would be almost impossible for the officials to call. He also expressed the opinion that the section covering the kickoff is not clear, would create a situation that would bring on more injuries than ever before. "If the team puts the ball in play by a punt, as the new rules allow, all members of the kicking side would be 'onside' and eligible to receive the ball," Captain Lambeau said. "There is nothing to prevent the kicking team from punting a high short ball and then have all of the men rush down and try to recover it. It would be a wild scramble for the ball with 22 men eligible to receive it and would create a situation that was filled with danger." The NFL will probably follow the rules set down by the national rules committee, Lambeau said, as it would be confusing if the circuit adopted its own standards. Some of the club leaders object to some of the present rules but rather than create confusion, they would use them, he added. When informed that George Halas, manager of the Chicago Bears, had said the National league would not follow the new collegiate rules, Lambeau said that Halas merely was expressing his personal opinion and had no authority to speak for the league. The National league directors will discuss the new rules and act on them at their annual meeting at Atlantic City in July, he said.
FEB 22 (Sturgeon Bay) - Hank Bruder of Green Bay is in a local hospital suffering from an injury to his shoulder which resulted when Don Bottorf, his opponent in a wrestling match scheduled at the local Eagles club Friday night, picked Bruder up and then threw him, Hank landing with such force that his shoulder was thrown out when he hit. The match had been in progress for only ten minutes when the accident happened, so no decision at to the winner could be rendered, neither man having obtained a fall It is expected that it will take several days before the Packer player will be able to get up and around.
MAR 16 (Portsmouth) - Assured of funds sufficient for another season, the Portsmouth Spartans of the NFL have been reorganized with Homer C. Selby, shoe manufacturer, as the new president. Although a committee of business men recently advised against efforts to sell stock to continue league membership, backers of the team announced that 1,000 persons had subscribed $20,000 and that the organization would have enough to pay off a $30,000 debt, and carry the club through another season. Portsmouth entered the league two years ago, finishing each season with a deficit. The reorganization was completed yesterday.
MAR 18 (Columbus, OH) - Boston will be represented in the NFL, beginning with the 1932 season, Joe F. Carr, president, announced today. Carr said a group of Eastern sportsmen were organizing the Boston club which will be well backed financially. The new organization will be known as the National League Football Club of Boston, Inc.
MAY 11 (Baltimore) - Harry R. (Pete) Jackson, former member of the Green Bay Packers, was critically ill in a hospital here today as a result of what authorities described as a suicide attempt. He took poison yesterday, leaving a note blaming his wife for his act. Jackson was an outstanding football player at the University of Missouri in 1924 and 1925. Jackson played with the Green Bay Packers in three games in 1927.

MAY 23 (Green Bay) - Elmer (Red) Sleight, regular tackle on the Packer football team for the past two years, has been named line coach of the University of Missouri football team, according to word from Columbia, Mo. Sleight was all-American tackle while at Purdue university and an outstanding professional performer with the Packers and also an all-American selection in the post-graduate circuit. He came to Green Bay in 1930 and played as a regular that year and last fall with the teams that win National league championships. The former Purdue ace will work with Frank Carideo, former Notre Dame quarterback who last year was assistant coach at Purdue. Carideo was named as head coach at Missouri, succeeding Gwinn Henry, who resigned recently after nine years at the school. Carideo was the unanimous choice of the athletic board and his appointment approved immediately by the executive board, according to advices from Missouri. Details of the contracts were not made known. Spring practice will start Monday, with both men on the job, it was reported. Both were at the school over the weekend. A Notre Dame man will be signed to coach the ends, Athletic Director C.L. Brewer intimated. Carideo and Sleight will be two of the youngest coaches of a major institution in the country. Carideo is 24 years old and Sleight 25. Carideo was assistant to Noble Kizer at Purdue last year. He was a quarterback on the last two teams directed by Knute Rockne and an important factor in Notre Dame's 19 consecutive victories during his last two years.
MAY 24 (Green Bay) - Appointment of Elmer (Red) Sleight to the position of line coach of the University of Missouri eleven deprives the Green Bay Packers of a man who will be hard to replace. Coming to Green Bay two years ago, fresh from Purdue university, Sleight was one of the few college players to make good in his first year of pro play. From the start the big red-headed lineman played excellent ball. A quiet, conscientious worked, he made many, many friends both on and off the field. "I hate to see Red Sleight leave us," Capt. E.L. (Curly) Lambeau said in discussing the case last night, "as you don't fine football men like him every day. Red was a star from the first. He was big, strong and fast and liked hard going. He will be hard to replace. Red should make a good coach as he is a student of football and his personality will make him a favorite with the boys. Carideo and Sleight should be an excellent pair, coaching the Missouri team." All we can add is good luck Red.

MAY 31 (Green Bay) - Work of rounding up the 1932 Green Bay professional football team for its fourth straight NFL title was begun yesterday by Coach E.L (Curly) Lambeau with the signing of an outstanding southern lineman. Clyde Van Sickle, age 25, who stands 6 feet, 1 1/2 inches tall and weighs 215 pounds, was the first to receive a 1932 contract. Van Sickle is a right guard with three years of varsity and one year of professional football experience. The player was an outstanding lineman with the University of Arkansas team for three years. In his senior year he was chosen on several all-southern elevens and received some mention as an All-American candidate by southern writers. After his graduation, Van Sickle was sought by the Packers and Frankford Yellowjackets. He signed with the Jackets and played regularly in 1930 with the team. Last year he gave up professional football and was a line coach with the Oklahoma university eleven. Van Sickle was a visitor in Green Bay yesterday and signed a contract. According to Coach Lambeau, he is in fine shape and should be a valuable addition to the Packer ranks. He is big, fast and powerful, the coach said, and at school gained a fine reputation for his ability to pull out of a line and run interference. He has some professional wrestling in the south besides coaching football, the coach added.

JUN 1 (Green Bay) - Joseph (Red) Dunn, quarterback with the Green Bay Packers for the past seven years, probably the best field general ever seen in professional football, will be appointed freshman football coach at Marquette university within the next few days, according to published reports from Milwaukee. The report, while not official, is said to be reliable. Conrad Jennings, athletic director, refused to confirm or deny the report, merely saying that the athletic council had taken no definite action in the matter. The vacancy was created when John Hancock resigned to become head football coach at the Colorado Teachers college...WON THREE TITLES: As pilot of the Packers, Dunn directed the team to three national championships. He was a great field general, seldom making a mistake, could run, block, kick and play an excellent defensive game. He probably will not be back with the Packers again if he accepts the Marquette appointment, becoming the second Green Bay player to leave the ranks of the 1931 Bay team. Elmer (Red) Sleight, former Purdue tackle, and a member of the Packers the past two years, recently was appointed assistant coach at Missouri and will not return here...AN ALL-AMERICAN: Dunn was a great performer at Marquette before entering the professional sport. Ten years ago he starred for the Hilltoppers when they began to gain national recognition by winning 21 straight games. In 1923 he was named on Walter Camp's All-American eleven as quarterback, and upon graduation played with the Milwaukee Badgers and Chicago Cardinals before joining the Packers in 1927. One of Red's greatest feats on a college gridiron took place in a battle with Boston college in the east. He played almost the entire game with a broken arm and in the final minutes of the game, added a point after a touchdown with a placekick that brought a 7 to 6 victory. Dunn lives in Milwaukee.

JUN 21 (Green Bay) - John White, Purdue varsity quarterback for the past three years, and rated as one of the best professional football prospects of the year, has been signed to play with the Green Bay Packers, it was announced today by Coach E.L. Lambeau. An excellent passer well versed in the Packer style of play, White should fit perfectly into the Green Bay picture, the coach believes. For three years he has been Purdue's regular quarterback, playing on teams that won two Big Ten titles. The quarterback has a build similar to that of Red Dunn, who retired from professional play this year after several seasons with the Packers, the coach said. He is an excellent blocker and passer and comes with the recommendations of Joe Carideo, former Notre Dame all-American, who coached Purdue's back last year. Carideo believes White was the best quarterback of the 1931 season, the coach added. The Purdue style of play is similar to that of the Packers. The teams do not huddle but use a signal-calling style much like Green Bay's attack. A balanced line with one wingback has been employed for the past several years under Coach Nobel Kizer. Quarterback White has fit into this plan, calling signals and running the team. Coming to Green Bay he will find the Packers playing similar to football. Naturally he will have less difficulty than a quarterback who is accustomed to the huddle system. In his three years at Purdue, White was known as a great blocker and field general but never carried the ball. Occasionally he was called on to punt and did well in this department. On defense he also excelled and few passes were completed in his territory. White graduates with the June class and will report in September with other new man and veterans, the coach said. The Purdue player is the

third new man added to Green Bay's team.
JUN 29 (Green Bay) - George Gibson, a powerful guard with the Minnesota university football teams of 1927 and 1928 and later a professional star with the Minneapolis and Frankford teams, signed a contract to play with the Green Bay Packers today, it was announced by Coach E.L. Lambeau. The former Gopher star is the fifth new player lined up for the 1932 team. He is the third guard signed to bolster the champions' line...WEIGHS 22 POUNDS: A husky lineman, weighing 220 pounds, who seldom is hurt, Gibson should prove a valuable addition to the Packer ranks, the coach said. In games against the Packers, he always proved tough. Gibson started professional football with the Minneapolis team after his graduation from Minnesota in 1929. The following year Gibson returned to the professional gridiron with the Minneapolis squad. When the team was disbanded in mid-year, Gibson went to the Frankford Yellowjackets. His work with the eastern team was so outstanding that he was chosen on the second all-American professional squad, as guard...COACHED AT CARLETON: The football player deserted the professional sport last year to coach at Carleton college, Minnesota. An offer from the Packers, however, was accepted and he will report here with the squad early in September. Coach Lambeau has a line on several other outstanding players who he expects to bring to Green Bay. Negotiations should be completed within a few weeks with a few new backfield men and two or three more linemen. The coach will draft the Packers' schedule at the annual meeting of the league in Atlantic City next month.
JUL 1 (Green Bay) - Although the proposed ban by colleges on gridiron broadcasts this fall seemed to be gaining support throughout the country, the Green Bay Packers corporation will continue to permit the Packer games to be carried on the air as in other years, according to an announcement by President L.H. Joannes following a meeting of the executive board. It is the unanimous opinion of the professional football executives here that the broadcasting of the Packer games has tended to stir interest throughout the middle west in the gridiron activities of the national champions and indirectly has been a factor in the steadily increasing attendance at the game in Green Bay as a survey of reserved seat reservations during the past two seasons shows many out-of-towners attending the home contests of the Bays. Speaking of the decision to continue the broadcasting of the Packer games, Joannes said: "The Packer football games in Green Bay will be on the air as usual this fall. We feel that the broadcasting of these contests benefits professional football and we know that there are hundreds of interested listeners each Sunday who want to hear about Packer football, although it is impossible for them to attend. However, it is our belief that on one or two Sundays during the football season, these radio fans sidetrack the broadcast and drive many miles to Green Bay to attend the games. Through the radio, the Packers have built up an out of town following which never would have been developed if there had been no broadcasting of the professional football contests in Green Bay.
JUL 6 (Green Bay) - Schedules will be drafted, playing rules discussed and adopted and applications for new franchises acted upon at the annual meeting of the NFL in Atlantic City, Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, E.L. Lambeau, coach of the Green Bay Packers, said today before his departure for the session. Coach Lambeau and Leland H. Joannes, president of the Packer club, will leave tonight for the meeting. The meeting will be preceded by a session of the rules committee Friday. At this session the committee is expected to act on changes adopted recently by the National Football Rules committee. The National league is not expected to accept all of the new code as there are objections to some parts of it, Coach Lambeau said. The section provided that a ball is dead if any part of the runner's body touches the ground is one that met with considerable objection and probably will not be adopted by the pro league...ON RULES COMMITTEE: Members of the rules committee as George Halas of the Chicago Bears; Benny Friedman, new director of Brooklyn; Potsy Clark, Portsmouth; Steve Owen, New York Giants, and Lambeau. Their session will begin at one o'clock at the Ritz Carleton hotel. Nine clubs are definitely set to play in the circuit with two others on the doubtful list. Those certain to enter are the Packers, Bears, Cardinals, Portsmouth, Stapleton, Giants, Brooklyn, Boston and St. Louis. Boston and St. Louis are new clubs recently admitted to the loop. The Boston club is to be run by Jerry Corcoran and Lud Wray...SEEK LEAGUE FRANCHISES: Providence will be represented but is not expected to place a team in the league this year. Grand Rapids, Mich., also will send a delegation to the league, seeking admission. Grand Rapids had a strong team last year playing independent ball and tied the Chicago Cardinals in one game. The Packers will be acclaimed officially as 1931 champions at the session. It will be the third straight year that the Green Bay club is so honored. Because of this rating, an excellent schedule of games is expected to be arranged. All clubs must post a $2,500 entry fee.
JUL 7 (Milwaukee) - Red Dunn, former Marquette university and Green Bay Packer football star, underwent an operation for a hernia at Misericordia hospital today. The operation was performed by Dr. Lee Curtin, another former Marquette player. Dunn is expected to be appointed freshman football coach at Marquette within a few days. He has announced his retirement from professional football.
JUL 9 (Atlantic City) - Directors of National league football teams met here at their annual session to act on applications for franchises, proposed rule changes and to draft a schedule for the 1932 season. Representatives from a dozen cities were on hand, including Leland H. Joannes and E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers, three times champions. The directors also were to elect officers and handle other routine matters. At a meeting of the league rules committee last night, it was decided not to accept all of the changes ordered recently by the National Football Rules committee. The pro league committee drafted some changes to be submitted to other directors at the meeting today, but did not announce what clauses were left out. Nine clubs are lined up for action and two others are seeking admission. Grand Rapids is one of the clubs seeking admission. It was not announced what city was represented as the other entrant. The session will conclude tomorrow evening.

JUL 11 (Atlantic City) - The NFL will operate this year as an eight-club circuit with Boston the only new member, replacing Providence which was given the right to maintain an inactive franchise for a year. The Philadelphia franchise was forfeited and St. Louis, expected to enter, decided to hold up for a year. The circuit now embraces Green Bay, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cardinals, Staten Island, Boston, New York Giants, Portsmouth and Brooklyn. In the interest of economy, the league directors at their annual meeting here over the weekend decided to reduce the player limit from 22 to 20 and to make drastic cuts in the number of passes issued. The league also named officers for the year, acted on rule change proposal submitted by the rules committee and drafted a playing schedule for the 1932 season...DRAW GOOD SCHEDULE: Green Bay again drew an attractive schedule, getting six league games at home and eight abroad. The Packers will open the season against the Chicago Cardinals at Green Bay on Sept. 18 and end it on December 11 against the Chicago Bears in Chicago. As in past years, the Wisconsin team will play three games with the Bears. A non-league opener also may be played by Green Bay on September 11. All of the strongest teams will invade Green Bay, New York, the two Chicago teams, Staten Island, Portsmouth and Brooklyn going to the Wisconsin city for early battles. The Packers play home and home series with all clubs except Boston. The Massachusetts entry is scheduled for a game with the Packers in the east only. Portsmouth is drawn by Green Bay at Green Bay on Oct. 9 and at Portsmouth on Dec. 4. The Packers face a rough road trip, meeting the Cardinals, Boston, Giants, Brooklyn, Stapleton, Portsmouth and the Bears on successive dates at the tail end of the year. They are booked at Brooklyn for a Thanksgiving day battle...HAVE STRONGER TEAMS: All of the team will have strengthened squads for the 1932 race, it was reported at the session. Several outstanding college performer have been signed by eastern squads. Benny Friedman will coach and play at Brooklyn, while Lud Wray will direct the new Boston eleven. The league will operated this season under old rules, with two minor exceptions.

Meeting on Saturday, league directors decided to accept only two of the six major changes in the playing code adopted by the colleges. They agreed to the revised rule providing that substitutes be allowed only once in each period and to provision covering changes in equipment to make the game safer. They turned down on the new rule permitting the use of the dropkick on the kickoff and limiting the style of formation by the receiving side on that play. They agreed, however, that a return to a natural tee, instead of the placekick, would be advisable to reduce injuries...OFFICERS RE-ELECTED: It was regarded as important by the directors that the professional retain the spectacular features of the game. They had not found the wedge and other formations, barred by the colleges, dangerous, it was said, and saw no reason for any change. Neither could they see "slowing up the game" by adoption of the rule providing that the ball is dead when any part of the player's body touched the ground. Elimination of the flying tackle and block was judged equally detrimental to the glamour of the game. Joe Carr of Columbus, O., was reelected president and Carl L. Storck, Detroit, vice president-treasure. Carr, Storck, Dr W.W. Kelly, Green Bay, Dr. Harry S. March, New York and Judge James M. Dooley, Providence, make up the executive committee. The next meeting with be held in Chicago.
JUL 12 (Green Bay) - Cardinals, Bears, Giants and Portsmouth on successive Sundays - that's the ambitious starting program of the Green Bay Packers in their quest for a fourth straight pennant. It is a suicide schedule if there ever was one and no one but the Packers would dare attempt it. Three championships is more than enough for any team, the other clubs figure, and they'll point to the game with Wisconsin's entrant more than all others. If the Packers can get over that opening quartet they might come through again, but it is expecting alot. When you glance over the schedule you realize that the Bays haven't a setup in the list, unless it might be Staten Island, previously known as Stapleton. Even this team may be one of the strong squads this year as the circuit has been reduced to eight teams and there will be plenty of good material available at moderate prices. Championship honors have placed the Packers in a position now where they can dictate terms to other clubs. All league teams want to play them, whereas in years gone by, when the Bays were just breaking in, it was a case of others telling Green Bay what they could have...All of the Green Bay dates should be good drawing cards. The Bears, Cardinals and Giants always caught the fans' fancy and brought them to the park. Portsmouth is sure to draw as the Ohioans raised a long howl when the Packers refused to play them a second time last year and followers believe the game will be one for blood. Brooklyn with Benny Friedman at the helm also should be a good attraction. Staten Island is the only doubtful booking. It will be interesting to not whether professional football feels effects of present economic conditions. Winning baseball teams haven't felt it much, and there are those who believe that winning football teams will continue to draw. Conditions are certain to cut into receipts to some extent, but how much remains to be seen. The league appears to be better balanced this year than ever before. Every entrant is given a possible chance to upset the Packers from the throne held for the past three years. Whether any of them can do it remains to be seen.
JUL 12 (Green Bay) - Adoption of only two of the new football rules by the NFL is a wise move, in the opinion of E.L. Lambeau, Packer coach, who returned to Green Bay today from Atlantic City where he and Leland H. Joannes, president of the local club, attended the annual meeting. By not accepting four major changes in the code adopted by the colleges, the professional circuit keeps all of the thrills in the game, the coach believes. The professionals have found that the wedge and other formations, barred from college games, have not proven dangerous in their sport, he added, so there were no reasons to bar them. Changes rejected by the professionals are the rule that declares a ball dead if any part of a carrier's body touches the ground, the flying block and tackle, the kickoff rule that would give the kicking side the choice of putting the ball in play with a dropkick and would force five members of the receiving side to be placed at a point directly in front of the ball, and the rule covering use of hands on defense...WOULD SLOW UP GAME: The Packer coach explained that the professionals believe the rule calling for a dead ball if a player slips and touches the ground would slow up the game. He said that there is very little "piling on" in the pro sport. It was this angle that the colleges stressed in adoption of the rule. The flying block and tackle are spectacular features of the game that should not be eliminated, the National league directors believe. They also point out that professional football has never had a fatal injury or one that permanently disabled any man, so have no reasons to change these codes. Belief that the formations in kickoffs have little danger, the pros rejected the section that dictates how a receiving side should be placed. The pros agreed to let the receivers place their men in any formation and to use a natural tee for the kickoff so that high, long kicks can be made...MAY USE HANDS: Use of hands on defense would be one of the hardest rules in the sport to enforce, the professionals believe so they rejected it. It would be almost impossible for a referee to call this section correctly all the time, Coach Lambeau believes. The Packer coach looks for one of the greatest races in history this year as there are eight strong teams entered, four representing the east and four the west. All of the eastern clubs are spending considerable money lining up strong outfits, he said, and the Packers will face the toughest road trip they ever attempted. The 20 player limit rule adopted at the session was not favored by Lambeau or New York and Brooklyn directors, he added. It was "railroaded" by some of the clubs that wanted to keep down expenses.
JUL 16 (Green Bay) - From the ranks of young football stars, the Green Bay Packers drew another stellar performer today to add to their 1932 roster. The latest player to sign a Packer contract for the coming season is Lester Peterson, towering end from down Texas way. Six-feet-two in his stocking feet and weighing 205 pounds, Peterson is one of the most powerful ends that ever played football in the southwest. He comes with the recommendations of every coach and sports writer of the district. Peterson was signed by Portsmouth last year after his graduation from the University of Texas, where he played three years, captaining the squad in his senior year. Several clubs bid for his services, but Portsmouth raised the ante and got him. The big end played 12 games with Portsmouth, turning in some great performances. He had a falling out with Potsy Clark late in the season, however, and quit the club. Clark agreed to release him when approached by Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Packers, so Peterson could sign with the Packers. Clark wanted to use Peterson as a tackle as he had a surplus of ends, but the Texan objected to playing the position as he was not familiar with it. According to Coach Lambeau, Peterson is a big rugged performer, capable of playing at top speed the full 60 minutes. His Texas team won the conference championship and Peterson was named on many all-Southern elevens his senior year. Peterson is the sixth new man signed by the Packer coach for the 1932 team.
JUL 23 (Green Bay) - The Green Bay Packers will open their football season with a non-league game against the Grand Rapids, Mich., eleven here Sunday, Sept. 11, it was announced today by Capt. E.L. Lambeau. The game will be one week before the National league season opener here on Sept. 18 against the Chicago Cardinals. Grand Rapids is one of the strongest football teams in the country playing independent football, according to Lambeau, and will offer Green Bay its hardest opening day test of many years. The Michigan club sought admission in the National league, Lambeau said, but because of its lack of experience against the best clubs it was thought best to hold up until next year before admitting it. The team will play as many National league clubs as possible, it has been reported, with games booked against the Bears, Portsmouth, Green Bay and the Cardinals. Last year the Michigan eleven pulled one of the surprises of the season by holding the Chicago Cardinals to a scoreless tie. J.G. Bryant is coach of the squad and has signed up several good men for this year's team, Lambeau said. The team has been playing for several years as an independent outfit.
JUL 23 (Green Bay) - Howard (Whitey) Woodin, a resident of Green Bay for the past 12 years, today announced his candidacy for the office of Brown country sheriff on the Republican ticket at the September primaries. Born in Fort Atkinson, Wis., Woodin attended Fort Atkinson high school, St. John's Military academy and Marquette university where he studied law. His father was chief of police in Fort Atkinson and sheriff in Jefferson country for 15 years. Woodin came to Green Bay in 1920 to play with the Green Bay Packers. He was a regular guard on the local team for 11 years, playing with three national championship teams. Besides his football he has been with the Van Drise Motor company for ten years. He is sales manager of the organization at present. The candidate announced that, if elected, he would give Brown country a fearless, capable, economic administration. He believe he could conduct the office in an efficient manner, eliminating wastes, and save the taxpayers money. He pledges himself to give residents a maximum of protection against crime and vice. Woodin, with his background of law enforcement due to his training under his father while the latter was in office for many years and his experience here in later life as deputy inspector of dance halls under the sheriff's department , work which he has done for the past eight years, believe he could offer Brown county an excellent administration. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Boxing commission.
JUL 27 (Green Bay) - As the mercury climbs over the 90 mark, you hardly would expect football conversation - that is if you didn't live in Green Bay. No matter how much you try to avoid it, wherever sportsmen gather here, the conversation usually turns to the game about this time. It seems that followers begin getting the urge for another grid season around August first. Then the stories begin to fly fast and often. You hear yarns of all types - some big, some small, some true, many more

untrue. Everyone will have his, or her, own idea of what the Packers are going to do this fall. Drop into any barber shop or cigar store and you'll get an angle from a curbstone coach. Frank will tell you the Packers have "Dynamite Dan, Dartmouth Daredevil" to play fullback. Joe will tell you that "Bucking Bob, Bucknell's Buster" is signed as quarterback. Jim will have straight dope about five Packer players being traded. He will confide that his information came from "headquarters". Investigation probably would reveal that "headquarters" is some "speak" or a poolroom...But let's not criticize those "coaches" too severely. When you come down to it, it is a healthy situation when you have fans take enough interest in a sport to form their own opinions about what would help a team or what would not. They are all loyal supporters and without them and the conversation the sport would soon die here. Probably one of the stories you have heard around town is the one about Jim Bowdoin, Packer guard, being traded to Brooklyn. The deal is pending, we have learned, and probably will be completed. It has not been definitely settled, however. Any of the other stories you have heard of trades being completed are not true. There are many floating around...You probably have heard that Herman Hickman, the guard from down south, will not report. It is another yarn not based on fact. Hickman will report. He has been wrestling in the east but you can't make a fortune at that business these days and he will be around when the roll call is read about Sept. 5. He's got a wife now, which is all the more reason that he should earn money playing football. We've had many inquiries about whether Tom Nash would be on hand again. Although he hasn't been signed, it's a pretty sure bet that he'll be here. Tom had a tryout with the New York Giants' baseball team last spring but didn't stick and is playing baseball in Texas. He writes that he looks forward to another year here. Mike Michalske was in town a few days back and will be around again when they begin kicking the ball around Joannes park, you can bet quite a bit on that. Mike's father died some time ago and he left Green Bay to be with his mother. Wuert Englemann is back in town again after spending some time in his South Dakota home.
AUG 2 (Green Bay) - Dexter Shelley, former all-Southwest conference back of the University of Texas, and in 1931 a star performer with the Providence Steam Rollers, will join the Green Bay Packers for the 1932 season. Announcement that Shelley, regarded as one of the professional game's outstanding exponents of the forward pass, has signed his Packer contract was made today by Coach E.L. Lambeau. The brilliant halfback, who nearly passed the Packer blind last season here while playing with an inferior team, is no stranger to Green Bay by reason of that one stellar appearance...SEVEN NEW PACKERS: Now that Shelley has completed arrangements to play here, the total of new men on the Packer squad has been raised to seven. Dexter Shelley first attained gridiron prominence as fullback and captain of the 1930 Texas university football team. He played at that position during the entire season, at the end of which he was selected all-conference fullback and was chosen to play in the East-West game at San Francisco during the Christmas holiday period...PASSED FOR TOUCHDOWNS: After leaving college, Shelley signed with the Steam Rollers, and soon the eastern sports writers were singing praises for his fine passing work. He gave a practical demonstration of this when, wearing number "5" in the Providence-Green Bay game here, he personally supervised three rapid fire Steam Roller touchdowns with tosses to Oran Pape, former Iowa flash who paired with him in the Providence backfield. In addition, Shelley kicked two goals after touchdown in that game, which went to the Packers by a 48 to 20 score. He is a sure goal kicker, and his all around backfield ability made him an able successor to George Wilson of the championship Providence team which burned up the professional circuit before Shelley's entrance. Shelley weighs 190 pounds and displays lightning speed as a ball carrier.

AUGT 4 (Green Bay) - Another halfback, veteran of the last hard season of football in the National league, has signed his contract for 1932, it was revealed today with the announcement that Henry (Hard Luck Hank) Bruder will continue as a member of the championship Packer team. Bruder is the ninth players to be lined up for the coming season, and he is the second veteran to turn in a contract...FEATURE OF RACE: Bruder's sensational development in the final games of 1931 was one of the features of the flag race that year. He always was noted as a hard worker, but he did not come into his own definitely until the Packers were playing in New York, when he won the Giant game by grabbing a forward pass and running 25 yards through a broken field for the touchdown which gave Green Bay a hard fought 14-10 victory. New York papers sang their praises of Hank as a result of his work in the Giant-Packer game, and Bruder

continued to drive at top speed. He made three touchdowns during the season, one of them against the Cardinals at Chicago, when he poked through the line after a series of vicious thrusts in the closing minutes of the contest at Wrigley field. Bruder's nickname, Hard Luck Hank, was won in his undergraduate days at Northwestern university, when he was jinxed by an almost constant succession of injuries. However, he captained the Wildcats in 1930, and played brilliant football in the purple backfield...LIVES IN GREEN BAY: Hank is a year-around resident of Green Bay. He is married and is the father of one child. For a time after the professional football season ended, he tried his hand at wrestling, but eliminated this sport as an extracurricular activity when he fractured his shoulder blade in a winter match at Sturgeon Bay. At present Bruder is employed as driver for the Olsen Transfer company, piloting a truck between Green Bay and Chicago. Coach E.L. Lambeau expects great things from him this fall when he resumes his practice session in the Packer backfield.
AUG 8 (Green Bay) - Arthur (Red) Bultman, former captain of Marquette university's Golden Avalanche, and last year team member of the Brooklyn NFL entry, has signed to play with the Packers, Coach E.L. (Curly) Lambeau announced today. Bultman, a center, first got his name in football box scores as a star player for West high school, where he was a letterman in 1924, 1925 and 1926. He is remembered particularly for his fine play in the East-West game of 1926, which East won 9 to 3. The West team of that year was captained by Kenneth Radick, a former Packers and a teammate of Bultman at Marquette...CAPTAINED MARQUETTE TEAM: Red held down the center position at Marquette in 1928, 1929 and 1930. That season the Avalanche was undefeated, scoring victories over such teams as Iowa, Detroit, Boston college, Creighton and Grinnell. After leaving Marquette Bultman signed with Brooklyn, where played regularly last season. His best game of the year was turned in before a Green Bay audience, when Brooklyn invaded the Bay for a National league contest. Bultman is rangy and fast and stars both offensively and defensively. With the former Marquette captain in the fold, the growing Packers squad now totals ten players.
AUG 9 (Green Bay) - One of the fastest linemen playing professional football, and a veteran of the 1931 Packer championship schedule, will play again for Green Bay, as Richard (Dick) Stahlman, tackle, has signed his 1932 contract. With Stahlman back in uniform, the rapidly expanding Packer squad now includes 11 men...STARTS SEVENTH YEAR: When the Packers push off for the season against Grand Rapids in a non-league contest, Sept. 11, Stahlman will be starting his second year with the national champions, but it will be his seventh year in the professional game. He tips the beam at 220 pounds and is six feet tall. Stahlman graduated from Chicago university, where he starred in Big Ten competition. He played with the Pottsville Maroons in 1925 and 1926 and was line coach at Texas university in 1927. The next year he was back in the National league playing with the New York Giants in 1928, 1929 and 1930. In 1931 he joined the Packers, and that year he was selected on the second all-American professional team. During his offseason, he is an expert accountant with the Chicago Gas company...CATCHES FOR READING: Stahlman also plays a fine game of baseball and has seen major league service. This season he is catching with the Reading club in the International league. Dick's brilliant line play with the Packers in 1931 was a feature of the season. He starred particularly in the crucial games against the N.Y. Giants and Chicago Bears.

AUG 10 (Green Bay) - The growing Packer football squad for the 1932 now includes Hurdis McCrary, halfback, known as one of the fastest men on the Bay squad, whose contract has been received by Coach E.L. Lambeau. McCrary is a graduate of Georgia university, where he made intercollegiate football history as fullback. He played at Georgia in 1926, 1927 and 1928, being selected as an all-American fullback last year. He played on the famous Georgia team of 1928 which whipped Yale on its home field. This will be his fourth season of professional football and he has been with the national champions during his entire postgraduate gridiron career. Hurdis measures six feet one inch and weighs 205 pounds. He is a hard man to bring down on any part of the field. Last year McCrary gained many a yard for Green Bay, although his only touchdown of the year was chalked up early in the season against the Cleveland Bulldogs in the opening game of the schedule. McCrary is married, has two children, and at present is employed with a utility firm in Cheyenne, Wyo. His home town is Bicknell, Ind. With the veteran halfback signed, the Packer squad has been expanded to 12 player.
AUG 11 (Green Bay) - "It won't be long now." One month from today, the Green Bay Packers will place their first playing lineup of the 1932 football season on the turf at City stadium, prepared to display their talents new and old against the Grand Rapids, Mich., independent professional team. Orders to report for the initial practice session Sept. 1 were mailed about two weeks ago to all prospective Packer candidates by Coach E.L. (Curly) Lambeau. Shortly before the end of the month, therefore, veteran Packers, as well as those who have yet to win their spurs with the Green Bay National league club, will arrive in town, ready to go to work. The Packer program for the coming season has not been minimized...PRESENTS DIFFERENT PICTURE: So the large City stadium, now lying idle under the sun and rain of late summer, will present an entirely different picture within the month, as football fans turn out for their first peek at the 1932 Packer edition. As only 13 men have been signed to date, predictions as to the season's showing would be futile. However, there is plenty of speed among the first 13, as well as line strength, so that Green Bay is assured a squad every bit as tough as those of the past few seasons.
AUG 11 (Green Bay) - One of the best blockers on the 1931 Packer team, Dr. Paul F. Fitzgibbons of Los Angeles, has signed his contract for the coming season, Coach Lambeau announced today. Fitz started his football career at a halfback post, but last year, when the early need for replacement at quarterback became apparent, he was switched to that position, and has shown promise of developing into an excellent signal caller...GRABS OFF PUNTS: Fitzgibbons looked particularly good in the 1931 games against Providence and Brooklyn. He is an expert at snaring punts, and is regarded as a fair open field runner. Fitz weighs 171 pounds, and will be starting his third year with the Packers, although it is his sixth in professional football. Before joining the Bay team, Ftizgibbons saw service with Philadelphia and the Chicago Cardinals. He is a graduate of Creighton university, Omaha, Neb.
AUG 12 (Green Bay) - His fifth year of professional football, all spent with the Green Bay Packers, will be started within the month by Tom A. Nash, veteran end, according to an announcement by Coach E.L. Lambeau. Nash's contract has been received and, as a result, the Packer squad now totals 14 players...ARE OF BEST: Tom Nash is well over six feet tall, weighs 210 pounds, and is regarded as one of the best wingmen in the National league. He is a graduate of Georgia university, where he won a place on the first all-American team in 1927, after playing three years of varsity ball with the Crackers. Nash has few equals at taking out tackles. He is as tough as they come, is a great pass receiver, and for a big man, has a world of speed. He is also a professional baseball players, having seen service with the New York Giants. He played one season with Buffalo in the International league, and for the past two seasons has played in the Texas league. His positions are first base or outfield, and he hits consistently above. 300. Nash made one touchdown for Green Bay last season.
AUG 12 (Milwaukee) - Arthur (Red) Bultman, 1930 Marquette university football captain who recently was signed by the Green Bay Packers, professional football champions, is tuning up for the fall gridiron campaign as a life guard at McKinley beach. Bultman played with the Brooklyn football club last fall but was acquired by Green Bay when he was declared a free agent. The husky center will report to Coach Earl (Curly) Lambeau for practice around Sept. 1.

AUG 13 (Green Bay) - One of the University of Michigan's immortals, who has completed five years of postgraduate football, has signed his 1932 Packer contract with the announcement that Bo Molenda is back in the fold for the coming season. Molenda is the fifteenth Packer to sign thus far, was all-conference fullback at Michigan in 1926 during the Friedman-Oosterbaan regime. Coach Fielding Yost has declared the smashing fullback was one of the best backs he ever coached...POPULAR WITH FANS: Bo is a plunging type of gridder and is very popular with fans at home and abroad. He backs up the line well and can pass when necessary, in addition to which he would rather play football than eat. After leaving Ann Arbor, Bo starred for one season, 1927, with C.C. (Cash and Carry) Pyle's New York Yankees, headed by Red Grange. Green Bay fans were delighted late in the summer of 1928 when Molenda signed with the Packers. The husky fullback arrived early in September of that year and has been a fixture in the Bay lineup ever since. Besides representing Green Bay on the gridiron, Molenda hurled for the Green Sox baseball teams two seasons, 1929 and 1931. This season he has been playing for Vernon, Cal, He is married...SCORED 21 POINTS: Molenda made three touchdowns for Green Bay last season and kicked three goals after touchdown for a total of 21 points. He ranked thirteenth in the National league individual scoring column.
AUG 15 (Green Bay) - "The Eyes of Texas" may be a popular college song in Green Bay during the coming 1932 season with the signing of the third Texas University veteran by the thrice champion Packers. The newest recruit is Alfred Rose, resident of Temple, Tex., 230-pound end and member of the third all-America professional team in 1931. In addition to his great weight, Rose is six feet two inches tall and is remarkably fast for a man of his bulk...HUBBARD ADDS PRAISE: Cal Hubbard, veteran Green Bay tackle, declared at the close of the last season that Rose was the best end he played against last fall. Rose appeared in Green Bay with Providence and Dexter Shelley and aided the Steamroller offensive which pushed over three rapid fire touchdowns against the Bays. Rose's fame on the gridiron extends back farther than his Providence regime, however. He played football at Texas university in 1927, 1928 and 1929, and Spaulding's guide, in reviewing the Southwest conference, termed Rose one of the greatest ends ever developed in Texas. Rose joined Providence at the start of the 1930 season and played again with the Rollers last year. His work was outstanding...16 UNDER CONTRACT: The Packers rapidly are developing what resembles a starting lineup. Men now under contract total 16.
AUG 16 (Green Bay) - When a rookie Packer end last November executed a sensational block at Wrigley field, Chicago, to pace the way for a hard won Green Bay
victory over the Chicago Bears, he wrote football history. The player, Milton Gantenbein, former Wisconsin university end, will have a chance to add or write more chapters in 1932, for he has signed a Packer contract again. Green Bay fans who witnessed the Bear game in Chicago never will forget Gantenbein's performance. He was packing Mike Michalske, Packer guard, who had intercepted Brumbaugh's pass and was way for a long jaunt to the goal. Link Lyman, Bear left tackle, slid in toward Michalske, and the Packer touchdown hopes began to fade, but Gantenbein cut across, blocked out Lyman in one hard plunge, and Michalske continued on his way to the goal. Green Bay won this game, 6 to 2...SAW PLENTY OF SERVICE: After that, Gantenbein attracted more and more attention, and he saw plenty of service with the Bays. He is small but husky and fast, and weighs about 180 pounds. He likes it best when the going is tough, and may be depended upon to serve regular time as a Packer wingman this fall. Gantenbein captained Wisconsin in 1930, and that holiday season represented the East in the annual East-West game on the Pacific coast. He is unmarried, hails from La Crosse, but now is engaged in insurance work at Madison. While at Wisconsin, Milt played three years of varsity football. The addition of Gantenbein to the Packer squad boosts the total of players signed to 17.
AUG 16 (Green Bay) - Arnold Herber, Packer football, escaped injury last night in an automobile accident on County Trunk A, about a mile south of Benderville, but his new coupe was demolished. He was coming toward Green Bay, he told County Motorcycle Officer William Van Egeren, and in rounding a curve his car got out of control and crashed into a large concrete mixer which was parked beside the highway, The car, folded up, ran into the ditch and overturned. The mixer was knocked into a field and was badly damaged. The football player escaped with a cut over his eye and a bruised leg.
AUG 17 (Green Bay) - Roger Grove, one of Jimmy Crowley's gridiron products at Michigan State, has signed a contract to play with the Green Bay Packers again this season. This will be Grove's second year with the national champions. The hustling quarterback was recommended to Coach E.L. Lambeau by Crowley, who is the football mentor at Michigan State. Grove came through nicely in his first year on the professional gridiron. Red Dunn, one of the greatest field generals of all time, took Grove under his wing last fall and taught him many tricks of the signal calling job which should make him all the more valuable to the Green Bay eleven this season. Grove didn't pass very smoothly in 1931, but has been practicing at every opportunity this summer. It is said that he has developed a bullet-like peg besides getting a lot of distance on his tosses. The former Michigan State star runs back punts fairly well and is a good blocker. He showed better than the average generalship when given a chance to call signals last fall. Roger is hustling all the time and fights for every extra inch of ground. Grove has been in the city for the past two weeks and spends most of his time at Resthaven, getting himself in a pink of condition for a strenuous season. The return of Grove means that the Packers now have 18 players under contract.

AUG 18 (Columbus, OH) - One month today, Sept. 18, the fourteenth season of the NFL will swing into action at Green Bay, Wis., where the thrice champion Packers will clash with the Chicago Cardinals. According to President Joe F. Carr, the professional gridiron circuit will have a successful season despite conditions. "We have the strongest lineup of clubs in the history of our league," Carr asserted, who has been at the head of the loop ever since it was organized back in 1919...HAVE STRONG CIRCUIT: "This year we have a compact circuit of eight clubs," he continued, "and every team is well fixed financially. Boston has replaced Providence and this change in franchises should give us added strength. Report that I have received from the club leaders are that there is more enthusiasm than ever before and all managers are predicting that Curly Lambeau's Green Bay eleven will have to step lively to win its fourth pennant." Carr expects great things from the Boston squad under the direction of Lud Wray, former Pennsylvania coach. Frank W. Marshall, the Washington D.C. laundry magnate, who is backing the club told Wray to go out and get the best club that

money could buy and he is following orders...FRIEDMAN WITH BROOKLYN: With Benny Friedman at the helm, Brooklyn is looking forward to a banner year. Friedman has a great following in the east and Owner Mike Dwyer is wondering if Ebbets field will be large enough to handle the crowds. Business is also looking up for the other teams in the metropolitan district. Steve Owen will again head the New York Giants while Ken Strong is slated to pilot Staten Island (Stapleton) for another season. Ernie Pinckert, famous Southern California back, has accepted teams with the Giants while Bill Morton, the Dartmouth flash, probably will be seen in the Stapleton battle front. Marty Brill, a Notre Dame backfield star, will assist in the direction of Stapleton...PORTSMOUTH STRONG AGAIN: Potsy Clark, coach of the Portsmouth Spartans, is predicting the 1932 championship for his club. With but few exceptions, he will have all of his star players back in togs. Among those who will carry on for Portsmouth are McKalip, Presnell, Lumpkin, Bodenger, Randolph and Spider Clark. The Chicago Bears will have their best club in years, according to George Halas and this statement is seconded by Ralph Jones, the Bruins' mentor.
AUG 19 (Green Bay) - Leland H. Joanne was reelected president of the Green Bay Football corporation at the annual stockholders' meeting held Thursday evening in the supervisors' room of the courthouse. This will be President Joannes' third team in office. Gerald F. Clifford was reelected vice president; C.J. O'Connor was chosen as treasurer for another year and G.W. Calhoun will continue to serve as secretary. The executive committee will be composed of President Joannes, Vice president Clifford, A.B. Turnbull, Dr. W.W. Kelly and Charles Mathys. Members of the board of directors include the executive board and Ralph H. Drum, H.J. Bero, J.H. Golden, Edwin Schweger, Marcel Lambeau, Edward Schuster, Lewis E. Peal, C.M. Berard, L.P. Ziebell and G.W. Calhoun....FINANCIAL STATEMENT APPROVED: Dr. Kelly read the financial statement and explained many of the details. It was unanimously approved without discussion. The Football corporation spent approximately $13,000 in improvements at the City stadium last season, the report revealed. Coach E.L. Lambeau was called by Joannes to say a few words about this year's squad and the Packer mentor assured the stockholders that his team again would be very much in the running. He added that the competition this fall would be stiffer than ever before as all the other clubs in the circuit had strengthened their teams. Coach Lambeau spoke highly of several new players he has signed. On the motion of Ben J. Masse, the chair was empowered to appoint a nominating committee and President Joannes named E.A. Spachmann, L.C. Snavely and Arthur J. Gotto. After a conference the committee filed its report which was adopted by the stockholders without a dissenting vote. The stockholders' meeting then adjourned and the newly elected board of directors went into session...CUT TICKET PRICES: The first business of the directors was to reduce the price of box seat season tickets from $25 to $20 and the season reserved tickets were cut from $15 to $12. There will be no change in the regular admission prices with the exception of the elimination of the $1.25 seats. This season these seats can be purchased for $1. It was decided to reserve every seat in the park. As in past years, E.A. Spachmann will have charge of the Packer ticket department. The sales office will be opened in the Columbus Community club on Sept. 1. Tickets again will be on sale in the usual places about town and special agencies are to be opened in many of the neighboring communities...NAME POLICING COMMITTEE: A committee composed of H.J. Bero, Ralph H. Drum and Marcel Lambeau will have charge of the policing at the stadium. The Legion patrol force is to be increased this fall and the directors sanctioned the plan for improvements to and around the fence which should greatly cut down the number of "crashers". Vice-president Clifford who will again direct the season ticket sale announced that there will be a special meeting of the solicitors at the courthouse next Tuesday evening at 7:45. Speaking before the directors, the vice-president asked that all members of the board participates in the campaign. "Lists of the 1931 purchasers have been prepared by the ticket sales department," said Mr. Clifford, "and we want this old business called on within a week, if possible. We will have our usual committee which will make special visits on the reported turndowns."...WANT VETERANS ON HAND: "In other years, our ticket drive has been helped greatly by a number of volunteer workers and I trust that veterans of past campaigns will meet with us here next Tuesday night. The opening game is only three weeks away and it doesn't leave us much time to sell season tickets, but I am confident that if we all get out and hustle, the Football corporation will start another season with a firm financial foundation."
AUG 20 (Green Bay) - A young man who is a veteran of two previous Green Bay football seasons, Arnold Herber, former West high star, has signed a contract with the Packers, and will report at the initial practice session Sept. 1. Herber starred at West high in 1925, 1926 and 1927. Fans will remember his sensational pass to Arnie Adams in the last two minutes of the 1927 game, which paved the way to West's winning touchdown. Herber added an extra point by means of a dropkick, and East was beaten, 7 to 6. In the fall of 1928 Herber entered Wisconsin university, where he was named freshman football captain. He left Wisconsin during the school year and entered Regis college, Denver, Col., in the fall of 1929. He starred as a back at Regis, where he was coached by Red Strader, former star of the Chicago Cardinals. Herber joined the Packers in 1930, playing throughout the season and part of the 1931 year. He is a good kicker, player and runner, and Coach E.L. Lambeau believes that he has great possibilities. The Packers now have 19 players under contract.

AUG 26 (Green Bay) - The professional gridiron holds no more colorful player than Johnny Blood, Green Bay's veteran "vagabond halfback", who has acquired dignity but lost none of his color since that nickname was acquired several years ago. Blood, Coach Lambeau announced today, has signed a contract for 1932. Johnny needs no introduction to Packer fans. He is a great pass receiver, and has the knack of pulling down tosses for sensational plays. In addition, he is an excellent open field runner and is a top-notch punter. Blood also tosses passes with considerable ability. Blood's hometown is New Richmond, Wis., when he stays there. He first attracted attention as a player when he played for the Notre Dame freshmen some years back. He followed this with one year of varsity football at St. Thomas and then launched directly into the professional pastime. He is starting his seventh year in pro football, and his fourth with the Packers. He made his pro debut in 1926 with Ernie Nevers' Duluth Eskimos, playing two seasons with that team. In 1928 he saw service with Pottsville's Maroons, and then joined the Packers. Last season, Johnny Blood was named at halfback on the first all-American professional football team. He made 13 touchdowns during the season to lead the National league in scoring, Nevers playing second with 66.
AUG 27 (Green Bay) - Jim Bowdoin, Packer guard for the past four seasons, has been sold to the Brooklyn Dodgers, according to E.L. Lambeau, coach of the national champions. The deal with Benny Friedman, manager of the eastern club, which has been hanging fire for six weeks, was closed here last Friday when a wire from Friedman, acknowledging the receipt of Bowdoin's contract, was received. Bowdoin joined the Packers after graduating from Alabama in 1928 and has been playing football here since that time. Jim should have little trouble making the grade with the Dodgers because, when in shape, is a capable center flanker...DON CARLOS IS RELEASED: Coach Lambeau also announced the release of Waldo Don Carlos, who was expected to come back for his second year with the Packers. Don Carlos has been studying law at Drake university. He notified the Packer pilot that he intended to quit the postgraduate gridiron at the close of the 1932 season and Lambeau figured that it would be best to drop Don Carlos and secure another center who planned to continue in the pro game. There is nothing to the rumor that Red Dunn would return to the Packers machine, according to Coach Lambeau. This rumor has been circulated widely of late due to the fact that there has been no official announcement from the Marquette athletic council to the effect that Dunn had been hired as backfield coach at the Hilltop institution...STILL HANGING FIRE: Negotiations between Dunn and Marquette are still hanging fire and it is expected that the veteran Packer quarterback will come to terms with the university officials before Labor Day. However, even if he does not take the Marquette job, Dunn will not be in a Packer uniform this fall. The status of Elmer (Red) Sleight, Packer tackle, is still very much up in the air. In June, it was announced that Sleight was selected as line coach at Missouri under Frank Carideo, former Notre Dame star. Sleight was selected but as yet the former Purdue star has not been returned his contract signed by the Missouri athletic board. Sleight recently left for Lafayette, Ind., where he hoped to get in touch with Carideo, who is reported driving back from the Pacific coast where he has a lead role in a football movie. If Sleight doesn't get his written agreement from Missouri, he will hasten back here and put his name on the dotted line for the Packers...TICKET BUSINESS FAIR: Reports filed by the Green Bay Football corporation's season ticket salesmen at Friday night's meeting indicate that good progress is being made in the campaign. Although the drive has been underway less than a week, the solicitors are running through lists rapidly and deliveries will be started next week. The reduced prices for box and reserved seat season tickets are finding favor with regular customers. The Football executives were greatly pleased with the amount of new business reported by the campaigners. This is an encouraging sign, according to Vice-President Gerald F. Clifford, as it indicated that each year the Packers are developing an increased following. During the week preceding the opening game with Grand Rapid on Sunday, Sept. 11, committees composing of Football corporation directors and ticket salesmen will visit a number of cities in northeastern Wisconsin and upper Michigan to round up prospective season ticket purchasers. The tour is now being mapped out. The majority of meetings will be scheduled for American legion halls in the various towns.
AUG 29 (Grand Rapids MI) - The strongest football squad ever to represent Grand Rapids on the professional football field began practice Sunday, and according to Manager James G. Bryant, a tough lineup will be ready for the opening game of the season against the Green Bay Packers, Sept. 11. This will be Grand Rapids' fourth season on the postgraduate gridiron and the executives of the team have been working hard to get together a winning club. Two dozen former collegians have signed contracts. Included in the list are a number of gridders who were sought by National league teams but came here after being provided with all year jobs...WHEELER TO PLAY AGAIN: Jack Wheeler, who played halfback for Michigan university three years ago, and who made the 50 yard run that paved the way for last year's tying touchdown against the Chicago Cardinals, will trot in the Maroon backfield again this season. Coach Bryant also has signed Jake Fase, who played three years as end at Michigan State, and was one of the stars on Jimmy Crowley's 1931 team...OTHER STAR PLAYERS: Other outstanding players already under contract are Con Houltman, Ohio State; Shorty Rojan, Northwestern; Louis Gilbert, Michigan, and Mato Malanowski, Detroit. Grand Rapids is hoping to place a team in the NFL next year and an early season victory over Green Bay would add plenty of prestige to the cause.

AUG 30 (Green Bay) - If the Green Bay Packer football players display the same degree of punctuality reporting for practice as returning signed contract, Coach Earl (Curly) Lambeau will be able to greet many old and new faces Thursday when he called his men out for the inaugural workout. Day by day the football colony is swelling and by Thursday a goodly number should be on hand at the Packer field to make the initial drill an an auspicious one. Green Bay had its players spread all over the country, but one summons from the executive office, wherein all the checks are signed, should prove a successful measure in corralling the stragglers. The Green Bay Football corporation maintains a close contact with its men, and the card index in the office of the secretary contains complete information as to what the players did during the offseason...BULTMAN LIFEGUARD: Starting with the center, Arthur (Red) Bultman, former Marquette star, who was purchased from the Brooklyn Dodgers this fall, was employed as a lifeguard in Milwaukee. Nate Barragar, regular center, operates a sporting good store in San Bernadino, Cal. Jugger Earpe, still unsigned, who was professional football's "man mountain" until 270-pound Harold Ely, former University of Iowa tackle, signed with the Chicago Bears, is selling bonds in Green Bay. Lambeau will have good reason to snap the buttons off his vest when Rudy Comstock and Mike Michalske, veteran guards, report for practice this year. Both return year-in and year-out in fine playing condition, the former being employed as a steel worker in Youngstown, Ohio, and the latter as a member of a trucking firm in Cleveland. Michalske is not under signed contract as yet. Among the new guard, who are expected to be on deck Thursday, Clyde Van Sickle is selling insurance in the East, Herman Hickman is a wrestler, and George Gibson, formerly head football coach at Carleton college, Minneapolis, is vacationing in Green Bay, awaiting the New York Giants, Chicago Bears, et al...DICK PLAYS BASEBALL: Fifty percent of the tackles earn a part of their livelihood in baseball. Dick Stahlman, all-professional tackle last year, is catching for Reading in the International league, while Cal Hubbard is an umpire in the western circuit. Claude Perry who was recalled from Brooklyn is farming in Jasper, Ala. Another veteran, Elmer (Red) Sleight has not returned a signed contract as yet, inasmuch as he is dickering for the line coaching job at Missouri. Lavvie Dilweg, all-pro end for the last five season who is not under contract yet is with a law firm in Green Bay and is also seeking the Democrat nomination for district attorney of Brown country. Milton Gantenbein is selling insurance in Madison, while Rose and Peterson, two newcomers, have been riding the range in Texas. Tom Nash, another veteran end, is playing in the outfield with San Antonio in the Texas league. Last spring he was given a trial with the New York Giants. Now that Freddy Lindstrom isn't cracking the ball and is slated to be traded or sold this winter, Nash is reported to having an excellent chance of winning a post on Manager Bill Terry's payroll...GROVE IN GREEN BAY: Roger Grove, reserve quarterback, who may replace Red Dunn, is vacationing in Green Bay. Paul Fitzgibbons is an intern in Los Angeles, and Jack White, former Purdue ace, who signed with Green Bay this summer, is a professional baseball player. The index of the halfbacks shows that Hurdis McCrary has been working for a public utilities corporation in Cheyenne, Wyo. Blood has been selling insurance in New Richmond, Wis., and Wuert Englemann has been working as a lifeguard at a Howard, Wis., beach. Lew Lewellen, another errant signer, is district attorney of Brown county and is in the race for re-election this fall on the Republican ticket. Hank Bruder is driving for a trucking firm, operating between Green Bay and Chicago. Marger Aspit, new halfback, is signing checks for a film company in Hollywood. Dexter Shelley is working in the East, while Arnold Herber is shouldering pop cases at his mother's beverage establishment in De Pere. Bo Molenda recently returned to Green Bay from the Pacific coast, where he pitched several games for Vernon, Cal., in the coast league. Clarke Hinkle, a newcomer at the fullback post, is a playground director in Conneaut, Ohio. And last, but not the least, Coach Curly Lambeau is running an insurance agency in Green Bay.
AUG 30 (Green Bay) - Another veteran pro league back was added to the Packer fold today when the signed

Journal Sentinel files: From left, Packers coach Curly Lambeau tells Wuert Engelmann, Hank Bruder, Bo Molenda and Tom Nash a traveling story in this 1932 photo.

contract of Wuert Englemann was received by Coach E.L. Lambeau. Wuert is the 24th player to fall in line with the squad this year. This will be Englemann's third year with the national champs. He played three years of varsity ball with the University of South Dakota before joining the Bay team. Always a speed demon, the Dakota Jackrabbit will again materially aid the fast running attack employed by the Packers. Wuert has a stride like a giant and once in an open field is a mighty hard man to stop. He weighs 185 pounds and is built to stand plenty of abuse...THREE TOUCHDOWNS SCORED: Englemann gave Packer fans one of their biggest thrills last season in the Providence Steamroller game when he caught a kickoff and galloped some 80 yards down the sidelines for a touchdown. The run climaxed a big day for Wuert as it was his third touchdown, all of them coming in the first five minutes of the game. He scored four touchdowns for the Packers last season and his brilliant open field running was a constant threat to the Bay team's opponents.
AUG 31 (Green Bay) - Joseph Zeller, one of the greatest guards ever developed at Indiana, will play with the Packers this season. Coach E.L. Lambeau came to terms with the Hoosier late Tuesday after a month of negotiations and he will report immediately. Zeller in 1931 ranked third in the Western conference most valuable contest and the year before he placed seventh...WELCOME NEWS TO FANS: Announcement of Zeller's signing is certain to be received favorably by Green Bay football fans. In addition to winning all-conference recognition last season, Zeller was regarded as one of the most popular men on the Indiana campus. The big lineman started his high school career at Roosevelt high, Chicago, where he attended his first two years. In his sophomore year he was both a football and basketball star, and played some baseball...THREE SPORT STAR: He transferred in his junior year to Washington high at East Chicago, Ind., where he became a sensation in basketball, baseball and football. Joe played floor guard in basketball and halfback on the grid team. At Indiana, Zeller played three years as a regular on the varsity football team, and the same length of time on the basketball squad. The football coaches shifted him from halfback to guard. The new Packer weighs 190 pounds and stands better than six feet in height. While at Indiana, he confirmed himself to football and basketball, rating all-conference honors in the caging game as well as upon the gridiron. 25 players are now under contract.
AUG 31 (Green Bay) - La Vern Dilweg, veteran All-American end with the Green Bay Packers football team, this afternoon signed a contract to play with the Packer squad again. The contract was signed after a conference lasting less than five minutes.
AUG 31 (Green Bay) - Season ticket salesmen for the Green Bay Football corporation filed encouraging reports at Tuesday night's meeting and Vice-President Gerald F. Clifford, who is directing the campaign, has hopes of reaching the desired quota of $10,000 within the next ten days. Delivery of tickets will begin this week. There are still a number of choice reservations available and the ticket committee intends to campaign in a number of the neighboring cities during the next week. Lists of prospective new customers were handed out to the ticket sellers. The solicitors are to report again at Friday night's meeting.
SEPT 1 (Green Bay) - Packer football stock soared to a new high level today with the announcement from Coach Earl (Curly) Lambeau that Verne C. Lewellen and La Vern Dilweg, veteran halfback and end respectively, had affixed their names to Packer grid contracts. Lewellen has been a stalwart in the Packer backfield for the past eight years and has won all-professional honors at halfback five times. He was graduated from the University of Nebraska and during his senior year captained the Cornhuskers through a winning season...HARD RUNNING BACK: He is one of the hardest running backs in the pro football circuit and his great value to the Packers has been asserted time and again when they are within striking distance of the goal posts. Lewellen has been one of the leading offensive players on the Green Bay eleven during his eight years of service and concluded last season with six touchdowns for a total of 30 points. His punting has been as spectacular as his ball carrying. Numerous sports writers have pointed out in their articles that it was an important fact in Green Bay's winning the pro football championship three years in a row...TERMED PERFECT END: Dilweg is repeatedly referred to as the perfect end. He has the facility of always being in the right place at the right time. He has made the all-professional team for the last five years and prior to signing with the Packers served one season with the Milwaukee Badgers. Dilweg acquired his undergraduate football experience at Marquette university and while a member on the Hilltop eleven with Joseph (Red) Dunn won honors on several all-American football squads. Dilweg is one of the best pass receivers in the NFL and last season figured in the Packer offense for a total of 25 points. His brilliant play likewise carries over to his defensive game. Few are the opponent backfielders who can say that they broke loose around his end for any appreciable gains. The Packer list now includes 27 players. Twenty-two players reported for the first practice session this morning at Joannes park and a crowd of more than 200 fans turned out to see the drill. The group included many new players. Several veterans also were on hand. They went through a two hour drill, running, passing and doing other work. Included in the group were Bultman, Earpe, Zeller, Perry, Comstock, Van Sickle, Peterson, Gantenbein, Dilweg and Rose, linemen, and Lewellen, Fitzgibbons, Grove, White, Molenda, McCrary, Aspit, Blood, Shelly, Bruder, Herber and Englemann, backfield men. Herman Hickman, the all-American guard at the University of Tennessee last season and who was signed by the Packers last winter will be unable to report for at least several weeks. According to a telegram received by Captain Lambeau this morning, Hickman injured his shoulder and sprained both ankles in a fall from a ring at Knoxville, Tenn., last night. Hickman has been wrestling since last winter and the Knoxville bout was to be his last one until after the football season.
SEPT 2 (Portsmouth) - Mule Wilson, who formerly played with the New York Giants and Packers, writes from his home in Dallas for a tryout with the Spartans. He was told he could report on his own hook and he probably will. He incidentally writes that the Green Bay Packers were anxious to play here last year, but the management didn't want to take the chance of having

the team defeated.
SEPT 2 (Green Bay) - A meeting of the Green Bay Packer season ticket salesmen will be held tonight at The Press-Gazette and Vice-president Gerald F. Clifford, who is in charge of the campaign, wants all solicitors as well as members of the Football corporation's board of directors present. The season ticket sale has been progressing fairly well, according to Clifford but the total is still far away from the desired $10,000. "We have a week to go," said the football executive, "and I have plans to finish the drive with a lot of action. New lists have been prepared and these will be handed out tonight. It is urgent that we have a large turnout of solicitors as there is a lot of ground to be covered in the out-of-town districts."...READY TO DELIVER TICKETS: E.A. Spachmann, head of the Packer ticket department, has been working overtime this week getting his tickets straightened out and tonight he will turn over ordered season books to solicitors for delivery. The Packer ticket office in the Columbus Community club will be open Tuesday. Mail orders for seats are pouring in daily and the individual advance reservations are, at least, as heavy as this time last year. The out-of-town football fans however are not centering all their attention on the Bear game as in former seasons. The game with the Bruins is getting quite a play but there are many of the orders coming for the tilts with the New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodger and Portsmouth Spartans...MANY TICKET AGENCIES: With the enlarged seating capacity at the stadium, the Football corporation is now in a position to supply any number of tickets at all times. Some 19 Packer agencies have been established in Wisconsin and upper Michigan to help handle the out-of-town demand...NO END OF ACTIVITY: There is no end of activity in football circles these days. With practice starting and players arriving, Bud Jorgenson, who is starting his seventh year as property man for the Packer squad, has been working nights at the C.C.C. training quarters sorting equipment and checking over many details. Improvements at the City stadium are nearly completed. The concrete foundation for the fence is set in and the barbed wire entanglements atop the outside barrier have been up a week. Marcel Lambeau will have a crew of men looking over the big stands next week and do whatever repair work that is necessary...IN GOOD SHAPE: Never has the playing field been in such good shape. Since early in the spring, the gridiron has received daily attention. It is now as green and smooth as a billiard table. There will be a meeting of ushers next week at the courthouse. In the meantime, the head ushers in charge of the various sections are checking over their assistants and many replacements are being made. It is the aim of the Football corporation to use, so far as it is possible, young men who are jobless as ushers this fall. There is no salary attached but it will give the idle workers a chance to see the games at home.
SEPT 3 (Green Bay) - Grand Rapids will have played a game before meeting the Packers here on Sunday, Sept. 11, as they have arranged a contest with the Chicago Cardinals for Wednesday night. Evidently Manager James Bryant of the Grand Rapids club wanted to try out some of his gridders before bringing them here to tackle the national champions. Last season the Cardinals appeared twice in the Michigan city. One game was a tie while in the other combat Ernie Nevers had a field day and the Cards chalked up a victory by a comfortable margin...GET EARLY START: Word from Chicago that the Cardinals had arranged the game created some surprise here and indicated that other clubs in the National league are trying to get a jump on the Packers this season. "As a general rule two games in a week is pretty tough on any team," said Coach E.L. Lambeau of the Packers, "but the situation right now at Grand Rapids is a bit different. According to the information I have received, Grand Rapids is overrun with footballers. As a matter of fact, the woods are full of ex-collegians who want to try the hand at the postgraduate game."...SQUAD OF 45 PLAYERS: "Grand Rapids has a squad of some 45 players and it would be an expensive proposition for Manager Bryant to bring them all here. Evidently he jumped at the chance to play the Cardinals in a midweek game as it will give him an opportunity to select his most likely looking gridders for the contest in Green Bay a week from tomorrow. After getting the report about Grand Rapids scheduling the Cardinals for Wednesday, I immediately got in touch with Manager Bryant via telephone and he personally assured me that Jack Wheeler, Louie Gilbert, Jake Fase, Con Houltman, Shorty Rojan and Mato Malalowski, his first string stars, wouldn't play more than two quarters against the Chicago eleven."
SEPT 3 (Green Bay) - The Packer ticket salesmen and directors of the Green Bay Football corporation held an enthusiastic meeting at The Press-Gazette Friday night and plans were launched to speed up the campaign during the coming week. Reports filed by season ticket sellers were quite encouraging. There are still a number of prospects "on the fence", but with the opening game against Grand Rapids only a week away, interest in football is gaining daily and salesmen expect to reap a bumper harvest early next week. There will be another meeting Tuesday night and then a followup committee, headed by Leland H. Joannes and Gerald F. Clifford, will swing into action...SELECT POLICE FORCE: H.J. Bero and Ralph H. Drum, heads of the Packer police force at the City stadium, lined up some 25 ex-service men for the park detail at a conference held at the Legion building Friday evening. There were many applicants. All men chosen are married and unemployed. These policemen will report again at the Legion building next Thursday at which time they will be assigned positions. The head ushers are rounding up their assistants and those selected are to gather in the assembly room of the courthouse Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. A closer checkup on the ushers is the rule this season and every effort will be made to improve the handling of the spectators at the Packer games.
SEPT 6 (Grand Rapid) - With a forward line averaging about 200 pounds and a brilliant collection of backs, the Grand Rapids Maroons will invade Green Bay on Sunday for a gridiron contest against the Packers, thrice champions of the National league. The Maroons are coached by Jimmy Bryant, University of Pennsylvania graduate who played professional football with Akron during the heydays of Bill Neid and Fritz Pollard, famous colored halfback. His assistant is Porky Seborg. Seborg is well known to professional football fans in Green Bay, having been a regular with the Frankford Yellowjackets for several years...SEEK LEAGUE FRANCHISE: Grand Rapids is bending every effort to place a winning team on the turf this fall and by concluding a successful season hope to acquire a franchise in the NFL next year. In addition to the Chicago Cardinals and Green Bay Packer games, the management has arranged satisfactory terms with the Chicago Bears. Negotiations are now in progress to play the New York Giants and Staten Island this fall. Coach Bryant announced Monday afternoon that Milt Gross, star guard with Jimmy Crowley's Michigan State eleven last fall, has been signed. At the same time he also stated that Wild Bill McCall, Dartmouth's hard running halfback in 1930 and one of the East's leading offensive luminaries, had reported here and would play against Green Bay next Sunday...FIRST CLASS BACKFIELDERS: The backfield candidates who have come to terms are Jack Wheeler, Louis Gilbert and Stan Hozer, University of Michigan; George (Shorty) Rojan, Northwestern; Tuffy Wetzel and Frank Cook, Holland college; Bill Bozak, Notre Dame; and Jim Parasaca and Bill Cook, former Grand Rapids high school stars. Wheeler, Gilbert and Hozer are seasoned football players while Bozak formerly served under the late Knute Rockne as a fullback with the Ramblers. Cook is a 210-pound fullback and won all-American high school honors at that post with Union High in the city. Jake Fase, veteran end at Michigan State for the past three years, has been secured and the management hopes to complete terms with Tom Fogg, who has starred with college and prep school teams. Other certainties as ends are Joe Dauksza, Wooden and Milanowski...AUER AND HOULTMAN: The leading candidates for the tackle posts are Lester Exo, Michigan State; Harold Auer, Michigan; Con Houltman, Ohio State, and Bill Schimmers, Detroit University. Auer was regarded as the backbone of the Wolverine front wall last year while Houltman received honorable mention as a Western conference gridder. Coach Bryant will select his guards from Weiss, Seborg, Unseld, Jaehnig, Helmer and Isabell. Seborg is certain to be in the starting lineup because of his knowledge of the Packer formations while Weiss, who formerly started with Detroit, looks like a fixture at the other flank. Griffin is the first string center.
SEPT 6 (Green Bay) - Large crowds were on hand at Joannes park Sunday and Monday afternoons to see the Packers go through strenuous workouts. Packer football stock climbed Labor Day as Mike Michalske and Nate Barrager put in appearances. They immediately stepped into the signal drills at left guard and center, respectively. Another familiar face was seen - but not in uniform. Red Dunn, who quarterbacked the Packers to three pennants in a row, drove up from Milwaukee to "look the boys over". Red admitted he had the urge to play again but said positively that he would not step into uniform. Dunn has come to terms with the athletic board at Marquette and will serve as freshman football coach and also scout for Coach Frank Murray and his Hilltoppers. "It looks like another great team," Dunn said.

SEPT 7 (Green Bay) - With all ticket solicitors ready for the final charge upon prospective purchasers, Vice President Gerald F. Clifford of the Green Bay Football club, who is in charge of the campaign, is confident that the drive will not fall much shorter of its desired $10,000 goal. Some encouraging reports were filed at Tuesday night's meeting and the salesmen will check in again Friday and Saturday evenings. Every effort is being made to canvass the city thoroughly and some solicitation is being done in the neighboring communities...MAIN TICKET OFFICE IS OPEN: The Football corporation's main ticket office is now open in the Columbus Community building with E.A. Spachmann in charge. It is possible to order tickets for any of the games and mail requests will be filled in the order that they are received. For the next seven weeks until Oct. 30, the Packer ticket office will be open for business daily. A crew of men under the direction of Marcel Lambeau is getting the city stadium in shape for Sunday's opening game with Grand Rapids. Some minor improvements are being made here and there inside the park and the section for the knot-hole gang is being enlarged and wired in. This year youngsters will not be allowed to roam at large in the park unless they have a reserved seat stub. Seats for the youngsters will be at the east end of the park...MOTT AGAIN IN CHARGE: Walter Mott, who has been with the Football corporation for 10 years, will again supervise the ushers and gatemen. A meeting of the groups is scheduled this evening in the assembly room of the courthouse at 7:45 p.m. An enlarged corps of head ushers has been selected and they will each be held responsible for blocks of seats. All head ushers will be uniformed with coat and cap. All other ushers will carry a big button number on their badge and in this way it will be much easier to check any of the inefficiencies when it comes to seating the spectators...HOLD MEETING TONIGHT: H.J. Beron and Ralph H. Drum, who are in charge of the police detail at the City stadium who have been selected for outside fence duty, to report tonight at 7:45 at the Legion building.
SEPT 7 (Columbus) - At the July meeting in Atlantic City, representatives of the eight clubs in the NFL adopted a resolution providing that President Joe F. Carr name the officials for all non-league games booked by teams in his circuit. The head of the professional gridiron football loop announced today that he had assigned Howard (Cub) Buck of Neenah, Wis., to handle the game at Green Bay on Sunday between the Packers and Grand Rapids. Eddie Kotal, Stevens Point, Wis., is to umpire while William E. Doyle, Menominee, Mich., will be the head linesman...HARRY O' BOYLE REPORTS: Harry O' Boyle, who played with the Packers in 1929, reported to Coach Lambeau this morning and worked out with the squad. O'Boyle has been coaching at Holy Cross for three seasons. Last fall, he played a number of games with the New Haven Yankees, a crack semipro eleven in New England. O'Boyle starred at Notre Dame under the late Knute Rockne in a backfield position. During his one season with the Packers, he saw service as a fullback and did a lot of placekicking.
SEPT 7 (Quincy, IL) - John Blood, who posed, police said, as a member of the Green Bay Packers professional football team, was arrested yesterday on a vagrancy charge for investigation. Authorities said Blood obtained $5 and a quantity of clothing from Lambert Redd, Olympic games hop-skip-and-jump contestant, by posing as a fraternity brother of Redd and saying that he lost his baggage somewhere. Redd introduced Blood to Carl Blickman, former Iowa State university athlete and a friend of the real Blood, police said. Blood admitted to authorities he is not the Green Bay football player but insisted that he was his cousin. Johnny Blood, the Packer halfback, is in Green Bay, preparing for the 1932 season with the team. He admits there may be a cousin or two roaming around the country but he believes the Quincy "Johnny Blood" is a fraud. For you see, "Blood" isn't the name Green Bay's Johnny was christened with. It is McNally. There are no "Bloods" with blood ties in the McNally clan - except the Packers' Johnny.
SEPT 8 (Green Bay) - Cal Hubbard, giant Packer tackle, reported for practice this morning and seemed to be in pink of condition after a strenuous season of umpiring in the Western league. The big forward stepped around lively in his initial football drill and it is likely that he will see some action against the Grand Rapids eleven in Sunday's opening combat at the City stadium...GOOD WEEK OF PRACTICE: Coach E.L. Lambeau has been driving his men at top speed during the week of practice, which started last Thursday. The Bay pilot is giving every player a chance to make the grade and there never had been keener competition for positions on a Green Bay

club. It is Coach Lambeau's plan to use every member of his squad in the Grand Rapids' tilt as he wants to see how the candidates handle themselves under fire. With five ends and a flock of backfield men there will be one continual procession in and out of the game. This year's football rules allow for frequent substitution...BRISK TICKET DEMAND: Indications point to a good size crowd at the opening contest. Football interest is hot here and all the ticket selling places report a good demand. According to E.A. Spachmann, head of the Packer ticket bureau, the request for opening game tickets from out of town is larger than ever before. Milwaukee is sending a large delegation of fans, according to a report from the Gross Hardware, Co., sellers of the Packer tickets in the Cream City. Pettibone's at Appleton have asked for more tickets to meet the demand in the College City. There is no depression so far as applicants for ushers or Legion police jobs is concerned as last night some 300 candidates jammed the assembly room at the courthouse and another hundred reported to H.J. Bero and R.H. Drum, heads of the stadium police force, at the Legion building...CLIFFORD ADDRESSES USHERS: Vice-president Gerald F. Clifford addressed the ushers' meeting and outlined the new rules and regulations which have been established for this season. All ushers must report at the park before 12:15 each Sunday and they will be checked in at the pass gate. Each stadium attendant is to be numbered and close supervision has been arranged to eliminate inefficiency in the handling of patrons. Walter Mott will have direct charge over the stadium workers.
SEPT 8 (Grand Rapids) - The Grand Rapids Maroons, 1931 champions of the Michigan professional football league, last night opened their 1932 season under the floodlights at Ramona athletic park by holding the Chicago Cardinals to a 13 to 0 score. Some 5,000 spectators witnessed the contest, which was staged under the auspices of the Grand Rapids American Legion post. The Maroons, who invade Wisconsin next Sunday for a game with the national championship Green Bay Packers, looked impressive in their first start, holding the invaders to but three first downs in the entire game. Two nicely executed forward passes paved the way to scores by the Cardinals. Late in the second period, Stennett heaved a bullet like toss to Rogge, which was good for 20 yards and a touchdown. The ball previously had been put in scoring position by Frosty Peters' quick kick on first down over the Maroon safety, the ball being downed on the five yard line. Peters added the extra point with a dropkick. In the third period a fumbled punt gave the Maroons the ball on their five yard stripe. Wheeler's punt went to the 35 yard line, and then the Cards opened up again. Another pass, Simas to Moore, gave the Cardinals another touchdown, but the extra point was missed. Going into the last period, the Maroons sharply outplayed the Cardinal team, ripping through the Cardinal line for long gains, until they were held for downs on the 20 yard line. Cardinal fumbles aided the Michigan cause in the last round. The Maroons featured a galaxy of former college and professional stars. With one important battle against National league competition out of the way, the Maroons prepared today for the trip to Green Bay, where they hope to earn further recognition by an impressive showing against the Packers Sunday. Grand Rapids is seeking a National league franchise, and has picked this method to obtain it.
SEPT 9 (Green Bay) - According to H.W. Dodge, official of the Wadhams Oil company, arrangements have been completed for broadcasting University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packer football games this fall from WTMJ, Milwaukee radio station. The schedule includes eight University games including the Marquette game and fourteen Green Bay Packer professional games. The fall series of sport broadcasts will be inaugurated September 18 with the Packer-Chicago Cardinals contest direct from the gridiron at Green Bay. This will be the fourth consecutive season Wadhams has sponsored football broadcasts from radio station WTMJ. Russ Winnie, regular sports announcer, will again describe the play.
SEPT 9 (Green Bay) - Climaxing an intensive season ticket sales campaign, solicitors and directors of the Green Bay Football corporation will meet tonight at The Press-Gazette for a final check on the results of the drive, which has been underway for about three weeks. Encouraging reports have been reaching Packer headquarters about "new business". Several season books have been sold over the counter at the ticket office in the C.C.C. by E.A. Spachmann, while other sales have been reported by Elroy Van Oss, Art Gotto, H.J. Bero, Eli Wood and R.H. Drum. Tonight's session will get underway at 7:45 and all the campaigners are asked to be on hand promptly...PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT: In speaking of the ticket drive, Vice-president Gerald F. Clifford said that the executive could not understand stories going around the town that there has been no reduction in the price of tickets. "We have cut the admission charges," said Mr. Clifford. "And professional football in Green Bay is cheaper for the spectator than in any other city in the NFL. Our top price is $2.00 while in New York, Boston and Stapleton midfield seats run up to $3.00 and $3.50"...ABOUT 4,000 $1 SEATS: "The Football corporation has more than answered the demand for low priced sears. We have about 4,000 seats at $1.00 and every one is reserved. These seats are located in the 20-yard sectors at both ends of the field and behind the end zones. Included in this group of seats are a number of selections, which last fall were in the $1.25 class. Several sections of seats in the big stands on both sides of the gridiron bordering on the 30-yard lines have been cut to $1.25. The former price was $1.50. There are few better seats in the City stadium. Season ticket purchasers also benefit by the lower price scale. Box seats, which for the past 10 years always sold for $25, now are being purchased for $20 while the season reserved seats have been slashed from $15 to $12."...WOODIN REPLACES DOYLE: William E. Doyle, Menominee, who was scheduled to act as head linesman, is to make a political speech in Escanaba Sunday afternoon and will be forced to vacate his assignment here. H.L. (Whitey) Woodin, who has been added to the National league officiating staff this season by President Joe F. Carr, will take Doyle's place. Following a meeting of the executive board on Tuesday, President Leland H. Joannes of the Football corporation announced that the Chicago Cardinal game on Sunday, Sept. 18, will be the pennant raising contest. Invitations have been extended to all the league officials to attend. A fitting program will be arranged for the day. As in other years, the Green Bay Legion band will provide the music at games in the City stadium. The musicians will be in special seats on the north side of the field. Several crack drum corps and other bands from out of town will also appear at the Packer games this fall, according to President Joannes who is carrying on the negotiations.
SEPT 9 (Grand Rapids) - Coach Jimmy Bryant and his Grand Rapids Maroon squad of 30 players will leave Saturday for Green Bay, Wis., where on Sunday they will battle the national champion Packers. The Maroons will ride a ferry across Lake Michigan and arrive in Milwaukee last Saturday. They will stay overnight in the Cream City and take a bus early Sunday which should bring them to Green Bay about 10:30 a.m. During their stay in the Packer community, the Grand Rapids team will headquarter at the Beaumont hotel. Coach Bryant was well satisfied with the showing of his club in Wednesday night's game against the Chicago Cardinals. The Maroons' mentor figures that any club that can hold the Chicagoans to a pair of touchdowns will win a lot of games on the professional football gridiron this fall. The Grand Rapids' squad came out of the Cardinal game without serious injuries despite the fact that is developed into a rough and tumble combat during the final quarter when the Maroons picked up speed and threatened to score. Con Houltman and Rip Auer, two former Western conference tackles at Ohio State and Michigan, respectively, were the outstanding defensive stars for the Maroons while Jack Wheeler, Michigan, and Porky Seborg, veteran pro footballer, featured for the Rapids offensively.
SEPT 9 (Green Bay) - President Joe F. Carr has sounded a note of optimism in sizing up prospects for the 1932 league season. Eight teams now hold franchises in the National league and will begin play Sunday, September 18...Jim Durfee, veteran official from Columbus, Ohio, has notified President Carr that he is ready for assignment. Durfee is regarded by spectators and players as the best in the league...George "Brute" Trafton, giant center with the Chicago Bears, has again affixed his name to a contract. Everybody figured Trafton was through as a football player several years ago, but he is still going...Steve Owen, bulky tackle, will continue to coach the New York Giants. Owen has been in the pro circuit several years. The Giants will tune up for their fall grid campaign at Magnetic Springs, Ohio...Jack Chevigny, former Notre Dame star, has supplanted Ernie Nevers as coach of the Chicago Cardinals. Nevers announced his retirement from pro football last winter to coach at his alma mater, Stanford...Lud Wray, former University of Pennsylvania coach, will serve in a similar capacity with the newly organized Boston Braves. Wray has his athletes in training for the league season at a Lynn, Mass., camp...Grand Rapids is bending every effort to place a winning team on the gridiron and gain a National league franchise next year. The team is coached by Jimmy Bryant, former Akron pro...Ken Strong, New York university graduate, will play halfback and help coach the Stapleton club this fall. Strong won all-American honors with the Violets and was accorded similar ranking with the pros last fall..Benny Friedman, former University of Michigan star and quarterback with the New York Giants, is going to direct the Brooklyn Dodgers this year. Friedman has no peer at his post in pro football..George Halas, joint owner of the Chicago Bears, is predicting great things for his club. Halas has good reason to talk pennants, inasmuch as the Bears' squad boasts a galaxy of grid stars...Potsy Clark, former Butler coach, is building up another formidable eleven at Portsmouth. His orders will be carried out by Bill Clark, star quarterback, who was the league's third high scorer last fall..Glenn Edwards, all-American tackle from the University of Washington last fall, has signed with the Boston Braves. Opposite Edwards the Braves have Hugh Rhea, all-American tackle with Nebraska last fall...The Boston Braves and New York Giants staged a spectacular battle for the services of Ernie Pinckert, all-American from Southern California. It is claimed that Pinckert signed first with the Boston club...Bill Hewitt, voted the most valuable player on the University of Michigan football squad last fall, has reported to the Chicago Bears. He was accorded all-Western and all-American mention last year at Ann Arbor...The Chicago Cardinals can claim the distinction of being the best fortified team at the center post. The Cards have a quartet of pivot men under contract. They are Moynihan, Nash, Erickson and Mike McNally..When the professional football season opens this fall, it will be missing Duke Slater, giant tackle, who has been a mainstay in the Chicago Cards' front wall. Slater announced his retirement several weeks ago.

SEPT 10 (Green Bay) - The sport of all sports begins here tomorrow afternoon with the Green Bay Packers starting the long season that will either find them possessors of the greatest record of all time or just one of the eight National league professional teams. Thousands will flock to the city stadium to see the 1932 inaugural with the Packers meeting the Grand Rapids Maroons. The kickoff is scheduled for 2 o'clock with the gates opening an hour before that time. Although the game is not a league affair, it is expected to offer a real treat as the Michigan club is well fortified with college stars and veterans of the professional sport. In a contest Wednesday, the Grand Rapids club held the strong Chicago Cardinals to three first downs, which gives some indication of its strength...PROCESSION OF PLAYERS: The battle is expected to offer a procession of Green Bay players as Coach E.L. Lambeau plans to give all members of his squad, which now is at 28, an opportunity to play. Many new men are in the field this year and all are to be given tryouts. The coach must round out his squad in the opening battle as quickly as possible as the following week the National league season opens with the Chicago Cardinals as opponents. The Chicagoans are sure to prove tough so it will be up to the coach to pick out his best men on the basis of their performance in tomorrow's battle as it will be his only chance to see them in scrimmage before the Cardinals come here. Green Bay will be shooting at its 25th straight win on the home field when it tackles the Maroons. The home spree extends back to Oct. 7, 1928, when the Giants upset Green Bay, 6 to 0. Not since that time have the Packers lost a game on the local field. Only once since the team was formed in 1919 have the Packers lost an opening day game. That was against Duluth in 1922...12TH LEAGUE SEASON: The 1932 season will be the 12th straight year that Green Bay has played in the National league. Since 1921, the year the team joined the circuit, it never has lost more games than it has won. The worst year was in 1933, when five were won, four lost and three tied. The best year was 1929 when 13 were won and one tied, giving Green Bay its first title. In 1930, 11 were won, three lost and one tied. Last year the Packers won 12 and lost two to win their third straight title. Coach Lambeau has announced his starting lineup, but indications are that he will send out a team composed mostly of veterans to test the invaders' strength. New men probably will be worked in with regulars during the game. All of the members of this year's team, with the exception of Herman Hickman, Tennessee guard, who is laid up at his home with a dislocated shoulder, will be ready for action...GOOD RUNNING ATTACK: The Grand Rapids team is expected to offer a good running attack with bullet-passes by Wheeler and Parsaca, quarterbacks, forming the main threat. Wheeler was a star at Michigan and is expected to prove a real threat in the professional game. Several husky linemen will be ready for action on the Maroons' front line. The group included Schimmer, Detroit, a 230-pound tackle; Nesser, Columbus, who weighs 220 and plays either guard or end; Isobel at center, who goes 220 pounds, and Exo, Michigan State giant tackle, a 245-pound lineman. The Michigan team left Grand Rapids this morning and arrived at Milwaukee this afternoon, coming across the lake in a steamer. The squad planned to remain in Milwaukee for the night and leave for Green Bay early tomorrow morning, arriving here before noon...STADIUM IN SHAPE: The Packer stadium has been cleaned and scrubbed and will be in shape to handle a crowd of 12,000 if necessary. The field is in excellent condition, due to careful attention throughout the hot summer months. As has been the practice in past years, the Legion band will be on hand to play before the game and between periods. The Platten loudspeaking system also will be used again with details of the game being broadcast to all parts of the field. New speakers and improved sending equipment has been secured for the broadcast so that it will be heard in the far corners of the end zones. The advance sale for the first game has been good, insuring a large crowd. All seats in the park are reserved and those who have not secured tickets can do so at the gate as there are some good parcels left.
SEPT 10 (Columbus, OH) - Half the teams in the NFL will be under new coaches when the 1932 season is officially started Sept. 18 with the Chicago Cardinals invading Green Bay. Although Knute Rockne's football system has been used only in parts by the National league teams, the Cardinals this season under Jack Chevigny, former chief backfield coach for Rockne, will use the shift and Notre Dame system in its entirety. Teams of the NFL are also apt to find some new offensive tricks necessary. Lud Wray, who is at the helm

of the Boston team, made a great defensive reputation with his elevens at the University of Pennsylvania, where he formerly served as head coach. Benny Friedman's presence as player-coach with the Brooklyn team will also put new life into circuit battles. The former Michigan all-America quarterback and forward passer is expected to utilize in Brooklyn the sensational aerial game that he employed while with the New York Giants and inculcated into the Yale system while at New Haven as backfield coach for the past two seasons. Harold Hanson, who is to pilot the Stapleton eleven, is the fourth new tutor in the league. He faces a tough task of rebuilding an entire team but has Ken Strong, the Staten Island all-league back and former N.Y.U. all-American, as the powerful nucleus of an attack. Potsy Clark, ex-Kansas and Butler tutor, again is to pilot the Portsmouth Spartans who open their season against the New York Giants September 25 in Portsmouth. The Giants will be under the guidance of Steve Owen again and the Chicago Bears start their fourth season under Ralph Jones, former Lake Forest mentor.
SEPT 10 (Green Bay) - Football, which keeps Green Bay before the nation the next three months, makes its annual debut here tomorrow. From all over the state, followers of the Packers, and they are legion, will come to view the team in its opening contest. Already the Packers have set a most unusual record for any team in any league or conference by winning three straight championships. If they win again, which is not beyond reason but quite a little to expect, the record is one that will be just so much harder to tumble. Viewed from any angle the accomplishments of this athletic organization constitute an affair of note. For a city of our humble size to send forth an eleven that throws the gauntlet down before the lion in his den or the Douglas in his hall, and beats them all, can be ascribed only to planning, training and daring. The recreational and entertainment values of such an organization are self-evident. The commercial value is too far-flung to attempt to appraise.

DEC 12 (Honolulu) - Now that the Weber-McKinley game is out of the way, and despite the business depression, enough money was taken in at the gate to pay Weber's expense guarantee with some over for the Shrine hospital for crippled children, attention is called to the next gridiron attraction, the Green Bay Packers from Green Bay, Wisconsin, close to the Michigan peninsula. The Packers are the last word in football - professional football - a team rated as the best in the world. They are to meet our McKinley and Kam alumni teams in the Stadium over the year end holidays. The Packers are coming down on a sort of a joy ride - they have nothing to fear from the two local teams and can make these games as interesting as they see fit, close and exciting, or very one-sides. J. Ashman Beavan who conducted negotiations for this attraction with the permission and backing of Stadiums Ltd., insists that our football fans will turn out to see the Packers play because they are a great football team. The answer to this will be box office figures showing the total amount taken in at the gate. The Packers are coming all right, and it's only too bad they we cannot give them strong opposition.
DEC 13 (Green Bay) - Green Bay's Packers headed for the tropics today on the longest journey ever taken by a professional football team. A squad of 17 players and Coach E.L. Lambeau boarded the Milwaukee road train at 12:30 for Chicago where they will transfer to a Pacific coast train as their first step in a journey to Honolulu. Two football games will be played on the Hawaiian Islands over the Christmas and New Year holidays. After these games the team will return to the Pacific coast where it is scheduled to compete in two more games against crack elevens. The Packers were invited to come to Honolulu to play the University of Hawaii eleven on Christmas day and an all-star eleven of former Hawaii and Pacific coast stars on New Year's day. The team was selected instead of Portsmouth and the Bears who nosed out the Packers for the 1932 championship, on the basis of its record of the past four years. In that time the Packers won three straight titles, took 46 victories, were beaten eight times and tied three games...DILWEG WILL GO: Lavvie Dilweg, veteran end, who at first had announced that he would not make the trip, changed his plans and was among those on the way west. Five others, however, will not go. Tom Nash, who was injured in the east, will not make the trip, neither will Hurdis McCrary, Paul Fitzgibbons, Dick Stahlman, Cal Hubbard and Verne Lewellen. Those who left were Art Bultman, Nate Barrager, Rudy Comstock, Jugger Earpe, Claude Perry, Lester Peterson, Al Rose, Milt Gantenbein, Dilweg, Johnny Blood, Roger Grove, Wuert Englemann, Hank Bruder, Clark Hinkle and Arnold Herber and Coach E.L. Lambeau. The Packers will leave from Los Angeles Friday. After the games in Honolulu they will return to meet an all-star Pacific coast team in the annual Knights of Columbus Charity game at Kezar stadium, San Francisco, Jan. 22. They also will appear against a team of Southern California all-stars at Los Angeles Jan. 29. Paul Burke of Green Bay also may make the trip as a vacation jaunt. He would have to leave tomorrow to join the squad in Los Angeles before it sails Friday.
DEC 13 (San Francisco) - The Green Bay Packers today accepted an invitation to participate in a charity game here Jan. 22. The Knights of Columbus, sponsors, said an opponent would be chosen later. Red Grange, leading scorer for the Chicago Bears, will be added to the Packers' lineup for the contest.

DEC 13 (Green Bay) - For the firs time since the Packers entered NFL competition, two players this year tied for the team's high scoring honors: Henry Bruder and Johnny Blood. Blood, who was high scorer both for the team and the league in 1931, came back to top the Packers again, but this season he was tied with Bruder, each having 24 points on six touchdowns. Roger Grove, Packer quarterback, roosted only one point behind, with three touchdowns and five extra points. The Bays failed to pile up any such amazing total of points as acquired in 1931, when the team scored 44 touchdowns and 25 extra points. They did however push over 22 touchdowns and kick 14 extra
points...PACKERS WHIP CARDINALS: Their first league encounter, after they defeated Grand Rapids, Mich,, 45 to 0, was against the Chicago Cardinals, Sept. 18, the Packers winning, 15 to 7. Bruder and Michalske scored touchdowns, and Harry O'Boyle kicked an extra point. There was also a Cardinal safety involved in the scoring. Sept. 25 the Bays played a scoreless tie with the Chicago Bears and the following week they defeated the New York Giants, 13 to 0. McCrary and Bruder scored the touchdowns, and O'Boyle booted the extra point. Oct. 9 they edged Portsmouth in a sensational game, 15 to 10, on touchdowns by Rose and Hinkle, a Spartan safety, and O'Boyle's extra point kick. The Packers nosed out the Bears at Chicago, Oct. 16, 2 to 0, and Oct. 23 returned home to knock down Benny Friedman's Brooklyn Dodgers, 13 to 0. Rose and Herber scored the touchdowns, and O'Boyle added a point. Then Stapleton invaded the Bay, dropping a 26 to 0 game. Grove caught passes to score two touchdowns and others were added by Herber and Bruder. Grove kicked two extra points. The Packers had little trouble with the Cardinals at Chicago, continuing their victory romp, 19 to 9. Blood broke into the scoring column for the first time with a pair of touchdowns, Hinkle got another and O'Boyle kicked an extra point. Then the Bays, playing their greatest football of the year, counted an impressive victory over Boston, 21 to 0. Grove, Lewellen and Blood went over for touchdowns, and extra points were added by O'Boyle, Grove and Dilweg, the latter by the forward pass route...LOSE TO GIANTS: On Nov. 20, at New York, the Packers met their Waterloo, losing to the Giants, 6 to 0. They followed this with a pair of wins, however, defeated Brooklyn, Thanksgiving day, 7 to 0, on Bruder's touchdown and O'Boyle's extra kick, and wandering over Stapleton the following Sunday, 21 to 3. In this game, Hinkle, Englemann and Blood made touchdowns, and the extra points were added by Hinkle and Grove, the latter getting a pair. There was no scoring in the last two games, the Bays losing at Portsmouth, 19 to 0, and then dropping a hard fought game to the Bears at Chicago, 9 to 0.
DEC 14 (Green Bay) - One of the Green Bay-Chicago Bears football classics will be recreated for the fans tonight in a special broadcast for Wadhams Gasolines, originating at Radio Station WTMJ. The broadcast is a special program beginning at 7:30 o'clock and continuing to 9. Wadhams for a number of years has broadcast the Packer home games from the stadium and road games from telegraph reports. Because the Wisconsin corporations' announcer give the Green Bay team "the breaks" if there were any, the broadcasts have been favorites with the fans.
DEC 14 (Green Bay) - The Packers have completed their eleventh year in the NFL and in the last four years of that period have established a record that will probably stand for a great many years to come. They are on their way to far off Honolulu to spread the fame of their glory and incidentally that of the city and state supporting them. It is a just reward for all their grueling efforts, and Hawaii paid them a fitting and proper tribute in inviting them in preference to those who have a little higher percentage for the current year. That they were also invited for the Pacific coast game in the annual Knights of Columbus charity endeavor is because they constitute the team with the color that appeals to the popular imagination, the club that has accomplished more than any other single factor to popularize the professional game, to keep tens of thousands attracted to it, and to compel an almost universal reference to them by metropolitan sports writers as "the greatest team the game ever brought together". The Packers' success is attributable, like the success of every great endeavor, to a great many factors, an important element of which was the planning, coaching and management. Another important element is the splendid support which came from miles around in every direction, constantly cheering the team on to the further and supreme effort which brought victory. Among the players themselves the willingness to sink or sacrifice individuality for the success of a yard or two was always evident, another living proof of the sense in Kipling's words; "It ain't the individual or the army as a whole, But the everlastin' teamwork of every bloomin' soul". One season is but a battle in the record of such an outfit. The loss of the championship this year will only spur the men on to a recovery of it next year. They will remember that the brightest names in American history, the most courageous and reckless and military units, lost battles. Continual invincibility is not for football any more than it is for anything else on this unruly earth.
DEC 13 (Green Bay) - Seventeen members of the Green Bay Packers football club, including Coach Curly Lambeau, left here Tuesday morning on a 5,000-mile jaunt to Honolulu, where they will play two games, the first on Christmas Day and the second on New Year's Day. Before it returned to Green Bay about February 6, the Packer team will play two more games, the principal one at San Francisco on January 22, when it meets an all star Pacific coast team coached by Ernie Nevers, assistant football coach at Stanford University and former captain and coach of the Chicago Cardinals. On January 29, the Bays will play a picked coast aggregation at Los Angeles. Several other games also may be arranged. Because of their excellent record over a four-year period, the Packers were selected to play in the Knights of Columbus charity game in San Francisco January 22. The trip to Honolulu was arranged after the invitation to play on the west coast was received. The Packer squad will sail Friday December 16 about 10 o'clock from San Pedro, Cal., aboard the S.S. Mariposa of the Matson Navigation line. Those making the trip are Art Bultman, Green Bay, and Nate Barrager, Los Angeles, centers; Rudy Comstock, Canton, Ohio; Joseph Zeller, Bloomington, Ind., and August Michalske, Green Bay, guards; Claude Perry, Honey Springs, Ala., and Jug Earpe, Green Bay, tackles; Lester Peterson, Tyler, Tex., Al Rose, Waco, Tex., Lavvie Dilweg, Green Bay, and Milton Gantenbein, La Crosse, ends; Roger Grove, Lansing, Mich., Clark Hinkle, Cadiz, Ohio; Johnny Blood, Minneapolis; Wuert Englemann, Pierre, S.D., Arnold Herber and Hank Bruder, both of Green Bay, halfbacks.

DEC 14 (Green Bay) - Verne Lewellen's 50 touchdowns scored for the Green Bay Packers over nine years of competition against the gridiron's most impressive opposition mark him as one of the greatest scoring players of all time, a survey of Packer scoring records reveals. Starting in 1924, with a modest 12 points, Lewellen now has crossed the last opposing chalk mark half-a-hundred times, as with one extra point, he scored 301 points over the nine year period. The touchdown Lewellen scored on Nov. 13 of this season against Boston, was his fiftieth in league competition for the Packers. There are two other men who crossed the century mark in points during their years with the Packers. Johnny Blood, with 27 touchdowns, has counted 162, and the third high scorer is E.L. (Curly) Lambeau, now coach of the team, who from 1921 to 1927 scored 12 touchdowns, kicked 19 extra points and booted six field goals...NO FIELD GOALS: The Packers have kicked no goals from the field in recent years, the last one being hoisted over Nov. 3, 1929, by Joseph (Red) Dunn, when the Bays defeated the Minneapolis Red Jackets, 16 to 6. Since the Packers entered the National league on Oct. 23, 1921, with a victory over Minneapolis Marines, the great Green Bay eleven has

scored 247 touchdowns, kicked 147 extra points and made 28 field goals for a tremendous total of 1,713 points, all acquired in league competition. Scoring leadership of the team changed very frequently during these years, although Lewellen's long reign, from 1926 to 1930, inclusive, set a high water mark for scoring honors. Coach Curly Lambeau, then Captain Lambeau, was high scorer in 1921 and 1922, but the following year the distinction went to Howard (Cub) Buck, a lineman. Tillie Voss, an end, was high man in 1924, but the next season the backfield reasserted himself, Marty Norton taking the honors...LEWELLEN STARTS STRONG: Then commenced Lewellen's long period of supremacy, extending until 1931, when Johnny Blood ran wild to chalk up 13 touchdowns and lead the National league. Buck's record with the Packers was impressive. Although he never scored a touchdown, he placed seventh on the team's all-time scoring list, with 24 extra points and 12 field goals. He kicked more field goals than any other Packer, and only Red Dunn, with 46 extra points, exceeded him in that department. Several members of the 1932 team now rate well up among scoring leaders of the all-time squad. Lewellen placed first, Blood second, Dilweg fourth, McCrary fifth, Englemann eleventh, Bruder thirteenth (appropriately enough for Hard Luck Hank), Grove sixteenth and O'Boyle nineteenth. Molenda, released in mid-season rated sixth among the all-time scorers.
DEC 14 (Chicago) - After the Portsmouth Spartans and the Chicago Bears play off their tie for the National Professional Football championship at Wrigley Field Sunday, they will carry their act to Cincinnati for a charity game Christmas Day. George Halas, owner of the Bears, today announced the Cincinnati date, which will be played for the benefit of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and said negotiations were underway for another charity game at Nashville, Tenn. Red Grange will play with the Bears, instead of accompanying the Green Bay Packers to the west coast and Honolulu, as had been reported.
DEC 15 (Green Bay) - Although the Green Bay Packers for years have rated as a high scoring football outfit, on only four occasions in the team's NFL history has an individual player scored three touchdowns in a game, a survey of the squad's statistics reveals. The trick has been turned twice by Johnny Blood and once each by Wuert Englemann and Marty Norton. The highest number of points after touchdown kicked by an individual Packers during a single game in league competition is four, and only two players have done it; Curly Lambeau and Pid Purdy, Lambeau did it twice. The first Packer to score three touchdowns in a single game against National league competition was Marty Norton, who turned the trick Oct. 4, 1925, as the Packers were beating the Milwaukee Badgers, 31 to 0. In this same contest Lambeau booted four extra points, the second time he had accomplished this feat. The previous attempt was Nov. 6, 1921, when the Packer captain kicked four extra points in a 43 to 6 rout of Evansville...PURDY KICKING STAR: On Oct. 24, 1926, Pid Purdy kicked four extra points as the Bays were running over Racine, 35 to 0. It was six years and one week to the day from the time Norton scored his three-touchdown performance, until Johnny Blood did the stunt again. Blood's one-man show was staged Oct. 11, 1931, as the Packers, aided by his three touchdowns, ran over the Chicago Cardinals, 26 to 7. The third time the stunt succeeded, Wuert Englemann was the hero. He counted three touchdowns in the first five minutes of play against the Providence Steam Rollers Oct. 25, 1931, and helped his team wallop the invaders, 48 to 20. Johnny Blood did it again two weeks later, crossing the last chalk mark three times in a game at Providence, which the Packers won 38 to 7. The vagabond halfback leaped into the scoring leadership of the National league as a result of the spree...LEWELLEN-DUNN TEAM: Verne Lewellen and Joseph (Red) Dunn collaborated many times to count points for the Packers, but it is worthy of note that on five occasions, from 1928 to 1931, these two scored the only points as the Packers were taking 7-point contests. Four times Lewellen scored a touchdown and Dunn kicked the extra point to give the Packers a 7 to 0 victories. These performances occurred Nov. 18, 1928, against the Giants at New York; Sept. 28, 1930, against the Bears at Green Bay; Sept. 27, 1931, against the same team in the same place; and Nov. 29, 1931, against the Dodgers at Brooklyn. Lewellen and Dunn got together again for all seven points on Oct. 27, 1929, when Green Bay defeated the Cardinals at Chicago, 7 to 6.
DEC 16 (New York) - Clark Hinkle, former Bucknell star, made the prize punt of the NFL season of 1932, according to statistics compiled Friday. Hinkle, a member of the Green Bay Packers, got off a 77-yard kick against the Chicago Bears on September 25. All kicks were measured from the line of scrimmage, so Hinkle actually kicked about 90 yards. Dick Nesbitt of the Bears was runner-up. He had a 75-yarder against Stapleton October 2.
circuit. Milo Lubratovich, Brooklyn, Christensen, Portsmouth, and Tiny Engebretsen, of the Bears, are all big and powerful. They can take plenty of abuse. At the guards, Michalske was a steady performer all year although not as outstanding as he was the previous season. He changed his style of play somewhat this year so wasn't in the headlines as often as he had been. But his work was just as good. Mac Murdo, players tell us, is as good as they come. Carlson and Bruce Jones are others that can fit into any club. They have beef and power. There were many good centers this year with Barrager and Miller getting the call...Dutch Clark, Portsmouth, was in a class by himself and was the outstanding man for the position. Molesworth, of the Bears, look like the second best bet. Battles, of Boston, was another good field general. Benny Friedman wasn't so hot this year. There probably will be many arguments about our backfield, but we'll stick to the one we have named. Campiglio, of Brooklyn, most certainly belongs. The same thing can be said about Ken Strong, Red Grange and Presnell at halfbacks. Strong was a sick man when he played here but had enough courage to get out and play nearly the entire game. Grange and Presnell are good enough for any team in the world. The fullback posts go to Nagurski and Hinkle on our team because they played in nearly every game of the year and gave plenty of good football. There were others, too, who did some fine work at the position but we don't believe they were as effective as our pair.
DEC 17 (Los Angeles) - When Green Bay and Wisconsin football fans read this, the Packers will be on the briny deep, bound for the Hawaiian Islands, the home of the hula dancer and the grass skit, where the gridders will play two games on Christmas and New Year's day respectively. (The Green Bay squad sailed from San Pedro at 10 o'clock Friday evening). A large crowd was at the dock, but not to see us off. Some movie actress was going to Honolulu for the holidays, and many of her admirers and friends came down to the dock to bid her farewell. It looks like a pleasant trip. We expect to arrive in Honolulu next Wednesday and will immediately begin working out for the contest with the University of Hawaii Christmas Day. The Packers will be "strictly business" until this game, and there will be no sightseeing until after Christmas. The trip from Green Bay to Los Angeles was a pleasant one and the boys certainly welcomed the balmy weather here after the chilling winds of Wisconsin. It is still too cool for flannels, but the players have them all ready for wear in the Islands...HERBER IS BARRED: Arnie Herber has been barred from all future card games. He's too lucky. Mike Michalske is lonesome and is already pining for old Green Bay. Jug Earpe is also crying the blues. He was undecided whether he would get on the S.S. Mariposa or not tonight. It seems someone put a picture of a sinking ship in his berth Thursday night and he didn't sleep a wink - so he says. Jug is no sailor, and he says if that ship sinks he can't walk back. Dry land will look good to him when he gets to Honolulu. The final details for the Knights of Columbus charity game in San Francisco were settled here Friday between Coach E.L. Lambeau and Joseph O'Connor of San Francisco. According to the latter, a large crowd will be on hand to see the Green Bay pros play a picked coast eleven. Some of the boys went over to San Pedro Friday morning to look the ship over before sailing. One of them, before reaching the waterfront, said: "If that ship doesn't look just like this picture of it I have in my pocket, I'm not going on it. It's got to be a big one, brother, before I get aboard." Happily the Mariposa lived up to all expectations. It is a palatial vessel and our quarters are roomy and very comfortable...VISIT MOVIE STUDIOS: Just before sailing the Packers posed for a movietone picture and for many newspaper photos. Seven of the players Friday afternoon went over to Hollywood and visited a number of the big studios. They all concurred in the opinion that the movie queens are like southern cooking - greatly overrated. Paul Burke has been complaining because there is no chaplain with the part. He was told this will be remedied the next time. Just before sailing tentative arrangements were made with the Los Angeles Masonic lodge for a charity game here on Jan. 29. The final details will be settled upon our return from Honolulu. This will be the last you'll hear from us until we reach mid-ocean, then I'll radio the dope on how the boys are standing the trip - if I don't get seasick myself.
DEC 16 (Green Bay) - About this time of the year a football fan's mind is filled with names of players chosen on all-star teams. You can pick up any publication and find an "official All-American". Chances are that one is as good as the other and none are quite fair. We gave up picking all-American professional football elevens some years ago and started instead selection of an all-Star National league football club. Our argument was that every National league club is allowed to carry 22 men, so why not name the 22 best men, two for each position, for an all-star squad...After discussing the subject with professional football players of the Packers, Bears, Portsmouth, Cardinals, Giants, and from our own deductions after watching the Packers in action in nine of the 14 games, we have decided upon 22 men for our all-star National league club. You can start the anvil chorus any time now. With that line, you wouldn't have a man under 195 pounds. The ends are big and rangy. All are good pass receivers and can break up just about everything sent at them. The tackles are big and powerful. Cal Hubbard played his best game for Green Bay this year and has been the outstanding tackle of the

DEC 19 (Columbus) - Green Bay, Chicago Bears and Portsmouth, the three leading teams in the National league grabbed the lion's share of places on the all-professional eleven selected for the Associated Press by seven of the eight coaches in the league. On the first team, three places each went to Green Bay and the Bears. Portsmouth was awarded two and the remaining positions were filled by New York, Chicago Cardinals and Boston...AGAIN ON TEAM: Being selected on a nationwide team is no new experience for two of the first team players, Earl Clark of Portsmouth and Bronko Nagurski of the Bears. The former was named quarterback on the Associated Press all-American team in 1928 when a member of the Colorado College eleven. Nagurski was similarly honored the following season at Minnesota where he played tackle. Harold (Red) Grange, who galloped to all-American fame in 1925 at the University of Illinois was relegated to the second team. Three more all-Americans of college years, Christian Cagle, Army, 1928; Benny Friedman, Michigan, 1926, and Kenneth Strong, New York University, 1928, were given honorable mention...ONLY UNANIMOUS CHOICE: Clark was the only unanimous choise. Ray Flaherty, New York's great pass catcher, and Luke Johnsos of the Bears won the end positions and Cal Hubbard, 225 pound boy from Green Bay and Glen Edwards of Boston the tackles. Two Chicago players, Jules Carlson of the Bears and Walt Kiesling of the Cardinals, were named as guards. Nate Barrager of Green Bay, former Southern California star, was selected for the snapperback job. In the backfield, Clark at quarterback is flanked by Arnold (Flash) Herber of Green Bay and Roy (Father) Lumpkin of Portsmouth, regarded as one of the greatest blocking halfbacks in the league. Lumpkin gained fame at Georgia Tech while Herber is an alumnus of St. Regis. Nagurski at fullback rounds out the first eleven players.
DEC 20 (Honolulu) - Headed by Nate Barrager, former University of Southern California star, the Green Bay Packers, national professional football champions, will arrive in Honolulu Wednesday on the Marisposa. The invaders will play two games at the Honolulu stadium, meeting the Kamehameha Alumni eleven on Monday afternoon, December 26, and the McKinley alumni on Monday afternoon, January 2. The Packers, who have been referred to by Red Grange as "the Ty Cobbs of football", will place on the field the heaviest and best football team that has ever performed in Hawaii. Some of the members of the team are Verne Dilweg, former Marquette star end; August Michalske, formerly of Penn State, who plays guard; F.E. Earpe, 270 pound tackle; John Blood, former Notre Dame star who plays quarterback; Milton Gantenbein, Clark Hinkle and others...SMARTEST TEAM: In a recent article in which he compared professional and college football Red Grange wrote as follows about the defense of the Packers: "When we met the Green Bay Packers, whom I consider the world's smartest football team, it was a different story. They played a six man line on defense and stationed a giant linemen, August Michalske of Penn State, just back of the line of scrimmage, giving him one single job. On every play in which either the right half, Joe Lintzenich, or I cracked into the line Michalske tackled the man regardless of whether or not he had the ball..Most of the college teams do things according to Hoyle. But when you play against the Green Bay Packers you don't how what to expect next. They are the Ty Cobbs of pro football when it comes to pulling the unexpected, and they have the speed, power and confidence to make what is supposed to be bad football look like a million dollars. I've seen them try a forward pass on their own one yard line and complete it for a long gain. This ability to keep their opponents uneasy is one of the big reasons why they have been champions of the pro league the past three season."...GREATEST END: Grange thinks that Dilweg is about the greatest end that football ever produced. Here is what he wrote about the former Marquette star: "Dilweg is the toughest end I've ever met, in college or out. You simply can't run around him. Sure, you can make a 20 yard run - toward the sidelines. But start toward the goal line and you meet that villain Dilweg, big as life and twice as real. Once in four or five blue moons you may cut inside of him."
DEC 21 (Green Bay) - Professional football a la 1932 has passed. The Chicago Bears are champions of the world. Long live the Bears! Playing on a miniaturized field in the huge Chicago Stadium Portsmouth, the much-self-heralded victors over the Packers in the crucial game of the pennant race, fell from the throne they had so recently mounted, yielding to the cohorts of Red Grange, the Galloping Ghost. Minus the services of half of their team in the person of one Dutch Clark, they had an excuse for losing, and will undoubtedly use it. They are excellent with arguments. And now that cleated boots no longer beat upon lined turf, the season appears in retrospect. The fog of timeliness has thinned, and jagged facts are clear. For one, the method of deciding standings certainly presents a problem. It looks a bit off color when a team that has won seven games, lose one and tied six, rates above one that has won ten, lost three and tied one. If the Packers had beaten the Bears, leaving the title in the possession of Portsmouth, the situation would have been even worse. The system places too much of a premium upon tying instead of winning games. Again, one or two contests have clearly shown what types of sportsmanship exists in different parts of the country. Appearing on some foreign field, the Packers received praise for well executed plays. On others they were booed or cat-called from the moment they arrived, the boos changing to cries of fake and bribery if the home team seemed headed for defeat. Our fans, representing an old and dignified city, can teach cities less mature the etiquette that goes with a sporty audience. Finally, professional football has had its greatest season in the history of the game. While interest in college games markedly waned, the post-graduate players received nationwide publicity and enjoyed what might easily be termed a prosperous season for times like these. The newspapers - from the largest of the metropolis to the smallest in Jobildunk, New Mexico - magazines - from the one read exclusively by 500 of social set fame to the weekly adorner of the newsstand out in the Bronx - and famed sports writers and radio announcers - all have joined in praise of the high brand of football played by these masters of the sport. But the world spins on and now we turn to baseball. Herman goes to the Cubs for Helmsley, Smith, Moore and Richbourg. The Yankees plan to leave soon for St. Petersburg, Florida, and where will Petcka be next year? So it goes. Tempus fugit, Long Live the Kings.
DEC 22 (Milwaukee Journal) - The rumor factory is busy. Dutch Clark will play with the Green Bay Packers next season. So will Red Grange. The Bears want Dilweg and will trade a couple of linemen for him. The New York Giants and Brooklyn both want Johnny Blood. And so on, and so on. Down in Hawaii the Packers today await the first game of their island exhibition tour. They will meet the University of Hawaii Christmas Day. But if the crystal doesn't like it will be one of the last together as a great team. The man in the white hat, so they say, is

about to walk among the Bays and when another season rolls around he will have a number of different faces on the field. Something has to be done. No doubt most of the rumors haven't any root. If they did they wouldn't be rumors. But the fact also remains that the Packers must and intend to do something about their battle front for the 1933 campaign.

DEC 22 (Honolulu) - To the tune of strumming ukeleles and accompanied by a blast of newspaper publicity, the Green Bay Packers left the S.S. Mariposa here today, preparatory to playing their two games of football here Monday, Dec. 26, and Monday, Jan. 2, The games will be played one day later than originally planned to coincide with the Honolulu observances of Christmas and New Year's day. Within an hour after they left the ship, the former national champions put their days of idleness on the ocean strictly behind them, and jogged out upon a convenient field for a stiff practice...PACKERS ARE SERIOUS: There is no question about it; the Packers are in a serious frame of mind. They ran through signals with all their old pep, apparently much rested by the sea trip from San Pedro. As a matter of fact, the team received the run of the ship, and there was considerable "tux work" from the time the big boat left the mainland until it docked here at the Hawaiian capital city. The passage was smooth, and Hank Bruder now is the only Packers still on the sick list. The weather is unbelievable. The temperature registers 70, and after today's workout, the squad went for a swim off Waikiki beach. They then returned to the Hotel Moana, where the best of accommodations were obtained...SIGNAL FOR PUBLICITY: The Packers' arrival was the signal for a spasm of publicity, four columns on the front page of the city's leading newspaper telling of the invasion. Interest is running very high, and apparently the competition will be strong. Honolulu's hospitality is unexcelled. Everyone appears gay, and leis are numerous. The Hawaiian football players will play the game without wearing shoes, but not the Packers. There is considerable talk here of making the Packer trip to Honolulu an annual event, as Hawaiian residents are keyed up over the chance to see their first big football game. Alumni of the University of Hawaii, whom the Packers face Monday, are met on all sides, and all present in droves for each daily workout, scheduled at 4 o'clock p.m.
DEC 23 (Honolulu) - The appearance of the Green Bay Packers, the country's foremost professional football team, in competition here is an event of prime importance in our sports calendar. Professional football has been making gigantic strides in popularity on the Mainland and the Packers are the cream of the pro teams. By their visit here, Honolulu gridiron fans are to be privileged to see in action the team which has thrilled hundreds of thousands of fans in the larger communities throughout the United States. The contests to be played here should receive hearty support from all true patrons of the pigskin pastime.
DEC 23 (Green Bay) - True to their first place rating, the Chicago Bears took highest ranking in both offense and defense in the NFL for the past season. The Bears' offensive record is the more remarkable when the fact that they didn't score a point until the fifth game of the season is taken into consideration. The Bears nosed out the Packers by 160 to 152 for the best scoring team in the league and their defensive mark of 44 points also bested that of 63 shown by the Packers...SPARTANS ARE THIRD: The Portsmouth Spartans, who finished in third place back of the Packers, were third in both offense and defense during the season. Boston, with 55 points, was the lowest scoring team while the 173 points counted again Stapleton marked the Staten Island team as the weakest defensive outfit in the league.
DEC 23 (Honolulu) - "After all the Green Bay Packers is only a football team and any football team is not invincible - We concede nothing to the famous pro footballers and win or lose the Packers will know Monday night that they've been in a battle and we mean a tough battle - Our team is ready to play and in spite of our disadvantage in both weight and experience the players are unafraid. We realize the big reputation of the Packers and our men will give them all we have - We have nothing to lose but a lot to gain." Thus spoke Coaches Bill Wise and Herman Clark of the Kamehameha Alumni football team, 1932 senior league champions, which will meet the visiting grid giants next Monday afternoon at the Honolulu stadium. The Kamalums went through a brisk workout yesterday and if the practice of the past few days is any indication, the senior champions will shoot passes just as soon as they can lay their hands on the pigskin...WILL SCORE?: "The boys feel confidentially that they will score," Bill Wise said, "and if half of the passes we have been working on click I think they'll achieve their goal." The Kamalum team which will bounce against the Packers' frontal wall of something like 220 pounds per man will average around 184, according to weights released by Gus Sproat, Kamalum manager. The Kam line will average close to 190 pounds, about the heaviest forward wall in football here. Where the Kamalums will be at the biggest advantage will be in the backfield. The senior Warriors average but 171 pounds.
DEC 23 (Green Bay) - Football fans and followers of the three-time champion Green Bay Packers in the northeastern block of Wisconsin counties will hear the story of the football game between the Packers and the University of Hawaii squad Monday night, beginning at 9 o'clock. This hour for the broadcast over Radio Station WHBY, the St. Norbert college station of West De Pere, was agreed upon at noon today. The game will get underway at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon Monday at Honolulu. The play-by-play will be prepared at the sidelines by the sports editor of the Honoluly Star-Bulletin, known only as "Crane" from the cablegrams so far received. These will be sent to the sending station of Radio Communications and forwarded across the Pacific ocean by wireless. They will be picked up at San Francisco by this same R.C.A. service and telegraphed from there on a direct wire to Green Bay. An allowance of time has been made for this transmission but not a great deal. The game will be in progress in Honolulu at the same hour it is being broadcast here, though the plays will not be happening at precisely the same minute they are being reported here. And it will be mid-afternoon in Hawaii through mid-evening in Wisconsin because of the approximately 6 hours' difference in time. Walkers' Cleaners & Tailors, 404 W. Walnut-st., have cooperated with the Press-Gazette in contracting this special hookup of wireless, telephone and radio for the fans in this area. The broadcast over WHBY will be sponsored by the "Supercleaning" establishment, and the play-by-play plus a running story of the extraordinary contest and Johnny Blood's own signed story of the affair will appear in Tuesday's Press-Gazette.

DEC 24 (Honolulu) - Crowds of interested fans were on hand Friday afternoon here to witness a practice session of the Green Bay Packers, professional football team which will meet the University of Hawaii on Monday afternoon. The kickoff has been set at 3 o'clock Monday, but the Packers are faced with plenty of work before that time. There was to be another stiff practice late today, and Coach E.L. Lambeau has announced a final workout for Sunday morning...PLAN LONG DRILL: Sunday's practice is expected to draw another large crowd, as the majority of Honolulu residents have never seen a major football game of proportions now planned. The coach of the team from the territorial United States probably will drill his men for several hours, provided the heat is not excessive. The Packers have had but little trouble in becoming acclimated although the temperature has ranged around 70 here since their arrival. They said that the thermometer has registered below zero when they left the midwest United States, but despite the great discrepancy, they have been able to display a great amount of snap and power in their daily workouts. Every facility at the Hotel Moana has been turned over to the visitors, who are attracting attention everywhere they go. A similar collection of giants has never been seen on the island as most of the men appear of extraordinary proportions...TEAM VERY FAST: The Hawaii University team, which the Packers will face here Monday afternoon, is much smaller, but is very fast and possesses a deceptive passing attack. The players never wear shoes while playing, but the Packers have flatly refused to join them in this matter, preferring to wear the heavy cleated shoes worn by continental football teams. Some of the visitors also have been wearing heavy woolen socks in practice. Arrangements for transmitting a play-by-play account of the game to the mainland, where it will be telegraphed to Green Bay and then broadcast over the radio, have been completed by Coach Lambeau and Sports Editor Crane of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
DEC 24 (Green Bay) - With six touchdowns, 10 points after touchdown and three field goals for a total of 55 points, Earl (Dutch) Clark, Portsmouth quarterback, carried off high scoring honors in the pro football league this season. Clark got the jump on the rest of the boys early in the season and maintained his lead until the least. Red Grange with seven touchdowns with 42 points led his Chicago Bears in scoring and incidentally was second only to Clark in league individual scoring for the season. Last year's high point man, Johnny Blood of the Packers, was tied with Hank Bruder, a teammate for high honors on the Packer squad, and finished in a five way tie for sixth place in the league.
DEC 24 (Green Bay) - The Green Bay Packers will play the University of Hawaii team at Honolulu Monday. An account of the game will be relayed from Honolulu to Green Bay via San Francisco and will be broadcast over radio station WHBY, Green Bay. The game will start at 8:30 p.m. Central standard time.
DEC 25 (Honolulu) - The first game between a college football team and a professional team, about the outcome of which arguments have raged for years, will be played here Monday afternoon between the Green Bay Packers, three time champions of the NFL and third place winners in this year's race, and the University of Hawaii. The game will start at 2 o'clock, which is about 8 o'clock Milwaukee and Green Bay time. The Packers arrived here early Thursday morning after their long

voyage from Los Angeles and immediately went out to regain their land legs. The men appeared in excellent shape. They worked out every day at one of the athletic fields near their hotel. Considerable interest has been aroused by the game which is to be the first between a pro eleven and a college team in the history of the sport. The nearest approach to it was the contest between the New York Giants and an all-star Notre Dame team, handled by the late Knute Rockne, in New York two years ago. The Giants walloped the all-stars. It wasn't a contest. Honolulu, however, feels differently about the outcome of this game. The Hawaiian boys have been in full training since the regular season closed and they feel they can take the invaders. Nor has their attitude been changed by the surprising non-chalance which the Packers have shown. The visitors have done all their training in a matter of fact way. Much of the Packers' time so far has been occupied by sightseeing. Whatever may happen on the football field Monday, they must surely say they were welcomed here with open arms. They had hardly landed when the sightseeing began. Between 20,000 and 25,000 fans are expected to see the game. Not only in Honolulu, but in other parts of the island, interest has been aroused in football as seldom before. The Packers will remain here for another week and on Sunday January 8 will play an all-star island lineup in a charity game. The team will leave Hawaii two days later and engage in two exhibition games in Californian January 22 and 29 before returning home to Green Bay.

DEC 27 (Honolulu) - In spite of heat, humidity and hospitality of gracious Hawaiians, Green Bay's Packers defeated a fighting bunch of football players here Monday afternoon by a score of 19 to 13. The Packers played the University of Hawaii alumni team, better known here as the Kamehameha university stars. We observed amateur rules and had a tough grade to climb after the Kams gained an early lead due to a beautiful pass. A light, but fast and elusive Kam team gave us plenty of trouble. At times we had little trouble gaining through the line on quick opening power thrusts, but at other stages of the game, the Hawaii boys rose up to their wrath to turn us back...SPANK AT LINE: Playing on a beautiful island here was vastly different than on the frozen turfs of Chicago, Green Bay and the east. But for a light breeze that swept down off the Oahu mountains, where it was raining, the heat probably would have been oppressive. The Kams spanked at our line with little success. Three times they managed to slip through for real gains, but on all other occasions, the boys on the front wall stood in their way and no one passed. It was a great game and had plenty of thrills. We had to open with plenty of plays. Out air attack functioned smoothly. Of 27 passes tried, 13 were completed by Green Bay, netting 183 yards. The Kams did us one better in this department with 220 yards gained, although they completed only seven tosses...GAIN 313 YARDS: For those who like figures, we might add that 313 yards were gained by Green Bay in running plays. The Packers lost 36 yards. The Kams made 44 yards from scrimmage and lost 25. In first downs, Green Bay chalked up 19 and the Kams six. Two of our touchdowns were called back, once when Englemann caught a pass beyond the end zone and another time when Blood crossed the line and Rose was offside. We drew 170 yards in penalties due mostly to different interpretation of the rules by United States teams than by the Hawaiian players. The Kams drew 25 yards in penalties. Hinkle played a sweet game for Green Bay. Our lack of substitutes and the heat didn't help matters. The Kams had 28 men available and used them all. There was a crowd of some 15,000 present and all seemed to enjoy the spectacle. They were sportsmanlike in their conduct and our good plays brought cheers...SMASH DOWN FIELD: We smashed down the field early in the game but a fumble hurt our chances and as soon as the Kams got the ball they opened up with Wise tossing a pass that was a beauty. It sailed high and far and Kerr caught it on the dead run and raced for a touchdown. The play was good for a 70-yard gain. When they added the extra point with a placekick, we knew we had plenty of trouble in store. In the second period we marched down the field and Herber tossed a pass to Blood that was good for a touchdown. We failed to convert however so we trailed at the half, 7 to 6. Coming back in the third period we again opened up and sailed down into Kam territory, but we didn't immediately connect. After we lost the ball, Lavvie Dilweg jumped up and intercepted a pass, then raced 37 yards to score a touchdown. Again we failed to convert, so held to a 12 to 7 lead. In the final quarter Herber tossed a pass to me, but one of our men on the line was offside and the play was recalled after I had scored. Herber tossed another pass, this time to Rose and the big end scored. He then kicked from placement to add the extra point. With only a few minutes to play, three passes in rapid succession were completed over the heads of our backfield men, who were beginning to wilter in the heat. The third to Talaku was good for a touchdown, but Hughes failed to add the extra point...HUGHES KICKS GOALS: The Hawaiian team, composed of representatives from virtually every race of the Islands, was outweighed about 20 pounds to the man. A 150-pound halfback, Danny Wise, led the attack and played brilliant football. It was his 50-yard pass to Kerr that brought the first touchdown for the home team. Louis Kahanomoku, younger brother of the famous swimmer, Duke Kahanomoku, was one of the main obstacles in the way of our line. He played a great game. Between halves, Henry Hughes, Oregon university star of a few years ago, edified the crowd by placekicking 50 and 60 yards with a barefoot. He played with the Boston Braves in the National league last year.
DEC 27 (Green Bay) - The first transoceanic-international football broadcast ever undertaken brought each play of the Green Bay Packers vs. University of Hawaii game into Green Bay was just three minutes after the play was made in Honolulu. The hookup employed telegraph, wireless, telephone and radiophone. The sender was stationed right at the stadium in Honolulu, his messages going through the wireless transmitting station at Diamond Head without intermission. It crossed the Pacific Ocean in wireless signals then shot across the sheet to the Western Union building in San Francisco and there translated to Morse code and put on a direct San Francisco to Green Bay wire which was run into the studios of the broadcasting station...CIRCUIT HELD OPEN: From Honolulu to San Francisco an exclusive circuit was held and a high speed radio teletype used so that there was no manual typing at San Francisco nor delay for the telegrapher there. The average time in the pneumatic tube was 23 seconds. The time from Honolulu into the Green Bay studios of Station WHBY was continuously between 2 and one half and three minutes. Both the circuit across the Pacific and the circuit from San Francisco were reserved for the exclusive use of these messages. The success of this unusual press service was even officially acknowledged by the telegraph company itself. A message from E.B Boening, General Manager of Western Union received Tuesday said, "We have no knowledge nor record of the press heretofore covering any football game played outside this country. This certainly was the first case involving

professional football. The story was handled by R.C.A. Honolulu direct from field to San Francisco; there tubed to our office across street and placed on direct San Francisco to Green Bay wire."...USED PREPARED CHART: The only delay was in Green Bay and this was necessary to convert the dispatches into a running story interesting to the fans. No liberties were taken with the information. By previous arrangement the reporter at the game used a chart prepared here and carried to Honolulu by Coach E.L. Lambeau. On this chart were three columns. In the first was the name of the player who carried the ball. In the second the movement of the play and in the third the result in yards gained or lost. Plays which required explanation and penalties and the preliminary picture of the trip and game as well as the summary of facts after the game were sent in great detail. At the studios Verne Lewellen, veteran Packer backfielder, took the message which told him of the player, the play and the gain or loss and visualized the play as he knew it. He then dictated to his stenographer the customary shift and interference, adding nothing however to the facts as received except the enlargement of the picture necessary to show the squad shifting into formation, moving into play and running off the play which was reported. There therefore was no padding nor imaginary color as the veteran of many seasons in nearly every play sensed immediately the formation used and the play called which brought about the result reported. It is not likely that he missed one more than a very few plays and these were still a mystery when the game ended. They involved penalties for a supposed illegal shift. Were the game played in the city stadium here however the fans watching it probably would know no more about these decisions as officials seldom explain themselves to the spectators...FEW PLAYS BEHIND: The time required to convert the telegrams into this running story was the only lapse of time over the 3 minutes in transmission. The fans in Northeastern Wisconsin were hearing the game while it was still being played in Honolulu and only a very few plays behind the game itself. This unusual press service was arranged during the past week by the Press-Gazette and the broadcast over Radio Station WHBY, St. Norbert college station, was sponsored for the fans by Walkers' Cleaners & Tailors, 404 W. Walnut-st.
DEC 28 (Sheboygan Press) - After nine years of professional competition, Verne Lewellen of the Green Bay Packers announces his retirement. There is still a lot of good football in that 34-year-old frame, but Verne's best days are over, so he is quitting for good. Lewellen must be written down among the immortals of football. For nine years he did practically all the kicking for the Packers. It was Lewellen who carried the ball over for touchdowns when the last few yards were needed. He ran back punts, called signals, ran interference - he could do all things well. There was a game with the Chicago Cardinals in 1929 when Lewellen punted out of bounds beyond the Cardinal 10-yard line eight times. And he was one of the finest ball carriers on cutback plays I have seen. He was adept at pivoting and reversing the field. He seldom failed to gain the needed ground in those cutbacks over tackle. Lewellen played four years in high school and four more years at the University of Nebraska. He has kicked footballs in nearly 200 games. He must have booted the leather 50,000 yards. During his professional career he made 51 touchdowns. Now he returns to the little town in Nebraska where he will practice law and raise his two motherless children. His wife died eight months ago. For the last four years Lewellen has been district attorney of Brown County, but he was defeated in the democratic landslide of November, and leaves office in January.
DEC 29 (Green Bay) - Who are the Packers playing in Hawaii? We've been asked that question many times recently and until today we weren't sure just who they were playing or why. Considerable research and cable communications finally have brought out the whole story. We'll pass it on. When the Packers first were approached by representatives of the Honolulu News-Bulletin, a newspaper on the islands, sponsors of the games, it was understood that they were to play the 1932 University of Hawaii eleven in the first game Christmas day and the Townies, a semi-professional eleven in the second game next Monday. Before we go on, we'll explain the conditions in Honolulu. There is only one major university there. It is the University of Hawaii, which is part of the Kamehameha school system, for boys and girls of the island. Grade, high school and the university are part of the Kamehameha system. Other advanced schools are the St. Louis college, Normal school and Oahu college, all minor in comparison with the University of Hawaii. Football is played in all the schools and is well supported...The University of Hawaii, unable to get competition from the small colleges of the islands, annually plays in a Hawaiian island tournament against semi-pro and professional teams. There are no amateur squabbles because if the University did not play against these other teams, it would have no football. The island squads are made up of former football stars from many points. Some are army officers stationed on the islands. Others played in the States with major schools and now are residents of the island. Others played with some Hawaiian college team or the University eleven. Others probably only saw service with high school teams of the Kamehameha system. In recent years the outstanding football teams of the island that annually met the University of Hawaii eleven were the Honolulu Athletic club, St. Louis college Alumni, McKinley high Alumni, Honolulu Town club, Kamehameha Alumni. The Honolulu Town club team is known as the Townies. The Kamehameha Alumni is made up of players who were either at the University of Hawaii or played with high school or normal school teams of the Kamehameha system. On the Kamehameha Alumni team that the Packers played last Monday were 18 players who in recent years played on the University of Hawaii eleven. Danny Wise, the flashy little quarterback who turned in a sensational game, had no university experience but was one of the greatest high school players ever seen on the Islands, so was invited to play on the Kamehameha eleven. In last year's island tournament the Townies won the championship by defeating the University of Hawaii eleven in the final game. The McKinley alumni team, or Mickalums, as they are called, placed second. This year the Kamehameha alumni, better known as the Kams, tied for the island championship with the Mickalums. Both won all games except those played against one another. The Kams beat the Mickalums once, 6 to 0, and the Mickalums won over the Kams, 13 to 0. Both teams beat the University of Hawaii, St. Louis Alumni and Townies in other games...When the Packers arrived at Honolulu, sponsors decided that a game against the Kamehameha team would draw better than a game against the University as the University's year had not been good. Next Monday's game had been planned against the Town club, or Townies, but as McKinley Alumni beat the Townies, 23 to 0, recently, it was decided that McKinley would be a better attraction against the Packers, so were engaged to take part in the game. McKinley is one of the island's prep schools, also part of the Kamehameha system. On the McKinley alumni team's roster are 10 men who have played with the University of Hawaii eleven. Several others played with university teams of the United States and others had no university training. Our cable dispatches report that the team is very fast and has an excellent passing attack. The game should prove interesting.
DEC 29 (Green Bay) - The Green Bay Press-Gazette and Walkers Cleaners and Tailors, one of its largest advertisers, have again associated to provide a play-by-play account of the January 2 football game in Honolulu direct from the playing field. The Green Bay Packers will play their second and last game on the island at 2:30 Monday afternoon, against a team known as the Mickalums, and rated as the best of Hawaiian teams. Because of the great interest created by the Packers' presence in Honolulu and their performance in the Christmas game against the Kams, this team was substituted for the Townies, the original opponents. A complete sellout of stadium capacity is expected, according to wireless dispatches received last night. The Mickalums' goal line has been crossed only once this season, that time by the Kams, whom the Packers defeated last Monday. The team this season has defeated the Kams, 13 to 0; defeated the Townies, 23 to 0; defeated the University of Hawaii, 13 to 0, and St. Louis college 7 to 0. They were defeated by the score of 6 to 0 by the Kams, the sensational Danny Wise heaving one of his 50 yard passes for the single score of the game...BACKED BY ALUMNI: The team is backed by the McKinley High alumni and gets its' name "Mick-alums" therefrom. It is coached by Neil Blaisdell, former coach of Bucknell college, the alma mater of Clark Hinkle, Packer fullback. The squad is composed of the pick of ex-college stars and players without college training. Several of the men were prominent with United States college elevens and a number of them are U of Hawaii stars. The star performer of the team is Hiram Kaakua, full-blooded Hawaiian, who played with St. Mary's college, California, one year. He is rated by far the best backfielder on the Hawaiian islands and is called "The Black Grange". Spalding's Football Guide for this year in its review, "Football in Hawaii", says: "Closing the season the University of Oklahoma arrived for two games, Christmas and New Years. Opening on Christmas Day, Oklahoma took the locals off their feet in the first half and went off to the dressing room with a 20 to 7 leads. Hiram Kaakua, Hawaiian ace, who was kept on the sidelines during the entire first half because of an injured leg, was sent in at the beginning of the third period and proved to be the deciding factor of the contest....INTERCEPTS FLAT PASS: After running the opening kickoff 75 yards, he led an attack that finally gave the locals their second touchdown. Shortly after the beginning of the fourth period, with Oklahoma still leading, Kaakua intercepted a flat pass and ran 55 yards for the score that tied the game. The final score, thanks to 'The Black Grange', was 39 for the islanders and 20 for Oklahoma U." The Hawaiians, though not calling their game professional football, have a system that very closely approximates it. These former college stars are organized into teams and backed by groups, usually by alumni societies. These teams play the university teams and among themselves. They even loan star players around it seems, because Kaakua has at time appeared in the lineups of the Mickalums, the Townies and the Kams. He may well be an alumnus of McKinley school and a member of the Town A.C. and thus qualified to play on both teams...BROTHERS ON TEAM: Coach Blaisdell has two of his brothers at Honolulu with him and both play in the backfield of the Mickalums. Brother Bill is a West Pointer and played on the Army team. Brother Tim is a former Bucknell player; played there when his brother was coach. Both are in the backfield of the Bucknell coach's Hawaiian team, the Packers' next opponents. A wireless dispatch from Don Watson, football writer for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, and who again has been engaged to report the January 2 game from the sidelines said: "Lambeau tells me the Packers were slowed up a bit in the first game by the warmness and he expects them to be in better condition for next game. Packers tell me diminutive Danny Wise, who tossed passes for two touchdowns, would be star on any man's team, anywhere. Honolulu is talking nothing but the Packers since the game and indications are that much larger crowd will see next game. Final check showed 13,362 paid admissions Monday and the financial success of the venture makes it seem certain Packers will be invited to return next year. The Packers are uninjured after first game and resumed practice today with Lambeau driving the team hard on a defense against aerial barrage he expects and has reason to expect from Mickalums." Radio Station WHBY, the St. Norbert college station, West De Pere, has again been engaged by Walkers Cleaners and Tailors for the broadcast of the play-by-play, arranged by this newspaper. The broadcast will probably begin again at 9 o'clock, although this may be advanced a quarter hour or half hour if possible. The final decision on the hour will be announced by the sponsors later.
DEC 30 (San Francisco) - Acclaimed by sports editors and gridiron experts as "the world's greatest football team", the famous Green Bay Packers, of Green Bay, Wis., three consecutive times champions of the NFL, have been booked for the annual Knights of Columbus charity football game, to be played at Kezar Stadium, Golden Gate park, San Francisco, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 22. This spectacular and colorful squad, said to be "the perfect football machines", was selected from a large field of noted teams seeking consideration for the coming K. of C. post-season classic, and gridiron fans are looking forward enthusiastically to the Packers' visit to San Francisco. Red Grange, the famed "Galloping Ghost" of King football, is to be included in the Green Bay lineup; which consists of eleven former collegiate captains, seven varsity All-Americans and seven All-American pro stars comprising the fastest and most thrilling team in America. The Packers will be opposed in the K. of C. benefit classic by a team of Pacific coast All-Americans, which the local Knights of Columbus hope to have coached and captained by the immortal Ernie Nevers. Proceeds of the Jan. 22 K. of C. charity even are to be distributed 75 percent to the Archdiocesan Charities, under the patronage of His Excellency, Most Rev. Archbishop Edward J. Hanna, D.D., and the Saint Vincent de Paul society, and 25 percent for the maintenance of the Knights of Columbus free non-sectarian employment aid bureaus. The San Francisco chapter of the order, comprising eight K. of C. councils, is sponsoring the contest, with the active support of many fraternal, civic, patriotic veterans and welfare organizations of Northern California. Throughout this part of the state, committees are being formed in communities and societies to support the game, and assist in the advance ticket sale. The arrangements committee has announced that all seats will be reserved; with 40,000 tickets at $1 and 10,000 seats in the center sections at $2 each. There will also be two special sections for children and students exclusively, at 50 cents each. The U.S. government has exempted the ticket tax, due to the charitable nature of the game. Preceding the contest, a brilliant pageant will be staged in the Kezar stadium oval, with more than 100 military, veterans, civic, patriotic and uniformed fraternal orders taking part. The pageant will begin at 1:30 p.m., and the game at 2 o'clock.
DEC 31 (Green Bay) - Another huge radio audience is anticipated for the broadcast of the play-by-play report of the Green Bay Packers second and last game on the Hawaiian Islands, Monday night at 9 o'clock. The game will be played Monday afternoon at 2:30 in Honolulu and the difference in time puts this between 8 and 9 o'clock at night, Green Bay time. A development of the abbreviated wireless report which informs who carried the ball, what play was used and what the net result was will again be made by one of the players not making the trip, probably Verne Lewellen. This service assures the fans that the game they hear will be practically the exact game which the paid spectators in the Hawaiian capital will be seeing. The Press-Gazette has again contracted for a hookup of wireless, telephone, telegraph and radio duplicating service provided last Monday night. Don Watson of the sports staff of Honolulu's Star-Bulletin has been engaged to write the play by play at the sidelines. A Western Union key will be set up again in the studios of St. Norbert college station WHBY, and the broadcast beginning at 9 o'clock will be sponsored again by Walkers Cleaners and Tailors. A cablegram received from Coach Lambeau Saturday morning indicated that he expected plenty of trouble from the team his pros will meet. Several of the better players on the Kams team are listed in the possible lineup of the Mickalums, Monday's opponent. The Mickalums have been scored on just once this season, and have defeated every team on the island of comparable strength. The University of Hawaii, the Townies (Town club), the St. Louis college alumni and the Kams have all gone down to scoreless defeats before the Mickalums. The team is composed of former college stars, and some who have not played college football. It is coached by Neil Blaisdell, formerly at Bucknell. His brother, now an army officer in Hawaii, plays one halfback position and Hiram Kaakua, full-blooded Hawaiian who played for one season with St. Mary's in California, plays opposite in the backfield.
DECEMBER 31 (Green Bay) - "To some citizens, coming down to earth Tuesday morning, to the return of the workday world, the most astonishing piece of news, which greeted them was on the sports page. It was from Honolulu and related that the Green Bay Packers, the professional football team which was just nosed out of the championship it held for years and years, had barely managed a victory over a Hawaiian team of youngsters who were outweighed thirty pounds to the man. The Honolulu outfit was described as being composed of high school alumni representing the various races of the islands. The star performer for the Hawaiians, Danny Wise, seems to be still in high school. The Packers were unable to do anything with the light Hawaiian line, and scored by forward passing, at which the Hawaiians also were adept and scored twice. It is maintained that professional football in the United States is much superior to the college game for a number of reasons which seem logical. A star is sought for each position and stars are obtainable from the college game. The collegians have never been completely satisfied that the teams of graduates were better than their own, but the assumption has gained ground and credibility. There may have been too much Christmas in the Packers' approach to the game, or the Hawaiians may be very good. McGuire, the great Wisconsin player, is a Hawaiian, and the islands have produced some notable athletes. Sport lovers were not quite prepared to find a distinguished professional team so nearly taken to a licking as the Packers apparently were when they met this Honolulu outfit. American coaches may be started looking out into the Pacific."...The above editorial appeared in Friday's issue of the Chicago Tribune. It expresses the sentiment of many fans, although a few statements are misleading. The editorial writer says that "the Packers were unable to do anything with the light Hawaiian line and scored by forward passing." This is not quite true. Statistics reveal that the Packers were able to gain more than 300 yards through the line. He also says that the Hawaiian squad was a "team of youngsters". There were a few "youngsters" on the squad, including Danny Wise, but most of the players had college experience. However, the reaction of many followers of sport is similar to the thought expressed by the editorial writer. We know that to use the narrow victory was startling. True the game was played in strange surroundings, under unusual conditions. It was only an exhibition contest and reports indicated that the Packers gained almost at will. Yet, the Green Bay team came close to losing. If they had been beaten professional football would have suffered a blow that would be hard to outlive.
DEC 31 (Honolulu by Johnny Blood) - Green Bay's Packers are ready to make their final bow to Hawaiian fans here Monday afternoon in what is expected to prove a great football battle. Public interest in the game is high, due to the sensational features of the contest last week between the Wisconsin team and the Kams. From every island of he Hawaiian group fans planned to come here Monday when the Packers play the McKinley alumni eleven. Unless rain interferes, a crowd of 18,000 is expected. The Green Bay players are in good shape and have become accustomed to the weather and are favored by many bettors to beat the McKinley team by 21 points or more. This despite the fact that the McKinley eleven is rated as a stronger team than the Kams...WORK OUT IN SHORTS: For the past few days we have been working out in shorts. They prove much better than bulky football pants in drills but will have to be discarded for the padded outfits Monday. The week has been filled with entertainment and sightseeing Early in the week we were entertained at two native feasts. Following the banquets have been trips around the islands in airplanes, submarines and ships of the United States Navy. Many of our players have friends stationed here with the quarterback position recently and probably will see some action Monday. It will be his first performance in four years, if Coach Lambeau plays Monday. He has been keeping himself in excellent shape, however, and always has been ready to play if needed. I pulled a muscle in a workout yesterday but probably will be able to play Monday...PAUL BURKE LEAVES: The prosecuting attorney in the Massie case of some months ago was a classmate of Rudy Comstock at Georgetown some years ago and has been acting as our host on many occasions. Paul Burke, of Green Bay, who came here with the team, sailed on the Empress Japan for Vancouver Thursday. We will probably not leave Honolulu for another week or so. Basketball players of the squad have formed a cage team that will play an island squad in the indoor sport on January 6. It will be against the island champions. The game Monday will start about 3:30 o'clock. All arrangements have been completed to send a play-by-play account direct to Green Bay to be broadcast over radio station WHBY.

SS Mariposa was a luxury ocean liner launched in 1931; one of four ships in the Matson Lines "White Fleet" which included SS Monterey, SS Malolo and SS Lurline. It was later renamed the SS Homeric. In 1973, a major fire destroyed much of her galley and restaurant and she was scrapped in Taiwan in 1974.

Professional football is now about to extend its field overseas. The Green Bay Packers, one of the country's leading professional outfits, sailed for Honolulu on the ocean liner Mariposa to play two charity games. On board as the vessel leaving from Los Angeles are from left: team captain John McNally of Boston; Earl “Curly” Lambeau, manger and coach; center; and Paul Burke, the team's most faithful fan. Burke accompanies the Packers wherever they go to play. This photo taken on December 19, 1932 in Los Angeles. (Associated Press) (Source: Packerville, USA)

FRANCHISES FOLDING: Cleveland Indians, Providence Steam Rollers, Frankford Yellowjackets FRANCHISES JOINING: Boston Braves
Green Bay 15, CHICAGO CARDS 7
GREEN BAY 1 0 0 1.000 15 7 New York 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Chi Bears 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Portsmouth 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Staten Island 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Boston 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Chi Cards 0 1 0 .000 7 15
PORTSMOUTH 7, New York 0 Brooklyn 7, STATEN ISLAND 0
GREEN BAY 0, Chicago Bears 0 (T)
Portsmouth 1 0 0 1.000 7 0 Chi Bears 0 0 1 .000 0 0
Brooklyn 1 0 0 1.000 7 0 Chi Cards 0 1 0 .000 7 15
GREEN BAY 1 0 1 1.000 15 7 New York 0 1 0 .000 0 7
Boston 0 0 0 .000 0 0 Staten Island 0 1 0 .000 0 7
PORTSMOUTH 7, Chicago Cards 7 (T) GREEN BAY 13, New York 0
STATEN ISLAND 0, Chi Bears 0 (T) Brooklyn 14, BOSTON 0
Brooklyn 2 0 0 1.000 21 0 Staten Island 0 1 1 .000 0 7
GREEN BAY 2 0 1 1.000 28 7 Chi Bears 0 0 2 .000 0 0
Portsmouth 1 0 1 1.000 14 7 Boston 0 1 0 .000 0 14
Chi Cards 0 1 1 .000 14 22 New York 0 2 0 .000 0 20
GREEN BAY 15, Portsmouth 10 Staten Island 7, BROOKLYN 6
CHICAGO BEARS 0, Chi Cards 0 (T) BOSTON 14, New York 6
GREEN BAY 3 0 1 1.000 43 17 Boston 1 1 0 .500 14 20
Brooklyn 2 1 0 .667 27 7 Chi Bears 0 0 3 .000 0 0
Portsmouth 1 1 1 .500 24 22 Chi Cards 0 1 2 .000 14 22
Staten Island 1 1 1 .500 7 13 New York 0 3 0 .000 6 34
STATEN ISLAND 7, Portsmouth 7 (T) Green Bay 2, CHICAGO BEARS 0
Chicago Cards 9, BOSTON 0 NEW YORK 20, Brooklyn 12
GREEN BAY 4 0 1 1.000 45 17 Staten Island 1 1 2 .500 14 20
Brooklyn 2 2 0 .500 39 27 Boston 1 2 0 .333 14 29
Portsmouth 1 1 2 .500 31 29 New York 1 3 0 .250 26 46
Chi Cards 1 1 2 .500 23 22 Chi Bears 0 1 3 .000 0 2
Portsmouth 13, STATEN ISLAND 6
GREEN BAY 13, Brooklyn 0 NEW YORK 0, Boston 0 (T)
CHICAGO BEARS 27, Staten Island 7
GREEN BAY 5 0 1 1.000 58 17 Brooklyn 2 3 0 .400 39 40
Portsmouth 2 1 2 .667 44 35 Boston 1 2 1 .333 14 29
Chi Bears 1 1 3 .500 27 9 Staten Island 1 3 2 .250 27 60
Chi Cards 1 1 2 .500 23 22 New York 1 3 1 .250 26 46
Portsmouth 6, NEW YORK 0 GREEN BAY 26, Staten Island 0
CHICAGO CARDS 27, Brooklyn 7 BOSTON 7, Chicago Bears 7 (T)
GREEN BAY 6 0 1 1.000 84 17 Boston 1 2 3 21 36
Portsmouth 3 1 2 .750 50 35 Brooklyn 2 4 0 46 67
Chi Cards 2 1 2 .667 50 29 Staten Island 1 4 2 27 86
Chi Bears 1 1 4 .500 34 16 New York 1 4 1 26 52
Portsmouth 17, BROOKLYN 7 Chicago Bears 28, NEW YORK 8
BOSTON 19, Staten Island 6 Green Bay 19, CHICAGO CARDS 9
GREEN BAY 7 0 1 1.000 103 26 Boston 2 2 3 .500 40 42
Portsmouth 4 1 2 .800 67 42 Brooklyn 2 5 0 .286 53 84
Chi Bears 2 1 4 .667 62 24 Staten Island 1 5 2 .167 33 105
Chi Cards 2 2 2 .500 59 48 New York 1 5 1 .167 34 80
CHI BEARS 13, Portsmouth 13 (T) Green Bay 21, BOSTON 0
BROOKLYN 3, Chicago Cards 0 NEW YORK 27, Staten Island 7
GREEN BAY 8 0 1 1.000 124 26 Chi Cards 2 3 2 .400 59 51
Portsmouth 4 1 3 .800 80 55 Brooklyn 3 5 0 .375 56 84
Chi Bears 2 1 5 .667 75 37 New York 2 5 1 .286 61 87
Boston 2 3 3 .400 40 63 Staten Island 1 6 2 .143 40 132
PORTSMOUTH 10, Boston 0 CHICAGO BEARS 20, Brooklyn 0
STATEN ISLAND 21, Chicago Cards 7 NEW YORK 6, Green Bay 0
GREEN BAY 8 1 1 .889 124 32 Boston 2 4 3 .333 40 73
Portsmouth 5 1 3 .857 90 55 Chi Cards 2 4 2 .333 66 72
Chi Bears 3 1 5 .750 95 37 Brooklyn 3 6 0 .333 56 104
New York 3 5 1 .375 67 87 Staten Island 2 6 2 .250 61 139
CHICAGO BEARS 34, Chicago Cards 0 Green Bay 7, BROOKLYN 0
STATEN ISLAND 13, New York 13 (T)
PORTSMOUTH 7, Chicago Bears 7 (T) Green Bay 21, Staten ISLAND 3
Boston 8, CHICAGO CARDS 6 New York 13, BROOKLYN 7
GREEN BAY 10 1 1 .909 152 35 Boston 3 4 3 .429 48 79
Portsmouth 5 1 4 .833 97 62 Brooklyn 3 8 0 .272 63 124
Chi Bears 4 1 6 .800 136 44 Chi Cards 2 6 2 .250 72 114
New York 4 5 2 .444 93 107 Staten Island 2 7 3 .222 77 173
PORTSMOUTH 19, Green Bay 0 CHICAGO BEARS 6, New York 0
Boston 7, BROOKLYN 0
Portsmouth 6 1 4 .857 116 62 New York 4 6 2 .400 93 113
GREEN BAY 10 2 1 .857 152 54 Chi Cards 2 6 2 .250 72 114
Chi Bears 5 1 6 .833 142 44 Brooklyn 3 9 0 .250 63 131
Boston 4 4 3 .500 55 79 Staten Island 2 7 3 .222 77 173

CHICAGO BEARS 9, Green Bay 0
Chi Bears 6 1 6 .857 151 44 New York 4 6 2 .400 93 113
Portsmouth 6 1 4 .857 116 62 Brooklyn 3 9 0 .250 63 131
GREEN BAY 10 3 1 .769 152 63 Chi Cards 2 6 2 .250 72 114
Boston 4 4 3 .500 55 79 Staten Island 2 7 3 .222 77 173
CHI BEARS 9, Portsmouth 0
Chi Bears 7 1 6 .875 160 44 New York 4 6 2 .400 93 113
GREEN BAY 10 3 1 .769 152 63 Brooklyn 3 9 0 .250 63 131
Portsmouth 6 2 4 .750 116 71 Chi Cards 2 6 2 .250 72 114
Boston 4 4 3 .500 55 79 Staten Island 2 7 3 .222 77 173
Although the Packers had finished the season with 10 wins, the league title was determined by winning percentage, with ties omitted. The Portsmouth Spartans and the Chicago Bears finished the season tied for first place. For the first time, the NFL arranged for a playoff game to determine the NFL champion. Extremely cold weather forced the game to be moved from Wrigley Field to the indoor Chicago Stadium. The make-shift football field in the stadium was only 80 yards long with undersized endzones. The planners were forced to move the goal posts to the goal line because there wasn't enough space to put them at the back of the endzone, as was standard in college and pro ball. The Bears won the game 9-0, which was scoreless until the fourth quarter. The game counted in the final standings, which moved the Spartans to third place.


INTERPROVINCIAL RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION: No changes NOTES: By 1932, football was played at night under floodlights, radio broadcasts were made of games and the use of large scorebards became standards
Hamilton 15, TORONTO 2 (12000) - Former Argo Frank Turville was the star for Hamilton, as he scored 10 points and ran roughshod over the Argos defense.
HAMILTON - 3 3 0 9 - 15
TORONTO - 0 0 2 0 - 2
1st - HAM - Single, Frank Turville kick to deadline HAM 1-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kicked touch-in-goal HAM 2-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick Ab Box, rouged by Jimmy Simpson HAM 3-0 2nd - HAM - Turville field goal HAM 6-0 3rd - TOR - Single, Box kick to Turville for rouge HAM 6-1 3rd - TOR - Single, D'Arcy Doherty kick to deadline HAM 6-2 4th - HAM - Ray Boadway, 40-yard interception return (Turville convert) HAM 12-2 4th - HAM - Turville field goal HAM 15-2
Montreal 13, OTTAWA 12 (6000) - Walter Masters, former Penn fullback, became an instant hero for the Riders as he engineered two sensational runs for touchdowns, as Montreal trailed 12-7 entering the final period. A long run by Tommy Burns and a perfect kick by Kenny Copland completed the comeback.
MONTREAL - 6 1 0 6 - 13
OTTAWA - 0 6 6 0 - 12
1st - MON - Hal Baysinger, 2-yard run (Huck Welch convert) MON 6-0 2nd - OTT - Single, Walter Masters kick to Welch for rouge MON 6-1 2nd - OTT - Masters, 73-yard punt return TIED 6-6 2nd - MON - Single, Welch kick to Dave Harding for rouge MON 7-6 3rd - OTT - Harding completing 125-yard kick return lateral from Swede Carlson and Masters (Masters convert) OTT 12-7 4th - MON - Tommy Burns, 32-yard run (Kenny Copland convert) MON 13-12
Montreal 1 0 0 13 12 2 Toronto 0 1 0 2 15 0
Hamilton 1 0 0 15 2 2 Ottawa 0 1 0 12 13 0
HAMILTON 25, Ottawa 3 () - Hamilton plunged for 385 yards, 333 coming from Brian Timmis (141), Dave Sprague (120) and Ray Boadway (72). Hamilton also pounded in three touchdowns to win going away.
OTTAWA - 0 3 0 0 - 3
HAMILTON - 8 6 1 10 - 25
1st - HAM - Dave Sprague run HAM 5-0 1st - HAM - Single, Frank Turville kick to Walter Masters for rouge HAM 6-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 7-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick to touch-in-goal HAM 8-0 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Masters for single HAM 9-0 2nd - HAM - Brian Timmis run HAM 14-0 2nd - OTT - Masters field goal HAM 14-3 3rd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Masters for rouge HAM 15-3 4th - HAM - Eddie Wright run HAM 20-3 4th - HAM - Single, Bernie Thornton kick to deadline HAM 21-3 4th - HAM - Turville field goal HAM 24-3 4th - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 25-3
MONTREAL 11, Toronto 3 (9000) - Montreal trailed 2-1 at halftime before putting across a touchdown, a field goal and three rouges in the second half to win their 20th straight game.
TORONTO - 1 1 1 0 - 3
MONTREAL - 0 1 3 7 - 11
1st - TOR - Single, Ab Box kick to Huck Welch for rouge TOR 1-0 2nd - MON - Welch kick to deadline TIED 1-1 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to deadline TOR 2-1 3rd - TOR - Box kick to deadline TOR 3-1 3rd - MON - Kenny Copland field goal MON 4-3 4th - MON - Single, Hal Baysinger kick to Box for rouge MON 5-3 4th - MON - Single, Baysinger kick to Box for rouge MON 6-3 4th - MON - Peter Jotkus, 4-yard run MON 11-3
Montreal 2 0 0 24 15 4 Toronto 0 2 0 5 26 0
Hamilton 2 0 0 40 5 4 Ottawa 0 2 0 15 38 0
Toronto 27, OTTAWA 6 (7000) - Toronto trailed 6-3 at the half, then ran roughshod in the second half. They scored two touchdowns in the third period, then added 13 more points in the fourth frame.
TORONTO - 2 1 11 13 - 27
OTTAWA - 0 6 0 0 - 6
1st - TOR - Single, Army Munro kick to Walter Masters for rouge TOR 1-0 1st - TOR - Single, Ab Box kick to Masters for rouge TOR 2-0 2nd - OTT - Masters field goal OTT 3-2 2nd - OTT - Single, Masters kick to Sparky Bell for rouge OTT 4-2 2nd - OTT - Single, Masters kick to D'Arcy Doherty for rouge OTT 5-2 2nd - OTT - Single, Masters kick to Bell for rouge OTT 6-2 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to Masters for rouge OTT 6-3 3rd - TOR - Jim Palmer run (Munro convert) TOR 9-6 3rd - TOR - Jimmy Keith fumble return TOR 14-6 4th - TOR - Single, Munro kick touch-in-goal TOR 15-6 4th - TOR - Frank Stevenson, 15-yard pass from Munro (Lou Snyder pass from Caldwell) TOR 21-6 4th - TOR - Single, Box kick to deadline TOR 22-6 4th - TOR - Bell, 10-yard interception return TOR 27-6
MONTREAL 9, Hamilton 4 (14000) - Hamilton fell to the spearing thrusts of Hal Baysinger's forward passes as they lost in Montreal for the fourth straight year. The win put the Winged Wheelers in first place all alone for the first time this season.
HAMILTON - 0 3 0 1 - 4
MONTREAL - 4 0 2 3 - 9
1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch kick to Walter Parker for rouge MON 1-0 1st - MON - Single, Welch kick to Frank Turville for rouge MON 2-0 1st - MON - Parker tackled for safety by Henry Garbarino MON 4-0 2nd - HAM - Turville field goal MON 4-3 3rd - MON - Single, Hal Baysinger kick to deadline MON 5-3 3rd - MON - Single, Welch kick to Turville for rouge MON 6-3 4th - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline MON 6-4 4th - MON - Welch, 35-yard field goal MON 9-4
Montreal 3 0 0 33 19 6 Toronto 1 2 0 32 32 2
Hamilton 2 1 0 44 14 4 Ottawa 0 3 0 21 65 0
TORONTO 15, Ottawa 2 () - Armour Munro and Jack Taylor ran wild as the Argonauts kept their slim championship hopes alive
OTTAWA - 0 0 1 1 - 2
TORONTO - 0 3 6 6 - 15
2nd - TOR - Single, Ab Box kick to Swede Carlsten for rouge TOR 1-0 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to Carlsten for rouge TOR 2-0 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to Walter Masters TOR 3-0 3rd - OTT - Single, Masters kick for rouge TOR 3-1 3rd - TOR - Teddy Morris, 8-yard run (Gordon Neil pass from D'Arcy Doherty) TOR 9-1 4th - TOR - Armour Munro run TOR 14-1 4th - TOR - Single, Munro kick to deadline TOR 15-1 4th - OTT - Single, Masters kick to touch-in-goal TOR 15-2
HAMILTON 4, Montreal 0 (8000) - On a rain soaked field, Frank Turville's superb punting backed up a masterful line that was seldom dented and forced a tie for the lead in the Big Four. The loss snapped Montreal's 21-game streak without a loss.
MONTREAL - 0 0 0 0 - 0
HAMILTON - 2 0 2 0 - 4
1st - HAM - Pete Jotkus tackled in end zone HAM 2-0 3rd - HAM - Single, Frank Turville kick to deadline HAM 3-0 3rd - HAM - Single, Turville kick touch-in-goal HAM 4-0
Montreal 3 1 0 33 23 6 Toronto 2 2 0 47 34 4
Hamilton 3 1 0 48 14 6 Ottawa 0 4 0 23 80 0
TORONTO 8, Montreal 5 (15000) - The Scullers maintained their slim title hopes despite two losses to start the season, thanks to an attack based on Ab Box's mighty kicking.
MONTREAL - 2 0 3 0 - 5
TORONTO - 1 3 2 2 - 8
1st - MON - Single, Huck Welch to Ab Box for rouge MON 1-0 1st - TOR - Single, Box kick to Gord Perry for rouge TIED 1-1 1st - MON - Single, Hal Baysinger kick touch-in-goal MON 2-1 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to Perry for rouge TIED 2-2 2nd - TOR - Single, Armour Munro kick to deadline TOR 3-2 2nd - TOR - Single, Box kick to deadline TOR 4-2 3rd - TOR - Box kick touch-in-goal TOR 5-2 3rd - TOR - Single, Munro kick to deadline TOR 6-2 3rd - MON - Welch field goal TOR 6-5 4th - TOR - Single, Box kick to Welch for rouge TOR 7-5 4th - TOR - Single, Box kick to Perry for rouge TOR 8-5
Hamilton, 29, OTTAWA 0 (3000) - Led by Frank Turville and Dave Sprague, the Tigers galloped to the top of the Big Four standings. Sprague scored twice, one on a long touchdown run. Turville scored 12 of the Hamilton points, including a long touchdown run of his own.
HAMILTON - 9 7 5 8 - 29
OTTAWA - 0 0 0 0 - 0
1st - HAM - Dave Sprague, 1-yard run (Bernie Thornton convert) HAM 6-0 1st - HAM - Single, Frank Turville kick to deadline HAM 7-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 8-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 9-0 2nd - HAM - Sprague, 65-yard run with lateral from Turville (Turville convert) HAM 15-0 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick touch-in-goal HAM 16-0 3rd - HAM - Turville, 53-yard run HAM 21-0 4th - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Walter Masters for rouge HAM 22-0 4th - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Swede Carlsten for rouge HAM 23-0 4th - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Carlsten for rouge HAM 24-0 4th - HAM - Brian Timmis, 2-yard run HAM 29-0
Hamilton 4 1 0 77 23 8 Toronto 3 2 0 55 39 6
Montreal 3 2 0 38 31 6 Ottawa 0 5 0 32 109 0
HAMILTON 19, Toronto 1 (8500) - Hamilton easily won the Big Four championship by manhandling the Scullers. Ray Boadway broke the game open when he intercepted a Caldwell pass and ran it back for a major.
TORONTO - 1 0 0 0 - 1
HAMILTON - 0 6 13 0 - 19
1st - TOR - Single, Ab Box kick to Frank Turville for rouge TOR 1-0 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Hat Taylor for rouge TIED 1-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to touch-in-goal HAM 2-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 3-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 4-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to D'Arcy Doherty for rouge HAM 5-1 2nd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to Doherty for rouge HAM 6-1 3rd - HAM - Ray Boadway, 50-yard interception return HAM 11-1 3rd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 12-1 3rd - HAM - Single, Turville kick to deadline HAM 13-1 3rd - HAM - Turville, 10-yard run (Turville convert) HAM 19-1
MONTREAL 30, Ottawa 1 (3000) - Before a slim crowd, the Wheelers saw their chances to repeat as Canadian football champions end when Hamilton won easily. Montreal took it out on Ottawa by scoring seven singles, four touchdowns and a field goal.
OTTAWA - 0 1 0 0 - 1
MONTREAL - 3 14 7 6 - 30
1st - MON - Huck Welch field goal MON 3-0 2nd - MON - Single, Kenny Coplan kick to deadline MON 4-0 2nd - MON - Hal Baysinger, 30-yard run with blocked punt (Copland drop kick) MON 10-0 2nd - OTT - Single, Stan Pratt kick to touch-in-goal MON 10-1 2nd - MON - Single, Wally Whitty kick to Pratt for rouge MON 11-1 2nd - MON - Jack McBrearty run (Copland drop kick) MON 17-1 3rd - MON - Single, Baysinger kick to deadline MON 18-1 3rd - MON - Baysinger, 2-yard run (Welch convert) MON 24-1 4th - MON - McBrearty, 20-yard run MON 29-1 4th - MON - Single, Benny Haynes kick to Pratt for rouge MON 30-1
X-Hamilton 5 1 0 96 24 10 Toronto 3 3 0 56 58 6
Montreal 4 2 0 68 32 8 Ottawa 0 6 0 33 139 0
X-Clinched championship
SAT OCT 29 - REGINA ROUGHRIDERS 20, University of Saskatchewan Varsity 0 (SRFU tiebreaker)
WED NOV 2 - VANCOUVER MERALOMAS 6, Calgary Altomahs 5 (West semifinal)
FRI NOV 4 - REGINA ROUGHRIDERS 9, Winnipeg St. John's 1 (West semifinal)
SAT NOV 5 - Calgary Altomahs 6, VANCOUVER MERALOMAS 4 (West semifinal)
FRI NOV 11 - Regina Roughriders 30, CALGARY ALTOMAHS 2 (West final)
SAT NOV 19 - Hamilton Tigers 19, SARNIA IMPERIALS 11 (East semifinal)
SAT NOV 26 - Hamilton Tigers 9, TORONTO VARSITY BLUES 3 (East final)
* - Calgary wins the total-point series 11-10
1932 GREY CUP GAME (Saturday December 3 at Hamilton - ATT: 4,806)
HAMILTON TIGERS 25, REGINA ROUGHRIDERS 6 - The Regina Roughriders made history by playing in their fifth consecutive Grey Cup game. It was a record that would last 50 years, only surpassed by the 1977-1982 Edmonton Eskimos. Unfortunately for the Roughriders, it also marked the fifth straight defeat at the national final. The Hamilton Tigers took home their third Grey Cup in five years taking advantage of a number of Regina miscues. Curt Schave put the Roughriders in an early hole on the opening play of the game. He ran back Frank Turville’s kickoff to his 25-yard line then dropped the ball as he was tackled. Three plays later, Dinny Gardner took a pass on an extension play and got over the goal line for a major. The Tigers added two


more points when Regina’s Jersey Campbell snapped the ball over punter Charlie Harrison’s head. Harrison ran behind his goal line to retrieve it, getting tackled for a safety. In the second quarter Regina’s Austin DeFrate threw an ill-advised pass from behind his own goal line which Hamilton’s Ike Sutton pulled down and ran 35 yards untouched for an easy touchdown. Following Gardner’s field goal, DeFrate cost the Roughriders another six points. He fumbled trying to make a running catch of Eddie Wright’s punt, and Jimmy Simpson picked up the loose ball and ran 20 yards for the Tigers’ third touchdown. The Roughriders finally broke the shutout in the fourth quarter. Starting from his own 35-yard line, Schave threw a 30-yard pass to Andy Young. Another pass to Nick Busch put Regina on the Hamilton 20. Schave then scampered around the end on a fake play to the one-yard line. The Tigers withstood two plunges, but were called offside on the third play. Regina got three more chances and DeFrate finally went over for a touchdown. Future Hall of Famer Brian Timmis played his final game for Hamilton, rushing for 105 yards. Teammate Dave Sprague was just as good, running for 95. The Tigers accumulated 376 yards of offence compared to Regina’s 278. Roughriders head coach Al Ritchie blamed the loss on stage fright, never seeing his club so “stagey” heading into a game.
REGINA - 0 0 0 6 - 6
HAMILTON - 9 7 9 0 - 25
1st - HAM - Dinny Gardner, 15-yard run with lateral from Frank Turville (Turville convert) HAM 6-0 1st - HAM - Single, Turville kick to touch-in-goal HAM 7-0 1st - HAM - Safety, Charlie Harrison tackled in end zone HAM 9-0 2nd - HAM - Single, Ken Boadway kick to deadline HAM 10-0 2nd - HAM - Ike Sutton, 35-yard interception return (Gardner convert) HAM 16-0 3rd - HAM - Gardner, 25-yard field goal HAM 19-0 3rd - HAM - Jimmy Simpson, 20-yard fumble return (Gardner convert) HAM 25-0 4th - REG - Austin DeFrate, 6-yard run (Curt Schave convert) HAM 25-6