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The 1924 Green Bay Packers - 7-4 (5TH)

Head Coach: Curly Lambeau



14 IRONWOOD LEGIONAIRES              W 15- 0   1- 0-0     N/A

21 CHICAGO BEARS                     W  5- 0   2- 0-0   4,000



28 at Duluth Kelleys (0-0-0)         L  3- 6   0- 1-0   2,200


5  at Chicago Cardinals (1-0-0)      L  0- 3   0- 2-0   2,852

12 KANSAS CITY BLUES (0-1-0)         W 16- 0   1- 2-0   2,800

19 MILWAUKEE BADGERS (2-1-0)         W 17- 0   2- 2-0   4,150

26 MINNEAPOLIS MARINES (0-2-0)       W 19- 0   3- 2-0   2,500


2  RACINE LEGION (3-1-1)             W  6- 3   4- 2-0   4,000

9  DULUTH KELLEYS (4-0-0)            W 13- 0   5- 2-0   2,700

16 at Milwaukee Badgers (4-3-0)      W 17-10   6- 2-0   3,800

23 at Chicago Bears (3-1-4)          L  0- 3   6- 3-0   6,000

27 at Kansas City Blues (2-6-0)      W 17- 6   7- 3-0   1,542

30 at Racine Legion (3-3-3)          L  0- 7   7- 4-0   2,200


In their second season at Bellevue Park, the Packers won all five games at home allowing only three points in the process. However, on the road, they struggled, winning only 2 of 6 games, including a shut-out loss in Chicago to the Bears. On September 21, the Packers defeated the Bears for the first time (5-0), but the game didn’t count in the standings because the season hadn’t officially started. To this day, the NFL does not recognize the game; instead, the league puts the start of the Packers season on September 28.


Sam Deutsch, a Cleveland jeweler and boxing promoter who also owned a minor-league baseball team, bought an NFL franchise in 1923 and named the team the Indians. They played only seven games in that first season, but they had a shot at the championship, with a 3-0-3 record going into their final game against the Canton Bulldogs, who were also undefeated. The Indians were defeated 46-0 and posted a 3-1-3 league record, finishing fifth in the league, which comprised twenty teams at the time. However in August 1924, Deutsch, bought the defending NFL champions Canton Bulldogs for $2,500. The Bulldogs were experiencing heavy financial troubles at time and were sold to Deutsch without much of a struggle. Duetsch combined the Cleveland Indians with the Canton Bulldogs, creating a new team, the Cleveland Bulldogs. Only seven of the Canton players actually joined the new Bulldogs, among them was player-coach Guy Chamberlin. The team played all of its home games at Dunn Field although Deutch returned the team to Canton for the Thanksgiving game that season. The Cleveland Bulldogs won the NFL championship that year with a 7–1–1 record. After winning their first six games, the Bulldogs lost to the Frankford Yellow Jackets and entered a virtual tie with the Chicago Bears for first place in the standings. The Bears played more games, but also had more ties, and their one loss had come in the season opener against the Bulldogs. The Bears attempted to have an after-season exhibition game counted toward the standings, however in 1924 this was against the NFL's rules. In July 1924, NFL owners had agreed on a proposal that the 1924 NFL season would begin on September 27 and end on November 30. Ironically, as it turned out, the proposal was made by Dutch Sternaman, co-owner of the Bears. On the official end date, Cleveland had a 7-1-1 record to Bears' 6-1-4. Ties didn't count at all in those days, so the Bulldogs were in first place with an .875 winning percentage to Chicago's .857. However on December 7, 1924 the Bulldogs went to Chicago for a challenge match. The Bears won the game, 23–0, and claimed that they deserved the NFL championship; they cited as precedent the 1921 championship decision (which the Bears had won) that declared there was no such thing as an exhibition game. However the issue wasn't settled until the owners' meeting in January, when the owners voted for Cleveland to take the title. The owners also decided at that meeting that the 1925 season would run through December 20. In 1925, several Canton businessmen purchased the rights to the old Canton Bulldogs team from Deutsch for $3,000. The Bulldogs, now known as the Canton Bulldogs, played in Canton during the 1925 and 1926 seasons. However Deutsch continued to call his Cleveland franchise the Bulldogs. (SOURCE: Wikipedia)

PLAYER          POS        COLLEGE  G YR HT    WT

Myrt Basing       B      Lawrence  11  2 6- 0 200

Jack Beasey       B  South Dakota   1  1 6- 2 195

Cub Buck          T     Wisconsin  11  4 6- 3 250

Walter Buland     T          None   1  1 5-11 240

Wilfred Duford    B     Marquette   3  1 5-10 200

Jug Earp          T      Monmouth  11  3 6- 1 235

Moose Gardner     G     Wisconsin  11  3 6- 2 224

PLAYER          POS        COLLEGE  G YR HT    WT

Lester Hearden    B   St. Ambrose   2  1 5- 9 175

Dutch Hendrian    B     Princeton  11  1 5-10 200

Curly Lambeau     B    Notre Dame  11  4 6- 0 190

Verne Lewellen    B      Nebraska   8  1 6- 2 181

Charlie Mathys   QB       Indiana  11  3 5- 8 165

Jab Murray        T      Marquette  4  4 6- 3 250

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G YR HT    WT

Walter Niemann    C       Michigan  4  3 6- 0 170

Dick O'Donnell    E      Minnesota  9  1 5-10 196

Roman Rosatti     T       Michigan 11  1 6- 2 210

Eddie Usher       B       Michigan  1  2 6- 0 210

Tillie Voss       E  Detroit Mercy 11  1 6- 4 190

Whitey Woodin     G      Marquette 11  3 5-11 206

Anchor 1


JAN 8 (Dayton) - The official standings and table of points for the NFL have been made public by Secretary Carl Storck of Dayton. The summary of the season shows the superiority of the Canton Bulldogs, who won the championship for the second year running. Guy Chamberlain's team won eleven games and tied one. They scored 246 points to their opponents' 19. The Bulldogs averaged 20.5 points per game against 1.6 for their foes. The Chicago Bears who finishes second scored 123 points in twelve games. Their average was 10.2 points per game while their opponents gathered 2.9. The Green Bay Packers, representing the smallest city in the pro league, placed third in the pro league race. The Badger state champions won seven games, lost two and tied one. They averaged 8.5 points per game while their opponents collected 3.4


JAN 21 (Columbus) - The annual winter meeting of the NFL will be held in Chicago January 26 and 27, according to the announcement made here today by President Joe F. Carr of the pro league. Notification of the conference has been sent to all club managers by Secretary Carl Storck of Dayton, O. It is expected that representatives of the twenty cities in the league will attend. A number of important matters are slated for discussion and it is probable that action will be taken on the application of several teams for admittance. The Canton Bulldogs will be awarded the championship. Three Wisconsin teams, the Milwaukee Badgers, Racine Legion and Green Bay Packers, are members of the professional league.


JAN 25 (Chicago) - The annual winter meeting of the NFL will be held at the Sherman house Saturday and Sunday. Joe F. Carr of Columbus is president of the league while Carl Storck serves as secretary and treasurer. Representatives from the 26 cities of the league will be in attendance, including two Chicago teams, the Bears and the Cardinals, and three from Wisconsin, the Racine Legion, Milwaukee Badgers and Green Bay Packers. A number of important matters will be taken up for discussion by the pro gridiron moguls. The executive committee session holds forth on Saturday morning. At this session the claims against the different clubs will be aired.


JAN 25 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A.B. Turnbull, president of the Green Bay Football corporation, and Captain Curley Lambeau of the Packers leave tonight at midnight for Chicago, where they will attend the pro league meeting. It is thought that the Green Bay representatives will demand a hearing on the shabby treatment at the hands of the Bears and Cardinals so far as games in Chicago were concerned.



JAN 28 (Chicago) - An attempt to zone the pro league football clubs into an eastern and western circuit met defeat by a narrow margin at the annual mid-winter conference of the league moguls held here over the weekend but it was accepted in modificated form. The sessions were held at the Sherman house. The question of scheduling of games proved to be the big issue at the meeting. There was much heated discussion over a number of different plans and finally a resolution passed, empowering the president to arrange the first nine games for each team. It was further agreed that the clubs in the western district should play at least the first five games with other teams in their district. This, of course, would apply to the east as well...CARR AGAIN PRESIDENT: Representatives of all the clubs in the league with the exception of Duluth, Buffalo and St. Louis were in attendance. Seventeen teams had envoys at the meeting. Joseph F. Carr of Columbus was re-elected president; John Dunn of Minneapolis again named as vice-president and Carl Storck of Dayton will continue to serve as secretary and treasurer. The application of Kansas City for membership in the pro football league was accepted and the Kaws will be included in the fall schedule. A clause barring the transfer of players from one club to another in the closing stages of the race was passed. This is aimed to prevent the "loading up" tactics. Furthermore a player released by a club cannot join the same organization the following season.


JAN 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Captain Lambeau of the Packers and President A.B. Turnbull of the Green Bay Football corporation returned from the pro league meeting in Chicago Monday morning. In discussing the conference, Mr. Turnbull said: "The meeting developed into a fight between the clubs in the smaller cities and those representing the larger ones over the method of arranging the league schedule. The representatives of the clubs of the larger cities stood firm for the schedule as arranged on the "catch as catch can" basis as in former years while the smaller clubs fought for a schedule committee composed of either three or one member, in the latter case, the president, to arrange a schedule for the full twelve playing date."...HOLD LENGTHY DEBATE: "Ninety percent of the time of the entire meeting was taken up with debate over this question and many resolutions were brought before the meeting and voted down. Finally a compromise plan was agreed upon whereby the president was named as a committee of one to draft the schedule for the first nine games of the season. It was incorporated in this plan that, at least, the first five games should be played between teams in the west and the east districts respectively. While this plan was not at all that could be desired from the standpoint of the smaller clubs, it is recognized as a step in the right direction and indicates that in the very near future a complete schedule for the whole season will be arranged by the president of the league so that the smaller clubs will not be left without games at the tailend of the season as was the case with Green Bay last year. There is even the possibility that at the July meeting enough votes can be mustered to authorize the president to schedule the remaining games of the coming season."...MAY CUT SALARY LIMIT: "The question of salary limit was also discussed but laid over until the July meeting. Indications pointed to a further reduction in the club salary limit due to the fact that only four or five of the clubs in the whole circuit showed a profit and that very few had broken even. Green Bay was awarded a claim it had against Duluth for $110 but was obliged to accept a claim by Minneapolis for $86." According to Turnbull, the vote on all the matters was exceptionally close and showed a sharp division of opinion. In many cases a roll call was necessary showing the cote to stand 9 to 8, with the strictly traveling clubs swinging one way or another. If the Duluth and St. Louis clubs had been represented, it probably would have been possible to put over the complete scheduling of the whole season by the president.


FEB 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Dewey Lyle, one of the mainstays of the Green Bay Packers' forward line, is going to have a tryout with the Pittsburgh Pirates. The gridder is wintering in California. Lyle owns an almond ranch and he is spending his time in the open getting in shape. Lyle is hanging his hat at Paso Robles, Calif. The Pirates are going to train on the west coast about 40 miles from where Lyle is staying. He is to report at the baseball camp during the first week in March. Lyle is said to be as much at home on the diamond as on the gridiron. He is a pitcher and outfielder and can clout 'em hard with the stick. Lyle was with Minneapolis at one time but have up pro baseball and joined the Independents.


FEB 22 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Hal Hanson, star of the Ironwood football eleven, who signed with the Packers late last fall, is apt to lose his job as city athletic director in the Michigan city. It seems that Hanson got in a rumpus with a building inspector and, before the storm blew over, he had made a couple of touchdowns and kicked a few field goals. The hearing in the assault charges has been postponed until next week, as Hanson's opponent is much the worse for wear. The gridders sure are touch boys to monkey with. Look at what Irish and Scott did to that office of the law in Madison.


APR 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Manager Al McGurk of the Milwaukee Badgers football team stopped off here Wednesday, en route to a northern summer resort. While here, McGurk talked to several representatives of the Green Bay Packers. Dates for the fall schedule were discussed. As in past years, Milwaukee and the Packers will probably meet in a home and home series of games. These contests will probably go a long way towards deciding the pro football title in 


the Badger state...EXPECTS BANNER SEASON: McGurk is looking forward to a banner season of football and he says his Milwaukee team will ever be better than the 1923 aggregation, which finished among the topnotchers in the pro league race. "I am going to have a corking good club," said McGurk. "And right now I think we will take Green Bay into camp. Milwaukee has never defeated the Packers but maybe we will bridge the gap in the fall. I have a number of new players signed up and when the whistle blows, the Badgers will be ready to give any of the teams in the pro league quite a battle. The Packers have always been our jinx. We lost only two games last fall and they both were to Green Bay."...HAS SIGNED WELLER: The Milwaukee manager confirmed the report that he had landed Weller, the big Nebraska tackle, who played such brilliant football for the St. Louis Browns last fall.


APR 18 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Evidently, Manager McGurk of the Milwaukee Badgers figures on getting revenge when his football machine rubs noses with the Green Bay Packers this fall. McGurk is lining up quite an aggregation of gridiron stars for service on the chalk marked field but the Bay management isn't asleep at the switch either and it is a good bet that the Packers will, as usual, give a good account of themselves when they tangle with Milwaukee.


APR 21 (Ironwood, MI) - Hal F. Hansen, coach of the American Legion football team here and in charge of the city gymnasium, returned today from Atlanta where he signed a contract to become an assistant football coach of the Georgia School of Technology. Hansen played halfback on the Minnesota squad in 1916 and since that time has coached a number of college and professional teams as well as played professional football...SIGNED WITH PACKERS: Hal Hansen was the property of the Green Bay Football corporation if he played pro football this fall. It was stipulated in the contract, however, that he was free to take a coaching job if the opportunity presented itself. Hansen joined the Packer squad last fall just before the Milwaukee game in the Cream City. He did bench duty for two contests and then got into action against Hammond here on Thanksgiving Day, performing exceptionally well. It was figured that he would have been a valuable addition to the Packer squad this fall.


APR 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Several of the Green Bay Packer football players have been selected as football officials to work Valley conference games this fall. Basing of Appleton, who plays halfback for the Bay champions, has many important assignments along with Lambeau, Mathys and Whitey Woodin.


JUL 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Howard (Cub) Buck has signed his contract to play with the Green Bay Packers of the NFL during the season of 1924. This sets at rest the unfounded report from Milwaukee that Buck might be seen in a Badger uniform this season. This will be Buck's fourth year as a member of the Green Bay champions. He joined the team in 1920, coming to the Bay from the Canton Bulldogs, where he had been a teammate of the famous Jim Thorpe and other gridiron notables. Buck is considered one of the greatest players in professional football. Ever since joining the Packers, he has been one of the main reasons for the Green Bay eleven ranking among the best in the country. As a kicker, he can hold his own with the best and many times his trusted right foot has booted the Packers out of dangerous territory. Conzelman, the Milwaukee captain and quarterback, claims Buck's punts are the hardest to catch any bootsmith in the pro league...SOLVES OPPONENT'S PLAYS: However, kicking isn't Buck's only forte. He is a super man on the offense and his ability to solve the opponent's plays makes him invaluable on the defense. Buck is a football student. He knows the game from A to Z and what's more he would rather chase the pigskin than enjoy a good meal. And that is saying a whole lot. Buck graduated from Wisconsin where he played three years of football. He captained the varsity in his senior year at Madison and was picked by Walter Camp for the All American. After graduating, Buck coached at St. Thomas college in Minnesota. He played two years with the Canton Bulldogs...COACHED AT LAWRENCE: Buck was a welfare expert at a mill in Kimberly before taking charge of the Boy Scouts in Appleton. He served as assistant coach at Lawrence for one season and last year was in charge of the team. The Packer star is now engaged in the automobile business at Neenah-Menasha. He is a prominent member of the Rotary Club. Buck is married and has one child. His wife and daughter never miss a game when the Packers are playing at home.



JUL 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The announcement that Cub Buck had signed a Packer contract for the coming year will, no doubt, create considerable joy in the ranks of the Green Bay Packer followers. As we predicted last Friday, Manager McGurk of the Milwaukee Badgers counted his chickens before they were hatched. For several years, Buck has been one of the mainstays of the Green Bay champions and, at no time, did the management have any other thoughts except Cub Buck playing right tackle this fall.


JUL 19 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Jabber Murray, one of Marinette's famous athletics, will probably be seen in moleskins again this season with the Green Bay Packers. Murray has been booting the pigskin for years but he is still right at home on the gridiron. Jab can play either guard or tackle with the best of them.


JUL 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Well, the football season is officially started in Green Bay. The annual meeting of the Football corporation kicked the ball off, and from now on until early in December there will be plenty of pigskin talk in the air. Never has the pro football outlook been so rosy in Green Bay and every indication points to the Packers, as usual, being near the top of the heap in the fight for championship honors. Within the next week or so some important announcements can be looked for about a couple of new players. This will surely gladden the hearts of the Packer followers.


JUL 22 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The signed contracts of Walter Buland and Emil Beasey have been received by the Green Bay Football corporation and these players will report here on September 7. They will live in Green Bay during the football season. Buland and Beasey were the outstanding stars of the Hibbing team in 1923. The Miners had a corking good aggregation. The Packers only beat them 10 to 0 and Duluth was mighty lucky to win over Hibbing, 6 to 0. Two field goals by Sternaman doing the trick...FORMERLY WITH ROCK ISLAND: Buland coached Hibbing last season and played right tackle. He is a veteran player and can hold down any line position. Buland was a former Rock Island star and battled against the Packers in 1921 and '22. Buland tips the beam at about 210 pounds and he is mighty fast for a big fellow. Beasey is a product of North Dakota U and has seen two years of service with the Hibbing Miners. He is the type of smashing crashing fullback that the Packers have long needed. Last year in the game here against the Packers, Beasey was about the only Hibbing backfielder who could  make any consistent gains. Beasey was hurt in this game during the third quarter, while the teams were battling down near the Bellevue barn. As he walked across the field to the sidelines, holding his injured shoulder, the spectators tendered him a great ovation...HANDY WITH HIS MITTS: Beasey weighs about 190 pounds and he will report here in the pink of condition. He is employed as a city fireman in Hibbing and during his spare time performs in the ring. Beasey is rated as a mighty good mauler and since last fall, he has fought in about a dozen battles in Minnesota.


JUL 23 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Richard (Jab) Murray has tossed his hat in the political arena up in Marinette county and the Packer football star is going to make the race for district attorney. Murray, who is a Marquette graduate, has been practicing law in the Twin Cities for the past four years. Two years ago, he made the race for the same office but was nosed out by a few hundred votes. Jab is well known all over this part of the state, and his bid for success at the polls will be watched with more than ordinary interest.


JUL 25 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Green Bay will be represented at the NFL meeting, which gets underway in Chicago Saturday and continues over Sunday by A.B. Turnbull, president of the Green Bay Football corporation, and Captain Lambeau of the Packers. The drafting of the schedule is the main matter of business at the pigskin conference and the Bay delegates are prepared to fight for a choice outline of playing dates. The Packers' record of 1923, finishing third in the pro race, will be a big talking point in the booking of the arguments. The tentative schedule drafted by the Green Bay club has been forwarded to President Joe F. Carr of the league, who also serves as chairman of the schedule committee, and it will probably be followed out so far as it is possible. The Green Bay delegates will be on the job bright and early Saturday morning at the Sherman house and it is possible that several deals may be put through before the league season gets underway.


JUL 25 (Columbus) - President Joe F. Carr of the NFL left here at noon for Chicago where he will preside over the annual gathering of the professional football circuit. According to Mr. Carr, the pro outlook has never been brighter and he predicts the season of 1924 will be a record breaker in every respect. Mr. Carr was accompanied to Chicago by Tommy Corcoran, manager of the Columbus team, and Carl Storck, secretary-treasurer of the pro wheel.


JUL 26 (Chicago) - Moguls of the NFL opened their annual session here at the Sherman house on Saturday morning. Representatives from twenty-four cities are sitting in at the conference. According to President Joe F. Carr, Columbus, O., who is presiding at the session, the principal business will be the drafting of the schedule and action of the application of Kansas City and Philadelphia clubs who seek franchises in the league. Each of the teams are required to post a forfeit of $1,000 to guarantee to fulfillment of rules and regulations of the pro football wheel. Failure of teams to post the money bans them from schedule arrangements. Three Wisconsin teams, the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Badgers and Racine Legion, have representative at the meeting.

1924PACKERS-7-28-PackersGetChoice Dates.jpg


JUL 28 (Chicago) - The NFL at its annual meeting here on Saturday and Sunday granted franchises to Philadelphia and Kansas City clubs and accepted the

surrender of the St. Louis franchise. There also was some talk of transferring the Toledo franchise to Kenosha, Wis., but action on this matter was placed in the hands of a committee. The schedule for the season, which ends November 30, was adopted by the gridiron moguls after lengthy discussions. The Green Bay Packers, champion of the Northwest, received a number of choice dates including two games in Chicago. The football magnates predicted a banner season and it was the unanimous opinion that this coming fall would be a banner one for professional football. The circuit is now composed of

twenty teams. President Joe F. Carr presided at the sessions. The Green Bay Packers were represented by A.B. Turnbull and Captain Curley Lambeau. It was decided to increase the player limit from sixteen to eighteen players.


JUL 29 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The schedule of games mapped out for the Green Bay Packers in the NFL is the best the eleven has ever played. True enough, there are some tough nuts to crack but, if the Packers set the pace they did last season, the Bay eleven should finish pretty close to the top of the heap again this fall...

1924PACKERS-7-28-PackersGetChoice Dates2.jpg

The games in Chicago are signed, sealed and delivered and there will be no chance of these Windy City teams, the Bears and Cardinals, crawling out of the scheduled contests and picking on some easy meat so as to fatten their percentage standings. The appearance of Kansas City as the Blues are going to have a cracking good eleven...Playing the Bears here so early in the season is a good move as the Chicago club is a splendid drawing card and it will start the ball arolling in good shape. What' more, this will probably be the opening fray for Halas and his huskies while the Packers will have two weeks of good training before the clash with the Bruins. The state championship titles are pretty well spread up and the Bay eleven won't have to mix with Milwaukee and Racine on successive Sundays.


JUL 31 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Verne C. Lewellen, captain of the 1923 Nebraska varsity eleven, the only team that defeated Notre Dame last season, has been signed to play with the Green Bay Packers. Lewellen is considered one of the greatest backfield stars that ever donned the moleskins at the Cornhusker institution. For two years, he was selected on the Mississippi conference all-star team...LAW SCHOOL GRADUATE: The new Packer backfielder, whose contract has been signed, sealed and delivered, graduated from the law school at Nebraska last June. He plans to live in Green Bay and probably will be associated with a law firm in this city. Lewellen can play either quarterback or half. Last fall Nebraska used the four men back offense and despite the fact that Lewellen was calling the signals, he carried the ball as much as any of the other backfielders...TRIPLE THREAT GRIDDER: The Nebraska star is a triple threat gridder. He tips the beam at about 175 pounds and is mighty fast for a big fellow. He is a consistent performer in the forward passing game, either on the tossing or receiving end and, last fall, was considered one of the best kickers in the midwest. In the game against Notre Dame, Lewellen's punts averaged about 60 yards. One of his kicks, early in the contest, traveled 69 yards. Throughout the season, his trusty booting got the Cornhuskers out of many a tight hole. With Lewellen in the lineup, it will be possible for the Packers to greatly vary their attack as the Nebraskan will be able to double with Cub Buck and Captain Lambeau in their specialities...ONE OF FOUR STARS: Lewellen was one of the four aces on the Nebraska squad. The two Dewitz boys and Dave Noble were the other outstanding stars. The Dewitz brothers are said to have signed with Kansas City in the pro league and Noble will probably be seen in action with the Canton Bulldogs. Milwaukee and Kansas City were trying to sign Lewellen but the Packer management beat 'em to it. The Packer followers can look forward to several other important announcements within the next ten days as the management is negotiating with several backfield and line stars who will greatly strengthen the Green Bay football machine.


JUL 31 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A meeting of the board of directors of the Green Bay Football corporation will be held Friday night in the council chambers in the city hall at 7:45. Officers of the corporation for the coming year will be elected. Plans for financing the football program will be discussed by the directors at this conference. A tentative program has been mapped out and it only waits the approval of the directors' board, before being swung into action.


AUG 1 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Charlie Mathys, a Green Bay product rated as one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, has signed his contract to play again with the Packers during the season of 1924. The brainy little field general was one of the sensations of Green Bay's great eleven for the past two years. He joined the Packers in 1922 after playing one year of the pro game with Hammond...WEST HIGH GRADUATE: Mathys is a graduate of West Green Bay. He starred at the Purple institution for several years on the gridiron, being considered one of the best scholastic stars in the state. He is a product of Murph White's pigskin school. From West High, Mathys went to Ripon where he was a teammate of Tubby Howard, a former Packer star. Charlie wanted some higher education so he headed for Indiana. He had two years of conference football with the Hoosier squad...GREAT PASSING PAIR: The forward passing combination of Lambeau and Mathys is well known throughout the league. Several experts have called 'em the best pair in the country when it came to the aerial attack. Mathys is an old hand when it comes to directing plays and he can run back punts exceptionally well as he handles the ball superbly.


AUG 1 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Lewellen, the former Nebraska captain, should be a valuable addition to the Packers squad. He is a rare performer in the backfield and his ability to pass and kick will make him a pretty handy man to have around. Lewellen, Beasey and Buland are three of the newcomers signed for this fall and, unless the dope goes astray, several other important announcements will be in line for the pigskin followers within the next week.


AUG 1 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Dick O'Donnel, star end of the Duluth club in the NFL, has signed a contract to play with the Green Bay Packers this fall. He will report with the other players on or before September 7. The addition of O'Donnel will greatly strengthen the Green Bay eleven as he is rated as one of the greatest wingmen on the pro gridiron. For two years, he has been the outstanding star of the Duluth team. After several months of negotiating, the Green Bay management was able to complete the O'Donnel deal. Duluth did not want to let him go but O'Donnel desired a change of pasture and the Packers landed him in face of offers from several other clubs...SHOULD GO BIG: O'Donnel is the kind of end who should go big with the Packers. He is mighty fast, a good handler of forward passes and a scrapper from the opening whistle. Last fall in the Duluth game 


here, it was O'Donnel who caught the forward pass from Sternaman and dashed through the Packer secondary defense for what looked like a touchdown, but the play was ruled illegal by referee Cahn as the ball was put in play before the whistle blew. Last year when Duluth played in Chicago against the Cardinals, the Chicago papers pointed to O'Donnel as the star of the game, saying that his defensive playing was the best ever seen in the Windy City on a professional gridiron...OTHERS ARE COMING: Within the next week or so, the Packer management is in hopes of being able to announce a running mate to O'Donnel and the addition of several other new players, backfielders and linemen.


AUG 2 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Football followers welcomed the news that Charlie Mathys would again cavort in moleskins for the Packers. Mathys is one of the most popular players on the squad and his friends are legion. Charlie's ability to grab a forward, even after being knocked down, makes him a very valuable man to the Bay machine as he fits in nicely on the receiving end of Captain Lambeau's aerial hurls. This year Mathys should go better than ever as he will have a faster set of backs and greatly improved ends to work on.


AUG 4 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Staring like the Packers do in a football game, members of the Board of Directors of the Green Bay Football corporation, working under the leadership of Chairman Ray Evrard, got off to a pretty good start in their box seat campaign over the weekend. It is the plan of the committee to gain speed with each day out and get the soliciting all cleaned up within the next days. The campaigners are making personal calls on all of the last year box seat holders and also aim to pick up new ones en route. The football salesman still have a long ways to go and some cooperation on the part of the box seat buying public will tend to make the work of the campaigners a whole lot easier. Those wishing box seats are asked to phone The Press-Gazette and a committee member will call immediately. Several requests for reservation have been received from out of town fans and it is possible that later in the drive a flying squadron will make the neighboring cities in an attempt to sell all the football fans in this neck of the woods. One Green Bay football follower who soon sails for abroad met a member of the executive committee on the street and handed him a check for $50, saying: "I won't be here for many of the game this fall but I feel it is a duty of every sport loving citizen to do something towards financing the Packers. I consider the football team Green Bay's greatest asset as a publicity getter."


AUG 4 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Dick O'Donnel's appearance in the Packers' lineup will be welcomed with joy by the followers of Green Bay's great football machine. O'Donnel is just as good an end as there is in the pro football league. He is a bearcat on the defense and, on the attack, he grabs forward passes as if they were baseballs. O'Donnel would rather chase the pigskin than eat and when he is in the game, he is in a fighting fool. O'Donnel is going to be a popular favorite here before the season is many weeks old...Football fans of Green Bay and the neighborhood vicinity who attend the Packer games throughout the season are urged to make reservations for their box seats immediately with members of the campaign committee. Box seat holders of last year will get first chance on their old reservations. The committee members are making a drive throughout the city and the fans will be called on. However, if any of last year's box seat ticket holders are not called upon, a phone to the Press-Gazette will bring a campaigner in a hurry. This all applied to newcomers, who want box seats this season.


AUG 4 (Canton) - Canton's supremacy on the pro football field is a thing of the past for one year at least. This developed when it was announced from headquarters of the Canton Athletic company that the Bulldogs, undisputed and undefeated professional champions last fall, had been sold to Sammy Deutsch of Cleveland and will henceforth compose the Cleveland team with a few additions. While the Canton franchise in the NFL, which includes a membership of about 20 teams in the Middle West and East, is thus vacated and the home of the famous Bulldogs is left without the professional sport a franchise can be obtained whenever application is made, according to Secretary Lester Higgins who made the startling announcement of the sale. Thus the way is left open for the reentry into the game next year should any individual or organization care to do so. A loss of approximately $13,000 last season and lack of a bright financial outlook for the ​coming campaign caused the Canton Athletic company to abandon football for this year and sell the athletes under reserve according to the statement by Higgins after a meeting of the stockholders who could not see the wisdom of entering another season with prospects of further deficit.


AUG 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Football circles in Green Bay were greatly startled by the exclusive announcement in Monday night's Press-Gazette that the Canton Bulldogs had dropped out of the NFL. It is the prevailing opinion here that the Packers have a splendid chance to replace the Bulldogs as the national champions. Gridiron interest is soaring here and the box seat salesman who have been going the rounds report that never before have they bumped into so much interest over football. The box seat sales campaign is moving along nicely but, it is understood, that the campaigners are having some trouble making calls as many of the prospects are enjoying vacation. However, the leaders of the drive are confident of success if they get support from the Packer followers. The management is burning up the wires trying to land another good end but no announcement is ready as yet. The club leaders expect to close with several players within the next few days.


AUG 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - From the queries received by the members of the Green Bay Football corporation box seat sales committee, it is evident that many gridiron fans from neighboring cities are planning to be regulars at the Packer games this fall. Several letters have been received regarding box seat prices and whether it will be possible to have the same seats received for each of the games at home. The Bear game here on September 21 has already kicked up considerable interest in Northern Michigan and a letter from Ishpeming carried the news that about 30 football followers want reserved seats for that date.


AUG 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Duluth is going to stay off the high priced football stars as the experience with "Little Joe" Sternaman was not entirely a happy one. Sternaman was pulling down a pile of jack at Duluth last year and this tended to breed some displeasure among the other members of the team. It is understood that this season the Northerners are going to be satisfied with more "lesser lights" in hopes of keeping harmony in the machine...From reports filled by the sales committee of the Green Bay football corporation, interest in the Packers is not alone confined to this city as requests for box seat reservations are being received from many towns in this immediate vicinity. Last year, the spectators came from all over Northeastern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan to the games here and it is reasonable to believe that this fall the crop of outsiders will be much longer than in former years.


AUG 9 (Marinette) - Attorney Richard (Jab) Murray of Green Bay Packer football fame had a narrow escape from being electrocuted, when a trolley wire snapped. The live cable was wrapped around the coupe in which Murray was driving. He stopped the car and made a hasty exit. Street car service in both Marinette and Menominee was at a standstill until the cable was repaired.


AUG 9 (Cleveland) - The purchase of the Canton football machine by owner Deutch of the Cleveland Indians has turned this city into the professional football player market of the country. Deutch paid $2,500 for the Canton team, fifteen players in all, and he plans to get some of his money back by selling a few of the pigskin gridders now under contract. It is understood that he has some 40 players signed up and the league limit is only eighteen. One of the first clubs to flash Deutch about players was the Green Bay Packers, who finished third in the NFL race last year. Deutch has several deals hanging fire with Green Bay, it is said, and they may be closed up within a few days. Cleveland has a number of good ends and several backfielders who will be sold by Deutch to other clubs in the pro wheel.


AUG 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Jug Earp, a mainstay of the Packers football eleven, has wired the management that he will be back in the moleskins here this fall. There was some uncertainty about the big lineman returning as he has been living on the Pacific coast since last fall but the telegram on Tuesday set at rest the rumors that he would be among the missing. With Earp in the fold, the Packers will have as good as a pair of tackles as there is in the pro league as Cub Buck and Jug are a duo mighty hard to beat. For two years, these two players have stood out prominently in the Green Bay football machine...POPULAR WITH FANS: Earp is popular with the fans. He is a clean living athlete and always gives his best services to the club. Jug likes to play football and, when he is in there battling, there isn't a tackle in the country that can outplay him. Earp joined the Packers early in the season of 1922. He came here from Rock Island, where he had played with the Independents for several seasons. While with Rock Island, Jug held down the center post but when he joined the Packers, he assumed the tackle job. This was the position he played while at Monmouth college.


AUG 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Howard Lee Woodin, better known as "Whitey", will be back in the moleskins for the Green Bay Packers this fall. He signed his contract on Wednesday. Woodin is a corking good pigskin chaser and his aggressive tactics on the field of play has made him very popular with the army of Packer followers. Woodin has been living here since last fall. He is employed as a salesman by the Fox River Motor Car company. Woodin is a product of Marquette U, where he gained considerable fame as a knight of the moleskin. He played on the Marquette varsity for three years. After leaving college, Woodin busted in the pro game with the Racine Legion. About the middle of the season in 1922 he came to Green Bay in a trade that sent Jab Murray to the Horlickville city. Woodin's position is left guard. He plays alongside of Cub Buck and this side of the Packers' forward wall has always stood a lot of smashing without giving much ground.


AUG 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Green Bay Football corporation in the council chambers of the City hall at 7:15. Reports will be filed on the sale campaign. Chairman Evrard of the sales committee urges a full attendance.


AUG 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - An air of optimism prevailed at the meeting of the board of directors of the Green Bay Football corporation held Thursday night in the council chambers at City hall. Reports were filed on the sale of box seat tickets and, according to Chairman Ray Evrard, the outlook is favorable but there still remains a lot of work to be accomplished. In speaking of the sales campaign, Mr. Evrard said: "Our greatest difficulty so far has been in reaching prospective ticket holders. In some cases, members of the committee have made a half dozen trips to the same place only to find their customers out."...CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS: "I am confident that, if we can reach the football fans, we can dispose of the box seats. We are still holding the old reservations from last year for the same occupants of the seats. During the next ten days, we plan to speed up the arrival and hope to have the sales campaign completed successfully by September 1. However, if there are any football followers who we have not got in touch with as yet, a call to 4400 will soon result in a member of the committee making a hurried visit on his sales mission."...CAPTAIN LAMBEAU FAILS: Captain Curly Lambeau of the Packer team attended the meeting and gave the board of directors firsthand information about the players who have been signed and those in prospect. According to Captain Lambeau, the Packers of


1924 will be ​the greatest football machine that ever represented Green Bay on the gridiron. One of the directors asked the Packer captain: "How about ends?" This was his reply: "You can rest assured that we will have a good running mate to O'Donnel. We have our lines out for another good wingman and it is very likely that his game will be made public within a few days. I can confidently say that our other end will be on a par with O'Donnel, who last year, while playing with Duluth, was rated as one of the best in the professional football league.


AUG 16 (Hibbing, MN) - This city won't be without professional football this season after all. For a time it was feared that the Miners could not get the necessary back to place a representative eleven on the gridiron but, when the outlook seemed the darkest, the American Legion post "went over the top" and announced that they would place a squad on the field. The first step was a futile attempt to get the management of the Green Bay Packers to release Beasey, star fullback, and Coach Walter Buland, who played at guard. The Bay management turned the proposal down cold...BUSY ON SCHEDULE: Manager Grinols is busy working on the schedule and the Miners will probably open the season on September 7. Negotiations are underway for a game with the Green Bay Packers and the deal may be closed within the next ten days.


AUG 18 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Jack Milton, varsity end on the University of Southern California for two years, has signed a Packer contract for the coming season. He was in the city over Sunday and came to terms with the Green Bay management. Milton had a year of professional football. He was a member of the St. Louis club last year but broke his hand early in the season and was forced to decorate the sidelines until the closing games of the year. Ollie Kraehe, who managed the St. Louis club in 1923, praised Milton to the skies in a letter to Captain Lambeau, saying that he was one of the best receivers of forward passes in the game. Milton played varsity football on the coast in 1920 and 1921. In 1922, he went to Transylvania College at Lexington, Ky., and made the team the first year out. In playing shape, he tips the beam at about 180 pounds. With O'Donnel and Milton at the ends; Buck and Earp at the tackles; Woodin and Buland at guards; Mathys, quarter; Lambeau and Lewellen, halves, and Beasley, full, the Packer team is rapidly being molded into shape. It is expected that during the coming week, there will be several more additions to the fold, both newcomers and veterans.



AUG 19 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Ironwood Legion football eleven, for several years claimants to the Packers' title as gridiron champions of the Northwest, will face Captain Lambeau's team in the opening game of the season here on Sunday September 14 at Bellevue park. Negotiations for the game were closed on Monday after several conferences with Manager Reed of Ironwood, who made the trip here purposely to place his team on the Packer schedule...THEIR FIRST MEETING: It will be the first time the two clubs have ever met on the gridiron. For the past three years, Ironwood has been climbing rapidly up the football ladder and, in 1923, the Michiganders had one of the best elevens in this part of the Northwest. According to Manager Reed, Ironwood will have as good, if not a better, football machine than last season. Fred Denfield, who was picked by Walter Camp for his All American eleven at a guard position, is to coach the team and also play on the line. Ironwood is going after the best players in the country and Manager Reed guarantees that, when his eleven steps on the field at Bellevue park to battle the Packers, he will have a galaxy of stars in uniform. Des Jardiens, Simpson and Eddie Novak, former Rock Island stars, are among the players who will probably be seen in action here with the Ironwood club...MAY RUN SPECIAL TRAIN: Manager Reed claims the football interest is running high in Ironwood and he thinks it is possible that the football Legion will run a special train here for the game. If this is done, at least 200 Ironwood football fans can be counted on to make the trip. The Green Bay management believes that this is the best first game attraction ever booked here. It will have a championship flavor, right off the start as the Michiganders have been seeking the Packer scalp for several season.


AUG 19 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - It would seem as if the Packers landed a corking good wingman in Jack Milton, the former California star. If the new addition to the Green Bay football machine is half as good as he is cracked up to be, he should be a well balanced running mate to O'Donnel. The Packer eleven is being rounded up nicely and, if it was necessary, they could put a team in the field within a few days. By the first of September, however, the squad will probably be all signed up.


AUG 20 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - O.G. (Dutch) Hendrian, considered one of the greatest backfielders in professional football, has accepted the terms of the Green Bay Packer management and he is to report here for practice on September 7. Negotiations with Hendrian have been carried on since the pro league meeting in Chicago last month but the deal hung fire until Tuesday night when a wire was received from him in Detroit saying that he had accepted terms. The addition of Hendrian gives the Packers a backfield the equal of any in professional football. He is a Princeton graduate and had three years of varsity football at the Tigertown institution in New Jersey. In 1922, he was given a berth on Walter Camp's All American selections...STARTED WITH AKRON: After leaving college, Hendrian entered business in Detroit and he started pro football with Akron. Hendrian played with this team until October 28 when the Canton Bulldogs secured his services. For the remainder of the season, Hendrian was with Guy Chamberlain and his national pro champs at Canton. He played half quarter and full and in several games saw some service at end. Hendrian remained the property of the Akron club, however, and, when the Bulldogs were sold, bag and baggage, to Cleveland, Hendrian was not included in the deal. This paved the way for him to come to Green Bay...GOOD PASS RECEIVER: The new Packer's brilliant performances last season created favorable comment wherever he played. He is of the smashing crashing type of footballer, weighing about 185 pounds and is fast as streaked lightning. Hendrian was also a trackman at Princeton. The former Tiger star is an expert receiver of the forward pass and can also pass the pigskin with deadly accuracy. Monte Cross, sports editor of the Canton Repository, had this to say about Hendrian's ability as a footballer: "The Bulldogs backfield speeded up a lot after Hendrian joined the squad. The former Princeton player was always good for a gain on crashes outside of tackle and he skirted the ends in whirlwind fashion. When he bucked the line, it seemed as if his nose was rubbing the ground, yet he kept his eyes open and never missed his hole. Hendrian had the happy knack of being right at home at any position in the backfield and he could also turn in a swell job at end. He had the Princeton habit of following the ball closely. Hendrian looked mighty good in the aerial attack, his basketball ability playing him in good stead."


AUG 20 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Green Bay management did a good stroke of business when they signed the Ironwood Legion for the opening game of the season. For several years, the Michiganders have been tossing a few verbal razz-berries in the direction of the Bay champions. It will be the first meeting of the team and, unless all signs fail, should be a corking good exhibition of pigskin chasing as Ironwood would bust its pocketbook in order to beat the Packers.


AUG 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The announcement of Dutch Hendrian coming to terms with the Packer management created a sensation in football circles here and it was the unanimous opinion of the fans that the former Canton Bulldog will go with the Green Bay champions. The opening day of practice isn't so long off as two weeks from Sunday Captain Lambeau's players will don the moleskins for the first workout. It is probably that during the opening week of drill, the Packer squad will be driven at a stiff clip as the initial game with Ironwood will be a tough nut to crack right off the bat. The box seat sales committee is speeding up its efforts and the members hope to complete their tasks in the immediate future. There are a number of seats still not sold but those in charge are hopeful that all the choice reservations will be cleaned out within the next week.


AUG 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The signing of Dutch Hendrian, Canton Bulldog football star, as a member of the Green Bay Packers was welcome news to the hundreds of followers of the Green Bay eleven. With Hendrian in the fold, the Bay champions will have a backfield as good as any in the pro wheel. Mathys, Lewellen, Hendrian and Captain Lambeau make a quartet hard to beat while Beasey and Basing are capable enough to step into any of the berths without weakening the offensive...The Packer management has kept faith with the public. Green Bay was promised its greatest eleven in history and all signs point to this. There is still a bit of good news left for the fans but the management is not counting its chickens before they're hatched. Lines are out for another good end and one classy lineman and, if the deals come through O.K. for these players, the Packers will have a club that should come mighty near copping the national football championship...But, in football, like everything else, good things come high and the management is counting on the undivided support of the football public. The box seat sales committee is working out daily and some good returns are being reported. However, it can be frankly said that the football salesman have by no means reached their goal. The sellout is still far in the distance and those handling the box seat distribution are urging prospective volunteers and offer to buy their seats instead of waiting back until some member of the committee stumbles upon them...From the story in the Ironwood paper, Manager Reid of the Ironwood Legion eleven was welcomed like a conquering hero when he returned home with the contract for the Packer game in his pocket. There is no doubt but that Ironwood is going to pull every string to upset Lambeau & Co. The team is to start practicing on Labor Day and an effort is now being made to book a game for September 7. Lines are out for several big fellows and it is understood that the Legion management has made Scott, who played tackle for the Bears last season, a fancy offer for the season. From every indication, it would appear that there will be some rip snorting football at Bellevue park on Sunday September 14 when the rival elevens try to push each other the gridiron map.



AUG 23 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - With the same of box seats moving satisfactorily, the board of directors of the Green Bay Football corporation decided at a meeting last night in the council chambers at City hall to put on sale two sets of season tickets for $15 and $10. The $15 ticket will be for reserved seats between the 40 yard lines. This is directly in the center of the field. The $10 field will be for reserved seats between the 30 and 40 yard lines. These tickets will be good for all the scheduled games played at home and will entitle the ticket holder to the same seat at every contest...EXPECT BIG DEMAND: Members of the Sales committee will start out on this campaign immediately and it is expected that there will be a big demand for ducats. The committee members will exchange reservation tickets with the purchasers when the money is paid and the purchasers, during the week of September 7 to 14, can turn in their reservation tickets to the management, who in turn will give them the ticket books for the seats. Those desiring these reserved seats, who do not get in touch with the committee members, can call at the sport editor's desk in the Press-Gazette office each night for the next two weeks and secure the tickets. There are still some choice box seat reservations still available and those desiring the sideline chairs are urged to make their requests immediately. It is expected that next week several of the committee members together with Captain Curly Lambeau, will make a flying trip into Door County on a sales jaunt...PROSPECT VERY GOOD: It was announced at the meeting that the team was pretty well rounded up and that, within the next week, every player would be under contract. Captain Lambeau again declared that the Packers of 1924 would be the greatest football machine that ever represented this city.


AUG 25 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Walter Neimann, star center of the Green Bay Packers for the past two season, has signed his contract for another year. Neimann came here on Saturday and it didn't take him long to come to terms with the Green Bay management. Neimann lives in Menominee, Mich., where he has an automobile business. Neimann joined the Packer squad early in the fall of 1922 and he has turned in a bang up job at center for the Green Bay eleven. Although he lacks the beef of some of the snapper backs, he makes up for the lack of poundage by his aggressiveness. Neimann probably follows the ball more closely than any other player on the team. When in the game, it seems as if he is always right on top of the pigskin...IS MICHIGAN GRADUATE: The ​Packer center is a Michigan graduate. He had three years of football under Fielding H. Yost, the Wolverines' famous football mentor. Yost has always been strong for Neimann claiming that he was one of the best passers he ever had on the Ann Arbor varsity. With Neimann in the fold, the Packer machine is fairly rounded out. There is O'Donnel and MIlton at the ends; Buck and Earp at tackles; Woodin and Buland at guards; Neimann, center; Mathys, Lambeau, Hendrian, Lewellen and Beasey in the backfield. Unless the negotiations go astray, there will be several important announcements for the football fans within the next few days. It is hoped to have the entire club under contract before next Sunday.


AUG 25 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The sale of $15 and $10 season tickets for the Packer football games made a hit with the football fans as many of the followers of Green Bay's great gridiron machine have been anxious to make sure of the same seats during the season. The new sales campaign bids fair to be successful and it is just another step by the management to give the Packer followers what they want...The signing of Wally Neimann for another football season has been announced by the Packer management. Neimann has played with Green Bay for two years and always proved his worth. Although Wally isn't as big as some of the center men he has played against, there isn't a snapper-back in the pro league that has got anything on him. Neimann was a varsity man for three years at Michigan. He is now engaged in the auto business at Menominee, Mich.


AUG 26 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Packers' great forward wall will be intact again this season as Moose Gardner has mailed in his signed contract for the coming fall. With Gardner in moleskins, the same five players, Buck, Woodin, Neimann, Gardner and Earp, will again be available for the line positions from tackle to tackle. Ever since 1922 the Packers have had a wonderful line and the tried and true veterans are all set to go again this season. Moose Gardner hadn't figured on playing football this fall but he came down here for a visit over the weekend and the pigskin fever hit him hard. Gardner talked things over with the Packer management and took an unsigned contract with him. It didn't take him long to make up his mind as the contract arrived today. Gardner has played good football for the Packers. He is not of the flashy but as steady as a rock and he is in chasing the pigskin every minute. Gardner is a University of Wisconsin graduate, being a varsity player at Madison. After graduating, Moose played a season with the Detroit Heralds who formerly held a franchise in the NFL. Gardner came here in 1922 and was a member of last year's great team.


AUG 28 (Sturgeon Bay) - As in past years, Sturgeon Bay football fans will flock to Green Bay every Sunday for the Packer games. Captain Lambeau of the Green Bay eleven was here on Wednesday and put out a number of the season tickets. The boosters here figure on getting their seats all together and making it a "family affair" while seeing the Green Bay champions battle for national football honors.


AUG 29 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Ironwood Legion eleven is going to meet some of the greatest 


making it a "family affair" while seeing the Green Bay champions battle for national football honors.


AUG 29 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Ironwood Legion eleven is going to meet some of the greatest teams in the country this year, aside from the Green Bay Packers. Manager Reid of the Michigan aggregation has booked gridiron tilts with the Minneapolis Marines and Duluth Kellys, a pair of NFL teams. Ironwood will also play Hibbing, Bessemer and Stambaugh besides the Superior Independents who are booked for the Legion's initial fray on September 7.


AUG 29 (Marinette) - Sam Powers, former Green Bay Packer star and, at one time, a brilliant performer of the purple and white, received an offer to play with the Ishpeming Legion team for the coming season. He is undecided as to whether he will accept the offer.


AUG 30 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - M.F. Basing, one of the Packers backfield stars in 1923, signed his contract Friday evening to perform with the Green Bay champions for another season. Basing had a coaching offer for the fall but turned it down in order to again carry the pigskin for the Packers. Biff, as he is known to


Carl "Bud" Jorgensen was the Green Bay Packers' first iron man, the beloved equipment manager turned trainer who worked for every coach from Curly Lambeau through Vince Lombardi in his 47 consecutive seasons with the team. From 1924-'70, the Packers were his life's work, and his dedication and positive personality endeared him to players from the championship decade of the 1930s through the Green Bay dynasty of 1960s. Jorgensen worked to make sure every player - from stars like Don Hutson, Tony Canadeo and Ray Nitschke to unknown rookies - was ready to play. And he was a constant at all practices and games. In Jorgensen's record consecutive tenure with the Packers, the team won 11 world championships and two Super Bowls. He also experienced the lows of a franchise on the brink of financial ruin in the 1930s and the dismal 1-10-1 in 1958, the worst record in Green Bay history. "Jorgy was very professional and a great trainer, but my all-time favorite thing about him was that he was one of the guys," former guard Jerry Kramer said. "That was his joy. We treated him that way, and I think that's why he stayed so long with the team." Kramer especially enjoyed the road trips when Jorgensen joined Kramer and a handful of teammates on the back of the airplane after a victory. "He joined us renegades in the back and had a few beers and shared his stories of guys like Johnny Blood and Iron Mike (Michalske) and Don Hutson - all those great players from the championship teams under Curly Lambeau," Kramer said. "Those guys were legends." Kramer said he and his teammates enjoyed Jorgensen's recollections - and his singing. "Jorgy would sing us these old Packer songs, just like the guys did back in the 1930s on the train ride home," he said. "It was almost like being there with 'em." Kramer then broke into song during the phone interview for this story: "Pictures of dear old Green Bay town, picture the boys all hanging around. Picture the beer cans all battered and bent, picture the money on booze we have spent. One, two, three, we all agree, it's dear old Green Bay for me!" For Jorgensen, who was born in Marinette, Wis., his association with the Packers began in 1924 after his graduation from Green Bay West High School. He knew George Whitney Calhoun, the former Packers publicity director and Green Bay Press-Gazette sports editor. "I just started making a few (Packer road) trips with him (Calhoun) back in 1924," Jorgensen said in an April 1974 Press-Gazette article. The duties of a team trainer in the infancy of the National Football League mainly consisted of taping players' ankles, far less sophisticated than a professional athletic trainer today. At a dinner celebrating Jorgensen's 70th birthday in April 1974, then-Packers director of public rela tions Lee Remmel said if all the tape Jorgensen applied to Green Bay players' ankles was placed end to end it would stretch from Green Bay to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. "I was around Bud almost daily for 11 years," former receiver Boyd Dowler said. "Bud and guys like Dad Braisher were so consistent and just good solid people. They were 100 percent focused on the Packers and winning. No personal agendas." Dowler said Lombardi gave Jorgensen implicit instructions about informing players of their injury status. "Coach Lombardi instructed him to not tell us too much, that he'd tell us what was wrong with us," Dowler said with a laugh. "Of course, that wouldn't be acceptable today in the NFL. Jorgy's job was to get us ready to play and he did it well." Practicing or playing with pain was expected. "Lombardi was reasonable. If you were injured, he wouldn't hold it against you if you couldn't play up to your standards," Dowler explained. "There's a difference between pain and injuries. You can get hit in the mouth and it can bleed and hurt, but you can still play. We didn't have a long injury list." Former receiver Carroll Dale did his best to stay out of the training room. "I never did go in the training room much, as I had been taping myself since college," Dale said. "Bud was old school and very professional and everyone really liked him. He was so stable and dedicated to the Green Bay Packers." Dale said the players especially enjoyed when Lombardi visited the training room. "We played with pain," Dale said. "But Coach Lombardi had a low pain threshold. What I remember most is when Bud had to work on Lombardi. It was pretty nerve-wracking on him, to say the least." In the mid-1950s, before new City Stadium was constructed in 1957, the Packers training room at old City Stadium by East High School was small and dank. "In those days, we worked out by East High and the training room wasn't much bigger than a large closet," former quarterback Bart Starr said with a laugh. "And I'm not kidding. I came from the University of Alabama with nice facilities, and the facilities in Green Bay were attention-getters." Starr instantly recalled Jorgensen's attitude and commitment to the players and the franchise. Jorgensen was noted for his speed and efficiency, as he could expertly tape an ankle in approximately 30 seconds. "He was just a very solid, active person who took great pride in his work," Starr said. "He wanted to be one of the true contributors to the organization. You were only in the training room when you needed to be." Former Packer tight end Gary Knafelc recalled one instance that quickly got the frugal Jorgensen's attention. Lombardi required each player to have their ankles taped for every practice and every game. There were no exceptions. "We played six preseason games back then too, plus training camp," Knafelc said. "I know it's hard to believe with the financial situation today, but 50 years ago the Packers didn't have a lot of money, and Bud would jump on us if we cut our socks up. "The team simply couldn't afford to be buying new socks all the time." Forrest Gregg said on more than one occasion Jorgensen got him ready to play when he thought he might miss a game. In a game at San Francisco, Gregg believed he had a cracked rib. According to Gregg: "Bud told Coach Lombardi I couldn't play, and he just bellowed, 'What?' Jorgy then told him it may be just a bruised rib, and he gave me a pill and I was cured. "I played pretty well against the 49ers with no ill effects. He was an excellent trainer and did his part to make us a winning team." Jorgensen retired after the 1970 season, before Dan Devine took over the head-coaching duties from Phil Bengtson. Despite logging hundreds of thousands of miles traveling with the Packers, he enjoyed Amtrak trips across the country in his brief retirement. Jorgensen returned to his passion for seven years on a part-time basis in 1972 after UW-Green Bay basketball coach Dave Buss asked him to become the head trainer for the Phoenix. Jorgensen took great pride in keeping up with changes in his profession over the decades, and was named to the National Athletic Trainers' Association Hall of Fame in the early 1970s. Noted for his firm handshake and trademark cigar, Jorgensen remained a favorite son of the city. He was inducted into the Packers Hall of Fame in 1976. "Bud Jorgensen was so loyal to the Packers and a link to our past," Remmel told Packer Plus in a 2007 interview. "He was there for most of the franchise's first five decades of existence and saw it all. "His stories were legendary. Bud Jorgensen was truly one of a kind, a special man who touched many people in a positive way in his lifetime." Jorgensen died at age 78 in December 1982 in his Green Bay home. By Martin Hendricks, Special to Packer Plus


the football fans, came to the Packers unheralded. He had been a star at Lawrence college, however, and it wasn't long before he won a home with the Packers. Basing is in the pink of condition and will be ready to go when the whistle blows. He looks as hard as a rock and will probably tip the beam a bit heavier than in 1923. With the signing of Basing, the Packer backfield is complete for this coming fall. Mathys will play quarter, Hendrian and Beasey fullback, while Captain Lambeau, Lewellen and Basing will cavort in the backfield. This is the greatest set of backfielders that the Packer machine ever had. The Bay champions' lineup is just about set. There will be one more addition and possibly two. The management hopes to close these contracts within the next 48 hours.


AUG 30 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - If the Milwaukee Badgers don't do anything else, they are going to try and beat the Green Bay Packers. This is a feat that the Cream City pro gridders have never accomplished but, if the dollars and cents will do it, Manager McGurk intends to cut loose the purse strings. According to reports, McGurk has promised every one of his players a bonus of 10 percent if they take the championship of the Northwest away from the Packers.



SEPT 1 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Tillie Voss, one of the greatest ends in the country, wired his acceptance of the Green Bay Packer offer late Saturday afternoon and will report here for practice next Sunday. The signing of Voss came as a result of nearly a month's negotiations by the Packer management. During the "house cleaning" in Rock Island during the summer of 1923, Voss was sold by the Independent management to Gil Falcon's club at Toledo where he played last fall. The Mud Hens were scarce of tackles and Voss was used at this position during the season...DEUTSCH BOUGHT VOSS: Early this spring when Sammy Deutsch, the Cleveland mogul, started laying plans for what he hopes to be a championship team, his first step was to buy Voss from Toledo. About six weeks ago, Deutsch purchased the Canton Bulldogs, bag and baggage, and in this deal he got two of the Bulldogs' famous ends, Bird Carroll and Guy Chamberlain. Deutsch also had on hand his two wingmen from his 1923 club, Bierce and Myers, both of who live in Cleveland. Just when Deutsch discovered that he had a surplus of ends, he received a wire from the Packer management offering to buy an end. The Cleveland mogul talked things over with the wings he had signed up and Voss jumped at the chance to come to Green Bay. The other man hadn't ever played here but knew the Bay well and the college spirit that prevailed here. Negotiations were opened up and after a lot of dickering Tillie accepted the terms. And that is the story of how Tillie Voss joined the Packers...GRADUATE OF DETROIT: Voss is a graduate of the University of Detroit. He played his last year of varsity football in 1919 when he drew favorable mention from Walter Camp. In 1920 he was a teammate of Moose Gardner's on the Detroit Heralds in the pro league. When the Detroit club dropped out of the pro circuit, Voss was sold to Rock Island where, for two years, he played wonder football for the Independents. Last season, he was with Toledo. Voss is an all around athlete, being rated as one of the best basketball players in the country. For several years, he has played with the famous Ft. Wayne K.C.'s, one of the greatest professional quintets in the game. This aggregation scored wins over the New York Celtics, Beloit Fairies and Milwaukee Badgers. Voss jumped center for the K.C.'s and together with King Haggerty were billed as headliners all over the country. 



SEPT 3 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - An important meeting of the board of directors of the Green Bay Football association will be held Wednesday night in the council chambers of the city hall and it is urged that every member of the board be in attendance. Chairman Evrard of the sales committee plans to file a final report on the activities of his co-workers and the ticket salesman speeded up their efforts all day to be able to close their campaign in a blaze of glory. Of course, this does not mean that the sales drive will be ended as the workers plan to keep right on going up until the day before the game with Ironwood on September 14...BOOKS READY NEXT WEEK: Holders of the box seats and $15 and $10 reserve seats will be able to get their coupon books for the season next week at the Press-Gazette office. Further information regarding the hours when the ticket window will be open will be made public later in the week. Captain Lambeau is making 


plans for the opening practice on Sunday. The Packer leader has heard from his pigskin chasers and all of them are scheduled to report for practice September 7. Milton, O'Donnell and Voss at the ends; Buck and Earps at the tackles; Gardner, Woodin and Buland, guards; Neimann, center; Mathys, quarterback, Lambeau, Basing and Lewellen, halfbacks, and Beasey and Buland, fullbacks, are the gridders slated to be in togs. There is also a possibility that one more players will be in togs if negotiations now underway by the management come through satisfactorily.


SEPT 3 (Ironwood) - Football practice of the Ironwood Legion eleven got underway on Monday. Manager Reid's eleven is scheduled to play Superior here Sunday and a week later tackle the Packers, champions of the Northwest, at Green Bay. Ironwood has some 20 candidates in togs and, according to Manager Reid, several imported stars will arrive here the later part of the week to stay over until after the Packer game. From present appearances, the Ironwood fans will charter a special train to take them to Green Bay on September 14.


SEPT 3 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The contract between the Green Bay Football management and Robert E. Lynch, owner of Bellevue park, for use of the park during the football season was signed late on Tuesday afternoon. This sets at rest the widespread rumor about the Packers making use of another field this season.



SEPT 4 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - "We still need $2,000 to go over the top with flying colors." This was the startling announcement by Chairman Evrard of the sales committee of the Green Bay Football corporation at the meeting of the board of directors in the council chambers of the city hall Wednesday evening. "Our collections have been about the average," said Mr. Evrard, "but we have got to go higher this year as the Packers of 1924 will cost more than any Green Bay team in the past. Last fall, when the season ended, the fans began yelping for better ends and backfielders, who could receive passes. With this end in view the management got busy. They landed Tillie Voss, Jack Milton and O'Donnell, a trio of good wingmen and, in addition, signed up three stellar backfielders in Hendrian, Lewellen and Beasey."...COUNT ON FANS FOR SUPPORT: "In these days of frenzied finance in the professional football world, good players can't be secured for a 'song'. A better than average pigskin chaser is an expensive luxury but the management went out and got them, feeling confident that the fans would rally to their support. This year's Packer team is going to cost considerable more money than in the past and, yet, the box seat sale is nearly a hundred less than last year. There are still a number of choice reservations available and the sales committee, within the next few days, hope to clean them out. The Bay has a chance for a national championship team and the time for the fans to do their bit is right now, not later in the season when good players can't be bought for money or marbles."...SITUATION IS SERIOUS: Chairman Evrard's statement case a bombshell into the meeting of the board of directors as it was figured that the football corporation was sailing along on "Easy Street". It was pointed out that the situation was serious and the directors pledged themselves to get out and hustle on box seat sales for the next few days. Captain Lambeau addressed the conference and stated that the Packers would come mighty close to the championship if it was possible to retain the players now under contract.


SEPT 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Green Bay's greatest football eleven will start practicing on Sunday afternoon. For years, the Packers have been in the front ranks of professional football but this season's team promises to be the greatest one of them all. Not only are the Bay footballers aim for the state and northwest title but they hope for the national championship as well. Ever since the Packers knocked off Hammond in the final game of the season in 1923, the management has been looking forward to this fall. Hardly a week went past without some football mail going out. In some cases negotiations with the new players dragged over a period of two months...THREE GOOD ENDS: During the 1923 season, the most prevalent cry of the Packer followers was: "Get Some Ends", and the results speak for themselves. Tillie Voss, one of the greatest wingmen in the game, will be a fixture at an end for the Packers while Johnny O'Donnell, star of last year's Duluth club, will play the other. In addition, there is Jack Milton, a University of California product, who comes here highly recommended. Last season, the Packers had two as good tackles as there were in the pro league. Both Cub Buck and Jug Earps are again in the fold. Earps and Buck are popular idols here and they can be counted on to cut a big figure in the Packers' success on the gridiron. The management is still dickering with one more tackle and the negotiations may be closed at any time...GUARDS ARE STRONG: Whitey Woodin and Moose Gardner will again be available fo duty at the guard positions. They have filled the center flanking posts for two years, giving perfect satisfaction. Walter Buland, former Rock Islander, who coached and played with Hibbing last season, is a new addition to the Packers. He can play either guard or tackle with the best of 'em. Walter Neimann is again slated for the center position. This is his third season with the Packers. Neimann is a superb passer, he is very aggressive on defense and is on top of the ball every minute...CLASS IN BACKFIELD: The Packers' backfield is the equal of any in the country. Captain Lambeau, who will play right halfback, is a wonderful passer and his aerial attack has put Green Bay very prominently on the football map. Lefty Lewellen, 1923 varsity captain at Nebraska, is slated to play left halfback. This is his first year out but if he lives up to his collegiate reputation, he will prove a sensation. Charlie Mathys will again call the signals at quarterback. He is a Green Bay product and this is his third season with the Packers. Mathys is a wonderful field general and a splendid handler of the forward pass. Biff Basing is another veteran from last season who will be available for backfield duty. Basing earned his spurs nicely in 1923 and this should be a banner year for him on the gridiron...HENDRIAN IS STAR: Dutch Hendrian, Princeton All American and last year with the Canton Bulldogs, is one of the "plus" additions to the Packer squad. Hendrian is a crashing fullback yet he can play half, quarter or end. Hendrian is considered one of the best backfielders in the game today. Last but not least is Emil Beasey, fullback, who was the pride of the Hibbing Miners in 1923. Beasey is a husky going over 200 pounds and he has quite a reputation as a ball carrier. Aside from playing football, Beasey is a topnotch heavyweight fighter and has mixed with some of the best boys in the ring. Woodin, Lambeau and Basing live in Green Bay. Neimann is from Menominee, Mich. Cub Buck lives in Neenah while Basing hangs his hat in Appleton. Moose Gardner is a product of Ashland, Wis. Buland and Beasey reside in Hibbing. Johnny O'Donnell votes in Duluth. Voss and Hendrian come from Detroit. Lewellen is an Omaha boy. Milton is a California while Jug Earps has been out on the coast for the past year although his home is in Monmouth, Ill.



SEPT 9 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - With the date of the opening game September 14 with Ironwood approaching fast, football interest in this city is climbing rapidly, and if the weather man uncorks a good brand of weather for this Sunday, there is every indication that a capacity crowd will jam Bellevue park to see the Packers rub elbows with the Legion team from Upper Michigan. Ironwood is coming here with a husky aggregation of footballers. The Michiganders' strength was much in evidence last Sunday when in their opening game they knocked off the Superior All Stars to the tune of 26 to 0...CHANCE FOR GLORY: Sunday's game will be Ironwood's chance for glory. For three years, this club has been itching for a crack at the Packers and they are coming here determined to take a fall out of Captain Lambeau's champions of the Northwest. The visitors will present a powerful lineup. Eddie Novak, former Rock Island star, is playing one of the backs for Ironwood with Eagleburger, who won his "W" at Wisconsin, holding down the other half. Paddy Cronin, who played with the Packers in 1922, will call the signals for Ironwood from the quarterback position. Marshall, the famous colored gridder, who in his day was one of the best in the country, will play one of the ends. It is understood that Manager Reid intends to import several star gridders for the Packer tilt...WORKING OUT DAILY: However, the Packers are not going to be caught asleep at the switch. The squad is working out daily and Captain Lambeau has ordered long practice hours and also several blackboard talks. Moose Gardner reported on Monday and it is expected that O'Donnell and Tillie Voss will be in today. The Green Bay squad is not underestimating the strength of its opponents in Sunday's game. The Packers expect one of the hardest clashes of the season and it is liable to be an uphill fight, due to the fact that Ironwood has been practicing a week longer than the Packers. Reserved seat tickets for Sunday's game will be placed on sale Wednesday at the usual places about town. A number of requests for reservations from out of town fans have already been received. It is expected that, at least, several hundred pigskin followers from Ironwood will accompany the team to this city. Sunday's game will start at 2:30 sharp.


SEPT 10 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Packer football squad is practically intact as Tillie Voss and Dick O'Donnell, two of the best ends in the country, reported in time for the practice on Tuesday morning. Quite a handful of football fans are watching the workouts on the new gridiron behind the East High school at Joannes park. One thing is certain. When Ironwood steps out on the field Sunday afternoon, the Michigan Legion is going to get a hot reception in a football way. The Packers are rounding to splendidly and when the whistle blows this weekend, it is a good bet that Captain Lambeau's pigskin chasers will settle for once and for all the Ironwood claim to the professional football championship of the Northwest...PACKERS WILL BE READY: Four more days of practice and the Packers will be molded into a pretty good machine. The players are being whipped into shape nicely and by the time for the whistle to blow in Sunday's tilt, they should be in shape to make things mighty interesting for the knights of the gridiron from the Upper Michigan city. Another day of ticket selling has passed and the indications are all the more rosy for a capacity crowd. The season reserved seats have been selling like hot cakes yet there will be reserved seats galore for those who only wish to make their reservations for one game...EXTRA HEAVY SALE: Due to the extra heavy reserved seat sale for the season it will not be possible to place the one game reserved seats at the usual places about town until Thursday night. Reservations for the season reserved seat tickets will be continued nightly at the Press-Gazette over Friday evening. Despite the heavy demand for season reserved seat tickets there will be a plentiful supply of single game tickets. Through the courtesy of the Brown County fair association, several hundred seats will be added to the ball park as the Fair association's board of directors voted unanimously to let the football corporation use their "knocked down" seats without charge. These stands will be set up at the park in the immediate future.


SEPT 11 (Ironwood) - Saturday morning, bright and early, some twenty huskies, members of the Legion football team, will pull out of here for Green Bay. And with them goes the hopes of Upper Michigan. For several years, Ironwood has disputed the claims of the Green Bay Packers to the professional football championship of the Northwest but the two clubs have never met on the gridiron. This fall Manager Reid lost little time getting a place on the Packers' schedule and Sunday's game will be Ironwood's chance to win a place on the football map with big letters...BEAT SUPERIOR 26 TO 0: The Legion team walloped Superior 26 to 0 in the opening game of the season last Sunday. Coach Denfield has had his pigskin warriors stepping along at a lively clip for about ten days and they are indulging in daily workout with the high school squad. This year's Ironwood eleven is an "all time" team. In other words, all of the players are staying in Ironwood during the football season. The importation of stars, who come in on Saturday night and depart after the game on Sunday, has been abolished. The Ironwood players practice every day and the squad is being molded to a splendid machine...STARS IN LINEUP: Manager Reid started to get together his aggregation early in the spring. One of his first moves was to sign a trio of college footballers, namely, Benton of Michigan and Sanderson of Wisconsin, ends, and Sid Eagleburger of Wisconsin, halfback. Cronin, a former Packer backfielder, and Bob Marshall, veteran colored end,  who played with Hibbing last season, were added to the battlefront...DENFIELD IS COACH: Denfield, who was an All America (Walter Camp's selection) when playing with the Navy, is coaching the squad and also passing the ball at center. Buck Harris, from Syracuse, is the fullback. He has played with Duluth for the past two seasons. Mason, a former Minneapolis Marine star, is another star backfielder with the Legion. Eden of Michigan, Lorinson of Michigan, and Holman from Stevens Point Normal are also capable players behind the line. There is a raft of line material including Peaches Nadolny, former Packers, and Bill Dear, a strapping 200 pounder from Rutgers. Caldwell, a veteran from Valparaiso, and Gersich and Garesky, a trio of Ironwood products, are tackles above the average. Gardner, Heli, Harrington, Edi, Donald and Mike Rits are mighty good guards...THINK IT GOOD TEAM: Ironwood thinks it is a mighty good team and the natives at home are confident that the Legion will give the Packers quite a lesson in the gentle art of chasing the pigskin. The team is going to make the trip by motor bus and will probably reach Green Bay about 3:30 Saturday afternoon. According to the present schedule, the Legion will work out at the Bay after their arrival. During their stay in Green Bay, the Ironwood headquarters will be the Beaumont hotel. It is expected that some 200 Ironwood fans will follow the team. Plans for a special train were given up as a motor caravan has been organized and some 40 cars will make the trip.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - There is every indication that a banner crowd will be on hand Sunday afternoon at Bellevue park when the Packers pry off the 1924 football season here with the crack eleven from Ironwood, Mich. The stage is being nicely set for the first game. Work on the park is being speeded up and the field will be in tip top shape when the whistle blows for the pigskin combat...DISTRIBUTING BOX SEATS: Distribution of the box seats is always underway and these ducats will be handed out by Saturday. There are still some choice box seats still available and those desiring to secure the spots of 'vantage right along the sideline are asked to get in touch with some member of the board of directors immediately. The $15 and $10 season reserve seats are moving lively. Any holders of these tickets who have not redeemed them for coupon books are urged to do so either tonight or Friday at the Press-Gazette between 7:30 and 9 o'clock...UNDER WAY SHORTLY: The general sale of reserved seats will be underway shortly. There is always a lot of red tape connected with the distribution of tickets for the opening game but the management is working overtime to get the pasteboards before the public just as soon as possible. Some of these block of tickets will be placed at the usual places about town this evening. For the remainder of the games, there will be no delay and the pasteboards will be out early in the week as in past years. A meeting of the ushers, ticket takers and other park attendants will be held Friday night in the assembly room of the Brown County courthouse. All those who worked last year are urged to be in attendance.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Ironwood has confirmed the Packers' selection of officials for the football game here Sunday. Jimmy Coffeen will referee; Coach White of West High will umpire while Coach Wiley of East High is to act as head linesman. The game will start promptly at 2:30. The length of the periods will be decided by the captains on the field of play.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - R.F. (Rosey) Rosatti is a member of the Packer football squad. The big lineman, who played with Cleveland last year, has been in the city for several days but the Packer management could not get the negotiations cleared away until last evening. Several weeks ago Sammy Deutsch, manager of the Cleveland club, put his approval on a deal which would send Rosatti to Green Bay. However, he had a change of heart in the past few days and tried to kick over the traces. A long distance telephone conversation Friday ended the argument...PLAYED WITH CLEVELAND: Last year Rosatti played in every game with the Cleveland club. He saw service at tackle and guard. Aside from playing in Cleveland, Rosatti was on Fielding Yost's coaching staff at Michigan, having charge of the frosh linemen. Rosatti graduated from Michigan this past June, getting an engineer's degree. Rosatti is a product of Upper Michigan. He lives at Vulcan, Mich., and played his high school football at Norway. After graduating from high school, Rosatti played several years of Normal school football under Coach Spaulding, who is now the pigskin mentor at Minnesota. The newest addition to the Packer machine is a pretty husky boy. He tips the beam at over 200 pounds and looks to be pretty fast for a big fellow.



SEPT 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The transformation of Bellevue park from a baseball diamond into a football gridiron is about complete and it will take nothing less than an earthquake to prevent the field from being in readiness for the Packers' opening game on Sunday with the Ironwood Legion, claimants of the professional football championship in the northwest. The setting at Bellevue park is patterned after the arrangement of last season. The various sections are given the same places. Reserved seat sections A and B are again located on the east side of the field. Section C is the northwest end of the baseball grandstand while Sections D, E and F are situated on the west side of the gridiron...GENERAL ADMISSION SEATS: General admission seats are again in the baseball grandstand and also at the north end of the east side of the playing field. There is a double string of box seats running along the east and west sides of the playing field between the 30 yard lines. The youngsters have not been forgotten. As in past years, space has been set aside for the "Knot Hole" gang. All the boys of the "short pants" age will be admitted at the extreme northwest corner of the park for 25 cents and they will have room to stick around back of the playing field behind the north end zone...SEATING CAPACITY INCREASED: The seating capacity of the park has been increased to approximately 4,000 by the addition of extra seats along the field. This step was made possible by the directors of the Northeastern Wisconsin Fair association, who loaned one thousand of their portable seats to the Green Bay Football corporation for use this season at Bellevue park. Holders of box seat tickets marked "Right" and those having seats in the A and B reserved sections are urged to make use of the entrance at the east end of the baseball grandstand on the Manitowoc road. Those having box seat tickets marked "Left" and holders of Section C, D, E and F reserved seat tickets are requested to take the entrance to the park at the northwest corner of the baseball grandstand. All these entrances are the same as last year...HAVE THREE ENTRANCES: The general admission seat ticket holders can make use of the main entrance to the park or else get in at the gate located at the east end of the grandstand on the Manitowoc road. The Knot Hole gang entrance will also be available for general admission ticket holders. A detail of the city's motorcycle force will supervise the parking space for automobiles while a company of American Legion war veterans, augmented by several of the city policemen, will patrol the grounds. The management is making every effort to handle the crowds at the games this season with the least confusion possible. A capable set of ushers will be on the job inside the park...SALE OF TICKETS: At the park, the general admission tickets will be sold from the main ticket window at the big entrance. Two reserved seat ticket windows are to be opened at both sides of the main window while the Knot Hole gang youngsters can purchase their pasteboards at their entrance. Gates and ticket windows at the park will be opened promptly at one o'clock. Sunday's game will get underway at 2:30. Later in the season when the starting time of the games is set forward to 2 p.m., the doors at the park will be swung back at 12:30...DOWNTOWN TICKET SALE: According to the present plans, the sale of tickets downtown will hold forth at the following places: Lynch's, Section A; Congress, Section B; Schweger Drug Store, Section E; Nueve Drug Store, Section F; Jenkins, Section C; Beaumont, Section D; De Lair's, Section C; Bosse's News Depot, Section A; Clinic Drug Store, Section B. The placing of tickets on sale for the Ironwood game has been delayed three days due to the disposal of the season reserved seat tickets. However, for the remainder of the games this season, the tickets will be placed on sale at the usual places about town, not later than Wednesday night.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - According to President Joe F. Carr, the NFL is going to experience its most successful season. The circuit chief bases his prediction on the favorable reports received from all the clubs...The addition of the Philadelphia Yellow Jackets and Kansas City Stars should add considerable strength to the pro football wheel. The Quakertown eleven has long been famous as an aggregation of pigskin chasers...Doc Andrews, who played with St. Louis last season, is managing the Kansas City club. He has gone out and rounded up some of the best footballers in the business. Andrews has no end of financial backing in "Kawtown"...One year was enough for the St. Louis All Stars as Ollie Kraehe, owner and manager, found it pretty rough going in the Mound City. He lost a lot of money last season and deemed it best not to try again this fall...The Oorang Indians are also among the missing. Jim Thorpe & company from La Rue proved an expensive advertising medium for Walter Lingo's kennels. A few of the Redskins will probably see service with the other teams...Rube Ursella has gone back to his old love, Rock Island. The veteran backfielder has been engaged to boss the Independents and quite likely he will be calling signals. In his day Ursella was a sweet gridder...Brute Weller, a Nebraska star of several years back, who played a whale of a game at tackle last season for St. Louis, will be in a Milwaukee uniform this season. He will add strength to the Cream City forward wall...John Thomas, one of the great plunging backs ever developed by Alonzo Stagg in Chicago, is going to play host graduate football with the Racine Legion. This club will be managed by Milt Romney, ex-Maroon ace...Dutch Hendrian, a member of the Akron and Canton elevens in 1923, is to play with the Green Bay Packers. The Badger state champions are counting on Hendrian to round out their backfield with plenty of class...Manager Dewey Scanlon of the Duluth aggregation is counting on his hometown products to keep his team in the running. Scanlon will have nearly all of his 1923 veterans back with him except Little Joe Sternaman...Taft, Wisconsin's sensational fullback last season, has cast his lot with the Chicago Bears, it is said. The lack of a capable punter kept the Halas combination in hot water in '23. Taft is quite some bootsmith...Chris O'Brien of the Chicago Cardinals is pinning his hopes on Paddy Driscoll again this fall. The Windy City south siders will also have a steely pair of ends in Anderson and Kiley, both graduates of Notre Dame...Tommy Hughitt is going to boss the ranch for the Buffalo All Americans. The team will play their home games in the new Bison stadium. Hughitt is getting together a fast eleven and is confident of producing a winner...With nearly all the members of the championship Canton Bulldogs under contract, Sammy Deutsch, owner of the Cleveland club, expects to ride through the fall without having to worry about reversals on the gridiron...The Minneapolis Marines are counting on Sammy Kaplan to burn up the pro league circuit this fall. Kaplan made his bow as a pro in 1923 and towards the end of the schedule his games bordered on the sensational...Akron is looking forward to a banner season of professional football. Owner Nied had promised the town a winner and he is now busily engaged in molding together a team that has all the earmarks of a winner...Sunday football is barred in Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Yellow Jackets will play all their home games on Saturday. The Penn state champions have as a stiff a schedule as any other outfit in the pro loop...The Yellow Jackets are booked for three game in four days November 27 and November 29 they play Dayton and Buffalo at home, respectively, while on November 30 they are booked for a return tilt with the Triangle in the Dayton park...Aaron Hertzman, manager of the Louisville eleven, always has his troubles booking games but he succeeded in landing one big clash at home this fall. The Columbus Tigers are booked to perform in Louisville on November 30...Rochester didn't set the world on fire with its pro squad in 1923 but Manager Leo Lyons is confident that the Kodak City will stage a surprising comeback this fall. He has signed up several well known players...Gus Tebell, end for Columbus last fall, has lost out in his coaching job at the University of Iowa. The Western Conference rule aimed at professional football put the skids under Tebell at the Hawkeye institution.



SEPT 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The thud of the pigskin will be heard Sunday afternoon at Bellevue park for the first time this season in a regular scheduled game when the Green Bay Packers, champions of the Northwest, rub elbows with the Ironwood Legion, claimants to pigskin honors in this part of the country. The kickoff is at 2:30. Never before has football interest reached such a high plane in Green Bay. The citizens haven't been doing anything but eating, sleeping and talking football for a month and, unless all signs go astray, the biggest opening day crowd that ever saw the Packers perform here will be on hand tomorrow afternoon to see Captain Lambeau and his greatest team attempt to turn back the invaders from Wolverine-land...STARS OF PIGSKIN WORLD: Stars of the pigskin world will be seen in action. Packer management has gathered together its greatest team. Of last year's aggregation, Captain Lambeau, Mathys, Basing, Buck, Earps, Woodin, Gardner and Neimann are back in the fold. Among the newcomers are Hendrian, Voss, Lewellen, Milton, O'Donnell, Buland, Rosatti, Hearnden and Ludtke. But all the gridiron luminaries are not on the Packers' side of the fence as Ironwood is coming here with a husky aggregation. Such bright lights are Eagleburger, Marshall, Benton, Dear, Denfeld, Cauldwell, Harrington, Harris and Sanderson will be seen in moleskins for the visitors...GREAT GAME EXPECTED: A great game is looked for. The visitors are coming here determined to teach the Packers "a football lesson". They have been practicing for ten days and already have a win to their credit, defeating the Superior Stars, 26 to 0. Sunday's game is Ironwood's opportunity to place on the football map and the Michiganders expect to get there in big letters by twisting the Packers' tail. The Packers have set sail for a national championship this season and they hope to drop anchor safely in the first game at Ironwood's expense. The big Bay Blues have put in a week of solid practice; harmony rules supreme in the outfit and the players can be counted to go in there Sunday and battle their hardest for victory. The squad is in good physical shape...STAGE ALL SET: For weeks the management has been making ready for this opening game and every preparation has been made to launch the football season in a blaze of glory. Bellevue park has been turned into a splendid football field and there will be plenty of seats for everybody. The capacity of the park has been increased to slightly over 4,000. Patrons of the game will find the seating arrangement unchanged. Sections A and B are on the east side of the field, while sections C, D, E and F are located on the west side. There is nearly 2,000 general admission seats in the park. The gates to the park will be opened at 2:30 sharp. Periods of 13 minute 


duration will probably be played. Jimmy Coffeen is the referee, Murph White is slated for umpire, while Coach Wiley of East High is to be head linesman.


SEPT 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Sunday afternoon at Bellevue park, the Packers, Green Bay's well known football eleven, opens its 1924 season against the Legion team of Ironwood, Mich. As in past seasons, all of the features of the opening game will be on hand. Green Bay is proud of its Packers. The team has improved each year until now it is ranked as one of the best in the country. The Packers of 1924 give every indication of being the greatest team that has ever represented Green Bay on the professional football field. This year the management has gone to considerable expense to place an exceptional eleven on the gridiron. Players of national reputation have been secured. The stars of last year's team are again in uniform and every move has been made to give Green Bay a football aggregation that will be second to none in the National league. Around the pro league wheel, Green Bay has a reputation of backing her Packers like Princeton does its Tigers. This year is is absolutely necessary that the football followers of not only Green Bay, but Northeastern Wisconsin as well, back the team to the limit. It would be a great thing for Green Bay if the Packers won the national championship. The chances are better than ever this year and it is up to the football fans to remain loyal to the Packers, win or lose. One thing is sure, Captain Lambeau's team will be in there every minute giving their "all" to place Green Bay on the national football map in the biggest letters possible.



DEC 3 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The curtain has been pulled down on the Packers' football season. The players have been paid off and the uniforms checked in. Not until long about September 1 next year will the thud of the pigskin again be heard by the pro gridders in this neck of the woods. The board of directors of the Green Bay Football corporation will meet within the next week or so and a financial report for the season will be drawn up. From present indications, it will be a favorable one. Considering the heavy schedule, the Packers went through a very successful season. There wasn't a setup game on the entire outline. The Bays got off to a flying start as they knocked off Ironwood in the opener and then took a fall out of the Chicago Bears...FIVE AT HOME VICTORIES: Following the Bear game, the Packers went on the road and suffered two defeats at the hands of Duluth and the Chicago Cardinals. Then the Big Bay Blues came home and chalked up five victories in a row, whipping Kansas City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Racine and Duluth. The team ended the season by breaking even on four out of town games, winning from Milwaukee and Kansas City but losing to the Chicago Bears and Racine Legion. The Packers retain the Badger state championship as in the Wisconsin race they won three games and lost one for a percentage of .750 while Racine won two and lost one. The Legion percentage is .667. The exit of the players will soon be underway. Voss and Hendrian are to return to Detroit. Rosatti plans a visit home in Upper Michigan. It is possible that Jug Earp, who lives in Monmouth, and Dick O'Donnell of Duluth may locate here...MURRAY IN MARINETTE: Wally Neimann lives in Menominee and Jabber Murray in Marinette. Cub Buck is a Neenah resident while Basing hangs his hat in Appleton. Moose Gardner is back in Ashland, Wis,. while Lewellen is practicing law in this city. Lambeau, Mathys, Woodin and Hearden are residents of Green Bay. Although the 1925 season is a long way off, the management won't be caught asleep at the switch and, before long, lines will be dropped for some college stars who will strengthen the Packers of 1925.


DEC 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A game that will have considerable bearing on national pro honors will be staged at Chicago on Sunday when the Cleveland Bulldogs rub noses with the Bruins. It should be some exhibition of football...Early in the season, the Bulldogs nosed out a 16 to 14 win over the Halasmen in Cleveland. The Bears haven't lost a game since this reversal. If the Chicagoans are successful, they will move into first place...The Philadelphia Yellowjackets are hot on the heels of the two leaders and it is probable that the Quakers will tackle the winners of the Chicago-Cleveland encounter. The Phillies have won eleven 


league games this season...Canton is still strong for professional football. This was evidenced on Thanksgiving day when 12,000 fans turned out to see their old team, the Bulldogs, walk over the Milwaukee Badgers to the tune of 53 to 10...Kansas City had called quits for the season. The backers of the Kaws found the postgraduate game an expensive luxury and they lost a pile of money but they are coming back stronger than ever next year, it is said...The Rock Island team will probably do some barnstorming. Jim Thorpe has taken over the outfit for the postseason games and he is negotiating some conflicts on eastern grids. The Islanders are a mighty good attraction...In the game against Kansas City, the Green Bay Packers uncorked five successive forward passes for 60 yards and a touchdown. Then the Badger champs topped it off by passing for the extra point after score...Chris O'Brien, manager of the Chicago Cardinals, has put the moleskins into mothballs for the year. The Chicago South Siders found the going sort of tough this season and the attendance figures wilted way down...After a long string of defeats, Akron got back in into the victory column by walking over Buffalo, 22 to 0. Brenkhert and Butler scored the touchdowns while Curley Cramer boosted the score with a clean cut field goal...Joe Sternaman, the Bears' quarterback, has established a record as a bootsmith. In every league game the Bruins have played, Sternaman had counted either after touchdowns or of the field goal variety...Red Dunn of the Milwaukee Badgers carried off his share of glory while the Cream City club was in the east. This is the former Marquette star's first year in the postgraduate game but he sure is going good...The weatherman hasn't been any too kind to the pro moguls this fall and it has been necessary to postpone many games. Last Sunday, the early arrival of winter hit the club owners mighty hard in Ohio...Johnny Mohardt forward passed the Racine Legion to a 7 to 0 victory over the Green Bay Packers. Mohardt looked like his old self when he was starring for Notre Dame. Romney made the only touchdown of the game...The Dayton Triangles skidded down a notch in the pro league standings as a result of two successive upsets at the hands of the Philadelphia club. The scores of the game were onesided, 45 to 7 and 32 to 7....Buffalo's championship hopes sort of went aglimmering in the last two games as Milwaukee tripped the Badgers, 23 to 0, and then Akron rode through to a well deserved victory by the count of 22 to 0...Wooky Roberts is performing in splendid style for the Cleveland Bulldogs at quarterback. Roberts has been playing the pro game for a number of years but he never looked any better than during the present season...Dame Rumor has it that the Providence, R.I. club and the Omaha, Neb. Bees will apply for franchise rights in the pro wheel next season. The Providence squad has beaten a number of the league teams this fall...Doc Lambert, the referee, did a lot of traveling this past weekend. He worked a game in Ohio on Turkey Day, umpired the Central-Alabama fracas at Danville, Ky., last Saturday and then jumped to Racine, Wis. for Sunday...Bub Weller, former Nebraska All-American tackle, who is playing with Milwaukee, has fistic aspirations. There is some talk of the big fellow trying his hand as a ring mauler after the curtain is down on the gridiron season...Thomas, the Yellowjackets' right end, has played consistent football all year. He is a brilliant receiver of the forward pass and a good open field runner. The Quaker is one of the best defensive wingmen in the pro wheel.


DEC 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Professional baseball has its sensational windup almost every year, with a final spurt for pennant honors. Due to the great strides made in professional football, this year finds two teams battling for first place in the National Professional Football league. These elevens are the Chicago Bears and the Cleveland Bulldogs. They clash Sunday afternoon at Cubs park, Chicago, in what is expected to be the final pro gridiron contest in the Middle West this season. Whoever wins Sunday's game has a clean title to the championship honors in the postgraduate league. The Bears and the Bulldogs are two of the strongest pro league elevens ever organized, their lines and backfields being studded with All-Americans and men who have scintillated since they threw a lot in with the professionals. So great is the interest here over this contest that it has been decided to give a play by play account of the game at Turner hall Sunday afternoon. Every detail of the championship battle will be given to football fans at Turner hall. Every time a yard is made through the Bear line gridiron followers here will know about it. The Bears lost a game to the Packers here this season, but two weeks ago turned the tables and defeated the Green Bay team by a 3 to 0 score. If the Packers had defeated the Bears in their last game, the Green Bay team would probably have been contesting championship honors with the Clevelanders. As it is the game tomorrow will give Green Bay fans an opportunity to find out how the Packers would have fare with the Ohio eleven. The Cleveland Bulldogs have not been seen in Green Bay, but their fame has spread here due to their great playing. Elliott, Robb, Noble and Griggs perform in the backfield for the Ohioans. These men were said to be the "Four Horsemen" of football and have not encountered a line they could not smash. The Bears have Joe and Ed Sternaman,


Walquist, Knop, La Fleur, Lanum and Bryan, all former college stars, to do their ball carrying. The Chicago line is perhaps the strongest in the country and there is much speculation here as to what success the crack Bulldog backfield will have against it Sunday.



DEC 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Chicago Bears administered a stinging 23 to 0 defeat to the Cleveland Bulldogs. Chamberlain's crew simply count not get going and they went down grade fast in the fourth quarter when the Bruins ran wild...Walter Camp, dean of collegiate football, was an interested spectator at the Bear-Bulldog game. Sir Walter admitted that it was a great exhibition of pigskin chasing, adding that the brilliant offense rather surprised him...Playing without Thorpe and Guyon, the Indian stars, the Rock Island Independents scored a victory over the Clinton, Ia., Independents to the tune of 13 to 0. Belding, former Iowa ace, played against the Islanders...The Philadelphia Yellowjackets won a hard earned victory from the Shenandoah, Pa., eleven to the tune of 21 to 6. The Quakers had to travel at top speed all the time as the Miners were loaded for bear...Tillie Voss, who played end for the Packers, is going to don the basketball togs shortly. Voss will probably perform again with the Fort Wayne K.C. quintet. He is rated as a star on the pro caging circuit...Racine takes its postgraduate football with a civic spirit. Over 200 business leaders sat down to


a banquet with the Legion football players. Captain Romney and several other gridders scores as speechmakers...Levi, the giant fullback from Haskell institute, is being flooded with offers from pro football moguls. The Redskin tips the beam at over 200 pounds and he hits the line like a bullet. Levi is a star at forward passing...Kendrick, the Texan playing with the Bears, enjoyed the Bulldog rout very much. Last year, Kendrick was released by Chamberlain while at Canton. Last Sunday, he got revenge by scoring against his old teammate...Dame Rumor has it that there may be a change in the ownership of the Milwaukee club next year. It is said that some of the old home folks in Milwaukee want to buy the club from Alonzo McGurk, who is a Chicagoan...Reports from Notre Dame have it that the "Four Horsemen" will not play pro football together. From this it would seem that several of the players may be seen on the postgraduate grid. Any one of them would be an attraction...This is the time of the year that the moguls begin figuring up their profits and losses. If it hadn't been for several months bad breaks in the weather, the majority of the clubs would have, at least, come through about even...Chris O'Brien is looking around for new blood in his Cardinal eleven and it is understood that there will be a thorough housecleaning before it is time to start another season of professional football...Johnny Mohardt experienced his best season of postgraduate football with the Racine Legion. The old Notre Dame gridder passed superbly besides making good use of his speed on sweeping rungs around the ends...The Duluth team, which finished among the leaders in the pro league race, plainly showed that All-Americans are not necessary for a winner. What's more over half of the Duluthians were sandlot gridders...The battle for the cellar championship was fairly even between Rochester, Minneapolis and Kenosha. The Kodak City won the "honors" as they lost seven. The Marines six and Kenosha five, knotting one...Eddie Anderson have a good account of himself in the East-West football fray played in Cleveland last Saturday for the benefit of the stadium fund. Eddie grabbed several passes and proved to be a defensive demon...A lot of credit for Philadelphia's great scoring machine goes to quarterback Dawes who handled the team in rapid fire style. Dawes frequently barked signals before the players were out of the scrimmage...Little Twig, the Indian end for Rock Island, has proven to be the one of the sensations of the pro league season. The Redskins is mighty fast on his feet and he tackles savagely. He handles passes in "Rockne" style...Although Akron didn't have a very successful year in pro football, there were several mighty good players on the team and Stallman was one of them. He played a consistent game at tackle in nearly every game...Kinderdine, the Dayton center, gathered new laurels as a pigskin chaser during the past fall. His work as a snapperback could not be improved upon while on the defense he was in the midst of every tumble.


DEC 19 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Three Green Bay Packers were honored with places on the All-American pro football selections. Voss earned a berth on the first team at end; Captain Curley Lambeau was placed at halfback on the second eleven while Howard "Cub" Buck won a home on the third aggregation at right tackle.

Anchor 2


FRANCHISES FOLDING: Canton Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians, Louisville Brecks, Marion Oorang Indians, St. Louis All-Stars, Toledo Maroons FRANCHISES JOINING: Cleveland Bulldogs, Frankford Yellow Jackets, Kansas City Blues, Kenosha Maroons FRANCHISES CHANGING NAMES: Buffalo All-Americans changed to the Buffalo Bisons


FRANKFORD 21, Rochester 0


ROCK ISLAND 0, Chicago Bears 0 (T)  DULUTH 6, Green Bay 3

RACINE 10, Hammond 0                CHICAGO CARDS 17, Milwaukee 7

Duluth         1  0 0 1.000   6   3 Kenosha        0  0 0  .000   0   0

Chi. Cards     1  0 0 1.000  17   7 Akron          0  0 0  .000   0   0

Frankford      1  0 0 1.000  21   0 Dayton         0  0 0  .000   0   0

Racine         1  0 0 1.000  10   0 Rock Island    0  0 1  .000   0   0

Cleveland      0  0 0  .000   0   0 Chi. Bears     0  0 1  .000   0   0

Columbus       0  0 0  .000   0   0 Milwaukee      0  1 0  .000   7  17

Buffalo        0  0 0  .000   0   0 GREEN BAY      0  1 0  .000   3   6

Minneapolis    0  0 0  .000   0   0 Rochester      0  1 0  .000   0  21

Kansas City    0  0 0  .000   0   0 Hammond        0  1 0  .000   0  10


FRANKFORD 31, Kenosha 6


DAYTON 19, Frankford 7              Akron 3, ROCHESTER 0

CHICAGO CARDS 3, Green Bay 0        BUFFALO 13, Columbus 0

MILWAUKEE 3, Kansas City 0          Duluth 3, MINNEAPOLIS 0

ROCK ISLAND 9, Racine 0             CLEVELAND 16, Chicago Bears 14

Duluth         2  0 0 1.000   9   3 Milwaukee      1  1 0  .500  10  17

Chi. Cards     2  0 0 1.000  20   7 Columbus       0  1 0  .000   0  13

Cleveland      1  0 0 1.000  16  14 Minneapolis    0  1 0  .000   0   3

Buffalo        1  0 0 1.000  13   0 Kenosha        0  1 0  .000   6  31

Akron          1  0 0 1.000   3   0 Kansas City    0  1 0  .000   0   3

Dayton         1  0 0 1.000  19   7 Hammond        0  1 0  .000   0  10

Rock Island    1  0 1 1.000   9   0 Chi. Bears     0  1 1  .000  14  16

Frankford      2  1 0  .667  59  25 GREEN BAY      0  2 0  .000   3   9

Racine         1  1 0  .500  10   9 Rochester      0  2 0  .000   0  24


FRANKFORD 3, Cleveland 3 (T)


DAYTON 7, Buffalo 0

CLEVELAND 29, Akron 14

GREEN BAY 16, Kansas City 0

Columbus 15, ROCHESTER 7

MILWAUKEE 21, Kenosha 0

ROCK ISLAND 26, Hammond 0

CHICAGO CARDS 13, Minneapolis 0

CHICAGO BEARS 10, Racine 10 (T)

Chi. Cards     3  0 0 1.000  33   7 Akron          1  1 0  .500  17  29

Duluth         2  0 0 1.000   9   3 Racine         1  1 1  .500  20  19

Dayton         2  0 0 1.000  26   7 GREEN BAY      1  2 0  .333  19   9

Rock Island    2  0 1 1.000  35   0 Chi. Bears     0  1 2  .000  24  26

Cleveland      2  0 1 1.000  48  31 Kenosha        0  2 0  .000   6  52

Milwaukee      2  1 0  .667  31  17 Minneapolis    0  2 0  .000   0  16

Frankford      2  1 1  .667  62  28 Kansas City    0  2 0  .000   0  19

Columbus       1  1 0  .500  15  20 Hammond        0  2 0  .000   0  36

Buffalo        1  1 0  .500  13   7 Rochester      0  3 0  .000   7  39


FRANKFORD 23, Columbus 7            RACINE 13, Kansas City 3

CHICAGO BEARS 6, Chicago Cards 0


GREEN BAY 17, Milwaukee 0           ROCK ISLAND 20, Dayton 0

BUFFALO 26, Rochester 0             KENOSHA 6, Hammond 6 (T)

Rock Island    3  0 1 1.000  55   0 Milwaukee      2  2 0  .500  31  34

Duluth         2  0 0 1.000   9   3 Akron          1  1 0  .500  17  29

Cleveland      2  0 1 1.000  48  31 Chi. Bears     1  1 2  .500  30  26

Chi. Cards     3  1 0  .750  33  13 Columbus       1  2 0  .333  22  43

Frankford      3  1 1  .750  85  35 Minneapolis    0  2 0  .000   0  16

Buffalo        2  1 0  .667  39   7 Kenosha        0  2 1  .000  12  58

Dayton         2  1 0  .667  26  27 Hammond        0  2 1  .000   6  42

Racine         2  1 1  .667  33  22 Kansas City    0  3 0  .000   3  32

GREEN BAY      2  2 0  .500  36   9 Rochester      0  4 0  .000   7  65


CHICAGO BEARS 33, Frankford 3       BUFFALO 17, Akron 13

Hammond 6, CHICAGO CARDS 3          Columbus 17, DAYTON 6

GREEN BAY 19, Minneapolis 0         DULUTH 32, Kenosha 0

CLEVELAND 59, Rochester 0           Racine 10, MILWAUKEE 0

KANSAS CITY 23, Rock Island 7

Duluth         3  0 0 1.000  41   3 Columbus       2  2 0  .500  39  49

Cleveland      3  0 1 1.000 107  31 Dayton         2  2 0  .500  32  44

Buffalo        3  1 0  .750  56  20 Milwaukee      2  3 0  .400  31  44

Rock Island    3  1 1  .750  62  23 Akron          1  2 0  .333  30  46

Racine         3  1 1  .750  43  22 Hammond        1  2 1  .333  12  45

Chi. Bears     2  1 2  .667  63  29 Kansas City    1  3 0  .250  26  39

Chi. Cards     3  2 0  .600  36  19 Minneapolis    0  3 0  .000   0  35

GREEN BAY      3  2 0  .600  55   9 Kenosha        0  3 1  .000  12  90

Frankford      3  2 1  .600  88  68 Rochester      0  5 0  .000   7 124


FRANKFORD 23, Akron 0


Frankford 24, BUFFALO 0             COLUMBUS 30, Akron 0

Hammond 6, KANSAS CITY 0            CLEVELAND 35, Dayton 0

Milwaukee 17, CHICAGO CARDS 8       Duluth 6, MINNEAPOLIS 0

GREEN BAY 6, Racine 3               CHICAGO BEARS 3, Rock Island 3 (T)

Duluth         4  0 0 1.000  47   3 Chi. Cards     3  3 0  .500  44  36

Cleveland      4  0 1 1.000 142  31 Milwaukee      3  3 0  .500  48  52

Rock Island    3  1 2  .750  65  26 Hammond        2  2 1  .500  18  45

Frankford      5  2 1  .714 135  68 Dayton         2  3 0  .400  32  79

GREEN BAY      4  2 0  .667  61  12 Akron          1  4 0  .200  30  99

Chi. Bears     2  1 3  .667  66  32 Kansas City    1  4 0  .200  26  45

Buffalo        3  2 0  .600  56  44 Kenosha        0  3 1  .000  12  90

Columbus       3  2 0  .600  69  49 Minneapolis    0  4 0  .000   0  41

Racine         3  2 1  .600  46  28 Rochester      0  5 0  .000   7 124


FRANKFORD 42, Kansas City 7


CHICAGO CARDS 23, Dayton 0          Cleveland 20, AKRON 7

BUFFALO 27, Kenosha 0               CHICAGO BEARS 12, Columbus 6

MILWAUKEE 28, Minneapolis 7         GREEN BAY 13, Duluth 0

Rock Island 6, RACINE 3

Cleveland      5  0 1 1.000 162  38 Columbus       3  3 0  .500  75  61

Duluth         4  1 0  .800  47  16 Racine         3  3 1  .500  49  34

Rock Island    4  1 2  .800  71  29 Hammond        2  2 1  .500  18  45

Frankford      6  2 1  .750 177  75 Dayton         2  4 0  .333  32 102

Chi. Bears     3  1 3  .750  78  48 Akron          1  5 0  .167  37 119

GREEN BAY      5  2 0  .714  74  12 Kansas City    1  5 0  .167  33  87

Buffalo        4  2 0  .667  83  44 Kenosha        0  4 1  .000  12 117

Chi. Cards     4  3 0  .571  67  36 Minneapolis    0  5 0  .000   7  69

Milwaukee      4  3 0  .571  76  59 Rochester      0  5 0  .000   7 124


1924 Carl Storck Signed Letters to Oorang Indians Owner Walter Lingo

Source: Heritage Auctions


1924 Chicago Bears vs. Cleveland Bulldogs Program - Most Historic Program from the '24 Season!

In one of the more controversial seasons in NFL history, the Cleveland Bulldogs were named league champions after a 7-1-1 record in 1924. The Chicago Bears finished in second place with a record of 6-1-4, and the two teams faced each other in an exhibition game on December 7. The Bears defeated Cleveland by a score of 23-0, which technically gave them a better record, but the owners stuck to their guns and ruled that the Bulldogs would remains champs, as that game was only an exhibition contest. Presented here is a truly historic game program from that monumental December 7 meeting at Cubs Park (Wrigley). (Source: Heritage Auctions)


FRANKFORD 21, Milwaukee 6           Buffalo 16, ROCHESTER 0


Duluth 9, ROCK ISLAND 0             CLEVELAND 7, Columbus 0

Milwaukee 23, BUFFALO 0             CHICAGO BEARS 3, Green Bay 0

CHICAGO CARDS 10, Racine 10 (T)

Cleveland      6  1 1  .857 176  50 Racine         3  3 3  .500  62  47

Duluth         5  1 0  .833  56  16 Hammond        2  2 1  .500  18  45

Frankford      9  2 1  .818 249  95 Milwaukee      5  6 0  .455 118 104

Chi. Bears     4  1 4  .800  84  51 Dayton         2  5 0  .286  38 116

Rock Island    5  2 2  .714  88  38 Kansas City    2  6 0  .250  40 107

GREEN BAY      6  3 0  .667  91  25 Akron          1  6 0  .143  37 132

Buffalo        6  3 0  .667 113  73 Kenosha        0  4 1  .000  12 117

Chi. Cards     5  3 1  .625  90  46 Minneapolis    0  6 0  .000  14 108

Columbus       4  4 0  .500  91  68 Rochester      0  7 0  .000   7 156


KANSAS CITY 7, Milwaukee 3


FRANKFORD 39, Minneapolis 7


BUFFALO 14, Dayton 6                CHICAGO CARDS 13, Akron 0

Frankford 12, CLEVELAND 7           ROCK ISLAND 17, Kansas City 0

Green Bay 17, MILWAUKEE 10          CHICAGO BEARS 3, Racine 3 (T)

COLUMBUS 16, Rochester 0

Cleveland      5  1 1  .833 169  50 Racine         3  3 2  .500  52  37

Rock Island    5  1 2  .833  88  29 Hammond        2  2 1  .500  18  45

Frankford      8  2 1  .800 228  89 Milwaukee      4  5 0  .444  89  83

Duluth         4  1 0  .800  47  16 Dayton         2  5 0  .286  38 116

GREEN BAY      6  2 0  .750  91  22 Kansas City    2  6 0  .250  40 107

Chi. Bears     3  1 4  .750  81  51 Akron          1  6 0  .143  37 132

Buffalo        5  2 0  .714  97  50 Kenosha        0  4 1  .000  12 117

Chi. Cards     5  3 0  .625  80  36 Minneapolis    0  6 0  .000  14 108

Columbus       4  3 0  .571  91  61 Rochester      0  6 0  .000   7 140


Green Bay 17, KANSAS CITY 6        FRANKFORD 32, Dayton 7

Chicago Bears 21, CHICAGO CARDS 0  CLEVELAND 53, Milwaukee 10

AKRON 22, Buffalo 0


FRANKFORD 45, Buffalo 7


RACINE 7, Green Bay 0               CHICAGO BEARS 31, Milwaukee 14

Cleveland      7  1 1  .875 229  60 Columbus       4  4 0  .500  91  68

Chi. Bears     6  1 4  .857 136  55 Hammond        2  2 1  .500  18  45

Frankford     11  2 1  .846 326 109 Milwaukee      5  8 0  .385 142 188

Duluth         5  1 0  .833  56  16 Dayton         2  6 0  .250  45 148

Rock Island    5  2 2  .714  88  38 Akron          2  6 0  .250  59 132

GREEN BAY      7  4 0  .636 108  38 Kansas City    2  7 0  .222  46 124

Racine         4  3 3  .571  69  47 Kenosha        0  4 1  .000  12 117

Chi. Cards     5  4 1  .556  90  67 Minneapolis    0  6 0  .000  14 108

Buffalo        6  5 0  .545 120 140 Rochester      0  7 0  .000   7 156

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