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The 1928 Green Bay Packers - 6-4-3 (4TH)

Head Coach: Curly Lambeau



16 MINNEAPOLIS MARINES                   W 19- 0    1- 0-0     5,000



23 FRANKFORD YELLOWJACKETS (0-0-0)       L  9-19    0- 1-0     6,500

30 CHICAGO BEARS (1-0-0)                 T 12-12    0- 1-1     8,500


7  NEW YORK GIANTS (1-0-0)               L  0- 6    0- 2-1     7,000

14 CHICAGO CARDINALS (1-1-0)             W 20- 0    1- 2-1     4,200

21 at Chicago Bears (2-0-1)              W 16- 6    2- 2-1    15,000

28 DAYTON TRIANGLES (0-4-0)              W 17- 0     3- 2-1    3,100

NOVEMBER (2-2-1)

4  POTTSVILLE MAROONS (1-2-0)            W 26-14     4- 2-1    5,000

11 NEW YORK YANKEES (1-6-0)              T  0- 0     4- 2-2    5,000

18 at New York Giants (4-2-1)            W  7- 0     5- 2-2   12,000

25 at Pottsville Maroons (1-7-0)         L  0-26     5- 3-2    1,600

29 at Frankford Yellowjackets (8-2-2)    L  0- 2     5- 4-2    8,000

DECEMBER (1-0-1)

2  at Providence Steam Roller (8-1-1)    T  7- 7     5- 4-3    9,000

9  at Chicago Bears (7-3-1)              W  6- 0     6- 4-3   14,000


The Packers beat the Bears twice in Chicago, but struggle against the rest of the league and end up with an unrewarding 6-4-3 record.



A.B. Turnbull’s actions, 1922-23 - When rain threatened to keep fans away and bankrupt the Packers, Turnbull told Lambeau and George Calhoun to play their games and that he’d bail them out of debt. Turnbull then organized local investors, turned team into non-profit organization in 1923, and raised $1,000 in team’s first stock drive. Decision to play games in Milwaukee, 1933 - Allowed Packers to tap larger market. As a result, the Packers now have one of the largest territories in sports (the NFL has traditionally given teams only 75-mile radius). By playing in both Green Bay and Milwaukee (1939-94), Packers thwarted any efforts to establish another pro football team there. Court decision to appoint receiver, 1935 - After fan who fell from City Stadium bleachers sued Packers, team petitioned for friendly receiver, while litigation ran its course. Henry Graass, circuit court judge and Packers fan, appointed local accountant Frank Jonet as receiver. Despite Great Depression, Packers prospered during receivership (1934-37), thanks in part to growing popularity of NFL. Second stock drive, 1935 - President Lee Joannes raises $15,000 in “Save the Packers” stock drive, getting donations from firefighters, policemen, high-school students, housewives, civic leaders and other citizens. Joe Carr’s sending Don Hutson to Green Bay, 1935 - College star signed two contracts, including one with Brooklyn football Dodgers. League President Joe Carr awarded Hutson to Packers because team’s contract was postmarked earlier. Hutson, pivotal in timely 1936 world championship and greatest player in Green Bay history, helped team to climb out of court receivership. NFL’s installation of college draft, 1936 - Kept small-market teams such as Packers competitive with big-city teams. Lee Joannes donation, 1937 - Packers president paid $6,000 to settle case of fan who fell from stands in 1934, then convinced court to end receivership period. Decision to invest in war bonds, 1940s - Money in reserve carried team despite losses of at least $25,000 in 1943 alone, as World War II depleted rosters. Intrasquad game, Thanksgiving 1949 - Packers brought old-timers back, drawing 15,000 fans and earning $50,000. Third stock drive, 1950 - After Lambeau’s departure, team raised nearly $118,000. Bert Bell’s push for league-wide TV package, 1950s - With help from Congress, commissioner laid groundwork for CBS-TV deal that allowed all teams, large market and small market, to share revenue, eventually in place by the 1961 season. In 1966, Pete Rozelle signed first NFL TV package, with CBS and NBC, giving Packers more than $1 million (which allowed Vince Lombardi to sign Donny Anderson to the team’s first long-term contract). (SOURCE: Packer Media Guide)

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G  YRS HT    WT

Roger Ashmore     T       Gonzaga  13    1 6- 1 212

Bullet Baker      B           USC  12    1 6- 0 177

James Bowdoin     G       Alabama  11    1 6- 2 220

Tiny Cahoon       T       Gonzaga  10    3 6- 2 235

Boob Darling      C        Beloit   7    2 6- 3 216

Lavvie Dilweg     E     Marquette  12    2 6- 3 202

Red Dunn          B     Marquette  12    2 6- 0 178

Jug Earp          T      Monmouth  13    7 6- 1 235

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G  YRS HT    WT

Harold Griffen    C          Iowa   5    1 5- 9 238

Thomas Hearden    B    Notre Dame   1    2 5- 9 175

Bruce Jones       G       Alabama  13    2 6- 0 165

Eddie Kotal       B      Lawrence  12    4 5-10 165

Curly Lambeau     B    Notre Dame   8    8 6- 0 190

Verne Lewellen    B      Nebraska  13    5 6- 2 181

John Lollar       B       Samford   3    1 6- 0 200

Larry Marks       B       Indiana  11    1 5-11 185

PLAYER          POS       COLLEGE   G  YRS HT    WT

Paul Minick       G          Iowa        1 5-11 210

Bo Molenda        B      Michigan   4    1 5-11 208

Tom Nash          E       Georgia   8    1 6- 3 210

Harry O'Boyle     B    Notre Dame  11    1 5-10 196

Dick O'Donnell    E     Minnesota  13    5 5-10 196

Claude Perry      T       Alabama  13    2 6- 1 211

Howard Webber     E     Kansas St   3    1 6- 0 185

Whitey Woodin     G     Marquette  10    7 5-11 206

Anchor 1




(Courtesy of


JAN 11 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Martin Norton, 25, former Packer football player, pleaded guilty yesterday before Judge Henry Graass to a charge of obtaining money while posing as a magazine salesman in Florence County. He made his plea at Green Bay to avoid waiting for the next term of court in the northern county. Since the costs were nearly $200, Judge Graass imposed a fine of $1 and costs, and in addition directed Norton to make full restitution. Norton played here two years ago, and sought a berth last year, but could not be accepted because he was under suspension. He had motored through the northern part of the state, victimizing school teachers in Marinette, Forest and Florence counties by posing as a canvasser for educational publications, it is said. He admitted in court that he intended to keep the money he obtained. He was arrested and, as he was bring brought back to Florence county for trial, requested to be allowed to drive his own car so that he might have it. The request was granted. Norton suddenly made a sharp turn up a side road, abandoned the car and escaped. He was later arrested in Minneapolis and waived extradition. 


FEB 4 (Columbus, OH) - President Joe F. Carr of the NFL has issued a call for the annual winter meeting of gridiron moguls which will be held in Cleveland Feb. 11 and 12. At this meeting the championship will be officially awarded to the New York Giants, who went through the season with but one defeat. The Green Bay Packers placed second. According to President Carr, there is a lot of routine business to be transacted. It is understood that several cities are seeking admission to the league and these requests will be placed in the hands of the executive committee for further action. Representatives of the following clubs will sit in at the meeting: Buffalo Bisons, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cardinals, Cleveland Bulldogs, Duluth Eskimos, Dayton Triangles, Green Bay Packers, New York Giants, New York Yankees, Frankford Yellowjackets, Pottsville Maroons and Providence Steam Rollers.


FEB 10 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A.B. Turnbull, retiring president of the Green Bay Football corporation, and Capt. Curley Lambeau of the Packer are en route to Cleveland, O., where the annual winter session of the NFL will be held on Saturday and Sunday. The pro gridders are meeting at the Statler hotel. Mr. Turnbull is attending this meeting as his last act in office. He has several claims handing fire against the Buffalo, Chicago Cardinals and New York Giant clubs which he wants to clear away before turning over the reins of the presidency. It is probable that shortly after the Packer envoys return from the Cleveland session, the football corporation's board of directions will meet to pass on the financial report and elect officers for the coming year. Routine business holds the stage at the Cleveland gathering, which will be presided over by Joe F. Carr, president of the NFL. The championship will be officially awarded to the New York Giants. Financial affairs of the 1927 season will be ironed out and applications for franchises discussed before being placed in the hands of the executive committee, which is composed of Joe F. Carr, Columbus; John Dunn, Minneapolis; Carl Storck, Dayton; H.S. Royle, Frankford, and James E. Dooley, Providence. Representatives from a dozen clubs are expected to sit in at the conference.


FEB 11 (Cleveland) - The powers that be in the world of professional football are holding skull sessions at the Statler hotel over the weekend. President Joe Carr of the NFL tooted his whistle this morning and aside from several intermissions, the dollar and cents gridiron knights will continue in conference until late on Sunday. As the moguls gathered early this morning, the executive committee went into session to handle the claims and counterclaims which cropped out during the 1927 season. Routine business will be transacted and the 1927 pennant officially awarded to the New York Giants who went through the season with but one defeat. The Packers of Green Bay, Wis., finished in second place. There is some talk about abolishing the traveling teams. Last year, the Dayton Triangles and Duluth Eskimos were on the road practically the whole season and it proved too much for the home clubs to carry in a financial way. There is some trade talk brewing as the Chicago Bears and Pottsville Maroons have publicly announced a housecleaning. It is understood that the Frankford Yellowjackets have made a bid to Providence for the services of Jimmy Conzelman. Dame Rumor has it that Guy Chamberlin will not be with the Chicago Cardinals again this fall. Among the early arrivals this morning were George Halas and Dutch Sternaman of the Chicago Bears; Chris O'Brien of the Chicago Cardinals; A.B. Turnbull and E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers and Judge Dooley and Charley Coppins of the Providence Steamrollers.


FEB 13 (Cleveland) - Harmony ruled supreme at the annual mid-winter business meeting of the NFL and, with a few discussions on the calendar, President Joe F. Carr speeded the confab along so briskly that it was all over "but the shouting" late Saturday night. A few of the moguls stuck around here Sunday to talk trades but the majority of the delegates headed homeward as quick as train connections could be made. There was a 100 percent attendance at the meeting as each one of the dozen clubs were represented at the gathering. It was the prevailing opinion that professional football made good strides last fall despite inclement weather conditions which raised havoc with several big gates, like the New York Giant-Yankee series early in December. The New York Giants were officially awarded the 1927 pennant and gold footballs will be given the team members. Dr. March, secretary of the Giant club, let it be known that his organization was going after another flag this fall. According to Dr. March, Bruce Caldwell, the famous Yale backfielder, has practically accepted terms with the Giants. However, the contract is not signed as the league rules prevent any tinkering with collegians until after their respective class graduates. It was made known at the meeting that several of the clubs are camping close on the heels of Drury, Pacific coast all-American star, and Herb Joesting, the bone crushing fullback from Minnesota. It is a fairly safe bet that both of these stars will perform on the postgraduate gridiron this fall. The football rules for 1928 were discussed. Several of the team representatives suggested that the goal posts be moved up again to the goal line. Action on this suggestion, however, was put over until the schedule meeting which will be held in the latter part of July in

Providence, R.I. A resolution mourning the untimely death of Robert "Fob" Folwell was adopted at the meeting. Several years ago, the former Pennsylvania star and coach was in charge of the New York Giants club.


FEB 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The NFL games during 1927 attracted about a half million persons, according to the report of President Joe F. Carr, which was read at the league meeting in Cleveland last Saturday. Furthermore, the executive's statement showed that the league in '27 with twelve teams drew more paid admissions than in 1926 when there were some 22 spokes in the wheel. This information showing the progress of postgraduate football was brought back to Green Bay by A.B. Turnbull and Capt. Curley Lambeau, who attended the meeting as representatives of the Green Bay Football corporation. "There is little to be said about the meeting," stated Mr. Turnbull, "as we speeded through our routine business to complete our conference in one day."...MADE GOOD PROGRESS: "It seemed to be the general opinion that the National league made substantial progress last fall. Reports by President Carr, Columbus, and Secretary Carl Storck, Dayton, revealed the fact that the attendance  figures slanted upwards. Paid admission at the league games last fall ran into half million figures and this was considerably more than in other years. It plainly showed that for 'business getting' at the gate, a well functioning twelve club circuit was much better than the 22-team league of former seasons. Every one of the club delegates were looking forward to the 1928 season in an optimistic vein. There were no signs at the Cleveland meeting of one of the teams withdrawing. Dewey Scanlon, the Duluth manager, said his team positively would be in the league again and what's more Ernie Nevers would be in uniform despite other rumors that he had accepted a coaching job on the Pacific coast."...MINNEAPOLIS AND JOESTING: "There was some talk about Minneapolis coming back into the circuit. In this connection, the name of Herb Joesting was mentioned frequently, but there was no official comment on the report. The Buffalo situation was tabled until the July meeting in Providence, R.I. At that time, if the Bison City management doesn't see fit to carry on, the franchise will be awarded to some other city." Both Mr. Turnbull and Capt. Lambeau were the target for frequent compliments about the ability of the Packers and, although no dates were booked, the groundwork was laid for several good games again this fall. As usual, Dr. March, secretary of the New York Giants, promised Green Bay a game in New York and this year the Packer representatives think he will make good. The Packers will again appear in Frankford on Thanksgiving Day, as the Yellowjacket management rates Green Bay as one of the best drawing cards in the league...PLAYER DEALS ON: Capt. Lambeau did a bit of dickering for players but no deals were closed. However, several good "foundations" were laid and the Packer captain had hopes of landing two gridders before the whistle blows in September.


FEB 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Lew Lewellen and Jug Earpe, two of the Packer football mainstays, are home again after spending the past eleven weeks chasing the cowhide for Charlie Pyle and his New York Yankees. The two Bayites covered plenty of mileage in their post season gridiron jaunts. Lew and Jug left the Packers in Philadelphia and joined the Yankees in Gotham. They played a couple of games against Providence, faced the Yellowjackets again and they battled the New York Giants in two contests...TOURED TO COAST: Following this game, the two Packers hit the trail home. When they got here, a wire was waiting for them from Pyle with instructions to join the Yanks at St. Louis for the tour to the coast. They made a quick getaway and completed connections in the Mound City O.K. The first game on the trip was at Tucson, Ariz. After this exhibition, the Yankees performed in Stockton, Cal. Then they hit the trail for San Francisco and got ready for the winter league. Eight games were played in this circuit which was made up of four teams - the Yankees, Nevers' Eskimos, Cleveland Bulldogs and Wilson Wildcats. The Wildcats carried off the "unofficial" championship. Most of Wilson's players  were coast products and they were right at home in the climatic conditions on the Pacific slope...YANKEES SECOND UP: The Yankees placed close on the heels of the Wildcats and they were followed by Cleveland and Nevers' combination. One of the newspapers in Frisco picked an all star winter league team and Earpe was placed at tackle while Lewellen was given a halfback's job. In speaking of the trip, Lewellen said: "We had a great time and played plenty of football but at that we are mighty glad to get back to the Bay again. The games on the coast drew exceptionally well in Los Angeles but the turnouts at Frisco didn't bring any smiles to the promoters. We received the best of treatment from the Yankee management and both Jug and I have no regrets over making the trip. There was plenty of good football played on the coast but nowhere did we bump into the Green Bay spirit that backs the Packer team."...FRIEDMAN GREAT PASSER: In speaking of he stars in the winter series, Lewellen paid tribute to the "eye hole" passing of Benny Friedman, the line plunging of Nevers, Wildcat Wilson's brilliant flashing at times and the ball lugging of Tyron and Frye, two of his teammates on the Yankee eleven. The Packer backfielder added that the New York Giants was the greatest team he ever played against but qualified this statement with the remark that during the season when the Big Bay Blues were hitting on all eleven he thought "we might have run 'em ragged with our passing attack." Both players are now ready to settle down to the every day grind and wait the time when the whistle blows for the Packers to step into action again this fall.


MAR 24 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another Packer has "come home to roost". Bruce Jones, who turned in a great job at guard last fall for the Big Bay Blues, arrived here last night from dear old "Alabam". Jones will locate here permanently as he has established business connections with a local insurance firm.


APR 14 (Appleton) - Richard (Red) Smith, former football and baseball star of Notre Dame university, left his home here yesterday for Montreal, where he joined that city's International league baseball team. Smith is a catcher...IS PACKER PLAYER: Smith filled a utility role for the Packers last fall. He is one of Knute Rockne's products at Notre Dame. Red captained the South Benders on the diamond in 1927 and then joined the New York Giants. For the past several months he has been taking the physical education course at the University of Wisconsin. Red is the brother of Les Smith, manager of the Kaukauna Fox River Valley league baseball club.


APR 16 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Verne C. Lewellen, who pitches ball for the Green Sox in the summertime and chases the cowhide for the Packers in the fall, has branched out by himself in the law game. Lew has opened an office by himself in the new Cady Land Co. building at Washington and Main-sts. For the past several years the star lawyer athlete has practiced with the firm of Kitell, Jaseph, Young and Everson.


did not mention the players' names.


JUN 4 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Edward "Eddie" Kotal, star halfback with the Green Bay Packers football team, who is playing summer baseball with the Kimberly nine has turned down a job to play professional baseball in the Mississippi Valley league with the Waterloo, Ia., team, it was learned here. Eddie also has refused an offer to play in the Western League because of his position with the Kimberly-Clark Co., at Kimberly. He resides at Appleton. The Kimberly infielder has been playing professional football for the Packers for the past two years. He was a three-sport star at Lawrence college, playing on the football and basketball squads at Lawrence. He also was a sprinter on the Lawrence track team. Eddie has been playing baseball with Waupaca, Princeton and other teams in this section for the past few years. He first played ball as a member of the Chicago Heights championship high school team.


JUN 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Verne C. Lewellen, attorney-at-law, with offices in the Cady Land company building, this morning announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for district attorney in the primary to be held Sept. 4. The new candidate for district attorney is the same "Lew" who has been cheered by thousands of Green Bay people whenever the Packers took the field in the National Professional league in the past four years. The long, lanky individual, whose punting has been the marvel of the age, is also known to the baseball fans who follow the fortunes of the local team. Lewellen graduated from the University of Nebraska law school in 1924. In 1923, he captained the Nebraska football team, and that year became acquainted with Jimmie Crowley and the Famous Four Horsemen of Notre Dame. This was one of the years that Nebraska took Notre Dame into camp. In the fall of 1924, Lewellen came to Green Bay and took up the practice of law with Kittell, Jaseph and Young, and remained with that firm until two months ago when he opened his own office. He was admitted to the Wisconsin bar in 1925. In the meantime he continued to play with the Green Bay Packers each season, and was twice chosen professional All-American halfback. Lewellen is the third candidate for the office of district attorney to announce his entry into the race. E.L. Everson, of the firm of Kittell, Jaseph and Young, is a candidate on the Democratic ticket, and Frank Cornelisen, of Chadek and Cornelisen, is a candidate on the Republican ticket.

JUN 21 (De Pere) - An enlargement of the athletic policy at the West De Pere High school is in prospect for next fall, and an attempt will be made to have every boy participate in one, or another, branch of sport. In order to make this broader program possible, the school commissioners have engaged Ivan W. Calhoon, Green Bay Packers' linesman and athletic director of the Green Bay Columbus club, to assume charge of football, assist in basketball, and teach science at the school. W.A. Heller, athletic coach for the last seven years, will assist Mr. Cahoon in football, and he will be in charge of basketball, while continuing as instructor in the Manual Arts department...TAUGHT IN MONTANA: Mr. Cahoon, who will join the faculty of the West side school, is a graduate of the Baraboo High school and of Gonzaga university, Spokane, Wash. He attended Montana university after finishing high school, then entered Gonzaga to complete studies. Following his graduation, he taught science in the Great Falls, Mont., high school and coached football and basketball teams. For the last three years he has been identified with the Columbus club and the Packers football team. He will be in full charge of football, and help coach in basketball and track work. Mr. Cahoon is now at Ripon college taking professional science work.


JUN 26 (Columbus, OH) - President Joe Carr has called a meeting of the NFL for Providence, R.I., on July 7 and 8. The gridiron sessions will be held at the Biltmore hotel. Clubs to be represented at the gathering are the Chicago Bears and Cardinals, New York Giants and Yankees, Buffalo Bisons, Dayton Triangle, Cleveland Indians, Philadelphia Yellowjackets and Green Bay Packers. The schedule for the 1928 season will be drafted and applications for franchises acted on. It is understood that there may be several changes in the circuit. Duluth is not likely to be represented this fall as Ernie Nevers has deserted the professional gridiron for a football coaching job on the Pacific coast. The league season will probably get underway on Sunday, Sept. 23., and continue until Dec. 9. There is much mystery about what Red Grange will do since he has broken off with Charlie Pyle, who owns the New York Yankees. However, it is understood that Grange is dickering for a job as coach and manager of one of the leading clubs in the league.


JUN 26 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A meeting of the Green Bay Football corporation will be held Wednesday evening in the assembly room of the courthouse at 8 o'clock for the purpose of electing officers and mapping plans for the coming football season. All stockholders and fans are urged to attend as important matters will be taken up in connection with the Packers' 1928 gridiron campaign.


JUN 27 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - This evening will officially usher in the 1928 professional football season in Green Bay as the Green Bay Football corporation stockholders and gridiron fans will hold their annual meeting in the assembly room of the Brown county courthouse at 8 o'clock. With the schedule meeting of the National league booked for Providence, R.I., a week from Saturday, it is necessary that the Green Bay Football corporation swing into action without delay...WILL NAME OFFICERS: Election of a board of directors is slated for tonight. These directors in turn will select the officers for the coming year. A new president must be named as A.B. Turnbull, who directed the activities of the Football corporation for the past five years, has resigned from the office. Officials of the corporation are hopeful that there will be a large attendance at the meeting tonight. All stockholders have been notified and there is an open invitation for every Packer follower...LAMBEAU GOING TO PROVIDENCE: Capt. Lambeau of the Packers, who is to represent Green Bay at the football meeting in Providence, intends to motor to the Rhode Island city. He will leave here over the weekend and stop in several cities en route for the purpose of talking shop with prospective members of the Big Bay Blues this fall.



APR 18 (Toledo, OH) - According to Joe Carr, the Judge Landis of professional football in America, the long debated question as to whether pro football will take hold with the sport-going public is being answered in the affirmative. Carr, who is likewise president of the Columbus ball club, has been identified with pro football practically since its inception. In baseball he is gradually rounding up a formidable club for the citizens of Columbus; in football he has established a well-knit organization of twelve cities and the game appears to be thriving under his administration. Some time back "Cross Country" Pyle, aided and abetted by Red Grange, sought to organize a loop of his own, but one season proved a vast sufficiency for Pyle and last year there was but one league. "We played one hundred sixty-eight games," Carr stated to the writer at Columbus recently. "And in those one hundred sixty-eight games we have an average attendance of 6,000 fans. That is proof the game is taking hold and growing in popularity. Buffalo was the only club to quit, but the Bisons will be back again next fall. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Cleveland drew the biggest crowds. Green Bay, with a fine organization, likewise had a fine season. Pro football undeniably is here to stay and although it is experiencing a rather slow growth, so did baseball in its infancy. The league officials meet again in July at Providence and, according to Carr, every one of the twelve franchises is expected to retain its berth. No matter what individual opinion may be on the game itself, it is evident that none of the promoters are discouraged. That shows the sport is on a solid foundation.


MAY 1 (Cincinnati) - Everett "Pid" Purdy has decided to let pro football go by the boards. He doesn't want to take a chance of getting injured on the football field and thereby end his career as a major leaguer. The young Cincinnati outfielder has made good with a bang this year, his first season in the big leagues as a regular, and his work to date stamps him as one of the best youngsters to break in regularly this season. Last year, he was quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. "But that's out," he says. "I may try to get a job as assistant coach some place, but no more playing. I don't want to take the chance of getting hurt and having to quit baseball."


MAY 4 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Packers will open the 1928 season in better shape than ever before, says Curly Lambeau, captain. Lambeau has every confidence in his team although he is losing Purdy, and has to get new men, he does not know. Green Bay fans can get ready for a good season of football, he says. The field is to be made faster, which will help the Packers to gain victories on their own field. There are to be about eight new men on the Packers' team, but Mr. Lambeau 



JUN 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Raymond Evrard was elected president of the Green Bay Football corporation at a well-attended meeting Wednesday evening in the assembly room of the Brown County courthouse. The new president succeeds A.B. Turnbull, who headed the Football corporation for five years and declined to serve again as president. The other officers elected were Charlie Mathys, vice-president; Lee Joannes, treasurer; G.W. Calhoun, secretary, and Fred Van Deuren, assistant treasurer...BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The new board of directors is composed of: Raymond Evrard, Dr. W.W. Kelly, Wenzel Wiesner, Ed. Schweger, Louis Oldenburg, Lee Joannes, Louis Peal, Ward Black, A.C. Witteborg, Marcel Lambeau, G.W. Calhoun, Harry Golden, A.B. Turnbull, Charlie Mathys and James Beth. President Evrard, Dr. W.W. Kelly, A.B. Turnbull, Wenzel Wiesner and Charlie Mathys will make up the executive board of the corporation. The financial statement for the 1927 season was approved as read by Turnbull. This was one of the first pieces of business of the meeting. Following this a rising vote of thanks was extended the retiring president. Election of the board of directors followed and the choice of the fifteen members as suggested by the retiring president was approved without a question. Some open discussion of the football corporation policy followed...ANOTHER GOOD TEAM: Capt. Lambeau, when asked to outline the team situation for this fall, told the meeting that the 1928 team was rapidly shaping into form and that all signs pointed to the team being the best that ever wore the blue and gold of the Green Bay Packers. With no other business on the calendar, the stockholders' meeting adjourned and the board of directors assembled. Election of the officers and executive committee followed. The directors voted unanimously to send both Capt. Lambeau and President Evrard to the National league meeting which will be held in Providence, R.I., on July 7 and 8....SCHEDULE IS DISCUSSED: There was some informal discussion about the 1928 schedule and it was practically decided to open the season here with a non-league club on Sunday, Sept. 16. The directors authorized President Evrard and Capt. Lambeau to draft the strongest schedule possible at the Providence meeting. When the Packer delegates return from Providence, another meeting of the board of directors will be held and plans for the football campaign speeded up. This year's league meeting is earlier than usual and it will give the corporation officials about three weeks extra time to carry on the season ticket sales campaign and program solicitation. There was plenty of enthusiasm registered at the meeting and all present seemed willing to put his shoulder to the wheel again for another successful football season. There is a lot of work ahead, however, but the corporation officials are confident that when the call for gridiron volunteers is issued, there will be no vacant spots in the ranks.


JUL 2 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - With the Packers' National league guarantee check of $2,500 tucked away in his pocket, Capt. Curley Lambeau is en route today to the pro football meeting at Providence, R.I, which will be held Saturday and Sunday. The Packers' team leader is motoring to the Rhode Island metropolis. He has a number of stops scheduled with prospective Packers in Chicago, Lansing, Mich., Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo. President Evrard of the Green Bay Football corporation leaves here Tuesday for Providence. The Packer representatives plan to be on the scene early as they want to sit in at all preliminary conference regarding the schedule. According to present plans, the Packers will open the season at home on Sept. 16 with a non-league game and then sweep into the regular schedule with a half dozen combats at the City stadium.


JUL 6 (Providence, RI) - The advance guard of professional football magnates are arriving here today for the annual schedule meeting of the National league, which gets underway at noon Saturday at the Biltmore hotel. President Joe Carr is expected to arrive here early this evening and several executive conferences will be held preliminary to the schedule conferences Saturday. The visiting magnates will be the guests of the Providence Steamroller management at a banquet Saturday evening. It is expected that the session will run well into Sunday as there are franchise applications to be acted upon along with other matters before the moguls get down to the business of drafting the schedule, and this is quite a job in itself. Among the early arrivals for the meeting were John Dunn of Minneapolis, vice-president of the league, H.S. Boyle of Frankford and E.L. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers.



JUL 9 (Providence, RI) - Green Bay's delegates at the NFL meeting picked off two choice plums off the schedule tree that blossomed here at the annual summer meeting. Although the outline has yet to be officially approved at Detroit next month, the Frankford Yellowjackets and New York Giants accepted offers from the Packer management to play in Green Bay this fall. It will be the first time that either of these clubs have ever performed on a Wisconsin gridiron...Final adoption of the NFL schedule was set back until a special meeting in Detroit on August 12 as a result of some franchise discussions which were not ironed out at the meeting of club officials here on Saturday and Sunday. Representatives of a dozen cities sat in at the conference which officially launched the 1928 professional football season. Despite the delay in the schedule making, President Joe Carr of Columbus announced himself as satisfied with the results of the conference and predicted the best season of football his pro league has ever experienced....DETROIT MAY RETURN: It is possible that Detroit will return to the National league this fall. Promoters in the Motor City have made a handsome offer to the Cleveland club for Benny Friedman, and, if the bid is accepted, Detroit will return to the fold. The New York Yankees will carry on without Red Grange. Representatives of Charlie Pyle told the meeting that "Cash and Carry" has lined up a great club for this season. The Duluth-Buffalo combine has not been completed, but negotiations are expected to be closed before the special session in Detroit next month. Los Angeles is going to return to the league with a traveling club. The Far Westerners will play all around the loop and then return home for a series of games during the holiday season.


JUL 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - As mid-summer begins to wane into fall, thoughts of Green Bay fans begin to turn to football and they start telling each other what they think of the 1928 model of the Packers. Two months from now, according to present plans, the Packers will pry off the gridiron lid here on Sunday, Sept. 16., in a non-league game. With only eight weeks to go, Capt. Lambeau is moving lively getting his players rounded up. As a matter of fact, the Packer management has been busy since the close of last season laying the foundation for another winning team. M.G. Ashmore of Aberdeen, Wash., is the first 1928 Packers to be signed for the 1928 team. The newcomer is a big, fast moving tackle who learned his football at Gonzaga college under "Clipper" Smith, former Notre Dame star. He was a teammate of Tiny Cahoon, Packer tackle, in his college days at the Washington institution. Ashmore has had two years of professional football. In 1926, he was a member of the Milwaukee Badgers, performing with Lavvie Dilweg, who gained all-American pro honors while playing end for the Packers last season. In 1927, the big lineman saw service with three teams. With each club, he battled the Packers. Ashmore started off with Milwaukee. Then when Johnny Bryan, the Badger owner, called quits quite early in the year, Ashmore went with the Chicago Bears and finally ended up with Duluth, where he played nine games in a row without losing a single minute through injury. Ashmore should be a valuable addition to the Packer squad. He is of the rough and fast moving type of gridder who always is coming in for more. Veteran members of the Packer squad admits he always gave them plenty of trouble. Ashmore is very fast for a big man and often gets down the field as fast as his ends. He is well known for his ability to rush either the passer or kicker. Ashmore has been working in a lumber camp near his home in Aberdeen since spring and he should be in good shape when he arrives here about Sept. 8 to work out with the Packers.



JUL 20 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - From down south in the "Cotton state" that bred such football stars as Bruce Jones and Claude Perry, will come another gridiron hero to play with the Packers this fall. He is John "Slick" Lollar, a fullback, and former teammate of the two Packers from Alabama. He was signed up this week by Capt. Lambeau, who has just returned from the league meeting at Providence. The trio - Jones, Perry and Lollar - played high school football together with the Walker county high school team for three years at Jasper, Ala. Lollar was a fast, rangy boy at that time and was known for his ability to cover a lot of ground on the offense. He also was a great defensive backfield man...GOES TO HOWARD: After his high school days, Lollar went to Howard college at Auburn, Ala., where he played fullback for that team for three years, while his former teammates went to other institutes of learning. During his college days, Lollar was little heard of as Howard was a small denominational school and got very little publicity. Scattered accounts of the Howard teams' conquests were rendered from time to time, however, with Lollar's name mentioned prominently in accounts of the eleven's contests. Walter Eckersall, one of the foremost authorities on football in the middle west, saw him play a few years ago in an intersectional game, and remarked in an account of the contest, that if Lollar was with a larger school eleven, he would be of All-America caliber. Providence also had been trying to get Lollar before he was signed by the Packers. He is about 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds...TINY SIGNS CONTRACT: Ivan H. Cahoon, better known as Tiny, is the first member of last year's squad to sign his football contract for the coming season. This will be his third year with the Bays. Cahoon joined the Green Bay eleven in 1925. He came here from Gonzaga university where he had played three years of varsity football. It didn't take Tiny very long to make the grade at a tackle position and before the end of the season he was rated as one of the best linemen in the NFL. The big tackle was very much in evidence again last fall. He suffered an injured knee about midseason but after a few weeks on the hospital list came back and played remarkable football. Several of the experts placed him on the second all-American pro eleven. Cahoon likes Green Bay so well when he first came here to play football that he has stayed here ever since and is a year round resident. He served as athletic director at the Columbus club for more than a year and a short time ago accepted a post on the faculty of West De Pere high school where he will coach football and act as assistant basketball mentor. Tiny is now attending the summer school at Ripon while his wife and daughter are visiting with Cahoon's parents at Baraboo, Wis...IS WELL LIKED: Cahoon is well like by the Packer fans for his aggressiveness. He is always moving from first to last whistle. Last season, Cahoon blocked several punts, one of which in the Cleveland game was converted into a touchdown that spelled victory for Capt. Lambeau's eleven. The addition of Lollar and Ashmore, who signed last week, are but a few of the steps being taken to make the 1928 Packer team the best that ever represented Green Bay, Manager Lambeau stated. The Packer helmsman is dickering with several prominent football men, who he hopes to bring into the fold before the season gets underway. Every indication at the recent meeting at Providence pointed to the best year in the history of professional football, according to Lambeau. The managers of every eleven in the league are strengthening their lineups considerably, he said, insuring some of the stiffest competition ever seen on the chalked field. Final arrangements for the league year will be made at the meeting at Detroit next month. It is expected that ten or twelve teams will be represented at the session when the playing schedule will be drafted and other details ironed out for the opening of the season in September.


JUL 26 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - When the Packers swing into action in their opening game on Sunday, Sept. 16, Bruce Jones again will be on the job at right guard. He was the fourth members of the 1928 squad to sign his contract. This will be Jones' second year with the Big Bay Blues. He joined the team last fall, coming here from Alabama university where he played during 1923-25 and coached in 1926. During his collegiate football days, Jones was rated as one of the best guards in the south and twice was placed on all-Dixie selections. While at Alabama, he was a teammate of Buckler, who for the past two years has starred with the Chicago Bears. It didn't take Jones long to win a home with the Packer fans. In 1927, he broke into the limelight and stayed there throughout the season. Teams that faced the Packers last season claimed that Jones was one of the ace center flankers in the National league. He ran interference nicely and is always on top of the ball. Jones now is a resident of Green Bay. After the 1927 football season, he hurried home to Alabama and got married. This spring Jones and his bride returned to the Bay. He is employed by an automobile concern here. Aside from the former Alabama star, the other players now under contract are Ashmore, Gonzaga; Lollar, Howard, fullback, and Tiny Cahoon, tackle, who was a member of last year's team. Capt. Lambeau is speeding up negotiations with his gridders and some important announcements can be expected within the next two weeks.


JUL 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - About midseason in 1922, the football fans of Green Bay welcomed the news that Jug Earpe has been secured from the Rock Island Independents to play with the Bay. Today there probably is just as much good news in the announcement that Earpe has signed his 1928 Packer contract. This will be Jug's seventh season with the Packers. In the point of service, Earpe is the oldest man on the squad aside from Captain Lambeau. Earpe made good here back in the days of Jab Murray, Regnier, Wally Nieman, Gardella, Cub Buck and other gridiron luminaries. He had a banner season last fall. He has alternated at tackle and center with equal success. In 1927, he was snapping the ball for the Packers and, when loaned to the New York Yankees at the close of the Bays' schedule, turned in a banner game at tackle for Charlie Pyle's expensive outfit. The husky lineman knows football and there probably isn't a steadier center in the pro game. Others may bask more frequently in the limelight but Earpe always is in there playing the same consistent game that wrecks havoc with the opposition. The Packers now have the backbone of another sturdy front wall. Aside from Earpe, Tiny Cahoon, Ashmore and Bruce Jones are the other linemen under contract. However, the Packers' 1928 family will have several more additions next week if negotiations now underway are completed. 


JUL 31 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Claude Perry, one of the most aggressive linemen who ever wore the golden helmet of the Green Bay Packers, has signed his contract for the 1928 football season, it was announced today by Captain Lambeau. This will be Perry's second year with the Packer eleven. Before coming to Green Bay, he played for three years on the famous Alabama team with Bruce Jones and John "Slick" Lollar, who also will be seen in the uniform of the Packer squad this season. Perry is one of the best tackles in professional football. He weighs over 200 pounds and is very aggressive his main threat is his ability to cover punts and get thru the line to break up plays. With Cahoon, Ashmore, Jones and Perry already signed up for the line of this year's Packers, Capt. Lambeau is confident he has the backbone of one of the sturdiest forward walls in the professional game. Several more linemen and backfield players are expected to be signed by Capt. Lambeau before he calls the first practice session in a few weeks.


AUG 2 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Several years ago, a "carrot topped" freshman at East High sat along the sidelines at a Green Bay Packer training session and thought of the days when he would be able to perform with such a team. Today that same freshman, now grown to manhood, put his signature on a contract to perform in the backfield for the Packer team. He is Tom "Red" Hearden. Several things have happened since that day in 1919 when Hearden watched the Packers practice and longed for an opportunity to play with them. He has had six years of brilliant high school and college football since that time and one year of the professional game. Hearden played with the East High tram in 1920, '21 and '22, captaining the squad in his last year. In 1923 he went to Notre Dame. The following year Hearden was playing with Rockne's "Shock Troops". It was during the regime of the Four Horsemen and Red playing for the first time on the varsity wasn't given much of an opportunity to show what he could do. In 1925 and 1926, Hearden played regularly with the Irishmen from Notre Dame. In his last year, 1926, he was elected captain of the squad. After his college days, Hearden returned to Green Bay and last year played his first game of professional football. That first game was disastrous to him, however, as he was injured and unable to play for several weeks. He got in a few games near the end of the season, however, and performed brilliantly. Hearden is a fast halfback, equally as good on the defense as he is on offense. He is a good receiver of forward passes, runs the ends well and is able to go through the line when called on for a few extra yards. With Hearden and Lollar already signed up for backfield positions, Capt. Lambeau rapidly is rounding his '28 Packer squad into shape, and before the first game here in September, will have what probably will be the strongest team that ever played on a local gridiron.


AUG 8 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another of Knute Rockne's famous front linemen has been signed to wear the uniform of the Green Bay Packers when the season gets underway next month. He is Ray Marelli, a guard in the 200 pound class. This will be Marelli's first year in the pro game as he comes here direct from Notre Dame where he played three years on the varsity squad. He completed his course at the Indiana school this spring. Marelli has a reputation of being particularly fast for a lineman, is good at opening holes on the offense and has had considerable success in breaking up plays. He is of the type that make good professional football players, as he is known as a smart player who seldomly gets injured. With the addition of Marelli and other linemen who already have signed up, Capt. Lambeau reports that his front wall will be one of the best in the conference this year. Several other linemen and backfield men are expected to send in their contracts within the next few days assuring a powerful squad, Lambeau said. Capt. Lambeau and Pres. Ray Evrard of the Packer corporation will leave for Detroit this weekend where the playing schedule for the National league will be drawn up for the opening of the season next month.


AUG 9 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another of the brilliant backfield performers on the 1927 Packer football team has signed his contract to play with the squad this coming season. He is Joseph "Red" Dunn, quarterback. Dunn was the first string backfield leader last year and was one of the most aggressive quarterbacks ever seen in action here. He is of the fiery type of field generals 


and can be counted on to have his team in there fighting every moment of the game. Red came here from Milwaukee last year. He was named on the mythical All-American team for his prowess in the backfield at Marquette. Last season was his third year in the professional game. On the defensive, Red also displayed good form last year, and was regarded as one of the best safety men in the ​conference. He also can be counted on to go through the line or run the ends and is a good forward passer. He weighs about 170 pounds. Several other brilliant backfield men are expected to send in their contracts this week, according to Capt. Lambeau, who predicts one of the greatest teams ever seen in action here teams ever seen in action here this year and a successful year of the professional game. Capt. Lambeau will leave for Detroit this weekend where he will take part in the meeting for the formation of the league schedule.


AUG 10 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another of the famous fast backfield men of the 1927 Packer football team has sent in his contract to play with the squad again this year. He is Eddie Kotal, halfback, who makes his home at Kimberly. Kotal first came with the Packer team in the fall of 1925 when the squad started on its Eastern invasion. He played the remainder of that year and then returned for the seasons of 1926 and 1927, playing regular in a halfback position. He developed quickly into the professional style of play and now is regarded as one of the fastest and best open field runners in the conference. Kotal also is good on the defensive and can snare forward passes as well as he can toss them. When Kotal came to the Packer squad in the fall of 1925, it was his first year of the professional game. He had played football on the Lawrence college team before that time. At present he is playing professional baseball with the Kimberly-Little Chute team in the Valley league, making quite a name for himself in that company. Kotal is employed by the Kimberly-Clarke Paper Mill company at Kimberly, and has been given a leave of absence for three months by the company so that he will be able to play with the Packer team. With the signing of Kotal, Capt. Lambeau now has three of his last year's stellar backfield performers back again and one new man, Lollar, a fullback for the team. The other backfield men to sign are Dunn and Harden. Capt. Lambeau also has several brilliant linemen already in the fold again this year and expects four or five more to send in their contracts before the week is over. Earpe, Cahoon, Perry and Jones of last year's team have signed up for the coming season, and Ray Marelli, a guard from Notre Dame, and Roger Ashmore also has been added to the squad. Capt. Lambeau will leave Green Bay tomorrow for Detroit where he will take part in the meeting of National league officials to form a playing schedule for the season and complete other details in preparation for the opening of the season in September. The meeting will be held Sunday.



AUG 13 (Detroit) - With a fine schedule of games drawn up, Capt. Lambeau of the Green Bay Packers left Detroit late Sunday night for Chicago where he hopes to close a deal for two players before returning to the Badger professional football metropolis. Lambeau was among the two dozen delegates that attended an all day session of the NFL here on Sunday at the Statler hotel. President Joe F. Carr presided and all the teams in the loop were represented. Rival magnates in looking over the Green Bay schedule were unanimous in their opinion that the Packers had drawn as good a playing set as any club in the league...OPEN SEASON SEPT. 16: Starting early, the Packers will open their season on Sept. 16 at home with a non-league team, probably Joe Dunn's Minneapolis Marines. On Sept. 23, when the league season gets under way, the Badger state champions will have as their opponents, the Philadelphia Yellowjackets. This is the first time that the crack Quakertown suburban eleven has ever performed in Wisconsin. On Sunday, Sept. 30, the Chicago Bears, old rivals of the Green Bay eleven, will invade the Packers' hometown. A week later, the New York Giants are billed for Green Bay. This will be the Giants' initial appearance in Packertown...CARDINALS HERE OCT. 14: Continuing their big games at home, the Packers are to battle the Chicago Cardinals on Oct. 14. A week later, Oct. 21, the Green Bay eleven travels out of town as the Packers are booked in Chicago at Cubs' park against the Bears. The Green Bay eleven is back home again on Oct. 28, with the Dayton Triangle as the visiting club. The following Sunday, Nov. 4, the Green Bay team returns to Chicago and meets the Cardinals in Soldiers' field. Nov. 11, Armistice Day, the New York Yankees play in Green Bay. Last year, this team drew the largest crowd that ever witnessed a pro football game in Wisconsin...PLAY IN NEW YORK, NOV. 16: Following the Yankee game in Green Bay, the Packers will hit the trail east. On Nov. 18, for the first time in football history, a Green Bay pro eleven will play at the Polo Grounds in New York. The Giants will be the opposition. Nov. 25 is an open date but Capt. Lambeau hopes to book Staten Island and keep his schedule intact. As usual, the Green Bay team plays the Yellowjackets at Frankford on Thanksgiving Day. The Sunday after, Dec. 2, the Bays battle the Steamrollers in Providence, R.I., and then close their season on Dec. 9 in Chicago with another game against the Chicago Bears.


AUG 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another great lineman will come up from Alabama this season to play with the 1928 Packer football team, it was announced today by Capt. Lambeau upon his return from the NFL meeting at Detroit last weekend. The new lineman is James L. Bowdoin, who weighs 220 pounds. He has performed on the Alabama team for three years, playing at left guard for the squad. For the past two years, Bowdoin was named on the mythical All Southern eleven. Bowdoin is a teammate of Jones and Perry who were with the Packers last year and also have signed to play with the squad this season. He is regarded as one of the best and fastest guards in the conference last year. With Cahoon, Earpe, Jones, Perry, Ashmore, Marelli and Bowdoin already in the field, Capt. Lambeau will have one of the heaviest and greatest front walls from tackle to tackle in the  conference. After the wing berths are filled and a few more new backfield men added to the squad, Green Bay will probably have the greatest team ever representing it in the National league. Capt. Lambeau reported upon his return that he had visited several other prospective players on his trip to Detroit, and that he expected to sign up two or three more new backfield men before the first practice session is called in a few weeks.


AUG 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - In just a few weeks, as leaves begin to turn brown and the air becomes cooler, former famous college football players will gather in ten difference cities in the country for the first practice sessions, preceding the opening of the NFL. As every team in the league has strengthened their lineups with new arrivals in the professional field, one of the hardest contested and best seasons of the game is expected to develop. Detroit is the only new team that will be in the league this year taking the place of the Cleveland squad of the 1927 season. Benny Friedman will captain and quarter the squad. Organization of the Michigan city squad has not been quite completed as yet but it is expected that when the league gets underway the squad will be intact...DETROIT NOT SCHEDULED: The Green Bay Packers have not scheduled any game with the Detroit team this year, as Capt. Lambeau was not given any assurance that Benny Friedman would be able to complete organizing his squad before the season opened and the Michigan captain had not secured a park at the time of the meeting last Sunday. Failure of the Detroit team to post its forfeit money in the league also made Lambeau hesitant about booking any games with the Michigan squad. The league as now composed will have the following teams in competition this season: Green Bay Packers, New York Giants, New York Yankees, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cardinals, Dayton Triangles, Providence Steamrollers, Pottsville Maroons, Philadelphia Yellowjackets and Detroit. Two other teams were represented at the meeting at Detroit, but their managers decided not to come into the league when they were unable to book more than four games each. The teams were Duluth-Buffalo and Los Angeles...HAVE STRONG TEAM: The Philadelphia Yellowjackets, champions of two years ago, are expected to have one of the strongest squads in the league this year. It has been reported that the Quaker State entry has added several new stars to its lineup and is going out with the idea of capturing another pennant. It has not been revealed who these new members are on the Philadelphia team. The playing schedule for the Packer team this year has excited considerable favorable comment in Green Bay since it was announced a few 


days ago. Every game booked for the local squad is with teams that are rated as the strongest in the league and, as the Packers play the Philadelphia team here in the first league game of the season, the local boys are expected to get a real test of their ability right at the start.


AUG 16 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - For the fifth consecutive year, Richard "Dick" O'Donnell will don the moleskins and helmet of the Green Bay Packers in a few weeks and run onto the field at the City stadium to do his customary brilliant work on the Bay line. O'Donnell, who has been termed as one of the greatest defensive ends that ever played football, turned in his signal contract today. He is in fine condition and is expecting to have his greatest year this season. O'Donnell came here from Duluth in 1924 where he had been playing professional football with the Duluth eleven. He is a fast, charging lineman and is particularly good at breaking up plays and intercepting forward passes. He has played regularly with the Packer team while here and has made Green Bay his year round residence. Contracts of several other linemen are expected to be turned in to Capt. Lambeau within the next few days and when the season gets underway here in a few weeks, probably the greatest team ever to represent the city will be on hand. The ground at the City stadium has been resodded this spring and when the teams line up this fall, the City stadium will boost one of the finest playing turfs in the midwest. Several low spots have been filled in and the ground given a thorough going over.



AUG 16 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - George F. Downer, sports editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel, a former coach and one of the outstanding authorities on football in the middle west, thinks highly of the Green Bay Packers football team. Here is what he has to say about the Packers in an article appearing in his column today: If Milwaukee had a baseball club in the same league with the New York Giants, the New York Yankees, the Chicago White Sox, the Philadelphia Athletics and Chicago Cubs with all those clubs playing at Borchert field, Brewer fans would be pretty chesty about it - would they not? That is the way the football fans of Green Bay feel about their famous Packer football club in the NFL. And Green Bay has a right to its pride. The Packers have not only kept up their membership, unbroken from the start, in the big pro football league, they have also turned out elevens each year which were right up with the leaders, representing the greatest cities in America. The Packers are a civic institution in the Bay. They give the city advertising it could not buy in any other way, at any price... This year's home schedule of the Packers is one of the finest ever arranged by a professional eleven in any city, regardless of size. Consider for a moment that Green Bay fans will have a chance to see, on their home field, this fall the New York ​Giants, the New York Yankees, the Philadelphia Yellow Jackets, the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Cards. This means a tremendous increased budget for the Packers but those who are backing the club feel that Green Bay and northeastern Wisconsin will support their efforts to give patrons the best pro football in the United States. As an official of the club said to the writer last night: "We have gone the limit this year to give our patrons the best schedule they ever had. It will either make or break us - and we are not expected it to be - 'break'." Nor have the Packers topped at arranging this remarkable schedule. Those who have charged of Packer affairs realize that they cannot go on indefinitely relying on the old stars. Players like Lavvie Dilweg, Red Dunn, Earpe, Cahoon, Ashmore and some of the others still have several years of topnotch football left in them but reinforcements which are being lined up for the 1928 Packer squad include some of the most sensational players in the country. We wish we could name some of the men who will probably wear the Packer regalia this fall but they are not quite ready to release all the news yet. Some of them however will prove sensations when announced. They are players known from coast to coast. Gradually, under the able leadership of President Joe Carr, the NFL has evolved into an organization which looks capable of at last putting the pro game over with profit to all concerned. The dead timber has been eliminated. "Shoestring promoters" have been weeded out. The league this fall will include just ten cities, all of which will have strong clubs and give promise of supporting the game liberally. Green Bay is the only small city in the  league.



AUG 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another boy from Wisconsin, who got his start in professional football with the Green Bay Packers, will be back with the team this year. He is Bernard Darling, center, who played his first professional game with the Packers last year. Darling didn't get much of a chance to show what he could do last year, as Jug Earpe was going great at center and his experience have him the edge over the newcomer. When he did have a chance to play center in contests last year, Darling came through even better than was expected of him. Darling got his start in football with the famous Oshkosh high school team which won the championship in 1922. After he graduated, Darling played with the Wisconsin university team for one year, then went to Ripon, where he played under coach Ralph Scott for another year. He did not stay long at the Ripon school, however, but went to Beloit after a season of play at Ripon. At the latter school Darling became famous when he made a placekick of 43 yards in the game played against Notre Dame. He came to the Packers upon his graduation from Beloit. Now that Darling has one year of experience in the professional game, he is expected to get in regularly in league contests. He is fast and tall and weighs over 200 pounds, making him an ideally built player for a pivot position. Darling is the ninth lineman to be signed up for the Packer team this year.



AUG 21 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - From up north in the Minnesota Iron country where they raise big men, a football team will come down to Green Bay in a few weeks prepared to give the Packers the stiffest season's opening game in many years. Led by Herb Joesting, one of the greatest fullbacks that ever wore a cleated show, the Minneapolis squad will open the season here on Sept. 16. The Minneapolis team, boasting a group of former University of Minnesota stars, and other great players, is expected to furnish the Bays with what probably will be the roughest opposition they ever experienced in an opening game...JOESTING'S FIRST YEAR: In previous years, the Packers have met teams that almost could be classified as setups in the first game. This year it will be difference, however, as the Bays have the toughest schedule since they were organized and to keep in step with the program of hard contests, the game with the Minneapolis team has been arranged. This will be Joesting's first year in the pro game. The great fullback, who was named unanimously by sports writers throughout the country for All-American selection last year. He has Almquist, his running mate in the Gopher backfield last year. and Hansen, a lineman who also played with him for Minnesota, with him on the Minneapolis team. Reports from the northern city say that several men who have made their marks in the football world also will be with the squad. Their identity has not been disclosed as yet, but is expected to be announced in a few days...PACKERS WORK OUT: Capt. Lambeau and 11 other members of the 1928 Packer squad, who already have signed contracts for this year, had their first workout of the season last night. The men went through an hour of light drill at the Columbus club. They will work out three days a week from now until the strenuous daily training grind starts in a few weeks. Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week has been designated as the training nights. When the weather is favorable the men will work at the stadium and other nights they will train at the Columbus club. Within a few days, Capt. Lambeau expects to complete several player deals that will bring some great stars to the Packers this season. Negotiations for the men have not quite been completed and, until they are, no announcement can be made.


AUG 23 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Verne Lewellen, fleet footed veteran of the Green Bay Packers, has signed a contract to play with the Bays again this year, his fifth season with the eleven, it was announced today. Lewellen came here in the fall of 1924 to play with the Packers, Soon after his arrival, Lewellen made Green Bay his permanent residence and associated himself with a well known law firm. The following summer he successfully passed the state bar examination. Early this year, Lewellen established his own law office and a few months ago announced his candidacy for district attorney on the Republican ticket. He is married and has one child...ALL AMERICAN CHOICE: Since the first year that Lewellen played with the Packers he has been regarded as one of the best all-around backfield men in the country. During the last two years he was practically the unanimous choice for a halfback job on the mythical All-American pro team. The former captain of Nebraska university eleven is in a class by himself as a punter, averaging over 50 yards on every try. He also is one of the fastest men on the team and a great forward pass receiver. Football isn't Lewellen's only athletic forte. For the past two seasons, he has been one of the mainstays of the Green Sox baseball team, holding down jobs on the mound and at first base alternately. He has been batting well over the .300 mark while with the Bay team.


AUG 23 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Pres. Ray Evrard of the Packer corporation reported today that distributors are having remarkable success in their disposal of the season tickets. Several choice seats still are to be had, however, he said, but if the demand for them continues as strong as they have in the past, the next week or more should see them practically sold out. Every indication points to one of the most successful years of the game here, Evrard reported, and his solicitors are greeted with enthusiasm by all prospective buyers of season tickets. The group disposing of the tickets is the


largest that has ever been engaged in that occupation. They will meet at The Press-Gazette again next Monday night for a special meeting to go over final details before the season opens in a few weeks.


AUG 26 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - As a cold wind blew into Green Bay last night and thoughts of sports fans here turned to the one great game that is associated with fall weather, a remarkable announcement simultaneously came from the offices of the Green Bay Packers. It was that a trade had been completed that would bring two of the greatest backfield men in the country to play football with the Packers this year. Roy "Bullet" Baker and Larry Marks are the two players who will wear the Packer togs in the backfield this year. They come here from the New York Yankees in exchange for R. F. Rosatti and Hector Cyre, two of the Packer linemen. Baker played in both fullback and had finished a brilliant career with the University of Indiana eleven where he played for three years, captaining the squad in his final season. While at the Hoosier school, Marks was known for his open field running and ability to skirt the ends...ALL-CONFERENCE CHOICE: Marks also made quite a reputation for himself at Indiana in his ability to punt and pass as well as he could carry the ball.


1928 Green Bay Packers Corporation "Fairmont Food Products" Ink Blotter


Rare find: 1928 Packers recruiting letter - Green Bay Press Gazette (November 21st 2014)


In his final year at Indiana he was named on the mythical All-Conference team. He also played at both fullback and halfback positions while with the Yankee team last year. Rosatti, who will go to the Yankees as part of the trade, played with the Packers last year and is a veteran professional tackle. He came here from Cleveland, where he got his start after finishing at the University of Michigan. He had signed a contract to play with the Packers this year, but agreed to the transfer. Cyre played his first professional game with the Packers on the line in 1926. He was a tackle and came here from Gonzaga, the same school as Tiny Cahoon went to. Both Cyre and Cahoon were linemen on the Gonzaga eleven. Cyre did not play football last year, but remained the property of the Packers. He likewise signed a contract to play  again this year, but has agreed to the transfer...IN GOOD CONDITION: Baker has been working out all summer at a camp at Lake Arrowhead, California, and Marks has been playing baseball at Erie, Pennsylvania, so that when they report here Sept. 9, both are expected to be in perfect condition for the season. The Packers now boast a group of 15 stars, who have signed for the 1928 team, and before the season's first practice begins in two weeks, about six or seven more stellar players will be added to the squad. Capt. Lambeau, Lewellen, Kotal, Dunn and Hearden are veterans on the team who will be back in backfield positions and Lollar, Marks and Baker are newcomers to the squad. For positions on the line, seven members have signed contracts. They are O'Donnell, veteran versatile end, and Cahoon, Earpe, Bowdoin, Marelli, Perry and Jones, who play at positions from tackle to tackle.


AUGUST 27 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Columbus Community club will again be the headquarters of the Packer Football team during the coming season, according to announcements made by F.M. Nemick, manager. Each Packer man will be given a membership entitling them to use of the privileges of the club, and all of the "boys" will make their headquarters there.



AUG 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - More good news to Packer football fans was broadcasted today when Capt. Lambeau announced that Laverne "Lavvvie" Dilweg, one of the greatest ends that ever trod a chalked field, had signed a contract to play with the Green Bay team again this year. This will be the former All-American star's second year with the Packers. He came here last year from the Milwaukee Badgers when Johnny Bryan, manager of the Cream City team, disbanded his squad. Several other National league teams also made bids for Dilweg's services after the Milwaukee team gave up its franchise. Dilweg got his start in football with a Milwaukee high school. After graduation he entered Marquette and almost immediately began to make his presence felt. In the fall of 1923 he made good with a vengeance on the Golden Avalanche eleven playing at an end position. In 1924 he was elected captain of the team but injuries kept him from performing regularly...1925 BEST YEAR: The 1925 season was Dilweg's greatest season, when he proved the sensation of the Midwest. Walter Eckersall, one of the foremost grid authorities in the country, named him on his mythical All-American team that year and nearly every other sports writer in the country did likewise. Late in the year, Dilweg went to the Pacific coast and played with the East team against an eleven selected ​from West schools. He worked against Brick Mueller in that game and played Mueller to a standstill. In the fall of 1926, Dilweg entered the professional game with the Milwaukee Badgers and continues his law course at Marquette. He had a successful year with the Badgers that season and successfully completed his education to pass the state bar examination. He married Eleanor Coleman, one of the greatest women swimmers in the country that fall. Coming to the Packers last year, Dilweg immediately proceeded to establish himself in the good graces of Packer fans by his brilliant work. He proved one of the greatest forward pass receivers ever seen here and was one of the most aggressive lineman the Packers had. Dilweg has made Green Bay his permanent residence and is connected here with a well known law firm. With Dilweg and O'Donnell on the ends again this year, the Packers will probably have the greatest pair of wingmen in the country, both on defense and offense. O'Donnell, like Dilweg is fast on the offense and both men are equally brilliant on the defense...TICKET SALE GOOD: Sale of season tickets for Packer games is going forward with surprising success, it was reported at a meeting of club officials and distributors last night. Several blocks of good seats still remain to be disposed of, it was said but these are expected to be sold within the next week. There will be but two more meeting of distributors before the opening of the season. At the second meeting next week, the tickets will be distributed so that fans will receive them by Sept. 9, a week before the first game.


AUG 28 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - In the fall of 1919 there was organized at the Acme Packing Co., Green Bay, a professional football team that was destined to put Green Bay prominently on the map of the sports world. Ten years have passed since then and the packing plant that gave the team a start and a name has since long passed out of existence, but the Green Bay Packers have forged steadily onward until today. Green Bay is known throughout the United States as having one of the greatest professional football teams in the world. The story of the Packers is an interesting one and now, when


they are about to launch on their tenth campaign, it is a fitting time to tell it. It is a story of a humble beginning and bright hopes based on overwhelming success in small efforts, and their ultimate realization, after a period of lean years, that the Packers stand today as an institution of which Green Bay is very proud. Previous to 1919, Green Bay had for years, even as far back as the late 80's, been supporting a city team, but it was a semi-pro outfit run in a sort of hit or miss fashion. Guaranteed salaries were unheard of, practice was something to be indulged in only occasionally and the players received what remuneration they could get by splitting gate receipts at the end of the season. To Earl "Curley" Lambeau, present captain and halfback, and the only remaining member of the original crew, must go the credit of founding the Packers. In 1919, while working for the Acme Packing Co., Lambeau conceived the idea of organizing a real professional football team in which all the details hitherto lacking in putting out a high class team would be strictly adhered to, and out of this idea came the present Packers...CURLY STARTS TEAM: Accordingly, a squad of local players, all former high school and semi-pro stars, was gathered and the packing company agreed to outfit the team with uniforms. It was this equipment, with the legend, "Acme Packing Co.", across the backs of the jerseys, that gave birth to the present nickname. And the name has stuck though its origin is nearly forgotten. Daily practice sessions were begun and finances were put in as good shape as possible with the infant enterprise. The Packers were ready to face the world. At once the effect of intensive training was apparent. In eleven games in 1919, the Packers won ten, losing only to Beloit in the season's finale, 6 to 0, and piling up 565 points to the opponents' 12. The scores ranged from 87 to 0 and 85 to 0 against Sheboygan and Oshkosh, 76 to 6 against Racine and four other counts about 50 to 0, to 17 to 0 from Stambaugh, Michigan. As previously mentioned, the lineup consisted of local talent, the Zoll brothers, "Riggy" Dwyer, "Rosy" Rosenow, "Tootie" McLean, Lambeau and other Green Bay men making up the battle front. Rosenow, a halfback, was a particular idol of the fans. He had but one hand, but he was a fast stepper and could sing passes with uncanny ability. Practically the same team took the field again in 1920 and repeated their phenominal success of the previous year, breaking even with Beloit and losing but one game, that to the Fairies, and claiming the professional championship of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Late in the season, Riggie Dwyer, a star end, lost an arm and a leg in a railroad accident. Dwyer, now Register of Deeds, was well liked by the fans and they rallied to his aid. It was during this rally that Cub Buck became interested in the team...JOIN NATIONAL LEAGUE: At the close of the 1920 season, the Packers petitioned for and obtained a franchise in the National Professional league, an organization then in its infancy. Despite the fact that the Bay was and still is the smallest city in the circuit, the Packers stepped out the first year to make their appearance felt. Their last game before admittance in the league was with the famous Minneapolis Marines, the Packers winning 7 to 6, in a historic last minute spurt. Seven league games were played that year of which three were won and ties were played with the Chicago Cardinals and Racine. The Rock Island Independents and the Decatur Staleys, now the Chicago Bears, were the only teams to beat the Bays, and the Staleys were national champions with Rock Island runner up. Up to this time the players had been drawn largely from Green Bay and vicinity, but the games with the Staleys and Independents convinced the club officials that in order to keep in fast company and maintain the pace it would be necessary in the future to secure players of national repute and acknowledged as the best in the game. The presence of Cub Buck, Moose Gardner, Tillie Voss and others testified how well the club officials went about their business of building up the team. The '22 season was not such a success as previous years as the Packers dropped four games and tied three, winning only five starts, but they held their state title and laid powerful claims to the championship of the Northwest. In 1923, the Packers crashed through to the state and Northwest titles and finished third in the National league, having won seven games, lost two and tied one. One of the defeats was at the hands of the Bears in the first game between these rivals. The Blues gained their revenge the following year when they broke even with the Chicagoans. That year the Packers dropped to sixth in the twenty team league race although retaining their two sectional championships which they still hold...MAKE FIRST TOUR: In 1925, the Packers made their first tour of the eastern spokes of the National wheel, playing leagues games with Pottsville, Providence and Philadelphia. These games and the second game with the Bears were closely bunched at Thanksgiving time and since the Packers went into that Bear game with a crippled lineup they were so badly weakened for their eastern invasion that Pottsville, 1925 national champions, gave them their worst drubbing in their history, 31 to 0. In spite of this the Packers "caught on" with the eastern fans and today are one of the most popular pro elevens playing on the eastern coast. Jimmie Crowley played the last two games of the trip, the only ones he ever played in a Packer uniform. The 1926 Packer model won eight games, seven of them league tilts, losing three and tying three. Two of the ties were with the Bears and games were lost to the Bears, Cardinals and Philadelphia. Soon after the season closed, fire, which destroyed the armory where the Packers had their training rooms, also wiped out their stock of equipment, necessitating a complete new outfit for the following year. If the 1926 team was great the team of 1927 was still greater. Only two games were lost, both to the Bears by the scores of 7 to 6 and 13 to 7, and one game with the Cardinals resulted in a 6 to 6 tie. Seven league games and two non-league games were notched up on the Packers' long string of victories and the Packers landed in second place in the league standings....CURLY STILL GOOD: Many stars have come and gone and their places taken by new heroes since the Packers played their first pro game nine seasons ago, and the original crew is almost forgotten, but one man of that first team still remains. He is "Curley" Lambeau, captain and founder of the eleven which grew from a home talent pro outfit to one of the world's greatest teams and from a pastime to a business corporation. Curley has had his ups and downs, but he was back in his old time glory last year, putting in the best season he has ever played. Cub Buck came and went, Charlie Mathys retired two years ago, George Vergara, Cowboy Wheelerand Jab Murray were among those who have doffed the moleskins for good. It has frequently been the case that outside talent, imported to play football, has liked Green Bay, settled here, and now many of these players are useful citizens of the community. All of these players are college men of the type that are desirable in any city, and several of them have attained prominence in other fields than football. "Lanky Lew" Lewellen is an example. Lew came here fresh from the University of Nebraska and today is a leading candidate for the important post of district attorney. Tabulation of the records shows that since the organization the Packers have played 109 games, winning 74, losing 24 and tying 11. With the exception of Pottsville, they have beaten at least once every team they ever met and only four teams, the Bears, Cardinals, Rock Island and Philadelphia, hold the edge in total games played. Last year, in a twelve team league from the greatest metropolises in the country, Green Bay finished second. This fall the Packers are launching their eighth campaign in quest of a national championship, and facing the heaviest schedule ever attempted, a squad had been rounded out that promises to be the most powerful that Green Bay has ever seen trotting onto the field in Packer togs. And all Green Bay is backing them.


AUGT 31 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another of the veteran Packer linemen, who has done a lot to keep Green Bay on the football map, has signed a contract to play with the Bays this season. He is Howard Lee "Whitey" Woodin, who will be back in a Packer uniform for his seventh consecutive year. Whitey first played college football with Marquette and in 1922 joined the professional ranks with the Racine Legion squad. He came to the Bay that same season and has been with the squad since that time. Woodin has made Green Bay his permanent home, and at present is connected with a prominent automobile agency here. Last year, Woodin was used as a reserve guard. He is a good charger and installs a lot of fight into the team when he is in the game. With the signing of Woodin, Capt. Lambeau now has eleven linemen ready to start practice in two weeks. O'Donnell and Dilweg will be set to hold down end positions and Cahoon, Woodin, Ashmore, Bowdoin, Earpe, Marelli, Pery, Jones and Darling will be on hand for positions within the wing berths. In the backfield, eight men have secured positions. There will be Capt. Lambeau, Lewellen, Kotal, Dunn, Lollar, Hearden, Marks and Baker. In addition to those already under contract, Capt. Lambeau still has three or four men in mind who he hopes to secure before the first practice session is called.


SEPT 1 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Harry O'Boyle, one of the best backfield grid men ever turned out by the Knute Rockne school of football at Notre Dame, has accepted terms with the Green Bay Packers. O'Boyle is a fullback and weighs about 199 pounds. Last fall, the Packer management made a bid for O'Boyle' services but  he decided to stay off the pro gridiron. He served as backfield coach at the University of Nevada and his team was among the topnotchers in the Rocky Mountain conference. O'Boyle was going back to Nevada this season but an attractive Packer offer made him change his mind at the eleventh hour. O'Boyle wired from Des Moines, Ia., his home city Friday night: "Contract O.K. Will arrive in time for practice Sept. 9." O'Boyle was a teammate of Tom Hearden, Marelli and Walter Mayer while playing at Notre Dame. He was an outstanding star in his high school days at Des Moines and more than upheld his gridiron reputation during his collegiate years...GOOD LINE PLUNGER: The newest addition to the Packer squad is a great backfielder. He hits hard and has the happy faculty of being able to pick a hole. The former Notre Dame star also is a star in the open field and Rockne used him to run back punts. O'Boyle is big and husky enough to stand a lot of punishment and those who know him claim that he is just the type to go well in postgraduate football. Like all the rest of the Notre Dame backfielders, O'Boyle is right at home in the open game. He is a two-way player, doing both passing and receiving. This should make him fit into the Packer machine nicely. Within the next four days, the management hopes to be in a position to announce three more contracts, as negotiations for an end, center and another lineman have just been closed.


SEPT 5 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The "Tall Corn" state has added one of its famous football sons to the Green Bay Packer squad. He is Paul Nimick, of All-American fame while performing at a guard position for the University of Iowa in 1923. Nimick performed regularly on the Hawkeye eleven in the years of 1924, 1922 and 1923. In his last year at the Iowa school, he was the almost unanimous choice of sport writers throughout the country for selection on the mythical All-American eleven. Since his graduation, Nimick has done some coaching, and more recently performed on the professional gridiron with the New York Yankees and on the West Coast. He was with the Yankees in 1926, working regularly at a guard position for that team. He went to the to the coast after that year and last year played in the professional game with some of the far western elevens. The former Iowa star is noted for his ability to break up plays and open holes for his backfield men. He is well over 200 pounds in weight and should fit 


in well on the Packer front wall. With the signing of Nimick, Capt. Lambeau has just about acquired all to the coast after that year and last year played in the professional game with some of the far western elevens. The former Iowa star is noted for his ability to break up plays and open holes for his backfield men. He is well over 200 pounds in weight and should fit in well on the Packer front wall. With the signing of Nimick, Capt. Lambeau has just about acquired all the players he will have for the coming season. Two more men, one an end, however, are expected to be signed for the squad before the season's first practice begins next Sunday.


SEPT 6 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another former University of Iowa lineman, the second to two days, has been signed to play with the Green Bay Packers this year. He is Harold Parkin, a center. Parkin played with the Hawkeye teams in 1923, 1924 and 1925, captaining the eleven in his last year. He is six feet tall and weighs about 225. In his last year at Iowa, Parkin was named by several writers in the midwest to a position on the mythical All-Conference eleven. He was a teammate of Nimick, who also has been signed for the Packers, in 1923. After his graduation, Parkin played center for Red Grange in the American Professional league. The Packers tried to get him at that time but were unsuccessful. In 1927 Parkin coached at George Washington U at Washington, D.C., and played with the Washington All-Stars, a free lance professional team. With Earpe, Darling and Parkin now signed for the 1928 team, Capt. Lambeau has three men for the pivot position. All of the new men, who have signed with the Packers this year, are expected to arrive here within the next day or two, as regular practice will get underway Sunday. The men will have but a week to practice before the opening game with the Joesting's Minneapolis team on Sept. 16.



SEPT 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Georgia and Nebraska contributed a backfield man and an end respectively today to complete the roster of grid stars who will perform for the Green Bay Packers this year. Roy Estes, a halfback who played with the University of Georgia for the last three years, is the southern grid warrior who joined the Packers. He mailed in a signed contact to Capt. Lambeau today and said he would be on hand when the first practice session is called Sunday. Ed. Webber, an end who played at the same school as did Verne Lewellen, also sent in his contract today. He finished playing with the Cornhuskers a year after Lewellen and since that time has been playing professional football with Kansas City and Cleveland...CROWLEY LIKES ESTES: Estes comes here with a reputation as being one of the best backfield men in the Southern conference last year. Jim Crowley, who coached Estes at Georgia, thinks highly of him, and reported that his playing in the Yale game last year was largely responsible for the 14 to 10 victory for Georgia against the eastern eleven. Webber will be remembered by sports fans here for his performance with the Kansas City team against the Packers a few years ago. He is a tall, rangy wingman and is fast on covering punts, and taking out linemen. It was reported in The Press-Gazette yesterday that George Parkins would play on the line for the Packers this season. This was incorrect as it should have read that George Griffin will be with the team. Griffin was with Iowa in 1923, 1924 and 1925, at the center position captaining the squad...MARELLI TO CARDINALS: Capt. Lambeau also said today that a deal has been completed with the Chicago Cardinals to send Ray Marelli to that team this season. Marelli is the former Notre Dame lineman, and has been signed to play with the Packers this year, his first professional season. No players were involved the deal. The addition of Estes, Webber and Griffin to the squad completes the roster of the 1928 Packers, according to Capt. Lambeau. The man all are expected to be on hand Sunday and the first regular practice session will get underway at that time at the City stadium. Several of the players who live here 


have been having daily workouts at the stadium the past week or more but no hard sessions have been undertaken as yet. Perry, veteran lineman of the squad, is one of the first men from out of town to report for service. He came to Green Bay last week and has been practicing with other players.


SEPT 7 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The large staff of distributors of season tickets for the Packer games are rounding up their work this week, and preparing to issue the seat checks Sunday, according to President Ray Evrard of the Packer Football corporation. Applications for tickets have come in from almost every section of northeastern Wisconsin and every indication points to record crowds at every game at home this year, he said. President Evrard also reported that the stadium stands and grounds have all been gone over and the field made in almost perfect condition. Two rows of additional box seats also have been added at the stadium.

SEPT 8 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A score or more of America's finest young men will be in Green Bay tomorrow ready to don the moleskins of the Green Bay Packers and cavort on the turf of the City stadium in the first official practice session. From the far West coast, southern colleges, great universities in the midwest they will come to give their best to the Packers. Not all of them will be strangers here. Some are local boys who have gone out and made names for themselves in the football world and now return to their hometown. Others are newcomers in the professional world, who know little about Green Bay, except that it produces great football teams. Still another group are veterans of several year, who first came here to play with the Packers, liked the town and stayed on...JOESTING COMES HERE: They will have but a week to get in condition before the great fall sport begins here. It will be a week that will find none but the fittest surviving, for it will be a strenuous and continuous grind, every day from tomorrow until next Sunday when Herb Joesting brings his Minneapolis team there to open the season. The coming of the Minneapolis team brings reminders to the Bays of the first game played in the major competition. The old Minneapolis Marines were the first Class A team the Packers met back in the year of 1921. The Gophers came on the field with a big, powerful machine that year, and through the use of the famous Minnesota shift, proceeded to tear right down the field for a touchdown. The goal was missed...START ANOTHER MARCH: After the next kickoff, the visitors started another forward march but the Packers halted the drive in the shadow of their goal posts. Up until the last few minutes of play, the visitors held their one touchdown margin. Then came the break in the game. Regnier, Marine halfback, fumbled the punt and the Packers recovered on the Minneapolis 30-yard line. A pass was good for 20 yards. Two line bucks netted a bit and then Art Schmael plunged through for a touchdown, and, while the crowd held its breath, Capt. Lambeau kicked the goal that gave Green Bay its first major victory...NEVER DEFEATED BAYS: Since that time, the Marines made three pilgrimages to Green Bay but never defeated the Packers. The Marines have been out of the National league the past three years but still hold their rights in the circuit. This season, Johnnie Dunn, manager of the Minneapolis team, together with Herb Joesting, has gathered a great machine to represent the flour city. It will be in an effort to stop this machine, that the Packers will go through the next strenuous week of practice.


SEPT 10 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Before an overflowing throng of spectators, the Green Bay Packers went through their first official workout Sunday afternoon at East high field and today began the serious grind that will put them in shape for the first football game next Sunday. Of the 24 men signed for the team, 17 were present for the first workout and ran through signals and a few plays. The workout lasted more than two hours and sent the men through several series of preliminary drills. Griffin, Minnick, Webber, Estes, Marks, Baker and Lollar were the missing players, but Capt. Lambeau was assured that they would be on hand either today or tomorrow....NEACY AT END: Clem Neacy, an end, was one of the new men who showed up for practice yesterday. Neacy was the last man to sign a contract, and his presence on the squad was somewhat of a surprise to fans, as his contract was received too late for announcement before the first session. Neacy is a former teammate of Dilweg, having played with him on the Milwaukee Badger team. When the Badgers disbanded, Neacy went to Duluth where he played the pro game last year. He is exceptionally tall and is a good man at catching forward passes. Neacy is also a good utility man, being able to perform at any position on the line. He is a graduate of Colgate college. Bowdoin, the Alabama guard, another of the new men on the squad, looked impressive in the workout, as did O'Boyle, a fullback, also a newcomer. O'Boyle proved to be somewhat smaller than what was expected, but he appeared fast at getting started on plays. Ashmore also seemed to be in good condition and worked nicely in a tackle position...REGULARS ARE BACK: All of the regulars were on hand for the workout, and showed their old-time form. None of them appeared excessively heavy, and went through signals and plays with accuracy. Of the regulars, Dilweg and O'Donnell were at their old positions in the wing berths and Jones and Woodin were at guard. Tiny Cahoon was back at a tackle berth with Perry on the other side of the center position. Both Darling and Earpe worked out at center. In the backfield, Capt. Lambeau, Lewellen, Kotal, Hearden and Dunn of the veterans worked smoothly in alternate shifts.


SEPT 10 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Estes, halfback from the University of Georgia, Webber, an end of Nebraska, Lollar, Howard college fullback, and Minnick, of the Iowa team, reported for practice with the Packer squad this morning, bringing the squad up to 21. Three men are missing, Marks, Baker and Griffin. They are expected in late today.



SEPT 11 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Despite rain and a muddy field, the Green Bay Packers went through two hours of strenuous training at the East High field yesterday, Capt. Lambeau had his men running through signals and plays, punting, passing and covering kicks. All of the veterans handled themselves well in the session and appeared fit for the season. Very few of them bear excessive weight and the team as a whole looks impressive in its workout. Of the veteran backfield men, Lewellen showed all of his old time precision in punting and handling the ball, while Red Dunn worked in the quarterback post in mid-season form. Eddie Kotal was active in snaring punts and appears to be just as fast as ever. Capt. Lambeau looks fit and shows promise of having one of his best years. Hearden also looks good...ESTES PUNTS WELL: Estes, one of the new halfbacks who reported yesterday, showed well at punting and appears very fast at getting down the field. Lollar, a new fullback, has the build that is ideal for his position and looked impressive. Griffin, a center from Iowa, also reported for practice yesterday. He weighs about 230 pounds and should fit in well with the team. Webber, the end from Nebraska, is tall and fast. Baker of California is still missing, but is expected in within the next two days. He is driving from the coast, having left there Sept. 3. Marks of California arrived yesterday and reported for practice today...DRIVE MEN HARD: As but four days remain before the first game with Minneapolis here next Sunday, Capt. Lambeau will continue to drive his men hard the remainder of the week as he is expecting tough competition from the Gopher squad which has been practicing since Labor Day. Joesting is not the only great player that will be seen with the Minneapolis team. The Marines have two great tackles in Weaver from Penn State and Bennett of the U.S. Naval training academy. Sandberg, who played half with Los Angeles two years ago, is now with the Marines, as is Rube Ursella of punting fame. Bairl and Larson of St. Thomas are two husky guards, who have had pro league experience, while Swanbeck, the Minnesota end, was rated as one of the best in the conference last session. Kiesling, the center, comes from North Dakota and is said to be a topnotch pivot man. Cub Buck, the former Packer star, who is now coaching at Miami university, will referee the opening game while A.O. Iverson of Sheboygan, a National league official, will be the umpire. Bill Doyle of Menominee, Mich., will probably be in charge of the line sticks. Tickets will be placed on sale for the opening game at the usual places about town next Wednesday. Those who have purchased season tickets can secure them by calling at The Press-Gazette any night next week from 7:30 until 9.


SEPT 12 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Rain which fell throughout the night made the Packer training field at East high a veritable sea of mud today and forced the squad to shift its activity to Joannes Park where it went through two hours of strenuous training. Capt. Lambeau had the squad divided into two teams, and ran them through scrimmage sessions. Several passing and line buck plays were gone through with good results obtained by the offensive side on most occasions. A "Pony" backfield was used on the offense during part of the scrimmage. It was composed of O'Boyle at fullback, Lewellen and Kotal at halfback posts and Red Dunn calling the signals from quarterback. The group looked effective in both passing and line hitting plays and despite the wetness of the field was quick at getting started and handled the ball almost faultlessly...The Packer management today announced that George Downer of Milwaukee would be head linesman at the game Sunday. Cub Buck will referee the contest while A.O. Iverson of Sheboygan will be umpire. It was also stated today that purchasers of season tickets could secure them any night this week by calling at The Press-Gazette office between 7 and 9 p.m. The ticket office is located at the right of the editorial room at the head of the stairway. 


SEPT 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - As but two days remain before the Packers take on the strong Minneapolis team here Sunday, the players increased their pace in practice today and put in one of the hardest sessions of drills of the season. Capt. Lambeau had his men working mainly on defensive plays to stop forward pass attacks and had several of his backfield men practicing at dropkicking, place kicking and kickoffs. Many blocking drills were also gone through with the men lined up on two squads for dummy scrimmages...WELL BALANCED TEAM: Considerable work remains to be done before the team is ready to take on the squad headed by Joesting. The former Minnesota star is bringing a team here that is well balanced with veteran professional performers and young grid heroes. The Minneapolis eleven has been practicing a week longer than the Bays and is determined to give the Packers the hardest opening season contest ever experienced. Joesting will have Ursella, Larson, Cleve, Sandberg and Matchan, all of whom are well known in the independent or college football world, with him in the backfield...WEAVER WILL PLAY: On the Marine line, Kiesling, Walter of St. Thomas fame, Lou of professional fame, Buck Weaver, former all-eastern Penn State star, and last year with Pottsville in the National league, will perform. Other regulars will include Watson, Lovin, Swanbeck and Bennett, a former U.S. Naval gridder. The Minneapolis team is particularly anxious to make a good showing against the Packers, as on the strength of it, the team plans to book several strong league teams. The Marines plan to take on the Chicago Bears Oct. 7, as their next National league opponent...EARPE AT TACKLE: Earpe was shifted to a tackle position in practice today and Griffin alternated with Darling at center. Earpe looked good in the flank position and both Darling and Griffin handled the ball well at center and showed good charging ability. Darling also was used at an end position during part of the session in place of Neacy. He has the build that would go good in the wing berth and covered ground well at that position. Neacy was forced to abandon his plans yesterday to play football when his knee went bad. The former Milwaukee wingman has been bothered by a bad leg for some time, but had hopes that it would be better this year. It did not stand the strain very well, so he decided to return to Chicago to study medicine.


SEPT 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - A well-balanced line of veterans from professional football and a few newcomers from the college fields averaging 210 pounds from end to end is what the Packers have to face in their first game of the year here Sunday against Minneapolis. Walter Kiesling, 245-pound guard, came from the Nevers Eskimos to perform with the Marines, and will be seen at that berth Sunday. On the other guard post will be Krammer, another veteran pro gridder who has been with the Marines the past few years. He weighs 232. At center, the Marines will have both Pud Smith and Cooper to work. Smith weighs 191 while Cooper tips the scale at 197 pounds; Smith played with the Boston Americans in 1926 after he finished Columbia and the Providence Steamrollers in 1927. He also can play at an end position. Cooper was a regular on the Minnesota line a few years ago. Frank Bennett, 210-pound tackle, is well over six feet tall and came to the Marines from the crack naval teams of Newport, R.I., and the Great Lakes. At the other tackle position, the Marines will have Lovin from the University of Montana. He weighs 202 pounds. Lundell, who will play one of the wing berths for Minneapolis, comes from Gustavus Adolphus college at St. Peter, Minn. He was an all-star end with that school, weighs about 190 pounds and is said to be one of the fastest men in the northwest. F. Kiesling and Watson are two veterans of the Marine squad. Kiesling weighs 205 pounds while Watson goes about 185. Of Herb Joesting in the backfield, there isn't much that needs to be said, as his performance at fullback with Minnesota the past two years made him one of the most talked of football men in the country. Joesting was named on practically every all-American team chosen. He will have with him Sandberg, formerly of the Los Angeles team; Cleve, a veteran Marine, and Larson of the Duluth Eskimos. All of the men go over 175 pounds in weight and are a fast charging crowd. It won't be an easy task for the Packers to stop the Minneapolis aggregation, as the men have been practicing a week longer than have the Packers. The wet weather of the past week here also has tended to slow up practice sessions. During the sessions here, Capt. Lambeau has shifted his men about considerably so that he can work alternate groups of players Sunday without weakening the team. Every player on the squad will be used at some stage of the game, and it was with this in mind that he has kept shifting the gridders.


SEPT 14 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Charlie Pyle, owner of the New York Yankees, is molding together another first class eleven. Red Grange will be missing but "Cash-and-Carry" figures that his fresh crop of recruits will more than make up for Red...Benny Friedman is going to put pro football back on the sport map in Detroit. The majority of the Cleveland players will play with Benny. The former Michigan star should draw well in the Motor City...Cauldwell, famous Yale gridder, is to make his pro league debut this fall with the New York Giants. This Eli product is a sweet back and should go good with McBride, Haines and other Giants...Chris O'Brien is figuring a banner year for the Chicago Cardinals. He is going to play the majority of his games at Soldiers' field. The team will have a number of new players this year...Jimmy Conzelman again will be the master of ceremonies for the Providence Steamrollers. He knows the pro game well and he has class enough to go out and hold his own with any young star...The Pottsville management is planning to work several of its big games in Reading, Pa., this fall. Doc Streigel has worked out a balanced schedule and he has enough good games to keep the home folks satisfied...A young army of college stars has been gathered together by the Frankford Yellowjackets and the Hornet management has hopes of rounding up a title running club. A number of the '27 veterans also will be back...George Halas and Dutch Sternaman are expected the turnstiles to click lively at the Cubs park, Chicago, the home field of the Bears. Senn, Driscoll and the other Bruin aces will all see action again...The Dayton Triangle, under the management of F.M. Redelle, again will play a traveling schedule. The Ohioans have booked about eight league games and the other dates will be filled in with free lance clubs in the midwest...The pro season will be ushered in Chicago with a battle between old enemies, the Bears and Cardinals. Last season, the clubs broke even as the Cards put over a surprise victory on Thanksgiving morning...The Detroit club will play its home games at Detroit university stadium. This should tend to increase the gate as Navin field is not well laid out for the gridiron game...The Frankford Yellowjackets are going to open their season away from home as they are booked at Green Bay on Sept. 23. This will be the first time in pro league history that the Hornets have ever shown in Wisconsin...The Duluth Eskimos will not operate this season. Ernie Nevers, who was the star of the Northlanders, has taken a coaching job on the coast and Manager Scanlon did not want to attempt to travel along without him...Reports have it that a number of pro teams are going to function on the Pacific coast again this fall and it is quite possible that several of the National league squads will make a Christmas tour to the west.



SEPT 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The football season is here. Within another 24 hours fans of Green Bay will be able to answer the dominating question of the past few weeks - How good are the Packers? It will be a real test of the team's ability when Joesting, the plunging, plodding All-American fullback of Minnesota fame, brings his Minneapolis eleven to the City stadium to open the season with Green Bay. Rain and a slow field has hampered the Packers in their workouts this week, but despite the adverse conditions, the team appears ready to go. The new men have all looked impressive in training and are in good condition. The veterans, likewise, have shown much of their old time form and have been snapping through plays with precision and speed...ALL ARE REGULARS: Every man on the Packer team will be a regular this year, so that when one man is pulled to make room for another the squad will retain the same strength. It is with this thought in mid, that Capt. Lambeau has been continually shifting his men about using them in alternate groups and plays. Forward passing plays will be used frequently in the campaign this year, and particular stress has been laid in practice on defense against such plays by opponents. The backfield men have shown themselves to be particularly adept at this art in the practice sessions. The starting lineup for tomorrow's game was still undecided by Capt. Lambeau today as he sent his men through the final workout. It probably will not be determined until the Minneapolis team takes the field for practice, and the size of the Marine line and backfield is determined...HAS PONY BACKFIELD: A pony backfield that will have a light, fast quartet of players may be used tomorrow. It is composed of O'Boyle at fullback, Lewellen and Kotal at halfbacks and Dunn at quarter. The group looked good in practice, particularly on cross-buck and end run plays. Another group composed of Capt. Lambeau and Marks at halfback, Lollar at fullback and Dunn again at quarterback also looked impressive and probably would be the strongest defensive quartet as well as a good line plunging and forward passing group. Estes and Hearden also worked in with both groups and fit in well with either. Estes should prove a valuable addition to the team for his punting. The men were not assigned regularly to either of the two groups, but alternated in practice with one as well as the other...EXPECT HARD GAME: The game against the Marines is expected to be the hardest opening season contest ever booked by the Packers. In previous years teams that have been in Class B, were taken on and as a consequence large scores usually run up by the Bays. This season, as the Packers have one of the toughest schedules ever attempted, it was deemed advisable to take on the hardest non-league game as possible for the opening session. Last fall, the Marines confined their gridiron efforts to Upper ​Michigan and Minnesota teams. They booked Red Grange's outfit for one game and this was the only black mark on their record as they lost by a 6 to 0 score. This year John Dunn, manager of the Marines, had his men report the day after Labor Day and started building a heavy, fast team around Joesting who he named captain. Dunn plans to book several other league opponents this year, on the strength of the showing of his men make against the Bays. The game will get underway at 2 p.m. Cub Buck, former Packer player, will be referee. Iverson will umpire and George Downer, Milwaukee Sentinel Sports editor, will be head linesman.


SEPT 15 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The football season opens tomorrow with an initial game between the Packers and the Minneapolis Marines. In all the twelve months of the year this is the best sport we have in Green Bay. Thousands look forward to it, with the greatest interest and enthusiasm. It is our chief community enterprise for the entertainment and enjoyment of the public. This year the Packers have their best team. They also have the best schedule yet arranged. The Packers are in the public eye throughout the professional football world. They have made a name for themselves and have been a real contender for first honors every season. Green Bay is known from coast to 


coast because of the record made by this aggregation of star football players. The opening of another season should bring out a big welcoming crowd. It should be Green Bay's part to see that they get away to a good start by turning out.



DEC 11 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The Packers finished the season Sunday in a burst of glory, with a thrilling victory over the Chicago Bears. They are our chief moral adversary, and usually physical as well. This year the Packers have beaten them twice, with one game a tie. It is the best record thus far against the Bears and as such is a performance of note. Notwithstanding it is not at the top, the Green Bay club has finished a splendid season. Football is a game of uncertainties. The best team does not always win. We do not think the position of Green Bay in the percentage column on the league is an indication of its relative strength. When the players are in form we do not believe there is a better team in the United States, pro or not. Financially, the season has been satisfactory. The indications are that next year we will have the greatest team yet, and that we will have a real opportunity of capturing the championship. Every citizen of Green Bay must recognize the value of this football team. It has reached a point where it attracts national attention and has as much loyalty from northern Wisconsin as it has from Green Bay itself. Its games are watched with interest by many  thousands of persons. It receives special attention in every city it visits. Its benefits to Green Bay as an advertising medium and as a stimulant of healthful recreation as well as a medium of fine entertainment is inestimable. Not only should it be preserved, but the business interest of Green Bay owe it to themselves and to the community to see that its future interests are fully safeguarded, and that it is placed on a safe basis from which it can successfully compete with improvement in other teams and have ample funds at its disposal to maintain the position it now occupies in the football world. We congratulate the team and the management on what has been done this year. They are deserving of appreciation and commendation. Let us not only give the team a fine homecoming, let us most of all keep our eye on the future.


DEC 13 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Paddy Driscoll who has been playing football and playing it well for almost 15 years, wants to quit the game, but he wants to quit as a winner. Sunday Paddy, who is well up in his thirties, announced he had donned the moleskins as a player for the last time when he trotted on the field to help the Bears fight their old professional enemies, the Packers. But the Packers won, 6 to 0. So Paddy changed his mind. "Don't know whether I'll quit or not," he said  yesterday to a Chicago sports writer. "I believe I'll play until I can quite as a winner." One of the greatest triple threat man ever to prance upon a gridiron, Driscoll has been an outstanding star since his days at Northwestern back in 1916. In 1918, he was the outstanding player on the famous Great Lakes eleven, the first team ever awarded a national title by sports writers and critics. Since that time, he has been playing professional football. Despite his age, he is fast and often gets away for long dashes, outfooting football stars many years his junior. Dropkicking is his forte. All of the Packer players respect Paddy and think he is one of the finest men they ever played against. They say he never uses foul tactics, abusive language or indulges in arguments, and anyone that can play the game as long as Driscoll has and not do that certainly should merit some recognition for that quality even if he wasn't as great as Paddy.


DEC 17 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - The National Football League enjoyed its most prosperous season this fall. A well bunched pennant chase added a  lot of spice to the gridiron year and this coupled with some brilliant work of individual stars brought the crowds out. It was a nip and tuck race between the first six teams while the other four squads were tough enough to give the topnotchers all kinds of trouble and the "dope bucket" was often upset. Providence stepped along at top speed all season and deserved the championship honors. Detroit had a great club but one eastern trip, playing in Frankford on a Saturday and Providence the next day, wrecked their title hopes...EASY TO PICK: The Yellowjackets were in the running all the time while the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers spurted often. This year's All-American pro team was not so difficult to select because aside from the guard and tackle positions, there was little difference of opinion around the circuit. On the 1928 first eleven, there are five repeaters from 1927: Dilweg and Lewellen from Green Bay; Michalske of the New York Giants; Smith of Providence and Benny Friedman of Detroit. Several other stars of other years earned their way back into the selection while the only youngster to make the grade was Diehl of Frankford. A glance over the first and second team selections giving some brief dope about the players follows: CENTER: The choice for center was very close between Smith of Providence and 


Wostouphal of Detroit. However, the Steamroller is given the edge for his aggressiveness. This is the third year running that Smith has been selected as the first string snapper back. The Providence star is on top of every play. His passing is superb and his direction of the line defense went a long way towards placing Providence on the top of the heap. Wostouphal was out of the game in 1927 but this didn't show him up a bit. He backed up the line in splendid style and was a glutton for work. Among the other ace centers were Earpe, Green Bay, and Herb Stein, both veterans of many years on the professional gridiron. QUARTERBACK: There was no question about the quarterback selection as Benny Friedman was the unanimous choice of all the critics. Friedman was even better than in 1927 and his brilliant ball lugging was the outstanding feature of the National league seasons. This fall Friedman varied his passing with some line crushing which surprised everybody. There wasn't a better triple-threat player in the country. Oden, of Providence, is the second team quarterback. He could stand a lot of punishment and, when in the open field, was very slippery. Oden called his signals well and was a bear at giving interference to the runner. There were other good quarters but Friedman and Oden had a considerable edge. ENDS: There was little difference of opinion about the first team ends. Dilweg of Green bay was just about a unanimous choice while Flaherty of the N.Y. Yankees had a commanding lead over the second string choices, Bacchus of Detroit and Hubbard of the N.Y. Giants. Dilweg is a finished performer at a wing berth. He can do anything a good end should do and what's more is blessed with enough team spirit to make him a willing worker. Flaherty is more of the "rough-and-ready" variety but he always gets there. Red's ability to kick also is a factor. Hubbard is a man mountain on the field and a great defensive star while Bacchus is a demon tackler and a super receiver of forward passes. There were a raft of other good ends this year including Grube of the Yanks, Kostos of Frankford, Hanny of Providence and O'Donnell of Green Bay. TACKLES: It was a hit and miss on the tackles as no two of the selections carried the same paid. A count of the votes showed Owen of Detroit and Bull Behman of Frankford having the edge.

Owen, who is a brother of Steve, the N.Y. Giant captain, had a great year on the gridiron for Detroit. He was a "60 minute" lineman and wanted more. Built on powerful lines, Owen made good use of his strength and there wasn't a line that was able to hold him out. Bull Behman, the Frankford veteran, came into his own this fall. At the start of the year, he warmed the bench but once he got in the lineup neither Weller nor Weir could move him out. Lyman of the Chicago Bears and Sonnenberg of Providence win the berths on the second team. Lyman enjoyed a banner season and he was mighty hot in the closing game. Sonnenberg was just as good as ever with the possible exception that he was thinking too much of his wrestling career. GUARDS: Michalske of the N.Y. Yankees was the best guard in the league. This is the second year running that he has won a place on the All-American team. McMillin, the Bear husky, is named for the other center flanking post. McMillin has been playing the game for years but he doesn't seem to age. Michalske is of the flashy type of gridder who is to be found all over the lot. He makes a splendid team leader. Rhenquist played a great game for Providence at guard and he was just a bit below the class of the first team pair. Graham of Dayton starred for a losing club. He was in there battling all the time despite great odds and earned the respect of every team the Ohioans faced. Minick of Green Bay also was an outstanding performer. FULLBACK: Diehl of Frankford, a youngster playing his first year in pro football, is placed at fullback. Right from the opening game, Diehl began to shine and his star never set. The Yellowjackets found him steady as a clock and he always carried a punch when a yard or two was needed. Diehl was a good defender and he backed up the line like Jim Thorpe used to do. Tony La Tone, the Pottsville bone crusher, is the second team fullback. He punctured every front wall he faced this year for long gains. Tony has a way of his own when it comes to crashing. Feather of Detroit gathered a couple of votes for his brilliant all-around play at fullback. HALFBACKS: Lewellen of Green Bay and Wilson of Providence were voted the best of the halfbacks. Opinion differed greatly about these carriers. Paddy Driscoll got some ballots as did Eddie Kotal of Green Bay. Welch of the Yanks received plenty of play and Blood of Pottsville was mentioned often along with Erickson of the Chicago Cardinals and Hinky Haines of the New York Giants. Wilson is a triple threat man. Next to Friedman he is the best in the league. The "Wildcat" is built tough enough to stand a lot of tumbling and yet gets up smiling. This was one of his best years. He passed like a bullet and did a lot of running with the ball. Lewellen was the greatest kicker in the National league besides being a smooth running halfback. He was one of the aces in the Green Bay attack. Statistics show that Lewellen averaged 50 yards on his kicks this fall and many of his boots sailed out of bounds inside the first ten.


DEC 17 (New York) - The professional football season here is ended, the New York Yankees having scored a final victory over the New York Giants, 7 to 6, before a small crowd Sunday. Hinky Haines scored a touchdown for the Giants in the third period, the Yankees coming back in the final quarter to win on a touchdown by Gibby Welch and a goal by Pritchard, former Penn State star. On Saturday at Frankford, the Yellowjackets got even for a recent defeat from the Bears by smearing the Chicago pro gridders to the tune of 19 to 0 in a league game. As a result of this win, Frankford moved up into second place in the percentage table while the defeat for the Bears pushed them back into fifth position with the Green Bay Packers occupying fourth.


DEC 18 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Another football year has drawn to a close in the National league and with it we find the teams grouped in the following order: Providence, Frankford, Detroit, Green Bay, Chicago Bears, New York Giants, New York Yankees, Pottsville, Chicago Cardinals, Dayton. Not bad at all is it to see our team among the leaders. Perhaps not as high in the final standings as last year, but who can say that we haven't had just as good, it not a better team and season than in 1927  It is interesting to go back and review some of the games this year, and think of what might have been. Starting off with a victory over Herb Joesting and his Minneapolis Marines, the team ran into a setback the following week when Frankford came here. Those Easterners pulled a lot of fast ones on the Packers that day and there isn't much can be said in defense of the Green Bay boys, except that they were off and not in the best of condition due to illness. The following weekend, when the Giants came here, the Packers got another upset. That was not deserving, because they outplayed the Easterners and should have won. Again the next Sunday, when the Bears came here, the Packers did everything better than did the Bears, but a tie resulted. The next week enabled the Packers to regain some lost ground when they took on the Chicago Cardinals and came through with their first league win of the season. Then came that Bear game at Chicago and the victory over their traditional rivals. Fans will long remember that game and how the boys rushed the Chicagoans off their feet throughout. Dayton and Pottsville were the next two visitors to Green Bay who departed on the losing end of the scores. The final home game ended in a tie with the Yankees, when the New Yorkers played their best game of the year. The first game of the Eastern invasion saw the Packers make up for the early season defeat at the hands of the Giants when they turned the tables and won. Then came the disastrous Pottsville game, when the Packers took it on the chin for the worst beating of years. There were many things that helped defeat them that day. Perhaps the greatest being the lack of quarters between halves and the boys had to huddle down in the chill and snow at one end of the field. Against the Yellowjackets at Philadelphia, they put up another tough battle only to have the Easterners win by a safety after being outplayed throughout the game. The tie game with Providence followed, and then the season wound up with the greatest victory of the year against the Bears at Chicago. It is easy to see, how, if just a few breaks had been with the boys in some of the games, they might 


have ended nearer the top. Injuries took a large toll from the team this year, perhaps more so than in any other season. Lollar was practically useless to the team because on an early season injury; Lavvie Dilweg was on the shelf for a few weeks; Eddie Kotal was hurt in the East; Lewellen and Marks also were laid up for awhile and in fact practically every member of the squad was ailing at one time or the other. But this year is over now and thoughts are turning to next season and what it will bring. Capt. Lambeau already has started negotiations for a few new men to add to his roster. He will keep the nucleus of this year's squad and with just a few additional players expects to weld a team that will have little if any weakness. Bo Molenda, who was loaned to the Packers for their final games, may be one of the regulars next season as will a few others who had experience in the professional world outside of Green Bay.


DEC 24 (Green Bay Press-Gazette) - Four Green Bay football players who flashed through the national professional league last season, rate positions on the first two honor teams selected by Wilfrid Smith of the Chicago Tribune and announced in yesterday's edition. First team berths were won by LaVerne Dilweg and Verne Lewellen, while Eddie Kotal and Roger Ashmore were placed on the second mythical eleven. O'Donnell and Cahoon were given honorable mention in the line. Benny Friedman, driving captain of the Detroit team, earned the quarterback position and captaincy of the first honor eleven selected by the Tribune scribe, thus continuing his all-American habits picked up at Michigan two years ago. Other first team positions were won by Dilweg, Green Bay, at left end; Owen, Detroit, left tackle; Michalske, Yankees, left guard; Wostouphal, Detroit, center; McMillen, Bears, right guard; Sonnenberg, Providence, right tackle; Hubbard, Giants, right end; Driscoll, Bears, left half; Wilson, Providence, right half; Lewellen, Green Bay, fullback. "What Driscoll was to the Bears," Smith stated in making his selection, "Verne Lewellen was to the Packers." Although he played at halfback, he has been shifted to full back on the honor team. Impervious to injury, he made most of his gains through the line. Intelligent, his judgment, as well as his remarkable kicking ability, warrant the choice. "Dilweg, an All-American while at Marquette university, has no peer. In addition to playing a slashing hard tackling game, he was extraordinary in handling passes." In placing Kotal at right halfback on his second team, the scribe characterizes him as "one of the personalities of the league". His other second team selections include Keaneally, Pottsville, left end; Ashmore, Green Bay, left tackle; Graham, Dayton, left guard; Smith, Providence, center; Behman, Frankford, right guard; Murry, Bears, right tackle; Flaherty, Yankees, right end; Oden, Providence, quarterback; Mercer, Frankford, left half, and Diehl, Frankford, fullback.

Anchor 2


FRANCHISES FOLDING: Buffalo Bison, Cleveland Bulldogs, Duluth Eskimos FRANCHISES JOINING NFL IN 1928: Detroit Wolverines


Frankford 19, GREEN BAY 9           Chicago Bears 15, CHI. CARDS 0

Chi. Bears     1  0 0 1.000  15   0 Detroit        0  0 0  .000   0   0

Frankford      1  0 0 1.000  19   9 Dayton         0  0 0  .000   0   0

Providence     0  0 0  .000   0   0 Pottsville     0  0 0  .000   0   0

NY Giants      0  0 0  .000   0   0 Chi. Cards     0  1 0  .000   0  15

NY Yankees     0  0 0  .000   0   0 GREEN BAY      0  1 0  .000   9  19


FRANKFORD 6, Dayton 0


GREEN BAY 12, Chicago Bears 12 (T)  NY Giants 12, POTTSVILLE 6

PROVIDENCE 20, NY Yankees 7

Frankford      2  0 0 1.000  25   9 NY Yankees     0  1 0  .000   7  20

NY Giants      1  0 0 1.000  12   6 Pottsville     0  1 0  .000   6  12

Providence     1  0 0 1.000  20   7 Dayton         0  1 0  .000   0   6

Chi. Bears     1  0 1 1.000  27  12 Chi. Cards     0  1 0  .000   0  15

Detroit        0  0 0  .000   0   0 GREEN BAY      0  1 1  .000  21  31


Frankford 10, PROVIDENCE 6          POTTSVILLE 9, NY Yankees 7

NY Giants 6, GREEN BAY 0            CHICAGO CARDS 7, Dayton 0

Frankford      3  0 0 1.000  35  12 Chi. Cards     1  1 0  .000   7  15

NY Giants      2  0 0 1.000  18   6 Detroit        0  0 0  .000   0   0

Chi. Bears     1  0 1 1.000  27  12 NY Yankees     0  2 0  .000  14  29

Providence     1  1 0  .500  26  17 Dayton         0  2 0  .000   0  13

Pottsville     1  1 0  .500  15  19 GREEN BAY      0  2 1  .000  21  37


NY Yankees 13, FRANKFORD 0


Detroit 35, NY YANKEES 12           PROVIDENCE 28, Dayton 0

CHICAGO BEARS 13, NY Giants 0       GREEN BAY 20, Chicago Cards 0

Chi. Bears     2  0 1 1.000  40  12 Pottsville     1  1 0  .500  15  19

Detroit        1  0 0 1.000  35  12 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

Frankford      3  1 0  .750  35  25 GREEN BAY      1  2 1  .333  41  37

NY Giants      2  1 0  .667  18  19 NY Yankees     1  3 0  .250  39  64

Providence     2  1 0  .667  54  17 Dayton         0  3 0  .000   0  41


FRANKFORD 13, Dayton 9


Green Bay 16, CHICAGO BEARS 6       DETROIT 28, NY Giants 0

Providence 12, NY YANKEES 6

Detroit        2  0 0 1.000  63  12 GREEN BAY      2  2 1  .500  57  43

Frankford      4  1 0  .800  48  34 Pottsville     1  1 0  .500  15  19

Providence     3  1 0  .750  66  23 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

Chi. Bears     2  1 1  .667  46  28 NY Yankees     1  4 0  .200  45  76

NY Giants      2  2 0  .500  24  31 Dayton         0  4 0  .000   9  54


GREEN BAY 17, Dayton 0              Detroit 6, CHICAGO BEARS 0

NY Giants 10, NY YANKEES 7          PROVIDENCE 13, Pottsville 6

Detroit        3  0 0 1.000  69  12 Chi. Bears     2  2 1  .500  46  34

Providence     4  1 0  .800  79  29 Pottsville     1  2 0  .333  21  32

Frankford      4  1 0  .800  48  34 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

NY Giants      3  2 0  .600  34  38 NY Yankees     1  5 0  .143  53  86

GREEN BAY      3  2 1  .600  74  43 Dayton         0  5 0  .000   9  71


FRANKFORD 25, Detroit 7


PROVIDENCE 7, Detroit 0             NY GIANTS 0, Frankford 0 (T)

Green Bay 26, POTTSVILLE 14         CHICAGO BEARS 27, NY Yankees 0

Providence     5  1 0  .833  86  29 Chi. Bears     3  2 1  .600  73  34

Frankford      5  1 1  .833  73  41 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

GREEN BAY      4  2 1  .667 100  57 Pottsville     1  3 0  .250  35  58

NY Giants      3  2 0  .600  34  38 NY Yankees     1  6 0  .143  53 113

Detroit        3  2 0  .600  76  44 Dayton         0  5 0  .000   9  71


NY GIANTS 13, Pottsville 7


FRANKFORD 19, Pottsville 0


CHICAGO BEARS 27, Dayton 0          NY GIANTS 19, Detroit 19 (T)

Frankford 24, POTTSVILLE 0          GREEN BAY 0, NY Yankees 0 (T)

Frankford      7  1 1  .875 116  41 Detroit        3  2 1  .600  95  63

Providence     5  1 0  .833  86  29 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

NY Giants      4  2 1  .667  66  64 Pottsville     1  6 0  .143  42 114

Chi. Bears     4  2 1  .667 100  34 NY Yankees     1  6 1  .143  53 113

GREEN BAY      4  2 2  .667 100  57 Dayton         0  6 0  .000   9  98


FRANKFORD 6, Providence 6 (T)


Green Bay 7, NY GIANTS 0            DETROIT 13, NY Yankees 0

CHICAGO BEARS 13, Pottsville 6      PROVIDENCE 6, Frankford 0

Providence     6  1 1  .857  98  35 NY Giants      4  3 1  .571  66  71

Frankford      7  2 2  .778 122  53 Chi. Cards     1  2 0  .333   7  35

Chi. Bears     5  2 1  .714 113  40 Pottsville     1  7 0  .125  48 127

GREEN BAY      5  2 2  .714 107  57 NY Yankees     1  7 1  .125  53 126

Detroit        4  2 1  .667 108  63 Dayton         0  6 0  .000   9  98


FRANKFORD 19, Chicago Cards 0


POTTSVILLE 26, Green Bay 0          PROVIDENCE 16, NY Giants 0

NY YANKEES 19, Chicago Cards 0      DETROIT 14, Chicago Bears 7

Providence     7  1 1  .875 114  35 NY Giants      4  4 1  .500  66  87

Frankford      8  2 2  .800 141  46 Pottsville     2  7 0  .222  74 127

Detroit        5  2 1  .714 122  70 NY Yankees     2  7 1  .222  72 126

Chi. Bears     5  3 1  .625 120  54 Chi. Cards     1  4 0  .250   7  73

GREEN BAY      5  3 2  .625 107  83 Dayton         0  6 0  .000   9  98


DETROIT 33, Dayton 0                FRANKFORD 2, Green Bay 0

Providence 7, POTTSVILLE 0          CHICAGO BEARS 34, Chicago Cards 0


CHICAGO BEARS 28, Frankford 6       NY Yankees 19, NY GIANTS 13

PROVIDENCE 7, Green Bay 7 (T)

Providence     8  1 2  .800 128  42 NY Giants      4  5 1  .444  79 106

Detroit        6  2 1  .750 155  70 NY Yankees     3  7 1  .300  91 139


1928 Pottsville Maroons vs. New York Giants Program

Source: Heritage Auctions


1928 Providence Steam Roller vs. Frankford Yellow Jackets Ticket Stub

A remarkable original stub from the Steam Roller's only loss during its 8-1-2 NFL championship season. Source: Heritage Auctions


1928 Chicago Bears vs. Chicago Cardinals Full Ticket--Jim Thorpe's Last NFL Game

Legends deserve better. On November 29, 1928, the Chicago Bears blanked Jim Thorpe and his Chicago Cardinals, 34-0, in what would prove to be Thorpe's last NFL game. The contest was played at Wrigley Field in front of 10,000 spectators. Duke Slater, one of the pioneering African-American players in the NFL, also played for the Cardinals this season. Source: Heritage Auctions

Frankford      9  3 2  .750 149  74 Pottsville     2  8 0  .200  74 134

Chi. Bears     7  3 1  .700 182  60 Chi. Cards     1  5 0  .167   7 107

GREEN BAY      5  4 3  .556 114  92 Dayton         0  7 0  .000   9 131


FRANKFORD 7, NY Giants 0


Detroit 34, NY YANKEES 6            Green Bay 6, CHICAGO BEARS 0

Providence     8  1 2  .800 128  42 NY Giants      4  6 1  .400  79 113

Detroit        7  2 1  .778 189  76 NY Yankees     3  8 1  .273  97 173

Frankford     10  3 2  .769 156  74 Pottsville     2  8 0  .200  74 134

Chi. Bears     7  4 1  .636 182  66 Chi. Cards     1  5 0  .167   7 107

GREEN BAY      6  4 3  .600 120  92 Dayton         0  7 0  .000   9 131


FRANKFORD 19, Chicago Bears 0


NY YANKEES 7, NY Giants 6

Providence     8  1 2  .800 128  42 NY Giants      4  7 1  .364  79 136

Frankford     11  3 2  .786 175  84 NY Yankees     4  8 1  .333 103 179

Detroit        7  2 1  .778 189  76 Pottsville     2  8 0  .200  74 134

GREEN BAY      6  4 3  .600 120  92 Chi. Cards     1  5 0  .167   7 107

Chi. Bears     7  5 1  .583 182  85 Dayton         0  7 0  .000   9 131

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